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The Wives Finally Meet, the rivalry continues

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, the rivalry continues
« on: November 15, 2018, 04:06:36 PM »
Actually, there is more to their rivalry...well sort of. 

Cheryl's husband, Ken, has a friend who works for a radio station that is a bit out of the mainstream and they do some really interesting promos.  He talked them into to staging a topless boxing competition.  Ken told me about it but we decided not to tell our wives that the other would be a participant.  Ken also convinced them that they needed to put Kari and Cheryl in different sides of the bracket so they could only meet in the finals.  We told them of their past fights and that if they made it to face each other, we could guarantee an exciting final bout.

There were 16 girls entered in the competition that would take place over a couple of weekends.  The first two rounds were one weekend and the semi-finals and finals would be the next.  In order for Kari and Cheryl to meet in the final, they each would have to win three bouts.  While I won't recap all of the bouts I will give a report on each of the bouts that Cheryl and Kari were participants.

The Friday night before the fights started on Saturday night, the radio station and a local bar (where the ring was built especially for this) staged a topless beauty pageant with all 16 contestants.  They divided the women in to 2 pools of 8 for the boxing competition, so they kept each group in a separate location in the bar.  They introduced pool 1 first (Cheryl's group).  They paraded out to the shouts and calls from the overflow crowd.  Then they introduced Kari's pool.  It wasn't until this point, that the two of them realized the other one was part of the competition.   I think Cheryl was happier about that than Kari was.  Already beaten twice by her hated blonde rival, she was ecstatic with the opportunity to get a third whack at the woman she knew she could best (and felt like in some ways she had).  Kari could remember how the brunette with big tits and given her all she wanted.  While she emerged victorious both times, she wasn't really spoiling for a third fight.

A panel of 5 judges (chosen by the way by the radio guy, who was the friend of Cheryl's husband, Ken) was to select the winner of each pool and then with audience participation, chose the overall "topless queen."  As you might have guessed Cheryl was the winner for her pool and Kari emerged as the top gal from the other pool.  The women had to strut and pose, and show off their assets to the patrons of the bar.  Then Cheryl was called forward and those who thought she had the best chest were to shout, scream, holler, hoot, etc., and then Kari would do the same.  The bar seemed about evenly split.  I'm, of course, biased but I thought Kari's supporters made a bit more noise than Cheryl's but the judges thought otherwise and awarded the prize to Cheryl.  (I later told a furious Kari that she a) needed to remember who the judges were and b) that they chose quantity--38Ds-- over quality--great tits, big nipples).  Cheryl of course loved it because she had never gotten over the fact that Ken had confessed that he fantasized about playing with Kari's big, thick nipples.  She looked down at Ken and puffed out her proud boobs.  Quite frankly, I thought Cheryl was hot and in the 9 months since I had first seen her topless when the women first fought, she had been working out and had really firmed up her body, including her tits.  But, yet I still didn't think she was in Kari's league when it came to the overall package of tits, areola, and nipple.  But, this would only seem to add to the aura of this whole competition.  Kari wasn't used to losing and to lose something like this to Cheryl wasn't going to set well with her.

Cheryl was actually in the very first bout the next night.  Her opponent, Sarah,  was the youngest competitor in the crowd probably in early 20's.  I'm not sure why she was in the competition, probably at the urging of her boyfriend who had no idea of what was going to take place.  In addition to the being the youngest fighter in the competition, she was the smallest.  She was 3-4 inches shorter than Cheryl and looked to be a 33B in the breast department with smallish nipples.  She, in fact, would not get out of the first round against Cheryl.  The few punches she landed had little to no effect on Cheryl, sort of like being annoyed by a fly.  Cheryl toyed with her little a bit, not really going full force.  As it was, she pushed her smaller opponent around the ring and then about half way through the round connected with one very hard right to Sarah's chin and she crumpled to the canvas, out cold.  So, Cheryl managed to get through her first fight unscathed.  She would face a more formidable opponent in the next round.

Kari's first opponent, Robin, was a bit more imposing than the one Cheryl faced.  Robin had blue hair and  had a number of tatoos adorning her body.  Her appearance was a little off putting to Kari.  She was quite sure what to make of her.  Was she just some clown or was she perhaps a biker chick who would have seen her share of scuffles and could both take and give one in return?  She had some nice sized tits, I would in the 37C range.  However, they weren't very firm.  Kari approached her with caution when the bout started.  The exchanged some jabs but no real hard shots were fired in the first minute and half of the three minute round.  At that point, Kari decided to carry the fight to her opponent with the floppy boobs.  Kari discovered that Robin was not likely a biker chick.  She dominated the fight, knocking down the blue haired gal 2-3 times before in the third round, Robin had had enough and went to one knee and crossed her arms over chest to prevent any further pounding.  Kari paraded around the ring posing and flexing her biceps as if to show the crowd they chose wrong the night before.  Both women would find their next opponents to a greater test.

More to come...


