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Queen Bee Fight (Boxing)

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Offline Luckyman

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Queen Bee Fight (Boxing)
« on: January 19, 2019, 11:48:35 AM »
My girl is a jobber on the underground female fight scene.  She does it because she's really lazy and doesn't want to work at a normal job.  Dancing at the strip club was even too much work for her.  I am her agent and sign her up to fight brutal fights which are sometimes with larger and more powerful women who beat the hell out of her.  These aren't fake fights or simple wrestling matches to submission.  The fights, usually MMA or boxing or free style, continue until there is a definite winner.  The reason she does this is simple—money!  She is a beautiful blonde and she gets paid enough that she only has to fight every 4 to 6 months.  The rest of the time she can lounge by the pool, or watch TV and work on her cocaine addiction and that's just fine with her.  If she wins the fight she not only gets more money but can usually contract for another fight within a couple of weeks so she really rakes in the dough.  The outfit that employs her sells the videos on the black web (and tickets to live matches) to rich clients in the Middle East.

A few months ago I was contacted by them and asked again if Sherry would be interested in participating in a Queen Bee match.  In a Queen Bee match the fighters each wear a bra which has the left tit exposed and a “stinger” device over the nipple of the right breast.  It's possible for the girls to hug each other and sting their opponent while also being stung in their bare breast, but in reality that never happens.  The reason being that it hurts too much to get stung!   The tip of the stinger is a curved one inch razor blade which can cut up to 1/4 inch deep.  The blade is attached to a compressible spring and when a sting is given the blade is pushed in which allows fluid to squirt into the cut.  The fluid is stored under pressure in the leather straps of the bra and contains the same chemical found in a hornet's sting, and it hurts like hell!  I tried one out on my arm when they first wanted Sherry to fight and I was sorry I did.  They showed it to me because they wanted Sherry to participate in the first match using it but I talked her out of it.  Yes, I told her, it was more money, but if you lose it'll take a lot longer for cuts to heal rather than bruises from your regular fights.  Plus, you could be scarred for life.  She wisely I thought turned them down.

But this time there was a new wrinkle to their offer.  She would be fighting Resha.  Resha was a dancer at the same strip club and they hated each other.  They had a history.  Sherry won a hot legs contest in which Resha came in runner up.  Resha later learned that supposedly the reason she won was because she gave the judge a blow job.  (A charge Sherry has never denied).  Resha was born in Dubai and just started fighting with the outfit.  The company had so far matched her with easy opponents for her two previous fights because she was a favorite with the middle eastern customers and they wanted to see her win.  And she was about the same size/weight as Sherry.  I had seen Resha train at the gym and she could hit hard but had a lot to learn.  Her defense consisted of shutting her eyes.  She was strictly an amateur.  Sherry stood a better than even chance of winning!  And this time the outfit offered more money...a LOT more money.  Sherry wouldn't have to fight again for a year if she won!  Sherry willingly agreed to the fight.  In fact to get a shot at Resha I think she would've fought for free.

Weeks before the fight I started having second thoughts.  I noticed that the outfit had hired a trainer who was working with Resha almost every day.  When they finalized the rules for the fight they made it just a boxing match but with MMA gloves.  All the Queen Bee matches before had been free-for-alls and this is what I had expected (Sherry's ground game is excellent) but this eliminated that advantage.  Fighters would wear just thongs in addition to their stingers and blows could be landed anywhere above the thong.  I thought this was a blatant attempt to influence the fight in favor of Resha because everyone knows Sherry's weak area is her stomach.  I kept trying to get her to build up her abs in training but again she was too lazy.  Blows below the navel would be allowed and this meant of course her ovaries were vulnerable.   The week prior to the fight when we showed up to sign the contract I noticed they had added several things they hadn't told us about.  Managers/corner men (I had both duties) couldn't stop the fight.  Only the referee could stop the fight, and the contract specifically said that because this was a grudge fight it wouldn't be stopped for cuts or even more than one sting.  (The two videos I had seen of Queen Bee fights ended with just one sting because it was so painful the loser couldn't continue).  I wanted to object to the rules but Sherry thought they were great.  “I'm going to be able to teach that bitch a lesson!”  She even requested that the winner of the fight be allowed to humiliate her opponent.  (This is usually done in the outfit's championship matches, where the winner is allowed to put their foot on the stomach of the downed fighter, or strip her naked and display her womanhood for everyone to see, etc.)  The outfit agreed and added a stipulation to the contract that no one in the loser's corner could enter the ring to help their fighter until the winner had an opportunity to enjoy the fruits of her victory and had left the ring.  Sherry signed the contract and they took them to Resha  who also approved the changes and so the fight was on.

