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midnight fight tales

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Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #180 on: June 23, 2016, 01:38:41 AM »
Feeling Janes full, firm, round ass plant hard into my expanding and collapsing body squirming in the mud under her as my arms tug and slap trying to keep them free as her fingers keep slapping into my wrists trying to pin me down....I hear her cocky words like she feels she has me finished and it only makes my blood boil even right hand slaps out at that superior look on her face and as she pulls back away from it, I swing my long toned legs up at her head feeling my ankles smaking into each of her shoulders and try and hook them under her smug chin, hoping to yank her backwards off me. My fingers of my left hand form into long hooks and grip the band between her impressive tits and yank on it as she begins to fall backward...." YESSS I say your yard looks like a trash dump!" anyone


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #181 on: June 23, 2016, 01:53:58 AM »
Feeling Janes full, firm, round ass plant hard into my expanding and collapsing body squirming in the mud under her as my arms tug and slap trying to keep them free as her fingers keep slapping into my wrists trying to pin me down....I hear her cocky words like she feels she has me finished and it only makes my blood boil even right hand slaps out at that superior look on her face and as she pulls back away from it, I swing my long toned legs up at her head feeling my ankles smaking into each of her shoulders and try and hook them under her smug chin, hoping to yank her backwards off me. My fingers of my left hand form into long hooks and grip the band between her impressive tits and yank on it as she begins to fall backward...." YESSS I say your yard looks like a trash dump!" anyone

You know one day I'm not going to mock a bitch when I have them beat, but it is so fun to mock them. As I ponder letting her arms go and move them along her upper belly, and go after her mud splattered breasts. When I felt her legs wrap around my head, and  then he left hand grabs at the middle of my top and, know it's not long for this world as I fall backwards, and then try to press my bear muddy feet into her breasts  as I roll to my left hoping to get to a knee...

"And who's fault is that? Oh I know the bitch that started this shit!"
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #182 on: June 23, 2016, 05:58:24 PM »
Feeling all that blonde ass finally fall off body gasping in deep breaths of air and feel the throbbing ache in my tits from the final crash of her foot. I struggle to keep my worn out body moving. Seeing Jane roll over with her full round ass sticking in the air, her face almost swimming in mud. Sitting on my ass my legs bent under me, my face covered in my dark grimy hair.Part of me thinking I just want to get this crappy mud off my body and find my bed, that's all I really wanted just a few short minutes ago! My arm reaches out wanting to slap her inviting ass but I am so tired all my fingers do is little more than firmly plant over her mud grained ass and hook my fingers on to the upper band of her bikini bottom and pull, stretch and slide it down her ass and over her toned thighs..." Gawwwd" the exhaustion making it hard to even get my words out " are...fake.......VP! " the last word emphasized with the stretching of your skimpy


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #183 on: June 23, 2016, 09:46:06 PM »
I have to agree it is a relief  to force janes  fat ass off  and to the side
the prez tramp


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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #184 on: June 23, 2016, 09:50:02 PM »
get off me I huff again.trying to  wrestle under you

I know Rylie's game all to well,she is having to much fun

then she presses down on top of me rubbing and siding her body over mine

ungh I the  fading daylight vanishes for a moment

then reappears  when Rylie pulls up

ok ok I groan you can be tramp enforcer

your  so hot  and sexy. :)
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #185 on: June 23, 2016, 10:04:26 PM »
narrows my eyes listening to your demands...ungh   no.tryig to force you off me.

but its no use....i'm in a compromising position :D

then I hear your threat about I guess I better  do some compromising.

