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One of My Favorite Stories by J. Coleman

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Offline realcatwriter

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One of My Favorite Stories by J. Coleman
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:57:40 PM »
Hi all.  I'm posting a story here by J. Coleman, Teenage Rivals.  In my estimation, Mr. Coleman is an excellent but unkown writer.  I'm posting this without his permission in the hope that if he sees it here, he'll enjoy the thought of others enjoying his excellent work.  I just love his stuff.

Teenage Rivals
Short Story by J. Coleman

     At just eighteen years old each, Kristin and Courtney were fresh faced beauties who barely aware of their own sexuality at their tender age. Paul had watched the two young girls grow up, periodically employing them to do various chores around his house to help them earn money since neither came from wealthy families.
     Since they never wore makeup and kept their blossoming bodies hidden most of the time by sweat shirts and blue jeans and baseball caps, Paul had never really noticed that both were budding into mesmerizing beauties as they grew into womanhood.
     One day the two young friends came to Paul telling him they had both been invited to a very exclusive cocktail party and that they had no idea what to wear, how to act, or how to get the money to buy the expensive clothing and makeup they'd need. Paul reassured them that everything would be fine and that he'd help them out. Giving each girl a thousand dollars to buy an appropriate dress, shoes, stockings and lingerie; he also told them he had a friend in the modeling business and that he would recruit her assistance in helping the two eighteen year olds prepare so that they would be the center of attention when they walked into the party.
     Over the next several weeks, Courtney and Kristin grew their fingernails, practiced applying makeup, and experimented with various hair styles with the skilled help of Paul's friend from the modeling agency. Each spent a day shopping in the garment district and both found perfect outfits for their debut.
     As the day of the party rolled around, Kristin showed up at Paul's apartment to show him what she looked like and she was stunning. Her long golden blonde hair that usually hung to the middle of her back was piled up high on top of her head and her makeup was done to perfection with bright lipstick, eye color, and cheek color. Her now long fingernails had been shaped and rounded and painted bright red. She wore a very sexy black silk minidress that hugged her curves like a glove and rustled slightly as she walked. Kristin's tight low cut dress hugged her very large breasts that bounced with each step as she proudly walked into Paul's living room with a beaming smile. Her legs, much more shapely than Paul had thought, were tightly encased in very sheer and shiny brown nylon pantyhose. Her shoes were stiletto heeled black ankle straps.
     Paul was totally stunned when he saw her. The once clumsy gangly teenager was now virtually a sex goddess who could have instantly seduced any man she chose. Her perfume was exotic and enticing and Paul watched her closely as she gracefully sat down on his sofa, sensuously crossing her nylon clad legs and then wiggling her foot to show him her new very sexy high heels.
     After several minutes, more visitors came. This time it was Paul's friend from the modeling agency and Courtney. As Paul let them in, he gasped at the sight of Courtney who wearing a white silk strapless minidress that was so tight it looked as if it had been spray painted on. Like Kristin; Courtney's hair, face, and nails were all done to perfection and her perfume instantly aroused Paul as she swept past him toward the living room. Her shapely legs were clad in shimmering silver wet look pantyhose that caught and reflected the light at she moved and her shoes were a very light brown almost tan color with tall stiletto heels.
     As Courtney reached the living room, she and Kristin saw each other and there was instant animosity between the two long time friends. They hadn't seen much of each other recently and each had prepared for the party expecting to be the beautiful princess of the party so to speak. Neither had expected the other to look as good as she did and there was an immediate rivalry between them.
     There was polite small talk at first as Paul made drinks for everyone but the tension between the two sexy young girls was overpowering and after a while, they began making casual comments about how slutty the other one looked.
     As time wore on, the catty comments got more bawdy and lurid and tempers were rising as Paul looked on thinking they might actually get into a cat fight. He looked at his friend and she seemed almost sexually aroused by the way the two girls were acting toward one another as if she wanted to see them fight as well.
     The catty comments then really started getting downright dirty and rude with the girls calling each other slut, whore, tramp, and trash and soon they were on their feet in their tall high heels glaring at each other while standing breast to breast with their hands cocked arrogantly on their hips.
     They decided that only one of them should now go to the party but which one? Paul's friend quickly said that Paul clear the coffee table and they could arm wrestle to two out of three to see who would go. Courtney and Kristin each quickly agreed and Paul sprang into action to clear the table and move it to the center of the carpeted room where one could kneel on each side to face each other.