The next day one of the outfit's trainers showed Sherry the stinger she would wear and how it worked.  They practiced “stinging” the tits of a manikin he brought along.  The bra had leather straps which framed around the left breast but left it fully exposed and lifted it up as a perfect target for her opponent.  Her right breast was also very exposed, covered only by 4 thin leather spokes which came from the base of the bra to the stinger over her nipple.  The spokes contained the liquid which would eject into a sting.  The trainer said it was also possible to sting the right breast of her opponent between the leather spokes, carefully avoiding her stinger as you did so.  Stinging the right breast would probably make it extremely painful for her to sting back, he said.  He also admonished that she must avoid punching her opponents stinger, saying that if she hit the stinger it might discharge into her fist and that would be disastrous.

The bra added some rigidity to the right breast, making it possible to move back and forth while stinging, thereby enlarging the cut.  While moving works, the trainer said usually it was more effective to press in with the sting in order to put as much fluid into the cut as possible.  He also told her that they had added two things to the stinging fluid.    Along with the hornet sting chemical they added an anti-coagulant.  As the cuts are relatively shallow there wouldn't normally be a lot of bleeding and paying customers want to see blood, he grinned.

Then he covered what to do if you get stung.  “If you get stung, you must immediately do anything you can to stop her from stinging you.  Whatever it takes.  A short sting of a second or two will hurt like hell but you can survive it and go on fighting.  A sting any longer than 5 seconds or so you'll be in serious trouble.  That's because her stinger will keep injecting as long as she's pressing into you, and for this grudge match they added a third chemical, a nerve agent.  It affects your ability to move your arms and legs.  You can still breath and scream and feel pain but that's about it.  You will no longer be able to defend yourself.  Like a real fight between two queen bees, once one bee is stung several times it dies, and this will make for the same dramatic effect.  What this means if you're on the winning end is that you'll be able to sting her as many times and in as many places as you want to.”  Sherry said, “I'm really looking forward to that.”

The night of the fight the outfit sent “seconds” to help each fighter get ready.  They filled the bra with chemical and adjusted the fit.  The bright yellow thong they gave her to wear just barely covered her mound in front.  If she hadn't shaved she'd definitely be showing pussy hair.  The mouth guard was very thin and transparent and didn't make her face bulge like some of them do.  She had her shoulder length hair tied back in a pony tail.  She started warming up.

There were no other fights on the card.  Everyone had come to see this fight, and the place was packed.  With the pay-per-view going out on the black web, I'm sure the outfit was more than making up for the large purse they offered the fighters.

Resha was already in the ring as she was listed as “the challenger.”  She was wearing the same style of thong, only pure white.  Her olive colored skin was oiled and she looked stunning.  Her bare left nipple was huge and erect, and looked like it could take a lot of punishment.  Her long dark hair was braided and tied in the back.  We were called into the center of the ring for instructions from the referee.  “This fight will continue until the winner decides it's over.  If your mouthpiece comes out you will lose it for the rest of the fight.  Only I or the ring doctor can stop the fight.  Cuts may not be sewn.  You may only sting your opponent if she is against the ropes, or fails to get off the mat after I reach a count of 5.   A fighter may be stung anywhere not covered by clothing and as many times as her opponent desires.  There is no time limit as to how long a sting can last.  A stung fighter will be given no time to recover and the fight will continue immediately after the sting.  As this is a grudge match, being unable to defend yourself from punches or stings is not a reason to stop the fight.  You will fight two minute rounds with two minutes rest between rounds.  At the end of a round a fighter must return to her corner unassisted.  The loser of the fight must return to her corner by herself and without assistance from anyone before she can receive medical attention.  Return to your corners and come out fighting at the bell.”

