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Music Fest

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Offline peccavi

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Music Fest
« on: December 07, 2009, 08:26:16 PM »
I guess I’d been drinking too much at the jazz festival . The music was good, even excellent, with so many different bands performing and so much on display - stalls selling all sorts of stuff from books to embroidery. Even though it may have been more my mom's scene than mine, I was having a good time. There were lots of things to see and do, even apart from the music. And that was so good, all sorts of bands –from Trad, New Orleans style to modern with a few solo performers too. The bars and halls in the area were full of bands. The streets had lots of performers. It should have been a great day.

But it had been a hot day and even then it was a hot evening. And the other problem was there were too many people getting in the way. All too many. None of my friends had ended up coming- not even Cassie though I told her I would be very disappointed in her if she didn't. And Cassie knew exactly what happened when I was very disappointed. But she still piked off. And so I was in a foul mood. I like to go to these things with people and no one wanted to come. I wondered if that said something about them or me. Am I really the lone wolf or do I deep down need people to like me as well as to fear and respect? But then there was another thought - are Cassie and the rest really my friends or are they there for the thrills and for being dommed? I shook my head –its better to be feared than loved. Those thoughts were not going to sour my day.

But there were all too many good looking girls showing themselves off to the guys. I spat. That did sour my day. The place was just a meat market- all these bitches, blondes, brunettes, redheads, blacks, Hispanics, whatever. None of them were listening to the music, none of them really looked at the stalls; no they were there to see the guys and to get picked up. And right there was one of them Sharon a girl I knew from work. She 'worked' in the office, she was too good for the girls on the cannery floor. And she let us know it. Not as bad as Caroline where I used to work but bad enough.

Sharon had it all: pretty face, a great yet proportionate pair of breasts, a sexy slim waist, cute womanly hips, slender yet toned limbs, She didn’t need to dress like a tramp but she did; her blouse was unbuttoned;  the ends were tied tightly into a knot beneath her bosom,  giving her breasts even more bounce. Beneath the knot the long expanse of her smooth, tanned belly began. I just knew she liked flashing her innie bellybutton and flat stomach. Her tiny short denim shorts were slung so disgracefully low and cut so as to show the bottom of her ass cheeks. Her whole message was the one most young women there used-; she was a young girl who knew she had great looks that would get her anywhere, and she loved using and flaunting them.

She was a hot bitch for sure and the way she displayed herself she was gonna be on her back with her legs open very soon. Tramp! Showing herself off.
What made me want to eat bricks was that at that moment she was not just flaunting herself, she was right in my path and insulting me. I knew what she was about, the same as so many women- she was showing the crowd a comparison, between her sexy body, her fast flirtatious tongue against me- fat, bad skinned, stuttering Jenn Peccavi.

She stood hands on her hips, "Hey you. What do you think you're doing here?" Her voice was sassy, her tone making it clear she was annoyed with me- and I hadn’t done anything or said anything to her.

I tried to be polite. "This is a festival Sharon . I paid to get in, I guess you did too. Until you turned up I was enjoying the music, in fact I was on my way to get a bite of food, maybe a hotdog, maybe a stuffed potato; I wasn’t on my way to see you though. Now if you would like to step out of my way then I can get on with what I want to do! And you can do what you want to do, let’s both try to do our own thing. " I glared at her.

I knew, just knew that Sharon had no intention of moving, though. To her I was a chubby bitch far beneath her, to her I had no place on a festival like this. No, according to her I was bad for the atmosphere, she just about said it, her attitude, her rolling eyes, her contemptuous stare did. She snorted. "Go stuff your pouch elsewhere Jenn, you're ruining the mood. Seriously, what were you thinking showing up here?. You’re too gloomy. You’re spoiling the atmosphere." Sharon rolled her eyes and lifted her arms to fold them over her chest. She was trying to stare me down. No one did that! Certainly not this sexy hot bitch who still eyeballed me with obvious contempt.

"You're ruining my mood girl. No I’m wrong I used the wrong tense, you have ruined it. Now get out of my way before I do something you will regret" I couldn’t help adding under my breath "But which I will enjoy" I glared at this slim blonde , meeting her stare with my own. I knew I could take her, I was sure she would back down in a few moments, in a way I hoped she wouldn't. I watched, there weren't too many people behind her. This was some corner of the place, she must have come looking for me. Well she had found me and she would find what I could do!

I should have known though that Sharon was an assertive bitch, one who had had her own way for too long. In fact I did know, and quickly thinking I gave less than even chances that she would back down. No, she had started this, and she was definately not going to lose face over this. Not till I took her down. Then she would lose face, big time.

