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W.S.E.W- Brutal Number One Contenders Match.

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Offline Wormman

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W.S.E.W- Brutal Number One Contenders Match.
« on: March 25, 2019, 11:03:40 PM »
Well I learned a few things this weekend.  First, don't try to complete a story while you're fighting the flu.  Second, if you ignore this, then make sure you at least try and proofread before you continue to upload.  And third.... Cherry cough syrup tastes good on pork fried rice.... Anyway, since I can't go back and edit my previous submits, I just decided to re-post the entire story again.  Complete, edited, and here for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy.

The stadium was packed with an anticipating crowd.  The lights from the catwalk swirled around the crowd in various bright hues, and puffs of steam came from the combatant’s entrance.  It was another electrifying night of Women’s Silky and Extreme Wrestling (W.S.E.W). 

   From its simple formation in dimly lit dive bars and sub-par gyms, W.S.E.W owner, Paul Ranfeild turned his league into one of the most successful wrestling leagues to date.  His roster was packed with some of the most beautiful and dangerous women all across North America (and some from other countries), each one ready to put their bodies on the line for a taste of success.  And more importantly, they weren’t afraid to show some skin to get there.

   Paul made it clear that his vision for a wrestling league was for adults only.  There wouldn’t be any dolls made in the image of his girls (unless they had to be blown up first), and the only posters of them would be hanging on the walls of horny frat boys or high schoolers with questionable parenting.  These women weren’t just going to be real professional wrestlers, but also hardcore pornstars.  And because of that, they had to also dress as such.

The league had several stipulations within the contracts each girl signed, but the most crucial of all was that they could only fight if their combat gear was lingerie or other forms of skimpy revealing clothing.  Many saw this as chauvinistic sexism, but it worked.  Paul used this tactic as a means to market the uniqueness of his league to phenomenal levels.  Soon, the matches were viewed by crowds of men (and a good number of women), all wanting to see his fighters beat (and fuck) each other stupid. 

   After a year and a half, Paul was able to broker a deal for a primo spot on Brazzer TV on the spice network.  The reputable website was no stranger to hardcore fuckings or extreme forms of humiliation and wanted something new to show its customers as they launched their own TV station.  To further support their investment, BTV even gave the league their own home stadium in Reno, Nevada with promises of funding for state wide events if they turned a profit.

   Here, a few years later, the W.S.E.W was hosting its 23rd away event in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.  The night has been an eventful one with four extreme matches, three won by pinfall and one surprising double-count out and some very intense victory fucks.  And the crowd was on their seat eating it up.  On any other day, Paul would be one happy man… but this wasn’t any other day.
   Paul paced in the owner’s box, glaring down at the ring in concern.  Rosie Rocket, the current titleholder for the W.S.E.W championship (called Amazoninan Championship though) had no challengers.  To fix this, Paul scheduled a number one contender’s match between two of the leagues toughest women:  Nia Jones and Carmen Rodriguez.  Both of them were strong, merciless, and popular with the crowds….and they also hated each other.

   From the very first day, both Nia and Carmen had intense distaste for the other.  And unlike other grudges in the league, this wasn’t because of something simple as an un-expecting backstab, stealing a lover, or even overinflated egos.  These two girls hated each other because they were too similar. 

Both Nia and Carmen were in their early twenties, both came up in dangerous neighborhoods (Nia in Baltimore and Carmen in San Antonio), and they were both as hot as they were mean.  When two alpha lionesses are put in a cage, it’s only natural that they’d go at each other’s throats.

   And indeed they have.  Several fights broke out between them in the back, but were always broken up by security.  Paul spent a long time opposing to the idea of putting them in a match out of fear of what they would do to each other.  But now, he had no choice.  Paul needed a contender who could really give Rosie a challenge and show the crowds how unscripted and extreme his league was.  So when he proposed putting the two women in a match to determine who would get a shot at the title, they quickly agreed and then some. 

   Not very surprising to Paul, the both girls agreed to the match only if it could be a no DQ street brawl, with falls counting everywhere and no end until a winner was determined.  These two didn’t want to go at each other as wrestlers, but the hood rats they used to be.  This upset Paul greatly.

Despite its name, Paul liked to keep the extreme to involve very little bloodshed.  He had seen in other leagues how matches that involved razor wire, concrete, and nails could affect the wrestlers.  His league depended on the pretty faces of his girls, and even with a team of skilled doctors on call, there’s a limit on how much surgery could fix.  But he needed a challenger and neither of them would budge without this stipulation for their match.