Offline JayB

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Re: The Wives Finally Meet, the rivalry continues
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2018, 02:46:14 PM »
Cheryl's second fight in the tournament was against a female police officer named Penny who came to compete from another state so as to avoid getting into trouble with her bosses.  She had short blonde hair, firm 34B breasts, and was fairly muscular.  She was considered by some to be the favorite to win this pool because of her training and experience in the fighting arts.  Of course, Cheryl had been overlooked before...Kari could attest to that. 

Penny started quickly and went on the offensive from the opening bell.  Cheryl's easy 1st round opponent was coming back to haunt early in her second fight.  Penny was the quickest fighter Cheryl had faced.  Cheryl was several inches taller and 8-10 pounds heavier but Penny's quickness was Cheryl a hard time.  She found it difficult to make any solid contact with her punches as Penny was able to block many of them.  Penny's threw a lot of quick jabs that keep the big brunette off guard.  While Penny didn't inflict any harm in the first round, she clearly won the round by virtue of the number of punches she landed compared to Cheryl. 

The second round started the way the first ended and Cheryl became increasingly frustrated by Penny's tactics.  Penny would throw a few jabs and then back off and make Cheryl try to catch her.  This was not at all like fighting Kari because Kari was always right there in front of her giving and taking punches.   Finally, near the end of the second round, Cheryl was able to trap Penny in her corner and was able finally to get in some good shots.  She was able to blast Penny with 3-4 really hard body shots while Penny tried to cover up.  After the 4th shot to the body Penny dropped her guard and Cheryl was quick to slam her with a left-right combination.  Penny fell backward into the turnbuckle vulnerable for more Cheryl bombs.  Fortunately for Penny the bell sounded to the end the 2nd round or otherwise she was likely headed for the canvas. 

By the end of the 2nd round the crowd had finally gotten into the fight as some damage was being done by at least one of the fighters.  Penny's strategy had been turned upside down.  She had planned to jab and dance for two rounds trying to wear down the bigger fighter and then pummel her in the final round.  She was the "pummelee" however.  As the third round ended, Penny decided she had to go toe to toe with Cheryl.  She probably had little choice but it would be the wrong approach.  Thirty seconds into the final round Cheryl caught Penny with a hard right to the side of the head and then a massive punch to Penny's washboard abs and then a second that forced Penny to drop her chin just in line for a patented uppercut from the big boobed brunette.  It was lights out for Penny and Cheryl had moved on to the step closer to meeting her blonde rival (with those damned big nipples...she still couldn't let it go).

Kari's next opponent was Candi, a well endowed secretary with jet black hair.   Candi brought to the ring a 38C enhanced pair of tits.  Rumor had it that the some of secretaries at her work place had a little tournament of their own and Candi was the winner, so they encouraged her to represent them.  She had a pretty loud support group there to cheer her on.  Candi had that look of a secretary that was more than just her bosses secretary.  She looked like the kind of woman that make her boss forget about his middle aged wife.  She also looked the kind of woman that could handle any middle aged woman who wanted to fight for her man.  She was likely a fiercer opponent than the blue-haired, floppy tits challenger Kari faced in the first fight.

Kari was determined to make this fight shorter than her first one.  Even though she dominated the first fight, it almost went the distance.  Her opponent, Candi, had scored an impressive first round KO over the bar owner's mistress/girl friend (I wasn't quite sure which it was).   At the sound of the bell, Kari immediately went on the offensive, connecting on some solid punches that to her surprise Candi was able to take.  She certainly didn't seem to have a glass jaw as several solid shots backed her up but didn't seem take too much out of her.  The first round was Kari's but it didn't look like this fight would be an easy one.  In the second round, Candi changed her strategy a bit and decided to counter a bit more after Kari would throw several combinations.  Candi landed some good shots, that forced Kari to be a bit more cautious.  Kari remained the aggressor but Candi had some good moments in round two.  Neither fighter really hurt the other but there was a lot of good action regardless.  At this point, though, it was clear if the fight continued on this path that Kari would win a clear decision.

Kari decided to play it safe and continue fighting the fight she was.  She would remain aggressive but not over commit and if the opportunity presented itself, she was go for the knockout.  Candi, realizing she was behind and would lose a decision if she followed the same strategy, decided to throw caution to the wind.   Her new found approach caught Kari by surprise as Candi landed a hard right cross that actually staggered Kari and allowed Candi to follow with a body shot and then a left-right combination that forced Kari to clinch Candi to stop her surprising offensive showing.  Candi's fans were on their feet cheering her on, anticipating the sexy dark haired secretary's continued assault of the thick nippled blonde.  However, Kari was stronger than Candi and was able to hold the clinch long enough to change gears and knock this bitch out...who did she think she was messing with here.   Kari pushed off of Candi and then landed a massive left-right combination, a hard body shot, another body shot, and finally a right to Candi's chin.  For just an instant as if in suspended animation, Candi stood erect, and then an instant later she crashed to the canvas unable to continue.  Candi's fans were stunned at the sudden turn around.  In the end, all she had really done was to put Kari back in her usual killer instinct mode.  Boxing to simply win a decision had never been her approach and it almost cost her the win.  Now both Cheryl and Kari had advanced to the semi-finals and were one fight closer to making it a trilogy.