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Christina Cox vs Lisa Loceirio

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Christina Cox vs Lisa Loceirio
« on: April 15, 2019, 01:00:11 AM »
{alt}bp gas station store hours

Christina Cox in her forties still looked amazing.  She was sending messages and after the destruction of Jennifer O’Dell and the beating of Gina Holden she was looking for a new challenge.

For Christina she spent her twenties watching other women get in fights and when she took her shirt off for the fight no one wanted to challenge her.  Same as 30s and all that was so true after she destroyed Jennifer O’Dell.  They had her in the league of Victoria Pratt who people wanted to challenge, not many but some. 

She and Victoria would talk about that how if you can’t take on you definitely couldn’t take the other and a hand would go in the hair, eyes would narrow but they’d end up walking away not finding out who would win because of fear of losing.  Why they had them in a league together was bonkers to her, she destroyed the woman that out fought Pratt.

Lisa Locierio was a soap star who watched and listened to Kelly Monaco.  People were willing to fight Kelly no one wanted a piece of her so Kelly offered a suggestion.  Challenge someone else no one wanted.

So Lisa asked her who some of these women were.  Kelly told her the biggest one is Christina Cox.  So Lisa challenged Christina and Christina gladly accepted.

Lisa was at a Fan fest and after it ended she stayed in the room the fan fest was hosted in and waited.  Christina Cox walked in kind of hiding her face.  “You think people recognize you here hun.  They’d barely know who you were at whatever made you famous.”

“Why take the chance and why do you want to fight here.”

“I like it, big space a couple doors for you to escape from when I pepper you to much.”

Christina looked around “They cleared out the tables and all the chairs.”

Lisa was sitting on the stage and jumped down “Yup its me and its you.”

“You seem very confident.”

“Finally after all these years of seeing Kelly come back from a challenge victorious I get to go and get that adulation.  Yeah I’m confident.”

Christina stopped and smiled “I’m confident as well but not as confident as I’ve been with others.  I never looked you up before this but yeah I think you might be a challenge.”

“Bout time you had one.”

Christina took off her shoes and laughed as she untucked her shirt “I’ve had challenges.  Granted Jennifer O’Dell had no interest left in fighting anyone that wasn’t my friend Victoria but Gina Holden… Gina Holden was a challenge.”
Lisa was down and her shoes off she began untucking her blouse.  Lisa and Christine met and were face to face “I think we had enough build up don’t you?”

“Yeah I’m very glad you challenged me.  I hope you are as tough as you look”

Lisa pushed Christina went for a punch but it was blocked and Christina put Lisa down with a counter punch “Maybe you aren’t as tough as you look”

Lisa got up stretched her jaw threw a punch which was blocked.  Christina went for a counter right but ended up getting thrown over Lisa’s hip “Oh I’m tougher than I look.  I just hope you are tough as you think you are.”

Christina rolled backward got up and quickly parried Lisa who was looking to hit a punch.  The two women reset and were in fighting stances.  “Come on bitch”  Lisa kept saying daring Christina to come forward “Lets fight bitch come on lets do this.”

Christina could see the aggression oozing out of Lisa.  This was easy to counter you just had to stay patient and pick the woman apart.  Christina started with a small leg kick “We going to fight or do that bullshit.”

Christina went for another and it hit then Lisa threw a big punch which Christina easily moved away from “You got a great body and are probably plenty strong so I’m going to show you what fighting really is.”

Christina went for a second leg kick   Lisa jumped back then came back forward throwing right hands the second put Christina down.  Lisa jumped to the side and started kicking at Christina then jumped down but Christina had rolled away.  Lisa got up first “Yeah bitch Yeah I want to fight.”

Christina was trying to get distance and recover a bit when Lisa closed that distance with a punch to the stomach then one to the ear that sent Cox down to her chest.

Lisa hit two more kicks to Christina’s side then picked Christina up by the back of the shirt and threw her across the floor into the stage.  “You’re supposed to be tough.  Come on lets fight.”

Christina opened her eyes and just barely got out of the way of a Lisa Locerio kick.

