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The Wives Finally Meet, final round

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, final round
« on: November 12, 2018, 08:42:20 PM »
When Kari came back to her corner at the end of the 2nd round, I could see it in her eyes, she knew she was clearly the better woman in that round.   She was pumped and anxious to get to the third round.  I stepped in once again and told her to keep up the offensive, that Cheryl was no match for her.  But, I also reminded her to be patience and not do as Cheryl did in the 2nd round and throw caution to the wind.  I wasn’t sure if she was listening.  Kari said, “She’s mine for the taking, I pushed her all over the ring, knocked her down twice, punished her body and let her know who the better woman is.  I bet it turned you on watching me take it to her like that.  If I get a chance next round, after I really soften her up, I’m going use those jugs of hers as punching bags.  After I get done with her, she won’t want a piece of me again.”  I again reminded her to stay focused.   But, yes, I told her I was very aroused watching her take charge like she always does.

Cheryl was kicking herself for letting her focus escape her.  What is it, she thought, about fighting this blonde that lets her lose focus at the worst time.  She knew she could beat this woman that no other woman had come close to defeating.  She just needed to remember what she had learned and wait for the opportune moment and teach her blonde nemesis a thing or two about boxing.   Sure Kari was powerful and athletic but boxing was more than strength.   She kept reminding herself I am a boxer, she is a fighter, this is a boxing match, I’m going to find a way to win.   She turned to her husband Ken and said, “I guess you enjoyed watching your  girl work me over that round.”   He shook his head and replied, “You know she is one hot woman, but you’re my wife and I’d love to see you put her down for the count and then smother her with your fabulous tits!  You can do it.  Just remember your training.”

The third round began with both fighters knowing the winner of this round was the likely winner of the fight.  Contrary to my concern, Kari remained focus and zeroed in on Cheryl pounding away and keeping her on the defensive.    Cheryl’s strategy seemed by necessity at this point to try and weather the storm and then find Kari in a vulnerable spot and go for the homerun punch.  There was no way at this point to go toe to toe, or tit to tit (as I looked on) with Kari, she was just too powerful.  So Chery l covered up the best she could and tried to stay away from any lethal blows directed her way.

That was a strategy easier said than done when up against Kari.  About midway through the last round with Kari boring in on Cheryl she caught her and trapped her in the corner.  After 5-6 of Kari’s patented haymakers, Cheryl went done for the third time in the match.   Ken’s heart stopped as he feared the worst.   Kari thought the same thing.  Cheryl tried to collect her thoughts and tried to think of a way to lure Kari in so she could go for broke.   When she rose to her feet, Kari was surprised but went about the business of trying to finish Cheryl off.   With about a minute left and Kari clearly in control of the fight, she decided it was time to punish Cheryl by deflating her big tits.  Taking her  focus off Cheryl’s chin, she went for the jugs.  That was the opening Cheryl had waited for.   While Kari was moving in to extract some real pain, Cheryl  caught Kari with an uppercut, her first real blow leveled at Kari since round 1.  Kari was more stunned than hurt, but it opened her for a desperate assault from Cheryl.  Cheryl followed that up with a solid shot to Kari’s abs which produced a painful groan and then she hit her with another upper cut that sent Kari sprawling to the mat.  I was stunned to say the least but impressed with how Cheryl had with three punches put Kari’s undefeated record in serious jeopardy.   I was yelling for her to get up and get back in the fray as there was only about 45 seconds left.    I could tell from my vantage point that Kari was stunned.  I could sense she was asking herself where did that come from.  No woman has ever been able to stand up to my fighting prowess.   Damn, she thought, this is one tough brunette.   

All was not lost of course, this was just one knockdown compared to Kari’s three of Cheryl.  But, she had to finish in order to win.   Kari wasn’t thinking about that though.   She was pissed that she had been planted on her ass.   She didn’t want to win on points and besides she didn’t want the takeaway from this fight to be the memory of Cheryl decking her in the closing minute of the fight.   So, she got up with one thought in mind…a knockout.    Of course, that was Cheryl’s thought as well.   She pushed forward with hopes of erasing the legend of this woman her husband had fantasized about.   She would love to see her sprawled out on the canvas with those thick nipples shriveled in defeat.   Both women were going for broke plastering away at each other until one landed the hardest blow of the fight and with just seconds remaining the other crumpled to the canvas unable to continue.


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, final round
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2018, 07:21:38 PM »
Cheryl had been able to do what no other woman had done.   She was able to battle the famed and feared Kari, dominating her for a solid three minutes in the first round,  had withstood what no other female could dream to do in the middle of the fight, had gotten up from being knocked down three times to pummel her blonde opponent to the canvas, only to suffer another crushing defeat.   Kari stood over the prone brunette, no humiliating words uttered, realizing that she had fought a woman who was as close to being her match as she would likely ever face.   She didn’t like that brunette with the big breasts, but she did respect her grit and fight.   Nonetheless, as she walked towards me waiting in her corner she still looked to me to be the sexiest woman alive and watching her fight and win was the ultimate aphrodisiac.   