Sherry was smiling and looked extremely confident as I put in her mouth piece and told her to go get 'em.  The bell rang for Round One.  They went rushing at each other, trading blows without regard for what the other fighter was doing.  After about 10 seconds of this they both realized that the other fighters punches hurt and they stepped back and circled each other.  Sherry started working her jab to Resha's forehead which was effective.  Resha tried some head shots but she was telegraphing her punches and Sherry either sidestepped them or blocked them and countered.  I kept waiting for Resha to get frustrated and start her “close her eyes” defense and attack but it never happened.  It was obvious she had listened to the Outfit's trainer and he had taught her what she needed to know.  Sherry was winning the round but Resha was the harder puncher and smacked Sherry's bare left breast a couple of times.  Punches to the breast always please the crowd and they were solidly behind Resha and cheering her on.  The blow to her titty caused Sherry to start back peddling to recover and this gave Resha confidence and she charged after her.  She paid for her impatience, as Sherry's left jab was followed immediately by a straight right cross which caught Resha on the right side of her face and knocked her head back.  It was the best punch of the fight so far and Sherry repeated the sequence before Resha knew what was happening.  Now it was Resha's turn to back peddle and go on the defensive.  Sherry wasted a lot of energy trying to end the fight early as Resha did an excellent job blocking her punches and covering up to avoid any telling blows landing.  Then I noticed...RESHA WAS CUT!  There was blood on the right side of her face, just below her eye.  Sherry's MMA glove had opened about a ½ inch gash underneath Resha's right eye.  There was the beginning signs of panic in Resha's face now as she upped her intensity and landed some punches to Sherry's face as well.  The bell sounded ending the round and both fighters returned to their corners.  Sherry was all smiles as she had obviously won the first round (if that counted for anything in this fight.  Two minutes is enough time for your fighter to get her wind back and listen to your instructions.  I told her to work on closing Resha's eye, and to guard against body shots. 

Round Two started with Sherry remembering what I told her about working the eye.  She was helped along in this task by the referee.  Resha's cornerman had put a big dab of  Vaseline over the cut, and the referee took a towel and wiped her face clean, removing all the grease and the cut started to bleed again as he motioned for the fight to continue.  Sherry took only a few jabs to get the blood flowing down her face again.  But she totally ignored my second advice about guarding her belly.  Protecting your body from your tits to your cxnt is pretty difficult and Resha was very adept at hitting what she left open.  Worse is that Resha's punches were much harder and sharper, and landed with loud smacks!  Sherry's stomach around her navel was turning bright red from the pounding, and she spent so much time on defense she had no time to return punches.  Resha was winning this round and winning it decisively.  The crowd was egging her on.  Sherry didn't land a single telling blow to Resha's face for the rest of the round.  When the round ended she came back to her stool and now I saw the beginning of panic in Sherry's eyes.  I yelled at her that the only way to get her off is to punch her back.  Thank God for two minutes as Sherry seemed ready for Round Three when the bell rang.

Sherry's plan for the round was to stick and move and work on Resha's eye, but Resha was having none of that.  Now she attacked her lower belly, landing hard punches just above her thong!  Smack!  Smack!  Sherry's leg raised off the floor as an involuntarily reaction to the punches, making her temporarily immobile and vulnerable to more blows, which happened with increasing frequency.  Resha landed a hard left hand right on her cxnt!  A low blow for sure but the referee had told us in the dressing room that any punch in which any part of the glove lands on bare skin above her trunks would be considered a legal punch.  Given the skimpiness of the thongs they were wearing that really meant there's no such thing as a low blow.  The referee just watched as Sherry lowered her left glove over her pussy to prevent any further damage, but doing so squeezed her left breast into an inviting target which Resha immediately hit.  This was the hardest punch of the fight so far.  Resha's left hand landed square on her nipple and drove her breast into her rib cage.   The crowd stood up cheering as Sherry stumbled backwards and would've gone down but she hit the ropes and they kept her up.  SHE WAS ON THE ROPES!  Realizing this at the last second and knowing that Resha was on her and could sting her, she covered her injured breast with her right hand, hoping that the stinger wouldn't make it through her glove, but if it did at least it would just be her hand that got stung instead of her breast.  The roar of the crowd drowned out instructions I was yelling to Sherry.  Resha again punched her lower belly just above her left hand which was covering her cxnt.  The hard punch ensured Sherry would be unable to move off the ropes.  Resha took her right hand and lifted her right breast upward, and then with her left hand reached up and grabbed Sherry by the top of her hair and shoved her head suddenly and violently down against her breast.  She stung her in her eye.  SHE STUNG HER IN HER LEFT EYE! The sting lasted less than a second but the damage was done.  Sherry screamed and collapsed on the canvas holding her face with both gloves.  Blood was streaming from her eye underneath the glove but I couldn't tell how bad it was.  The referee pulled Resha away and started the count.  One!  Two!  Three!  (At least the referee was using a slow count, with about 3 seconds between each number, but Sherry needed more time than that).  Four!  Five!  He stepped back and motioned to Resha to renew her attack.  At the count of five Sherry had made an attempt to get to her feet but hadn't made it yet.  Resha helped her and then put her against the ropes again.  I looked at the clock to see how much time was left in the round.  Thirty seconds!  An eternity.  This time instead of another sting Resha just beat her belly unmercifully as the referee stood by and watched.  Blow after blow landed on her navel and below, with a couple of cxnt punches thrown in as well.  With less than 10 seconds to go in the round Sherry's legs could no longer keep her up and she collapsed at Resha's feet.  The referee began counting but at Two the bell sounded ending the round.  He continued to count, however, and when he reached Five he motioned again for Resha and she came up behind Sherry, leaned over her and undid the snaps in the back of her bra and removed her stinger bra and carried it gleefully back to her corner.  The referee just went to his neutral corner while I tried desperately to get Sherry to get up and come to me.  It took over a minute for her to recover enough to stagger over and sit on her stool and I took a look at her eye.  Her eye wasn't cut, thank God, the sting was just above the eye in the lid, but it was bleeding profusely.  I tried my best to stop the bleeding but blood was getting in her eye and would make seeing out of it impossible.  Then an announcer thankfully said there would be an extra three minutes rest before the next round.  Hopefully that would be enough time for Sherry to recover.  I motioned for the referee and when he came over I asked when we'd get her stinger bra back and he said she lost it in combat, she could only get it back by combat.  Great.

