Lampley: I'm here with the mother and daughter halves of Team California, who will be fighting Team Georgia later tonight. For conversational simplicity, given the stipulation that the names of all four women on tonight's fight card will remain confidential, I will refer to them as Mrs and Miss Cali. Let's start with you, Mrs Cali. Our viewers can see you're obviously a very attractive woman. Give us the tale of the tape: height, weight, and how you ended up fighting on national TV tonight.
Mrs Cali: Thank you for the compliment, Jim; and you're easy on the eyes, yourself. So, I'm 5'8", 124 pounds. I'm a runner--I've been jogging seriously for, I'd say, 8 years. I've never been in an actual fight--all the times I came close in high school, or when I got divorced, it got broken up right away. The idea of actually fighting, .... like, a real fight like tonight, ... came to me about four years ago, I think it was, when I was watching "The Fall Guy" on TV ... ya know, the Lee Majors show? ... well, Heather Thomas plays this bounty hunter who tries to take in ... like, ya know, arrest .... this bail jumper, whose this pretty dark-haired girl .... and the dark-haired girl pretends to surrender .... but then attacks Heather, and they start actually fistfighting on the grass .... I mean, it was ON between them ... well, anyways, it got my blood flowing .... even now, just repeating the story gets my blood flowing, candidly .... so since then I've wanted to fight .... and wanted my daughter to fight ..... so, when HBO came to us, I said yes.
Lampley: Fascinating story, and good segue, let's get you daughter in the conversation now. Miss Cali, what's your reason for participating in YOUR fight tonight?
Miss Cali: Thabk you, Jim. Well, I attend the UC college system; I know we're not supposed to say which one .....
Mrs Cali: ..... but it's not Berkeley and not UCLA, for all you stalkers out there ....
Lampley: ... Let's ... let's let her finish ....
Miss Cali: ....yes, thank you, Mom, for ruling out the two most prestigious one's ..... Anyways .... where was I? .... well, two things ... first off, school just got out for the summer this week .... so I have all sumner to recover if I get bruises, or whatever, .... and not miss classes, ya know? .... but, second, the UC colleges are all raising tuition and fees next fall .... the fees, especially are ridiculous .... and we don't really have the funds .... and I have a goal of not taking on student debt .... so the prize money for tonight will really come in handy .... HBO is paying the winning fighters more, so my opponent and I will both be motivated.
Lampley: About your opponents .... Mrs Cali, if I might, you've not met Team Georgia, but you've seen pictures and, I understand, footage of them in their home in Georgia .... Any impressions you'd like to share.
Mrs: Well, since you ask, my FIRST impression was that they're both blonde, like my daughter and me. When I heard Georgia, I thought they might be a black family from Atlanta .. not that we wouldn't have fought them .... is that ok for me to say? I feel like you're looking at me funny ....
Lampley: Not at all. Please proceed.
Mrs: Well, so whatever, they're white and blonde, like my daughter and me. Oh, about our size .... I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that. They talked about Jesus a couple times in the video you showed me .. this was before we know the daughters were going to be fighting, too .... so they must be religious. Or maybe it was just HBO trying to stir the pot between the Georgia mom and me ... like, get a rich woman vs poor woman, urban versus rural contrast going. I mean, she's very pretty if that's what you're asking me. But I'm taking this fight very seriously ... my daughter and I both want the prize money. Plus, if I win and put on a good show, you never know who might discover me.
Lampley: And how about you, Miss Cali? First impressions of your opponent tonight?
Miss Cali: She seemed very .... wholesome in the video. I wasn't sure she'd agree to fight when the idea first got floated. But, I mean, she did .... so I'm going to take that seriously. Fighting first and all, her and I are going to set the tone for the evening. If one of us totally beats the other's ass, thst will affect our mom's in a bad way in their fight. So her and I owe it to our mom's to give a good account of ourselves. So ... it could get pretty rowdy out there.
Lampley: And that's ok with each of you, I assume?
Miss Cali: Yeppers. Eyes on the prize.
Mrs Cali: I concur.
Lampley: When we return, after this commercial break, we'll speak with Team Georgia.
To be continued.....