     The two sexy minidress clad teens got down on the knees with their heavy cleavage straining against their tight dresses. Each one put her right elbow on the coffee table and they locked their right hands together for a classic arm wrestling match.
     Paul said "GO!" and they began, leaning forward and grunting hard as they each tried to force the other's arm down onto the table. Paul watched as Courtney's high heels dug into the carpet for leverage, wrinkling and bagging her shimmering silver pantyhose at the ankles and behind the knees as she strained and flexed her muscles.
     Kristin was in the same state, also digging for a foot hold to increase her leverage as the two evenly matched teens struggled for a victory. Finally Kristin began to overpower Courtney and the brunette leaned hard to avoid the pin but couldn't. Kristin raised her arms high over her head in victory and yelled as Kristin glared at her and flexed her hands and fingers to loosen her knotted arm muscles.
     Paul's friend looked on with keen interest and Paul noticed she was now really becoming aroused as she licked her lips and was getting short of breath just from watching the two sexy young teens struggling.
     The girls reset their positions and began round two on Paul's signal. It was a long round with the advantage going back and forth but eventually Courtney pinned Kristin's arm to the table and the match even at one pin each. Courtney cheered loudly, raising her arms in victory as her rival had done to taunt her and Paul signaled them to get ready for the third and last round.
     The two girls got very serious now as they wiggled their sexy bottoms around into a solid position to prepare. As they leaned very far forward now, Paul could see the sexy telltale lines of the little bikini panties each had on under her silky dress and he wondered what colors they were and if they were silk or nylon or lace. He wondered what their tight little buttocks would feel like to rub with the little panties covering them as he got ready to signal the start of round three.
     On his signal they began and it was a long very even match with each girl refusing to give up and lose her right to go to the party. They struggled hard and shifted their body weights, leaning so close together their faces were almost touching. Then, to everyone's surprise, Courtney reached out with her other hand and grabbed Kristin's hair. She jerked the blonde's head forward and Kristin's arm thudded to the table in defeat.
     Courtney jumped to her feet and started dancing around with her arms raised in victory but Kristin was fuming mad at the dirty tactic. She jumped up and went right for Courtney and slapped her face as hard as she could. Courtney instinctively slapped her back and Paul stepped between them to separate them.
     A violent argument erupted with Kristin accusing Courtney of cheating and Courtney claiming she'd won. It went on and on with both girls cursing and screaming and on the verge of tearing each other's hair out right there in Paul's living room.
     Paul's friend finally suggested he just step aside and they wrestle to see who got to go to the party. He nodded and then pulled the coffee table out of the way to make more room.
     Courtney and Kristin wasted no time in locking their hands together with fingers entwined, pushing and pulling each other around the room. This only lasted a few seconds until Kristin dug a hand into Courtney's hair and Courtney went for Kristin's hair in retaliation. Within seconds, each girl had both hands in the other's nicely fixed hair and the fight was on.
     Hissing and screeching like two alley cats, the two scantily clad teens wrestled around the living room in a wild hair pulling battle, slamming against the wall and then bouncing off.
     Paul watched in amazement as the two nubile young beauties battled back and forth, their sexy little minidresses already hiking up high enough on their thighs to show their panties beneath their pantyhose, Kristin's black and Courtney's white.
     Paul's friend leaned toward him and told him she was hoping this was what would happen and that she secretly loved to watch two girls fight, especially in short dresses and nylons.
     Neither Courtney nor Kristin had ever been in a real cat fight before and their fighting styles were awkward and untrained with each simply relying on her catty female instincts to guide her. Adding even more difficulty was the fact that neither was used to such tall stiletto heeled shoes and balancing was hard for both.
     As the heated struggled continued, the two girls finally got their legs entangled and fell to the carpet. Their minidresses instantly rolled up around their waists, fully exposing the little low cut bikini panties they each wore beneath their shiny pantyhose. Their legs snaked together with nylon rubbing again nylon as they began rolling back and forth, still wildly pulling each other's hair.
     Both girl's hairdo's were now completely undone and their long hair hung in silky strands over the shoulders and down their backs. Each now knew she was too damaged to go to the party at all so the fight now got dirtier and nastier. The hair pulling gave way to clothes ripping as the two fighters now began ripping and tearing at each other's dresses to get to the tender flesh beneath.
     Seams split and fabric tore loudly as their claws ripped into each other's dresses, shredding the sexy flimsy garments within minutes. Clad now in panties, bras, pantyhose and high heels; the fight escalated to breast grabbing.
