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The Wives Finally Meet, the Finals Conclusion

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Offline JayB

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The Wives Finally Meet, the Finals Conclusion
« on: November 21, 2018, 06:49:40 PM »
Round 3 started similarly  to the previous two rounds.  Both women met at center ring knowing what they wanted to accomplish.  Marci, rightfully so, felt that was winning the fight, though she had taken some pretty hard hits from Kari's powerful fists.  Marci knew if she could have another solid round, she would dethrone Kari has the hottest, toughest woman around.  Kari, buoyed by her strong finish at the end of the previous round, knew she had to achieve one thing in this round to maintain her place on the mantle of champion...knock Marci out.

After thirty seconds or so of the final round, the tide turned in Kari's favor.  After the two powerful, sexy, determined women traded a series of heavy blows, Kari could sense that Marci was faltering.  For every 2 shots that Kari delivered, Marci could only manage to return one.  Soon, Marci was forced to retreat backward by Kari's rush of punches.  Marci sensed trouble when she was actually able to block one of Kari's punches and fire a solid right-left combo but did nothing to stop Kari's advance.  When Marci looked into Kari's eyes she could see a determination that hadn't been there before.  Kari was on fire and, at this point, unstoppable.  Kari pounded Marci left and right, to the body and head.  Finally, Marci could take no more and collapsed in her corner, clearly overwhelmed by her stronger opponent.  She did manage to struggle to get back up only to have Kari floor her again with a shot to the abs and a powerful uppercut.  She was counted out when she made no effort to get back up.  She had met her match in this blonde with fabulous nipples (I always have to add that when talking about my wife).  Kari was not known as a dirty fighter so what she did next was a bit out of character for her.  But, she wanted to drive home a lesson to Marci, a lesson Cheryl had not yet learned.  That lesson was, "you don't want to take me on again."   She reached down and picked Marci up and then propped her up with her arms over the ropes exposing her strong body and firm breasts.  Kari then proceeded to pound away at her body and her breasts which elicited howls of pain and agony from Marci.  Kari  had wanted to do this to Cheryl in their last fight but that approach almost cost her the fight.  So, this served a two-fold purpose for Kari.  After 7-8 battering hits, Marci drooped to the canvas a totally beaten woman.  Kari would never lay eyes on her again after that night.

 Kari once again had proven no woman was her equal.  And as usual, I was the benefactor of her fighting success, at home.  She did, however, right before I enjoyed the spoils of her victory, as she stood naked in front of me, ask me if I thought Cheryl was really deserving of the topless beauty crown.  I knew then she wasn't done with Cheryl.

Stay tuned!!