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Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch

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Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch
« on: November 24, 2018, 03:11:21 PM »
This is a story I posted a few years ago...

In the summer of 1977, Lynda Carter was the hottest thing on the celebrity catfight scene. With decisive wins of Victoria Principal, Suzanne Somers and poster girl Farrah Fawcett, the big brunette seemed unbeatable. While Lynda had never been one to shy away from a fight, these celebrity match ups were of much more interest to her husband/manager who, after Lynda’s destruction of Farrah, wouldn’t shut up about getting her a fight with the legendary Raquel Welch. At 37, Raquel’s catfights were getting to be much and much less frequent and Lynda, at 5 feet 9 inches and 26 years of age, didn’t see the smaller, older actress being much of a challenge. Still, defeating a legend like Raquel could only boost her career, so she finally gave in to her husband’s pleading. A few quick phone calls and the match was set and scheduled to take place at the home of a big time producer in front of a small group of tinsel town notables.

For her part, Raquel didn’t see anything to be gained from fighting Carter. Nothing except getting everyone to shut up about the new “Wonder Woman” and to cement her reputation as the top celeb catfighter ever.
The day of the fight arrived and Lynda and her husband arrived along with about 40 guests. Lynda looked stunning in a low cut orange minidress and was the center of attention until Raquel arrived. In a flash, all the attention being showed to the young starlet moved to the superstar Raquel who was dressed in an equally low cut green minidress. Lynda couldn’t take her eyes off of her, she had idolized Raquel who looked more like 30 than 37 and was definitely in great shape. For her part, Raquel didn’t give Lynda a second glance, which annoyed Carter more than just a little.

After allowing time for pleasantries to be exchanged, the host called for everyone’s attention and asked the guests to move to either side of the large room which had been cleared of furniture and whose floor was covered with plush carpet. The host then asked Raquel and Lynda to take their places in the center of the room. The two women kicked off their high heels and came out to face each other, Lynda looking down on Raquel with grim determination while Welch looked back at her with smug self-satisfaction. The host announced the obvious, that this would be a no hold barred catfight with the winner determined through either submission or knock out. He then stepped back and said “Ladies, when you’re ready.”

The two women each went into a crouch, arms spread wide and claws bared. They began to circle one another warily. Welch had heard of Carter’s power and how she’d been able to overwhelm other women with her physical presence. For her part, Lynda was well aware of Welch’s speed and toughness and her ability to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, which was legendary.
Raquel smiled slyly, “Come on big girl, let’s see what you got.”

Carter was on her in flash, throwing a haymaker at Welch who ducked under it, and then sending an uppercut at her jaw, which whizzed past Welch’s nose as she dodged.  The misses left the bigger woman slightly off balance and Raquel surged in to pepper Carter’s belly and tits with a barrage of punches before dancing away. Lynda shook off the blows and rushed Welch grabbing her hair in both hands and pulling her toward her only to have Raquel send a knee into her midsection. Carter shoved Welch away and clutched at her belly but Raquel came right back at her blasting away with a series of head shots that drove Lynda up against a wall. Raquel followed her in and nailed her with another knee to the gut.

Carter sagged against the wall and Welch ripped open the front of Lynda’s dress to exposed her huge bare breasts and sank her sharp nails into the tender flesh as she twisted back and forth. Carter went up onto her toes with a shriek as Welch ravaged her tits paying special attention to the sensitive undersides.  Lynda howled and desperately clawed at Raquel’s wrists as the older woman expertly ravaged her breasts. Not having any success in freeing her tits from Welch’s powerful hands, Lynda grabbed a knot of Welch’s hair in her left hand and fired three thundering rights to the head, giving Raquel a taste of her power and sending her staggering out into the center of the room clutching her head.

Carter, relieved that the mauling had ceased, looked down at the welts on her breasts and came off the wall seething. “Look what you did to my tits!!” shrieked Lynda. She then scooped the staggered Raquel up in a bear hug, trapping her arms at her side, and squeezed her tight. Welch moaned as the air was driven from her.

“You bitch,” Carter hissed, “now you’re going to pay for that.” Lynda then squeezed even tighter, lifting the groaning Raquel high off the floor her legs kicking without effect. Carter knew she had her now, she could feel Welch’s struggles growing weaker. Lynda would crush the fight out of Welch and then be able to finish her off however she pleased. Suddenly, Welch began to writhe frantically in Carter’s grip. Welch had been feigning fatigue and now Carter, caught off guard by the sudden action, loosened her grip just enough for Welch to slide her arms free and frantically rake Carter’s eyes.