What I had forgotten at the time was that the small print in the rules allowed for a fighter to remove another fighters bra if she didn't beat the count.  In such a case, the woman who removed the bra could trade it in, along with hers, for a bra with a stinger over each nipple.  And the really bad news is that the stingers on this bra were bigger, capable of making ½ inch deep cuts.  I remembered the rule when the next round was about to start and I saw Resha with her new two-singer bra on.  (The extra three minutes added weren't for Sherry's was to allow Resha to change out weaponry).

I put enough grease over the stinger cut to stop the flow of blood, at least I did until the bell rang for Round Four and the referee came over with a towel and roughly removed it all.  Blood was flowing into her eye and down her cheek before she even got to the center of the ring.  But it was obvious to everyone that Resha (or for that matter the crowd) didn't think she was bleeding enough, and she was out to fix that.  Almost the first punch she threw (which Sherry never saw coming) landed right on her left eye sending red spray everywhere, causing blood to stream down her face.  Sherry was now totally blind to Resha's right, and she used it time and again to pummel her face, knocking her mouthpiece out.  The referee came and kicked it out of the ring as the fight went on uninterrupted.  Resha's jab drove her lip into her teeth and blood came out of Sherry's mouth.  The crowd was now chanting for a sting, and Resha punched Sherry back into the ropes with ease.  Her arms were low now down around her waist.  Her bare white breasts were perfect targets and Resha stepped forward and took a second to ensure that her stingers were lined up with Sherry's nipples, then rammed forward and put her in a bear hug.  Sherry screamed as the stingers penetrated her breast tissue.  She struggled to break free as the chemicals now squirted deep into her breasts.  Resha was now grinning and the crowd applauded the perfect sting as blood from Sherry's punctured breasts now began to flow down the stomachs of both fighters.  Finally, I don't know if it was Sherry who finally found the strength to push Resha off her or Resha wanted to step back and admire her handiwork but they separated and Sherry collapsed at her feet.  You could clearly see two slit style cuts in her breasts which were just beneath each nipple and streaming blood.  Not missing a beat, the referee started counting as soon as Sherry's butt hit the canvas.  The poison injected by the lengthy first sting was fast acting and Sherry's motions began to slow.  She was now incapable of defending herself.  She couldn't even begin to stand as the count reached five and Resha was invited to resume her attack.  She lifted her to her feet and put her arms over the top rope, leaving her to hang there as her legs were now useless.  Sherry pleaded, “No, don't!” but was powerless to stop her as Resha methodically lined up each stinger in the center of her nipples and then pushed into her.  More screams from Sherry and a standing ovation from the crowd.  Only this time instead of a bear hug she twisted her body from side to side, letting the stingers slice away into Sherry's breasts.  She screamed loudly as the sharp razor blades split her nipples and methodically worked their way deep into her breasts.  She was at the mercy of her tormentor.  Resha stepped away once again to see for herself that now there was a 2” cut all the way across her aerola and the nipples were now sliced completely in half.  Not yet satisfied, she made one more sting, this time at the top of the areola and not only twisted her body to make sure the cut was wide, but gave her another bear hug to put more sting solution deep inside her breasts.  By this time Sherry was semi-conscious.  Resha stepped back and removed her now blood soaked thong, pulled her off the ropes into the middle of the ring, and used her feet to separate Sherry's legs, giving the audience a perfect view of her gaping vagina.  Then she nodded to the referee and put a foot on Sherry's stomach as the referee raised Resha's hand in victory!  The crowd applauded and threw money into the ring, thanking her for a tremendous victory.  She picked up a lot of the money and climbed out of the ring.  The crowd took turns getting close up shots of Sherry as she lay there spread eagle in front of them with blood running down the sides of her ribs from her breasts and onto the canvas.  I started to enter the ring to see about her but the referee ordered me out.  “She'll have to come to you.  Stay put!” About 15-20 agonizing minutes went by and I still hadn't been able to get Sherry to move.  All this time the referee is still in the ring, watching her bleed and making sure no one came to her aid.  Finally the nerve agent started to wear off and she was able to put her hands over her destroyed breasts, but she still couldn't move her legs or get up.  When she noticed the crowd taking pictures of her exposed pussy she started to cry but still didn't have the muscle coordination to even pull her legs together. 