Christina was up and took off her shirt before she could throw it away she used it for defence and countered a Lisa punch and technique Lisa’s back into the stage.  She then tried to choke Lisa with that shirt but Lisa lifted it up and hit a knee to the stomach

Lisa turned Christina around and hit a right and left to Christinas side then came up for a big right to the cheek but Christina blocked that and hit a short right to Lisa then a short left elbow that got Lisa to back away

Christina stepped forward and the two women met and began trading right hands to the face and ribs.  Lisas’ fists were harder but Christina was not without options and grabbed Lisas’ shirt and flipped the Soap star over.

Christina kicked Lisa in the back then grabbed her hair and dragged Lisa a few feet before trying to throw Lisa.  Lisa turned and put her weight down blocking it then drove herself forward lifting Christina up and putting her down.  Lisa had her shirt ripped open and was sat atop Christina Cox “Like what you see”

Lisa hit a left and a right then grabbed Christina’s bra and ripped it off.  Christina slammed both fists between Lisa’s tits  “Monaco teach you this”  Christina was over Lisa a forearm on Lisas tits and buried three punches to the stomach “Monaco is overrated”

Lisa kicked Christina away then rolled back and was up to her feet then quickly took off her shirt.  Hands out “Nothing here about Kelly but the asskicking you get will make her jealous now come on lets fight”

Christina took a step then flew toward Lisa with a superman punch.  “Yeah bitch lets”  Christina was in tremendous shape to this day and had so many skills.

Christina hit a kick to Lisa’s ribs and heard a grunt but it had no effect as Lisa hit a overhand left then came back up with a right uppercut “Im going to hurt you”  Lisa said as Christina covered up and tried to get away so she could see straight

Lisa dove at Christinas mid section spearing her and was now on top slamming Christina’s head into the floor.  “You aren’t tough.  Not tough at all”

Lisa tore Christinas bra off “It’s a fucking fight bitch and you were supposed to be fucking tough” 

Christina pressed her thumb into Lisa’s eye then shoved her away.

“Bitch you went for my eye.”  Lisa was on one knee blinking

“It’s a fight isn’t it”  Christina got behind Lisa yanked her hair back and hit two forearms into the side of the head of the soap star “Its what you say you want”

Christina stopped and could feel her breasts were free “Oh you want to go there”  Christina put her hand on Lisa’s back and undid the bra.  Christina then lifted her elbow straight up and went to bring it straight down on the middle of Lisa’s face but it was caught

Lisa held the elbow straight in front of her then let go dropped to her hip and hit a kick to Christinas stomach.  Lisa rolled onto her back and kicked at both of Christinas knees bringing her down  “Its what I fucking want is right”


Offline Interac

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Re: Christina Cox vs Lisa Loceirio
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2019, 01:00:42 AM »
Lisa locked in a head scissors but before she could get any pressure Christina walked forward and was up on her feet an turned the head scissor into a boston crab..  Lisa cork screwed out and both women got up went after each other throwing punches

“Fuck yeah Fuck yeah”  Lisa kept shouting as she hit rights an lefts to Christinas body and face

All the talking was bothering Christina she just wanted to fight and find a winner but here she was matching punch for punch

Lisa had her eyes open the entire time and was biting down as hard as she could.  Christina hit hard but she hit harder.  Christina dug punches into the body but her body was firmer and stronger and tougher so it could take more.  Christina Cox was going down

Christina hated that she got into a pier six brawl with this woman but she was going to take every damn punch and deliver a harder one.  If Lisa Locerio wanted this then she was going to regret that desire.

Christina could feel the punches more and she had to admit to herself that Lisa was the stronger woman.  She got hit again and Lisa was howling with joy at their fighting “It’s a fight bitch it’s a fight”  Lisa grabbed Christina by the hair and rag dolled the Canadian

“I love pulling  hair too.”  Lisa was in pure euphoria not because she was winning it was the fact she had a true battle.

A weird sound came from Lisa like a gulp after Christina hit a upper cut to Lisa’s tit then got the same tit on the outside.  It paused Lisa and Christina turned her hips into a sick punch to Lisa’s ribs.

Christina got her hands behind Lisas’ neck and stood up and hit a terrific muai thai knee to Lisa’s stomach.  The thought she was being thrown around by the hair by this woman pissed her off.  Christina pulled Lisa by the hair and made sure Lisa was looking at her “You want to rag doll me… ME!  I’m tired of this shit like you and gina”

Lisa smiled “Fight me”

Christina threw Lisa by the hair “It’s what I’m fucking doing.”