But right then as she stood her hands on her hips, a smile flickering over her face I knew she thought 'd emerge victorious, the easy or the hard way. Naturally, she tried the easy way first. With a simple snort she took a step closer and reached out, shoving firmly against my shoulder,. "Bitch, fuck off, and don't forget to take your friend with you" I looked round for a second. Then I cursed myself for being dumb, she was mocking my weight. Sharon gave another dismissive snort before she would indeed attempt to wander off - victorious, of course. A smile already came back to her lips.

I wouldn't have that. I pushed hard , both my hands on her shoulders. Then without waiting to see if i had pushed her back -as I expected I would - I raised my hands to smack her cheeks . "Oh no bitch, you'll be fucked before I am finished with you. Yeah metaphorically and no doubt really too!" I smirked, for I was sure there would be only one outcome of this fight. Another of my victories! This girl was too pretty to fight!

I knew from her expression Sharon never thought I would actually dare retaliate.

She was so startled. She stumbled a step or two back, and immediately felt a stingy pain shooting through her cheeks. Her face told it all.. "Oh god, did she just?! No way Jenn can’t do this to me! I am not having that!" then she hissed at me "Oh you're SO done bitch!" she lashed out with a firm slap of her own
"So you want to fight do you girlie" I smirked, I could take this slim pretty girl and when I had I could do her and properly! For the moment though I had to concentrate on the task and stop my mouth watering at the thought of how Sharon would be when I had her finished- spread out her hot little tummy on display for all to see, bent over some bit of a stall perhaps. I stepped closer and slapped her face with one hand, while my other snuck out to claw at her arm, to jerk her off balance!

She was game or cocky- take your pick. "No, I'm gonna kick your fat ass!" Sharon yelled back immediately, right before I yanked her over by her arm with a slight grunt. It unbalanced her swiftly alright. Her response was reflexive, not planned, not skilled. As she was tugged over, she flung her free arm outward wildly, this time hoping to slam her knuckles straight into my cheek.

It worked "The slut! She hit me. Damn it maybe she can fight after all." It was my turn to be surprised –no be honest Jenn and admit it- I was shocked! Surprised at her move I let her go as her fist struck. I saw I would have to fight properly. I stepped back a pace then moved forward my hands up. I sent a punch flying for her shoulder and another for her tummy- hit the body and the head will fall as Joe Frazier used to say. I couldn’t wait till it worked!

She sneered, lifted her arms. I didn’t think she had much boxing experience. Perhaps her punch had been more luck than anything else. She had landed a good one though. She blocked my shoulder punch. "You fat bitch, I'm going to wr--"

She had left herself wide open for my follow up. IT landed. She grunted and stumbled back a little, covering up her tummy. "Uuhrf." I smirked I was right, the girl couldn’t fight, there she was covering her tummy. so she thought. I aimed another punch to her oh so pert left tit. This was going to be fun. I saw a few guys looking at us, sure they wanted the sexy girl to win, but they would find that she wasn’t so sexy after all. I stepped forward again ready to grapple my hands stretched out

"Ahr!" Sharon whimpered and took another step or two back, one hand grabbing for her left breast. I could read her thoughts ‘’shit, this wasn't going well at all" The growing uncertainty, the growing fear showed in her eyes, as much as she tried to keep a straight, confident face. "Uhr, you fucking cxnt!!" she yelled, and wildly came forward again, her right fist drawn back and launching straight for my face this time.

It was such an obvious move and equally obviously telegraphed. I saw the girls fist drawn back and swung my head to the side to avoid it. it whistled past my ear. I closed on her and raised my knee hoping to pound her tummy. I'd scored once there already and if I was right in my guess that I had done some damage, some more pounding there would do a lot more. It might be the place to work on! I watched the girl’s eyes. She was scared! "Good" I muttered

" I’ll give her more, much more, to be scared about!"

I think it was then that it became painfully clear to Sharon she was in trouble. Her punch had missed, and I had rewarded her with a knee driven rather deep in her soft lower belly. She groaned and winched as her muscles tried to flex. Not so easy considering she was left to cough, her hands in reflex grabbing for my shoulders and upper arms for support

I smirked as this poor silly blonde reached to grab my arms. "Come to momma" I crooned. Then I drove my knee up again. She was going down! Soon! I bit my tongue to stop cackling out loud but I couldn’t help my belly shaking slightly as I chuckled. I saw her fear, no I saw her terror, she was going to pay for what she had tried to do to me.