     Breaking their mutual leg lock and struggling to their knees, Courtney and Kristin each began tugging and pulling at the other's sexy lace bra. It took a good bit of tugging but finally the bras were torn off and thrown aside as they now ripped into each other's bare tits with long fingernails.
     It was hot in the apartment and each girl was already beginning to lightly perspire from the quick pace of the fight and from the lengthy arm wrestling match before the cat fight.
     Switching back to hair pulling once again and still on their knees, the two very scantily clothed teens smashed their heavy tits together in a full body press. Each with both hands embedded in the other's long hair, they wriggled and writhed around on their nylon clad knees with their big tits and hard nipples rubbing and grinding together.
      The two busty fighters finally leaned too far to one side and once again fell to the carpet side by side. This time rather than snake their legs together, they began wildly kicking at each other with their dangerous stiletto heels, tearing holes into each other's sheer pantyhose and wounding each other's legs. With the vicious leg fighting going on below, they used their hands to grope, grab, twist, and claw each other's tits while still cursing and threatening and calling each other horrible names in the heat of battle.
     While their fighting was clumsy and awkward, they were still doing a lot of damage to each other with their long fingernails and their high heels as they grappled around on the soft carpet in their panties and pantyhose.
     After several minutes of this intense breast and leg fighting, Courtney crawled on top of Kristin and pinned her down on her back with a titty press, digging her claws into the blonde's pretty face to scratch her eyes out. Kristin dug her own talons into Courtney's face and rolled her off, climbing on top now herself. This went back and forth two or three more times with each girl getting and then losing the upper hand while viciously clawing at her opponent's face.
     Their pantyhose were now tattered shards of nylon clinging to their nearly bare legs as they battled on. Perspiring much more heavily now, their bare flesh was becoming shiny and slippery and difficult to hold onto as they continued to roll around on the floor.
     Their faces and breasts were bleeding from clawing fingernails but neither would quit the fight as their rage and anger and jealousy drove them on. They grunted and panted as they wriggled and squirmed together, their bare sweating flesh slipping and sliding together.
     Kristin somehow managed to get her legs wrapped around Courtney's waist in a scissors hold but Courtney slammed a fist into the crotch of Kristin's sexy little panties and the blonde screamed out in pain, instantly releasing the scissors. Courtney dove on top of her and they rolled over several times entwining their bare sweaty legs together from the ankle straps of their high heels all the way up to the crotches of their little silk panties in a very erotic embrace that Paul and his friend appreciated very much.
     Courtney wound up on top and the sheer silk of her white panties wrinkled and jiggled as her firm buttocks clenched together in their vice like embrace. Wildly pulling hair, slapping each other's faces, and grabbing each other's tits, the fight was now like a whore house brawl with each girl doing anything she could to maim and maul her rival.
     Finally breaking the leg lock, they struggled to their knees and then to their feet where they began dragging each other around the living room by the hair, still throwing slaps and punches with one hand while using the other hand to pull hair. They were both bent over at the waist and their big tits bounced and swayed and jiggled wildly as they dangled below their bent over torsos.
     Courtney then slammed Kristin against the wall, knocking a framed picture down to the floor. Pinning the blonde's back to the wall, Courtney instinctively rammed a knee up into Kristin's panty clad cxnt, hurting her badly. The blonde tensed and screamed out but then in a fit of anger, launched herself off the wall and drove the brunette backwards until she hit the sofa. Tackling her opponent onto the sofa, Kristin tore into Courtney's bare tits with both hands, their bare flesh slipping and sliding. Courtney had one hand in Kristin's hair and the other clawing her face as they struggled so furiously they almost immediately rolled off the sofa and back down onto the carpet where they kept fighting at full speed.
     The battle raged on and on with each girl brutally mauling the other's bare flesh with fingernails, high heels, and even teeth and they started biting each other. Soon the fight began to slow down slightly as both girls were getting very tired and were now dripping sweat from the heat of the fight.
     They exchanged headlocks and then bear hugs and finally clinched together in a slippery tit to tit embrace and started sliding around panting and grunting. Each one threw the occasional weak feeble slap or punch but both were now getting too tired to really do much damage to the other.
     Finally pulling apart, each sexy fighter slowly got to her knees and rested there a moment. Their chests heaved wildly up and down as their breathing was difficult and sweat dripped from their faces and breasts, mixed with blood and saliva. Each girl still had her high heels and panties on but their panties were now wet from sweat and were sagging very low.
     Soon they raised up and fell together once again, each grabbing one handful of hair and one handful of bare shiny breast meat. They struggled and squirmed around, their panties rippling and wrinkling as their bare sexy legs spread to keep their balance.