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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, final round
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2018, 03:55:43 PM »
Actually, there is more to their rivalry...well sort of. 

Cheryl's husband, Ken, has a friend who works for a radio station that is a bit out of the mainstream and they do some really interesting promos.  He talked them into to staging a topless boxing competition.  Ken told me about it but we decided not to tell our wives that the other would be a participant.  Ken also convinced them that they needed to put Kari and Cheryl in different sides of the bracket so they could only meet in the finals.  We told them of their past fights and that if they made it to face each other, we could guarantee an exciting final bout.

There were 16 girls entered in the competition that would take place over a couple of weekends.  The first two rounds were one weekend and the semi-finals and finals would be the next.  In order for Kari and Cheryl to meet in the final, they each would have to win three bouts.  While I won't recap all of the bouts I will give a report on each of the bouts that Cheryl and Kari were participants.

The Friday night before the fights started on Saturday night, the radio station and a local bar (where the ring was built especially for this) staged a topless beauty pageant with all 16 contestants.  They divided the women in to 2 pools of 8 for the boxing competition, so they kept each group in a separate location in the bar.  They introduced pool 1 first (Cheryl's group).  They paraded out to the shouts and calls from the overflow crowd.  Then they introduced Kari's pool.  It wasn't until this point, that the two of them realized the other one was part of the competition.   I think Cheryl was happier about that than Kari was.  Already beaten twice by her hated blonde rival, she was ecstatic with the opportunity to get a third whack at the woman she knew she could best (and felt like in some ways she had).  Kari could remember how the brunette with big tits and given her all she wanted.  While she emerged victorious both times, she wasn't really spoiling for a third fight.

A panel of 5 judges (chosen by the way by the radio guy, who was the friend of Cheryl's husband, Ken) was to select the winner of each pool and then with audience participation, chose the overall "topless queen."  As you might have guessed Cheryl was the winner for her pool and Kari emerged as the top gal from the other pool.  The women had to strut and pose, and show off their assets to the patrons of the bar.  Then Cheryl was called forward and those who thought she had the best chest were to shout, scream, holler, hoot, etc., and then Kari would do the same.  The bar seemed about evenly split.  I'm, of course, biased but I thought Kari's supporters made a bit more noise than Cheryl's but the judges thought otherwise and awarded the prize to Cheryl.  (I later told a furious Kari that she a) needed to remember who the judges were and b) that they chose quantity--38Ds-- over quality--great tits, big nipples).  Cheryl of course loved it because she had never gotten over the fact that Ken had confessed that he fantasized about playing with Kari's big, thick nipples.  She looked down at Ken and puffed out her proud boobs.  Quite frankly, I thought Cheryl was hot and in the 9 months since I had first seen her topless when the women first fought, she had been working out and had really firmed up her body, including her tits.  But, yet I still didn't think she was in Kari's league when it came to the overall package of tits, areola, and nipple.  But, this would only seem to add to the aura of this whole competition.  Kari wasn't used to losing and to lose something like this to Cheryl wasn't going to set well with her.

Cheryl was actually in the very first bout the next night.  Her opponent, Sarah,  was the youngest competitor in the crowd probably in early 20's.  I'm not sure why she was in the competition, probably at the urging of her boyfriend who had no idea of what was going to take place.  In addition to the being the youngest fighter in the competition, she was the smallest.  She was 3-4 inches shorter than Cheryl and looked to be a 33B in the breast department with smallish nipples.  She, in fact, would not get out of the first round against Cheryl.  The few punches she landed had little to no effect on Cheryl, sort of like being annoyed by a fly.  Cheryl toyed with her little a bit, not really going full force.  As it was, she pushed her smaller opponent around the ring and then about half way through the round connected with one very hard right to Sarah's chin and she crumpled to the canvas, out cold.  So, Cheryl managed to get through her first fight unscathed.  She would face a more formidable opponent in the next round.

Kari's first opponent, Robin, was a bit more imposing than the one Cheryl faced.  Robin had blue hair and  had a number of tatoos adorning her body.  Her appearance was a little off putting to Kari.  She was quite sure what to make of her.  Was she just some clown or was she perhaps a biker chick who would have seen her share of scuffles and could both take and give one in return?  She had some nice sized tits, I would in the 37C range.  However, they weren't very firm.  Kari approached her with caution when the bout started.  The exchanged some jabs but no real hard shots were fired in the first minute and half of the three minute round.  At that point, Kari decided to carry the fight to her opponent with the floppy boobs.  Kari discovered that Robin was not likely a biker chick.  She dominated the fight, knocking down the blue haired gal 2-3 times before in the third round, Robin had had enough and went to one knee and crossed her arms over chest to prevent any further pounding.  Kari paraded around the ring posing and flexing her biceps as if to show the crowd they chose wrong the night before.  Both women would find their next opponents to a greater test.

More to come...