I keep my hold on and squeeze with everything I have, your body in my legs and in my arms at the same time. We slump over to the side and there I don't let up at all. I feel like in the "zone"
I'm in the ZEN of squeezing, mmmmmmmmmm, I just don't let go. I give your body a few more shakes, gentle and not so gentle until I realize that you have passed out
Oh my! Did I do that? Little old part time jobber me? I let go of you with my arms and lean back, leaving my legs around you, perhaps waiting to see when you wake up
Or if you wake up

I shake out my arms and hold the bodyscissors on you for a few moments more before I unlock my ankles and kick your still unconscious body away from me with one foot
I hope you're alive as I kneel down next to you, looking down at you, looking concerned for you
I didn't squeeze that hard or that long, did I?