The big girl wailed and dropped Welch to clutch at her eyes. Raquel landed on her feet and gulped down air before launching a karate kick into the belly of the blinded Lynda. Carter double over with groan and Welch grabbed Carter’s thick black hair in both hands and drove her knee up into Lynda’s forehead. The blow straightened Carter up to her full 5 feet 9 inches and then sent her crashing to her back.
Welch was on her in an instant, stomping away at the dazed woman’s belly and already damaged tits with the heel of her right foot, each blow causing Carter to moan and jerk as she put her hands up to ineffectually defend herself. Carter was getting blasted but as Welch sent a stomp directed at Carter’s bruised right tit, Carter’s hands shot up to catch the foot. Holding it tight, Lynda twisted and shoved with all she had sending Welch hard into the wall, her head hitting it with a thud, and she slid down it in heap.

Carter crawled over to the dazed Raquel and grabbed her roughly by the hair and pulled her to a sitting position. Lynda wrapped her long powerful legs around Welch from behind and squeezed them tight. The constriction caused Raquel to groan as Lynda leaned into her ear to hiss, “Payback time Raquel.” With that she ripped open Welch’s dress and mauled away at Raquel’s tits which were nearly as big as Carter’s. Welch shrieked in agony and struggled frantically as Lynda viciously clawed her breasts from behind. Raquel clawed away at Carter’s thighs trying to get free but Lynda gritted her teeth and held tight as she continued her assault on Welch’s tits. Desperate, Welch reached back with both hands and flail at Carter’s hair. Snaring a knot of hair in her left and then her right, Raquel jerked Carter’s head forward while driving her own head back. The back of Welch’s head slammed into Carter’s face with a sickening thud. Lynda’s head rolled on her shoulders and she crashed to her side in a daze. Raquel scrambled free of Carter’s now spread legs to gulp down some much need air and tend to her beaten tits

The two women lay on the floor moaning and the onlookers wondered if the fight would end in a draw. But then each woman began to stir, and then to stagger to her feet. They circled once again, eyes narrowed, seething in mutual hatred.

Welch made the first move, she’d suffered terrible punishment at the hands of her younger foe and knew she needed to finish this fast. Raquel tore into Carter with fists blazing, pounding Lynda’s belly and chest, backing the bigger brunette up. Raquel looked every bit the champ she was as she bobbed and weaved dodging haymaker after haymaker leaving Lynda swiping at the air, wearing herself out. The crowd murmured in anticipation seeing Carter running out of gas as the smaller woman took control unleashing an awful beating.  Lynda doubled over and, sensing victory, Welch moved to end it as she launched a right left combo at Carter’s head.

Lynda blocked the right and then the left and answered with a thundering right left combo of her own that rocked Welch’s head from side to side and left her flatfooted. Now it was Carter’s turn as she grabbed a knot of brown hair and, pulling Raquel’s head down, loaded up with her right and began firing brutal uppercuts into Welch’s belly and tits. Blow after blow slammed into Welch lifting her onto her toes as Carter methodically pounded the air and the fight out of her. Raquel howled in frustration as she tried to cover up but Carter’s powerful punches blasted through her defenses turning her legs to jelly. None of those in attendance could remember ever seeing Raquel as thoroughly dominated as she was being now as Carter ragdolled her. When Welch’s arms finally fell limp at her sides Carter stopped punching and let the dazed brunette sink to her knees.

Her chest heaving and holding Raquel’s head up by the hair, Lynda looked over at her beaming husband and blew him a kiss. Then she looked down into Welch’s still defiant eyes, her right hand balled up for the knock out blow. Carter smiled with satisfaction and said, “Well, I think its about time to end this, don’t you? Looks like there’s a new champ in town” Lynda raised her fist and then paused, a puzzled look crossing her face as she saw a smile spread across the beaten woman’s face. Lynda wondered, ‘Why the hell would she be smili…’

Lynda’s puzzlement suddenly vanished in a burst of blinding pain as Raquel fired a blistering right handed uppercut between Lynda’s legs. The blow drove Carter up onto her toes as her eyes bulged and the air was driven from her in a deep groan. Lynda’s heels settled back to the floor just in time for her to be driven back up by a crushing left handed shot between the legs. The little air she had left came out in a wheeze and she crashed to her back clutching her pussy with both hands.

Though she was still dazed from the brutal beating she’d just suffered, Raquel was on Carter in a flash, straddling her and trapping Lynda’s arms beneath her ass. Welch grabbed a knot of black hair in her left and lifted Carter’s slack-jawed head from the floor while she balled up her right. “Sweet dreams bitch,” purred Raquel and she began firing right after right into Lynda’s face pounding her into a stupor.
Then with a wicked smile, Raquel dropped Carter’s head and turned her attention to Lynda’s huge breasts. Sinking her nails deep she cruelly mangled the brunette’s tits. The pain revived Carter and she began to violently buck and writhe but with her arms trapped she was helpless to do anything else. Lynda’s thrashing was furious but Welch used Lynda’s tits to hold her position and rode her like a rodeo star rides while mauling away until Carter’s struggles ceased and she lay sobbing beneath Welch begging for mercy.

