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Back Alley Brawl Katy vs. Taylor

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Offline SilverGhost

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Back Alley Brawl Katy vs. Taylor
« on: March 25, 2019, 06:31:19 AM »
   It was one of the largest theaters in the world and had been sold out for months.  Katy Perry was in the middle of a concert, and had just dashed backstage for one of her many costume changes.  She had with some help managed to get herself into a flesh tone and tan bodysuit.  She went out of her dressing room and out the back door of the theater for a breath of fresh air, while a local band played a set and gave her a break.  Katy leaned on the back wall of the theater in the dimly lit, rarely cleaned alley between theater and another building.  Katy heard footsteps walking down the alley.  She looked up and groaned.  Taylor Swift let two other women down the alley.  Taylor wore a long black coat which was tied at her waist.  When the other two women moved into the light Katy recognized Mariska Hargitay, but didn't know the small lithe woman with long dark hair.
   "Hello Katy.  I assume you know Mariska, but you may not know Kristina Baskett.  She has been my stunt double from time to time." said Taylor with a hint of a smile.
Taylor untied her coat and slid it off her arms into the waiting hands of Kristina, leaving Taylor in a flesh tone colored bodysuit of her own.
   "Wore it better." said Taylor smugly as she walked toward Katy.
   "Aside from annoying me as usual, what do you want?" asked Katy.
   "I think it's about time we settled this bad blood between us." said Taylor.
   "And you think this is the time and place to do it?" asked Katy.
   "I picked the time, and I picked the place.  I think it's about time for you to retire Katy Kat." said Taylor as she walked around Katy.
   "Oh you have no idea how much I've wanted to bump you off the top of the charts for good." said Katy as she faced Taylor and raised her hands in a defensive position.
Katy gasped as Mariska grabbed her left arm and Kristina grabbed her right arm.
   "You didn't think it was going to be a fair fight, did you?" asked Taylor.
Taylor grabbed Katy's collar and there was a loud high pitched screech as the latex suit was torn down the middle.  Katy struggled and screamed as the body suit was peeled off her body, leaving only her underwear.
   "I've been working out in a gym.  I wonder how my punches are doing." said Taylor with a smug smile.
Kristina put her knee in Katy's back, making Katy arch her back.  Katy could do nothing more than scream in pain as Taylor used her big boobs like a pair of speed bags, alternating punches between the two.  After a few seconds Taylor got bored and took a step back.
   "Bet you wish your prayers hadn't been answered now." taunted Taylor.
Taylor ran her hand down over Katy's softly rounded belly.
   "Still having trouble pushing away from the table too, I see.  Take a deep breath Katy, because this is really going to hurt." said Taylor.
Katy groaned and grunted with each punch as Taylor laid into her gut like a heavy bag.
   "This isn't fair, Taylor.  You said you were going to settle this.  You didn't say you were just going to beat her down." said Mariska.
   "I am going to settle it.  When I get done she won't be able to sing a note." said Taylor.
   "This way she can't even defend herself." said Kristina.
   "Conscience bothering you?  After all the things she's said about me, why should I give her a chance?" asked Taylor.
Katy's long legs shook as she forced herself back up straight.  Taylor looked into Katy's bright blue eyes and gulped when she heard Katy begin to laugh.
   "What's so funny?" asked Taylor.
   "While you were busy wagging that sharp little tongue of yours I heard the door open and close." said Katy.
Katy heard two dull thuds and both Mariska and Kristina groaned.  Their grip loosened and both women fell to the ground.  Taylor's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as she began to back away.
   "I believe you know by sister, Angela.  And I once wrote a song for Scarlet Johannson.  They were both my guests back stage tonight and I'm sure they were wondering why I didn't come back in." said Katy.
Taylor stumbled backwards as the two women mentioned walked into the light carrying two slightly bent metal pipes.
   "Now you wanted to settle this.  Let's settle it.  Without any help." said Katy as she walked toward Taylor.
   "We were friends once.  We can be friends again." said Taylor as she held her hand out toward Katy.
   "I doubt it." said Katy as she jabbed toward Taylor.
Katy's fist caught Taylor in the nose and snapped her head back.  Taylor stepped back and lay her hand on her nose.
   "That hurt, you fat little floozy." spat Taylor.
   "It was supposed to." said Katy as she snapped a left hook into Taylor's gut.
Taylor folded over as all the air hissed out of her mouth and nose.  Katy grabbed two hands full of blonde hair and flipped Taylor into the wall.  Taylor grunted as her ribs met brick and the brick won.  Taylor struggled to her feet clutching at her side, knowing at least one rib was broken.
   "How are those boxing lessons helping you now?" asked Katy.
Taylor grunted as she threw a right cross.  Taylor's fist caught Katy flush on the temple and sent Katy down to seated position with her eyes rolling around trying to focus on the six Taylor Swifts dancing in front of her.  Taylor snapped off a kick, driving the toe of her shoe into Katy's gut.  Katy gagged as she rolled over on her side.
   "A little out of breath are we Katy Kat?" taunted Taylor as she grabbed Katy's short bleached blonde hair.
When Katy got to her feet, she grabbed a handful of Taylor's hair, pulled forward and smacked her forehead into Taylor's forehead.  Both women let go stumbled back and rubbed their heads.
   "That was dumb." said Taylor.
   "It got you off me didn't it." snapped Katy.
   "Enough of this.  Let's get it this over with." said Taylor as she stepped foward swinging at Katy's head.
Katy side stepped and punched toward Taylor.  Taylor expected another hit in the head, but instead Katy's fist crashed into Taylor's right bicep just above the elbow.
   "What was that for?" asked Taylor, then suddenly realized her arm was completely numb and she couldn't raise it.
Taylor swung with her left arm, but Katy moved aside and did the same with her left arm.  Taylor could do little more than stand and take it as Katy landed rights and lefts into her arms, until Taylor couldn't feel the pain any more and just leaned back against the wall.  Katy grabbed the collar of Taylor's bodysuit and again the sick sound of tearing latex echoed in the alley.  Katy looked down and Taylor let out a huff.
   "There's that elusive belly button that so many photographers would pay so much money to get a shot of." said Katy softly.
Katy moved in closer to Taylor, turned her head, and much to Taylor's surprise, she kissed her.  Before Taylor could react Katy used her left hand to pinch Taylor's nose shut, while she used her right hand to drive several piston like punches across Taylor's navel.  Katy felt Taylor's screams of pain, but they were completely muffled.  It only took a few seconds for Taylor to stop screaming and go limp.  Katy stepped back with a smile and let Taylor slide to the ground.  She turned back to her friends and began walking toward the door singing to herself.  Scarlett smiled when she recognized the song that had been written for her - "I kissed a girl and I liked it."