aheemm...Rylie honey,your tougher and a better fighter then poor scrawny
little ole me.....I know when  I lose and today  you win.your the best

my mind spinning ploting my revenge sometime :P
the prez tramp


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #186 on: June 23, 2016, 10:27:06 PM »
Feeling all that blonde ass finally fall off body gasping in deep breaths of air and feel the throbbing ache in my tits from the final crash of her foot. I struggle to keep my worn out body moving. Seeing Jane roll over with her full round ass sticking in the air, her face almost swimming in mud. Sitting on my ass my legs bent under me, my face covered in my dark grimy hair.Part of me thinking I just want to get this crappy mud off my body and find my bed, that's all I really wanted just a few short minutes ago! My arm reaches out wanting to slap her inviting ass but I am so tired all my fingers do is little more than firmly plant over her mud grained ass and hook my fingers on to the upper band of her bikini bottom and pull, stretch and slide it down her ass and over her toned thighs..." Gawwwd" the exhaustion making it hard to even get my words out " are...fake.......VP! " the last word emphasized with the stretching of your skimpy

I'm not sure why this bitch has decided to try to ruin my party, but at the moment it was far away. I mean you'd think Lexi might help me this bitch off me. Then there was this point that I'm somehow fake that was bugging me. That being said this bitch needed to stop grabbing my bottoms as I felt them start to deform as I pushed back into her and tried to get her hand off my bottoms as I took a deep breath so maybe I could turn around, and finish bitch...
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #187 on: June 24, 2016, 04:27:26 PM »
yes I give..i soooooo pro--missseee......finlly Rylie let's me up

I am done ....for now!.....I look over and see amber and jane still going at it

I consider interfering..then decide to let them settle things

I hear lisa say something about going for a shower

not a bad idea    wit all this caked on mud

and there is still  the  neighborhood cookout coming soon

so I wink at Rylie...but still I can't resist

I see jane's ass  sticking out....I can't resist

using my foot to give her a shove.

then walk with Rylie to relax on  the lounge chairs a moment  efore going andgetting cleaned up
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #188 on: June 24, 2016, 05:58:33 PM »
My fingers slip from Janes stretched out bikini bottoms as she turns and takes a sit in the swallow she calls a yard. On my knees exhausted and realizing there will be better times to settle this score with the socalled Tramp "VP". Seeing the others washing off and taking a relaxing seat, I decide enough is enough and I get to my wobbly legs " Alright I am going back home and finding my bed like I was planning on all the time. Jane we will settle this soon!". Pulling up what is left of my bottoms and leaving my ruined top buried in mud I wave to my sister Tramps " Geeez we do know how to party don't we....hehe"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #189 on: November 25, 2016, 09:14:18 PM »
lexibabe vs bustyasianapple
{a midnight fight story}

due to work and other personal issues it had been  several month's since
I had been able to be a part of the  neighborhood fights...
having heard about the new girl in the group,and how tough she was suppose to be.I had known of her reputation,apple had been a member of other fight groups.we had come close to fighting in the past exchanging several messages,but because of our schedules they just never happened
so I decided that if I was going to get back into action,it should be with a girl of her hype...I sent her a challenge on the groups webpage and to my surprise she accepted
we agreed to meet in private at her would be  catfight with few rules
the fight would last until one of use gave up...
yt apple
the prez tramp



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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #190 on: March 30, 2019, 02:08:45 PM »
while  me an Elektra  are getting ready to rip into each other....and Elektra  we will

I have another idea  to expand on this.....a small group  maybe  6 to 8  ladies  that live in the same housing divison.....apartment or condo complex... and they all love  to wrestle or they form a secret circle   and hold fight parties   

the fight can be hoisted by any member of th circle  and can include other ladies as guest
or private one on one fights......all fights will be  held and posted on this thread
This one I like. Count me in



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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #191 on: March 30, 2019, 02:10:27 PM »
I like the apartment complex scene held by several ladies who all like to fight. Kinda like saturday night bridge


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #192 on: March 30, 2019, 09:12:25 PM »
after  receiving some  new interest   ..time  to reboot   a couple of these  story  threads..they  are open  to members of clique wars  and other members  of fcf that  are interested..

these  will be  story  fights  .a single story  can include  two or ore members  each  can develop their  characters  as it progresses..each fight story can continue  for as long  as  participants choose.

I think it important that each story  be  given a title   and a scene

I personally find it satisfying  to  find  that the  MAGNOLIA PLACE  APARTMENT  COMPLEX     has been renovated

and  already  has a new tenant     in  diane 121
the prez tramp