Paul broke down and reluctantly agreed, but only if the girls would agree on a 10% reduction of their fee and the prize money (a regular stipulation for any match where the combatants intentionally draw blood).  Both girls agreed, caring more about getting to finally go crazy on the other without anyone stopping them. 

Now Paul stood still as the lights dimmed and the ring announcer prepared to introduce tonight’s main event.  But before he could, the sound of a jet engine roaring played over the speakers, followed by indie rock.  It was Rosie Rockets theme music.

The champion came dashing out to the stage to a wave of cheering fans.  She was not wrestling tonight, so she wore her civilian clothes.  A pair of tight blue jeans that hugged her curvy hips and ass with a teasing black G-string sticking out of the sides, and a white tank top with her iconic rocket logo that held in her supple 39 D bust.  Her lips were painted a bright red that contrasted her pinkish white skin but harmonized with her bright red shoulder-length hair with blonde highlights that made it look like it was on fire.

Her emerald eyes scanned the crowd while she held the Amazonian Championship high in her right arm.  She then jaunted on down to the commenters table and took a seat between the leagues long-time commenters: Jerry Nash and Victor “V.R.” Ryder.  When they asked her what she was doing there, she simply smiled and replied “Just observing the competition.”

With that interruption out of the way, the announcer once again introduced the two women for the final fight of the night.  A smooth R&B song played as the lights pulsated to the bass.  Nia Jones danced out on the runway wearing a pair of blue jeans and a grey hoodie that covered the pink makeup on her cheeks and eyes and ice blue lip-gloss.  With a sly and sexy smirk and still in sync with the beat, Nia ripped off her jeans and her hoodie to reveal her gear for the night: A white once piece teddy, garter belt, and stockings that contrasted to her dark skin.  She bent over and ran her hands over her legs, thighs, and impressive 31 D bust before running her fingers through her long braided dark hair.  She winked at the audience and they practically salivated. 

She strode down to the arena and rolled into the center where she did one final, mind blowing pose by sliding her hand over her crotch before bring it up and placing her index finger on her lower lip.   The then strode to her corner, eying Roxie and pointing at her. 

The lights when down again, and the sound of a faster, more lively Spanish R&B played over the stereo’s.  Carmen came dancing out of the back, her long brown hair whipping behind her and her face covered in glitter and scarlet makeup and eyeshadow.   Twirling in the air, she slipped out of the silk robe to reveal a red one piece teddy with matching belt and black stockings that revealed most of her beautiful ass, and left a slip cup from between her 32DD’s down to just above her crotch.  If that wasn’t enough, the lingerie was practically see-through, showing everyone everything.

Carmen strode confidently down to the arena to the cheers of the crowd.  Unlike Nia, she chose to take the steps at the turnbuckle and elegantly bent between the ropes, pausing only to blow the audience a kiss.  Both girls loved to show their sexiness to the audience, but once both of them were inside, it was all business. 

Carmen glared daggers at Nia, who reciprocated with her own ice-cold stare.  The two girls walked up to each other in the center of the ring, their breasts touching, and began spitting insults at each other.

“I hope you’re ready, ghetto trash.”  Carmen spat at Nia, who towered over the 5’5" Latina with her 6’ even height.  “Because when I’m done with you, you’re going to realize just how much of a pansy ass you really are!”

Nia gave a menacing smirk “Oh, don’t worry chicka, I’m ready.  But when I’m done with you, you’re going to be begging me to let you go run home to mami!”  She replied.  From there, the words degraded shouting until the ref finally broke them apart threatening to call the match off.   Both girls finally complied, and begrudgingly went to their own corners.   Once both girls were in their appropriate positions, the ref called for the bell and the match was underway.

Neither girl wasted any time, charging at each other and colliding in an explosion of hair and flailing limbs.  They fell to the mat, rolling around and grabbing each other’s heads trying to be the one on top.  Nia gained the upper hand when she straddled Carmen, gripped her hair with both hands, and slammed her head against th the mat five times. 

Carmen let go of Nia’s hair in an attempt to get the larger girls hands off of her, but the act was futile.  As soon as Carmen let go, Nia took her right fist and punched her temple several times dazing Carmen.  With a laugh, Nia raised her arms again and slammed it against the smaller girl’s tits, pressing them in deep as Carmen screamed from the blow. 