About the time I think Sherry is close to waking up enough to come to me, who comes back in the ring but Resha.  She had showered, fixed her shoulder length hair, and was wearing a knockout mini-skirt and 4” heels with a crop top that showed off her unblemished belly.  She looked ravishingly gorgeous!  This was in stark contrast to Sherry's stomach and ovaries which were now reddish purple.  She looked down at Sherry and said, “Oh, still not up yet?  Poor girl!  It just dawned on me in the dressing room that you cut my face and I never returned the favor.”  Then I saw she had a box cutter knife in her hand.  She leaned over Sherry and pulled her head up toward her and Sherry started pleading for her to stop.  I glanced at the referee and he was just watching and not going to stop her.  She used the knife and slowly put three inch long cuts into each of Sherry's cheeks.  She buried the knife blade of the box cutter about halfway so these were deep and ragged tears.  Then she threw her head back and it banged on the canvas.  She stood up and looked approvingly at Sherry's face and the knife and Sherry's blood running down her hand.  Then she said, “Oh, one more thing!”  She went to Sherry's left leg and used the box cutter to make a very deep cut in her upper thigh.  She went back and forth over the cut several times to ensure that it was deep and ragged and would leave a scar.  Sherry was screaming and trying to move her legs but they were still frozen.  “There!  That'll keep you from entering any more best legs contests!”  She laughed at her again, and then she stood up and looked at her open vagina.   “Well, what do we have here?  Don't you know you shouldn't let people stare at your ugly cxnt?  What do you think folks?  Should we teach her a lesson?”  The audience responded with yells and screams and people giving the thumbs down signal.  The referee wasn't about to interfere and in fact was now grinning.  “We need to teach you to cover yourself up.”  And as she said that she stuck the spiked heel of her shoe deep into Sherry's spread pussy and started grinding up and down.  Sherry screamed in pain and tried to move her arms down get her off but couldn't yet move her legs.  By the time she finished Sherry's pussy was a bloody mess.  (I learned later that she had nailed a strip of piano wire on the bottom of her shoe and attached it to her spiked heel.  When she stuck her heel in her vagina the wire ground into Sherry's clitoris, slicing it to pieces.)  People in the audience crowded around to take pictures of her bleeding pussy.  Sherry continued to cry and somehow try to stop the terrible pain in her breasts, but it was almost 30 more minutes  before she was able to crawl over her own blood and sit on the stool so I could deal with her injuries.

As soon as she sat down the referee came over and said, “Nice fight!  That concludes my duties for the evening.  If you want to have a rematch with her I'll be glad to referee it.  If you learn to take a punch to your stomach I think you could take her.  There's an ambulance out that door that will take you to the hospital.  Best of luck to you!”

She was in the hospital for 10 days.     




Offline catftluver

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Re: Queen Bee Fight (Boxing)
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2019, 01:33:10 PM »
great story, hope she does another match soon...