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Offline JayB

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« on: January 17, 2019, 09:00:22 PM »

The next renter Rod and Holly had was a blonde stripper named Bea.  Her professional name was Anita Dick.  She moved into the house next door about 3 weeks after Holly had totally destroyed Sara.  Bea was what you might think a stripper would look like.  She had long blonde hair, big fake tits, 40DD to be exact, with cup sized areola and dimple like nipples.  She wasn’t really Rod’s type but nonetheless he was intrigued by the kind of opponent she would be for Holly.
Rod did his usual work around the house and yard, shirtless always to show off his chiseled body.  It didn’t take long for Bea to show interest in the hunk next door.  Rod always tried to build up a relationship before he pushed the envelope to the point going to bed with the renter.  He would initially be nonplused about things and slowly ease his way into showing and expressing interest.  Sometimes the interest from the women was already there and he would exploit.  In Bea’s case it took awhile.  In her profession she had a lot of options as far as having her pick of men.  Rod came to a couple of her shows and always sat in a place that would be in her line of sight.  After the second or third time, Bea broached the subject and asked how he liked her act.  Rod said he was really impressed, that she really knew how to use her body, and that he found that her big tits excited him.  He even told Bea that her tits were bigger than Holly’s.  Bea was used to folks admiring her large breasts and told Rod that not only were hers bigger but that she bet hers were better than Holly’s.  Rod nodded as to say yes, but in truth he believed Holly’s natural 38s were sexier and to boot her nipples were bigger and thicker than the top heavy blonde.

After Rod’s fourth visit to the club, the next time Bea saw him she asked him if he wanted a private lap dance in the rented house.  Rod sensed the opening to lure the blonde stripper to his bed and the eventual confrontation with Holly.  He told Bea that Holly would be out of town over the weekend “visiting her parents.”  If she came over on Saturday they would have the house to themselves and could do whatever they wanted.  A big smile drew on Bea’s face and she told Rod he would never be able to make love to Holly again after she showed him how a real women treats a man.

That Saturday came and Holly came over.  They started out in the living room where the big breasted blonde gave Rod his promised lap dance.  From there they made their way to the bedroom where the two quickly stripped naked.  Bea’s eyes lit up at the sight of Rod’s muscular body and other big items.  Bea offered to give the stud a blow job and proceeded to go to work satisfying her landlord.  Before Bea could finish the job, Holly, naked as was the protocol, burst into the room confronting Bea.  Bea stood and the two big boobed women stood tit to tit.  Bea told Holly that she was here to show Rod how a real woman treats a man and that if she wanted to learn a trick or two, she could watch.  Moreover, she said Rod thought her tits were better than Holly’s.  Holly snorted back that hers were real unlike Bea who  had to buy hers.  At that the two went straight into a tit fight whereupon Bea smashed her 40DDs into Holly pushing her back against the wall.  Her fake tits bore into Holly’s natural but softer boobs and had the immediate advantage.  Holly’s eyes carried a shocked look as she was bearing the brunt of this battle of the big breasts. 

Desperate that she was going to be shown up by Bea’s big tits, Holly brought her knee up and planted it square into the blonde’s crotch.  The stripper let out a howl as she bent forward only to be caught by an upper cut from the brunette.  That blast straightened her up setting her up for a right and a left from Holly.  Rod sensed that he had witnessed this before when his wife whipped poor Sara.  Holly was in her element now it seemed.  Surprisingly, however, Bea was not Sara and returned what Holly was delivering with a right and a left and another right.  The last punch actually buckled Holly’s knees and forced her backward.  Realizing that Bea wasn’t going down so easy, Holly tried to shake off the punches that the blonde had delivered and tried to counter.  The big blonde, however, saw it coming, blocked it and blasted the brunette in the stomach.  That blow elicited a big “ooofff” from Holly and before she knew what was about to befall her, Bea caught with an upper cut of her own that sent the big breasted brunette sprawling on to the bed.  Bea was on top of her as the two women struggled just a foot away from where Rod sat in the bed.  Quickly the two got to their knees and resumed their fisticuffs but it was Bea again with the upper hand.  After a couple of exchanges, the blonde blocked another punch thrown by Holly.  The brunette was open to a left and right thrown by the blonde stripper.  The connection sent Holly tumbling off the bed into the floor on to her back.  Bea then dove from the bed to try and pin the brunette to the floor with thoughts of conducting her own smother using her 40DDs.  Holly had enough wits about her to roll out of the way and the blonde crashed to the floor with a thud. 

At this point, Holly jumped on Bea who was face down on the floor and dug her knees in the blonde’s back at the same time she grabbed both arms and pulled back.  Bea screamed in agony as Holly bore all her weight on to her back.  As she felt the blonde beginning to wilt, she quickly rolled her over onto her back and proceeded to pound away at Bea’s enormous tits.  Holly was now pouring it on and had finally gained the upper hand.  By now the blonde stripper was crying for the brunette to leave her tits alone.  Holly then grabbed a nipple in each hand and yanked as hard as she could.  Bea had had enough and conceded defeat.  She begged Holly to stop and acknowledged that the brunette was the better woman after Holly told her to say it or she would continue to pound and pull.  Holly got up and slowly the blonde rose off the floor.  Just for good measure the brunette sent a blast into the blonde’s midsection and then took her out with an upper cut.
If Rod had been turned on by the Sara fight, he was out of his tree watching this one.  Not sure if his woman would prevail or not, he was amazed at how Holly persevered and prevailed against what was much tougher competition.  He was now hooked this little adventure they were on.  As for Holly, she felt a real sense of satisfaction at her victory over the blonde stripper.  She had to really work to get the win but she also knew that she had really gotten the respect of her man.  She enjoyed performing for him this way and she knew it turned him on.

Within a week, Bea was gone.  They went looking for a new tenant.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2019, 09:01:13 PM by JayB »


Offline snw

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Re: Renters2
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2019, 09:48:03 PM »
Very nice story. Looking forward to maybe Holly taking a loss at some point. Maybe to an ex gf of Rod's.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Renters2
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2019, 03:25:03 PM »
holly wins continues!  ;D