     Kristin threw several weak punches at Courtney's stomach that barely connected in her exhausted condition while Courtney threw equally feeble slaps and Kristin's face and tits. Both girls were now nearly out of gas completely and fighting on sheer will and instinct. Neither knew how to finish the other one off and even if she did, she wouldn't have had the strength to do it.
     Collapsing to the floor, each girl now just grabbed and clawed at anything she could reach as they slithered around on the carpet with each other. They clawed each other's legs, thighs, panties, stomachs, breasts and faces as they rolled and even crawled around on the carpeted floor.
     They fell together in a full body clinch side by side with their heavy tits pressed snugly together in a slippery, sweaty embrace. They clung tenaciously to each other's hair now to hold tight as they entwined their legs once again from ankles to cxnts.
     Locked tightly together now, they rocked and wiggled as they clung to each other by the hair. No blows were being exchanged and no punishment was being meted out, it was just a sweaty full body clinch.
     Courtney tried a weak punch to Kristin's side and then Kristin tried to punch Courtney's breast but neither punch even connected as their arms were too heavy and too tired to lift. With their free hands, each girl dug her claws into the other's face while still clutching a fistful of hair with the other.
     They squealed and yelped as jagged broken fingernails cut into fleshy cheeks bringing fresh blood to the surface that mixed with the perspiration to form an opaque pink fluid that dripped from their faces onto the carpet.
      After another minute or so of face scratching, they pushed each other away and got up into sitting positions facing each other. Each tried to kick at her rival with her dangerous spiked heels but they didn't have the strength to do it. They grabbed onto each other's ankles now and pulled themselves together.
     They were sitting upright now, each with one leg over the other's leg and their panty clad pussies tightly pressed together. They each then crooked a knee behind the other's back to press themselves together even more tightly now. Their tits were smashed completely flat against their chests as they each dug both hands into the other's long, matted, tangled hair.
     Panting and grunting louder than ever now, they began grinding their silk clad cxnts together as they jerked each other's heads from side to side by the hair. As they jerked sideways, their sweaty tits dragged back and forth against each other with their hard erect nipples stabbing into one another's bruised and bleeding tits.
     Reaching around behind her opponent, Kristin managed to find and grab the back of Courtney's little panties. She pulled hard, wedging the silk bikinis deep into her rival's cxnt and ass crack before they tore away in her hand.
     With the torn soaking wet bikinis in her hand now, Kristin tried to wrap the panties around Courtney's neck to choke her but the brunette got a slight burst of strength and dragged the blonde down by the hair and crawled on top of her.
     Sliding a hand down between their sweaty slippery stomachs, Courtney retaliated by tearing Kristin's little black bikini panties off and tossing them onto the carpet. Totally nude now save for their stiletto heeled shoes, they rolled and slid and squirmed around in a sexy erotic wrestling match.
     Too slippery now to stay on top of one another, they wrestled now side by side and somehow got each other into a mutual headlock that smashed their slippery tits tightly together.
     They held this mutual hold for a long time as the sweat continued to drip from their bodies and their chests heaved up and down to try to get air into their lungs. Finally, after a very long time, they broke apart and gingerly got to the knees. Huffing and puffing and panting, they just glared at each other, unable to fight any longer.
     Paul quickly suggested they call it a draw and fight another day to decide the winner. Each girl looked at the other for a long time and then they both nodded in agreement before leaning back and relaxing.
     Paul got each a fresh drink while his friend got towels and robes to cover the two sexy young fighters.
     As they finally caught their breath and cooled off with drinks, each quickly began to make vicious catty threats about what she was going to do in their NEXT fight! Paul just smiled and watched, hoping he'd be there to see it when it happened!

The end?


Offline gmenn

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Re: One of My Favorite Stories by J. Coleman
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2010, 04:05:01 AM »
I heard Mr. Coleman died some months ago. He was a great story writer.


Offline realcatwriter

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Re: One of My Favorite Stories by J. Coleman
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2010, 06:06:45 PM »
Sorry to hear that, his stuff was so exquisitely written.  There's a yahoo group that has all his stuff but you have to ask the owner kinda thing to get in and sadly, the site is dormant. Maybe we can keep his memory alive here by publishing one of his stories every once in a while.

To the lurkers, if you liked the story, let me know.




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Re: One of My Favorite Stories by J. Coleman
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2010, 08:06:44 PM »
Yes, Loved the story. Post more if you have them