“Sucks you’re only known for your massive funbags.  By the time I'm done, they will look like a pair of deflated basketballs!”  Nia raised her arm again for another blow, but she left herself open.  Carmen lifted her knee, striking Nia square in her crotch hard.  The black girl groaned in pain and then made a silent O face as Carmen lifted her knee and delivered another blow.  She pushed the stunned Nia off of her and slowly got to her feet.  Nia was still on the ground, grabbing her crotch when Carmen got to her feet and sent a swift kick to the black girl’s chest.  With a groaning “oof”, Nia went rolling onto her back where she was met with a barrage of foot stomps from Carmen.  The impacts came to her stomach, tits, and face as she struggled to try and get away.  Before she could, Carmen jumped in the air and brought a leg slamming right onto Nia’s throat.   Nia's body flopped from the impact, and she brought her hands up to her neck while coughing.   But Carmen wasn’t done, now that she had softened her up.
Taking a handful of her hair, Carmen dragged Nia to her feet where she laughed at her face and sent her flying to the nearest corner.  Nia hit the turnbuckle hard and her legs buckled, leaving her only standing by leaning against the corner post.  Carmen came up from behind, and grabbed her hair again, ready to continue the assault.

Fighting through the pain, Nia slammed her elbow into Carmen’s soft head as she approached, stunning the smaller girl.  She repeats the attack two more times before the Latin girl releases her grip on Nia’s hair.  Now free, Nia decides to repay Carmen and grabs her hdad and slams it against turnbuckle once, twice, three times.  Carmen staggers in Nia’s hand who only smiles as she bends her down and sends the little fighters body launching into the corner post. 

Carmen sent out an agonizing scream as her left shoulder collides with the metal pole and lets out a soft cry while trying to move away.  Before she could, Nia grabs Carmen, puts her arm over her head, and lifts her up for a belly to back suplex.  Carmen lands on full force, and cradles the back of her head from the impact.

Nia scoops Carmen up by her hair, and blocks two desperate punches from the Latin girl before kicking her hard in the gut.  Bending over in pain, Carmen is unable to resist as Nia tucks her head under her arm and lifts her vertically in the air before delivering a devastating brianbuster that leaves Carmen motionless on the mat.  Nia could probably finish the match right here and there, but she didn’t want to.  She wanted to have some fun first.

Getting behind Carmen, Nia lifted her into a sitting positon before ripping off the top half of her teddy, revaling her large brown tits.  The crowd cheered in appreciation as Nia bound Carmens arms between hers and grabbed a nipple with each hand and began to twist and pinch them relentlessly.  Carmen screamed and lashed out trying to get Nia off her breasts, but could only wail from the pain as Nia tortured her pretty tits.  After a while, Nia got bored with that and grabbed both of Carmens arms, stretching them back while driving her knee into the small of Carmens back.  Carmen kicked frantically and screamed with each tug.  The ref came over to see if she wanted to quit, but she shook her head no.  She wasn’t going to go out like this, no matter how much it hurt.

Realizing she wasn’t going to get anything out of Carmen, Nia lifted Carmen to her feet and lifted her over her head and pulled her into a standing backbreaker.  Carmen's voice was beginning to get hoarse by then and her screams were raspy as Nia drove her into her back again and again, her tits bouncing with each thrust.

“Give up you whore!  You’re my bitch and you know it!”  Nia shouted with a smile before turning her backbreaker into a helicopter twirl and then unceremoniously slamming Carmen face first into the mat.   Carmen was disoriented, and in pain.  She grabbed her back in agony and desperately crawled for the ropes.  Nia was pre-occupied by waving and posing for the audience, as if she had already won.  When she noticed Carmen getting to her feet, she stalked her smaller challenger intent on finishing her off.

Carmen saw Nia coming towards her, and knew she needed to do something or she wouldn’t last much longer.  When Nia got into range, Carmen sent a kick right into her chest.  Nia buckled over mouth agape as the wind being blown out of her prevented her from shouting from the pain.  Carmen capitalized on her attack and grabbed Nia’s hair, sending her flying between the ropes, and headfirst into the guard rails.  Nia fell to the floor like a rag doll.  A cut clearly visible across her forehead as blood began to drip out.  Carmen wasn’t done.  Getting her second wind, she backed up and launched herself through the ropes, tackling Nia right into the guard rails. 