Sharon cried out in pain between her sharp gasps for breath. Her tummy wasn't giving any resistance to the blows, allowing them to wind her. The crowd –or most of it- was still cheering for her some even yelling for her to kick the fat bitch's ass And I knew she wished she could. But she couldn’t. .. Winded again, she only more desperately clutched my arms, digging her nails in. She must have known this was a very bad mistake. "Fuck! " I heard her mutter as she tried quickly to correct herself, letting go in the hope that she could stumble away to catch her air, while her arms would be left to protect herself

She let me go. I saw her stumble and reached out with my left grabbing at her blouse to pull her towards me. "Oh leaving so soon sweetie." This time I couldn’t stop laughing aloud. My belly shook, my tits jiggled. But I concentrated on pounding this bitch. I slammed my right fist into her tummy. I wanted to follow that with another blow with my knee. Could I be this lucky; could she be so foolish- or so battered already? I knew most of the crowd was cheering for her. Let them! They would reverse their cheers to boos when I had finished with her!
I saw her glance down to her blouse, and then down again further. It wasn’t just that she felt more vulnerable closer to me, it wasn’t just mentally rather uncomfortable to be so close to me, she knew my hand was nearing forbidden grounds! Not that it would be forbidden for long, I would have her begging me to take her before long. Not like poor Sharon was given much of a chance to worry about that. The blonde gasped and groaned this time, closing her eyes tightly with an agonised grimace.

She was so totally unprepared, and now her defences were crippled. She tried to curl back somehow, to keep her belly away from me. She had one hand clutching it. She wasn’t fighting any more.

" Sharon is meat, my meat." I smirked, this was so much fun, all my tension was going. I tugged hard on the blouse, who cared if it tore, who cared if it just unravelled, all the better for the onlookers, and all the better for me. I could feel myself getting wet. "Oh yes bring it on" I whispered as with my other hand I grabbed her arm, yanking it from her tummy so I could again pound it with my knee. I knew it was but a matter of time before she dropped to her knees. And then the fun would really begin. I knew, I just knew she had only a minute. I wasn’t going to offer her terms, just destroy her! And then the fat lady would sing- indeed- a song of triumph!

Sharon 's hand already came up to grab for my wrist when she tugged her blouse, hoping not to have it rip. But as I pounded her , she fell to her knees. So much faster than even I had thought.. She doubled up holding her belly. She moaned.

I grabbed at her long blonde hair, hauling her up almost on to her feet; she was too shaky to stand. I slammed my knee into that soft yielding tummy again "So bitch who was going to be so done?" I hoped she would last a bit longer! I wanted more fun.

I heard some comments though from the crowd, things like "she’s had it, poor girl"
"The brunettes a bitch just out to inflict pain" Well they can say that, but she would do the same if it were her on top. I gave the crowd the finger.

Sharon shook on her legs; if it wasn't for her hair being held she would indeed slump down again. Instinctively she reached up for her hair, which left her sexy belly wide open for the incoming knee, once more knocking the wind out of the blonde. "UUUUUFFF!!!" I saw her eyelids flutter then close. She was almost out to it.

I held her there while I rammed my knee up once more then as she shook and trembled and gasped, I rammed my knee again.  Each blow drew a satisfying groan out of the blonde that left her ever more helpless and gasping in my grasp And when I rammed her a third time, she had nothing left, nothing to fight with , nothing to resist my pounding. It was fun. I smiled. I pulled her close "cum to momma sweetie" I kissed her hot sexy lips "are you sorry you fought me" I sent my knee up again and then let her hair go.

And yet no matter the amount of knees that rammed into her beaten tummy, her hands remained at her hair. Sharon breathed hard, whimpering and gasping. Her protests to the kiss came in the form of weak groan. I knew she thought it gross, but she could do nothing about it. Finally she sank down to her knees again. Her arms went around her broken waist as she doubled up, her forehead brushing against my thigh as she tried to curl up, high pitched weeps escaping her.

I lent down and stage whispered "Turned out your pretty good looks, your hot body wasn’t helping you much in this situation" before tugging at her blouse with both hands one on either side, pulling it back off her shoulders. I yanked her up again by the hair and spun her round. "See all these people Sharon, see them, they all are watching you...go down." I spun her round once more so she faced me; I kissed her again and slammed my knee into her navel. I chuckled again. I was having so much fun. I wondered though if I would be stopped, if people would intervene. I looked at the crowd. I kissed Sharon one more time, her mouth hung open, she was trying to breathe, I landed my knee in her tummy and let her go.