Welch released Carters tits and looked down on the beaten woman with a satisfied smile. But after everything Carter had just put her though, she was in no mood for mercy. “Now what were you saying about a new champ?” she said and scooted up to put her firm ass over Lynda’s face smothering her until the sobbing stopped and Carter lay limp.

The host helped Raquel to her feet and she took a moment to look down on the beaten wreckage of Carter before turning to accept the wild applause of the onlookers who crowded around their champ.
Meanwhile, Lynda’s husband brought Carter to, draped his sport coat around her bare torso and carried her to their car. All the way home and for many days later, Lynda cursed herself, knowing she had Raquel beat and let her get away. Next, time, she swore, would be much different. And she would get her chance the following year at a Malibu beach party…


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Re: Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2018, 05:45:26 PM »
It's a very good story, thanks for posting ;) One thing though that I must be remembering wrong, Victoria Principal becoming famous only for Dallas, which started out as a limited series in '78, so the way I remember, she wasn't as famous as the other girls in '77, but I can be wrong.
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Re: Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2018, 05:53:38 PM »
Raquel is simply the best!


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Re: Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2018, 06:29:58 PM »
It's a very good story, thanks for posting ;) One thing though that I must be remembering wrong, Victoria Principal becoming famous only for Dallas, which started out as a limited series in '78, so the way I remember, she wasn't as famous as the other girls in '77, but I can be wrong.

I sort of thought the same as you, but on checking, I was reminded (of something I'd read some place) that she was known for her modeling. Here's how IMDB.COM described it in her bio.... (emphasis' added)

"...being seriously injured in a car crash at age 18 made her refocus her energy on her love of acting. She moved to New York City, where she worked as a model and actress. She then studied at London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and moved to Los Angeles, California in 1971.

Her first film was as a Mexican mistress in The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972), starring Paul Newman. Four years later, she became so disappointed with her career that she quit acting and spent the next three years working as an agent. In 1978, she planned on going to law school and later become a studio executive, but Aaron Spelling offered her a year's tuition to accept a role in the pilot of Fantasy Island (1977). She agreed, and soon after that, she landed the role of Pamela Barnes Ewing on CBS' long-running soap opera Dallas (1978). "

So it's believable she was well-known enough (through her modeling contacts, to have been offered fights with other models/actresses. Like Raquel, Victoria was 5'6" - so a fair match with Raquel Welch.


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Re: Lynda Carter vs Raquel Welch
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2018, 08:21:13 PM »
It's a very good story, thanks for posting ;) One thing though that I must be remembering wrong, Victoria Principal becoming famous only for Dallas, which started out as a limited series in '78, so the way I remember, she wasn't as famous as the other girls in '77, but I can be wrong.

I sort of thought the same as you, but on checking, I was reminded (of something I'd read some place) that she was known for her modeling. Here's how IMDB.COM described it in her bio.... (emphasis' added)

"...being seriously injured in a car crash at age 18 made her refocus her energy on her love of acting. She moved to New York City, where she worked as a model and actress. She then studied at London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and moved to Los Angeles, California in 1971.

Her first film was as a Mexican mistress in The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (1972), starring Paul Newman. Four years later, she became so disappointed with her career that she quit acting and spent the next three years working as an agent. In 1978, she planned on going to law school and later become a studio executive, but Aaron Spelling offered her a year's tuition to accept a role in the pilot of Fantasy Island (1977). She agreed, and soon after that, she landed the role of Pamela Barnes Ewing on CBS' long-running soap opera Dallas (1978). "

So it's believable she was well-known enough (through her modeling contacts, to have been offered fights with other models/actresses. Like Raquel, Victoria was 5'6" - so a fair match with Raquel Welch.

Quick off: I'll send the first portion to you tomorrow, it was a tiresome week.

On: This is what I don't miss from the '70s. My emphasis would be, that she relocated to rainsoaked friggin London to honor the stagecraft (as did Tony Plana, the regular "Mexican drug lord" character actor) and got back to have such lustrous roles as that of a Mexican mistress, which is a double insult, as even by then Hollywood had plenty Hispanic and Latina actresses. As for the studios, I'm in a bit of a quandary here. As a warm-blooded straight dude, I was and still am all for the Spelling type of trashy entertainment, that churns out catfights. Funnily enough, the TV movie I saw, where Homer Simpson played Spelling portrayed a lot of actresses as instigators of fights being included in scripts.

Having said that, there's a shimmer of hope we could have avoided a Weinstein Company, if Principal and Presley don't meet on Dallas, but as business partners, found a studio. A studio which would have produced Wonder Woman movies, then again, pre-internet TV laid the foundation for movies glorifying body parts detaching, but heavens forbid they show something erotic, budding young minds can't process that.
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