Lisa was up right away and smiling “Yeah bitch you are and by the way AWESOME tits.”  Both women were breathing heavy.  They were both in their forties and fighting at a breakneck pace.

That broke Christina’s focus and she stared at Lisa’s wonderful sweaty bosom “Yeah you ..”

“I know” Lisa said as she closed the distance on a distracted Christina Cox, bear hugged the Canadian then spun around lifting her up and planting Christina down. Lisa’s large tits seemingly ate Christina’s tits

There was a loud groan from Christina which got a laugh from Lisa.  Lisa hit a slap then a punch “Want to see how great my tits are.  Time for an upclose”

Lisa dropped her tits over Christina’s face.

Lisa pressed the left tit down on the face then the right.  Finally she went for a full breast smother but Christina kept fighting out from between the tits.  A deep breath each time but in the end Christina was able to push Lisa away.  Christina rolled onto her stomach taking in some needed breaths.

Lisa hit a backfist to the back of Christina’s neck then got on the Canadians back “I think we’re done here don’t you”

Lisa slammed Christina’s face into the floor “You out bitch”  Lisa lifted  Christina head “No you aren’t”  Lisa felt bad that she hadn’t won yet

Lisa leaned forward so she could look at Christina.  There was a bloodied face “Why aren’t you out it was a good fight but”  Lisa never got to finish as Christina reached up and got two hand fulls of hair and flipped Lisa off her back and onto Lisa’s back

Christina hopped forward getting her ass over Lisas’ face.  Christina was driving the point of her right and left elbows into the stomach.  Over and over again until Lisa stopped fighting to get away then Christina rolled away.

Christina was tired, she was sweaty, she was beaten up but she wasn’t face down.  “That’s a fight bitch.”

Christina began to get up “Feel lucky I never went for your tits.”

Christina slowly got up then sighed.  Lisa was starting to get up “Seriously I won”

Lisa was up barely able to lift her hands “Waited to long for this.  I just want to fight.”

“You can barely stand.  The fight is over!”  Lisa wasn’t listening and put her fists up “Put those down” Christina demanded.

Lisa threw a haymaker but it was cut off with a sharp straight to the nose.  Lisa never went down so Christina hit an uppercut  to the tit “You kicked my ass good but you are done.”  Christina could see what Lisa was doing and the fight was basically over.

Christina hit a jab to the tit then came down with a right hand to the same tit.   Block a big left punch that one could see coming from anywhere then come up with a knee to the same tit “I like your tits but will wreck them to make an example of you.”

“Want this to be over knock me out.” Lisa backed away breathing heavy “This is a fucking fight..”

Christina put up her hands and was teeing off on Lisa who couldn’t block the punches. Three to the face then hit the tits.   Four to the face and two to the stomach then a claw at each tit.

“It’s fucking over Lisa you throw a punch and I hit you twice before the arm reaches me.  So go down and we’re done.”

Christina faked two punches and kicked Lisa in the ribs.   “Ok you’re tough and got a better body but its over.”

“Not until I’m unconscious or you are.”
Delayed hook to the tit then a right hook to the jaw. Left upper cut which nearly put Lisa down. Christina prepared for a big round house kick to the ribs and when her foot left the ground Lisa threw her weight behind a right hand overhand that floored Christina cox

Christina fell to her side and Lisa fell down on the hip and kept hitting right hands to Christina’s face “A fight is a fight until its over.”  After the third punch Christina got some defence in place but she was having trouble seeing.

Face bloodied and there was more darkness than light at this point for Christina Cox

Christina tried to get her arms up “I’m going to make Monaco proud.”  Last thing Christina seen was Lisa’s large tits go over her face.   Christina fought it for a moment but she was to tired and nearly unconscious anyway

The fight was over.  Lisa won but she waited for Christina to wake up “Hey sorry to win like that but Kelly Monaco always said that it was super satisfying to win like that.  She did it to Alyssa Milano twice.”

“Was it satisfying”

“Winning was and you should have beaten me.  I hope you learn from this.”  Lisa finally walked away and was fully clothed.   Christina Cox sat and thought about that if she ever fought again she needed to learn.

(Upcoming:  British Fighting Pit Series  Hannah Spearitt vs Kristin Kreuk; Erin Richards vs Kara Tointon; Main Event Eva Greene vs Katie McGrath)

« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 01:02:48 AM by Interac »