I’m sure Sharon thought things couldn't get worse. I looked at her. Already weakened to the point where her arms just went limp, she only weakly whimpered in protest to her top being peeled off, exposing her perky, well rounded breasts to the crowd. And her weakness really showed when she was tugged up and made to face the crowd, her breasts heaving heavily with every deep breath she took, her eyes barely open. My violation and abuse went on without interference, either from her, or from the crowd. Sharon whimpered in pain as her already brutalised belly received yet another blow, dropping her to her knees again with her arms slumped on either side of her hips, sobbing softly. She was down so fast.
I peeled the top off the rest of the way to find the silly bitch had no bra. I guess she thought she was sexy that way. I licked my lips. Kneeling down next to her, I put my left knee out in front of me. I yanked on her hair "up bitch" I hauled her over my extended knee her belly uppermost. Sharon looked at me; she shivered her eyes wide.

I had to find the right button to press. I was sure I could get this bitch eating out of my hand. But how? What would turn her on? For the first time I noticed her belly button was pierced. I wondered whether that might have caused her more pain when I thumped her there. Idly I touched it, still trying to work out which lever I could work. Sharon whimpered. I looked down; -thinking I might have found my lever after all. I stroked around it, ever so softly tweaking it.

"Look at me Sharon "I focused on her face my eyes burning into hers.
Her eyes fluttered, she closed them, "Look at me Sharon" I ordered again, as my fingers stroked her belly button. I grabbed her hair with my other hand and forced her face up to mine. "Look at me."

Sharon was exhausted, she knew if she resisted I’d abuse her further, she knew she would suffer more pain if she even thought about fighting back. She opened her eyes. All the time my fingers stroked, tickled, caressed that slim naval. She whimpered, her lips parted, she sighed.

"Sweetie you don’t want me to get angry again do you? Do you know what really makes me angry? " I kept teasing her tummy again, stroking tickling it. I sensed her mounting arousal "Let me tell you what makes me really very angry. Girls who won't answer me nicely!" This was so good, I would her whimpering in arousal soon, I knew it. She was toast, she didn't resist, soon she would be panting for more. Soon she would be wet enough to cream those silly short jeans. I savoured the moment.

And I knew- knew from the way Sharon looked at me that there was nothing more she wanted then to be like this right now her belly presented up submissively before her enemy, the chubby factory floor worker she despised, her enemy who had total access to her body. She wanted to be made to look at me; she wanted to be there where she was, knowing she can't do anything to remove herself from this humiliating, exposing position. She wanted to know that whatever move she made I could be there first and prevent it. She was mine.
"Not so mouthy now are you sweetie? Are you sorry you tried to take me on? Or are you excited? No don’t deny it I can see you are. I flicked a nipple. "Oh so hard."

She moaned, "Oh god yes."

"I bet if I took your panties down you’d be wet. Shall I see?" And then I had another thought- I didn’t like this bitch and I knew she didn’t like me. Cassie and Erin and Chelle liked me, no they loved me, they trusted me, they relied on me. This bitch never would.

Sharon whimpered. I made as if to punch her, she flinched and whimpered. My fist stopped just a millimetre or two above her tummy "Are you scared Sharon?"
She nodded.

“That’s good you should be, you know who is better now don’t you." I rolled her off my knee, got to my feet yanked her up to hers "Walk bitch." She shuffled, her feet hardly rising from the grass, she stumbled along. I half dragged her, half tugged her to a large packing crate that was left there- probably some stall holder would collect it later but for now it was going to have another use. I turned her to face me. I kissed her again- there was that extra satisfaction in that half sexual - wholly unloving- move. Her lips parted she was letting me kiss her, she expected me to play with her now. Yes I had broken her.

And that was enough. I punched her hard in the tummy and let her hair go. I shoved her. She quivered and went down her back on the crate, her belly exposed to the sky.  I walked off.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 09:56:43 PM by peccavi »
Blondes are cool Brunettes are Hot!!



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Re: Music Fest
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 11:57:48 PM »
Jenn ,  Thank you for this great story.  I enjoyed it very much.



Offline Kayla

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Re: Music Fest
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 06:11:55 AM »
Tee hee! Looks like the 'sluttish tramp' Sharon got what she deserved, and you Jenn, a medal for cleaning her up? Giggle!  ;D :D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Music Fest
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2010, 04:08:37 PM »
 :o My gosh one of the best belly stories I have read, the fat girl pounds the slim belly baring hottie and plays with her navel after BRAVO