Both girls were hurt, and struggling to get back up.  Carmen was the first, and decided to continue the punishment by slamming Nia’s head into the guard once again.  She then lifted Nia up by her hair and slammed it hard onto the top of the guard.  Nia fell to her knees leaning aginast the rail... Giving Carmen a wonderful idea.

Taking her hands, she tore off the top of Nia’s teddy, and lifted her up until both of her D cup tits were resting on the rail.  With a feral shout, Carmen slammed her arm across both tits.  Nia howled in anguish, and Carmen pulled her head back by her hair “How’s it feel slut?  Payback is a bitch ain’t it?!”  Carmen continued the torture, slamming her arm down a total of six times until she let Nia go.  Nia fell to the ground and moaned as she held her damaged tits.

Carmen wasn’t done with her though, and pulled her up and tossed her into the ring.   She followed after Nia, and dragged her to the nearest post by her legs.  To everyone’s surprise, Carmen then rolled back out of the ring.  No one knew what she was planning to do until she grabbed one of Nia’s legs and pulled her a little closer to the post.  With a wicked smile, Carmen reached around to the other side of the post, grabbed Nia’s other leg, and pulled the black fighters crotch right into the post with all her might. 

Almost everyone in the stadium grunted as Nia’s tender womanhood slammed right into the metal bar.  Nia herself shot up in pain, trying to protect her crotch with her hands.  But Carmen had a tight grip on her legs and placed her own foot into the post to help press the already abused pussy harder into the post, grinding it.  Nia began to flail, trying desperately to stop the torture.  Carmen was unable to keep her grip on one of the legs and Nia slipped it loose.  Before she could regain her grip on the leg, Nia sent her foot right into Carmens face.  A soft crunch was heard as Carmen let go and rolled onto the ground, grabbing her broken nose as blood gushed out. 

Nia gingerly pressed her hand in her crotch.  She was in incredible pain, but she couldn’t afford to stay down.  Fighting through the tears, she rolled out of the ring and grabbed Caremen by the back of her neck.  Bending her over, Nia drove her knee into her opponent’s stomach, tits, and face.  Carmen gave out a grunt with each blow, and was trying desperately to block the blows.  Nia decided to finish things, and tucked Carmens head between her legs to deliver a piledriver.  But in the last second, Carmen grab hold of Nia’s legs, and forced Nia up and into a backslam.

Nia’s body hit the concrete with a hard thud, and everyone gasped at the impact.  Carmen then rolled over and went for the pin.  The ref slid out and slapped his hand 1….2…. and then Carmen went soaring as Nia pushed her off.  Carmen couldn’t believe it, she was certain that Nia was finished.  Out of frustration, she grabbed her by her braided hair and kicked Nia several times in the stomach.  Carmen tugged her hair and forced Nia to walk on all fours like a dog.  She kicked her several more times as she dragged her along, making sure that the tall girl wouldn’t try to get up.  She walked Nia up the walkway, and stopped at the edge.
Pulling Nia up-to her feet, Carmen kicks her once in the gut and tucks her head under her arm before dragging her near the edge.  Everyone knew this move.  This was Carmen’s signature move, a modified DDT called the Lone-star Smash.  It was a devastating move on its own, but to do it off the ramp and into the concrete was beyond dangerous.  Carmen raised her free hand, and began to deliver the final blow, but Nia quickly countered, sending a hard punch right into Carmen’s stomach.  Stunned, but not deterred, Carmen tried again, and again, Nia shot fists deep into her gut each time.  Now slightly wavering, Carmen had no time to react as Nia took her fist and drove it hard into her crotch.  The Latin beauty let out a painful groan as she lets go of Nia to instinctively clutch her puss.  Nia quickly clutches Carmen by her throat with one hand, bringing raspy coughs from her rival.  Knowing full well what's coming next, Carmen's eyes grew wide with fear as she desperately shook her head 'no'.  Nia only responded to her pleas with a vicious sneer as she lifted Carmen into the air and choke slammed her right off the ramp!

Carmen was flat out on the ground.  Her eyes were closed and she was not moving.  The referee rushed over to check on Carmen.  Nia pushed him aside and smiled at him.  "Don't worry man, I'll wake her up."  Mia could care less if Carmen was seriously injured, all she did care about was giving the bitch more pain to scream about.  So much that she would never be able to wrestle again.   She didn’t want to just beat Carmen, she wanted to DESTROY her.

Nia quickly grabbed the rest of Carmen’s Lingerie, shredding it off and leaving her completely naked.  She then twisted it around until it was nice and long and wrapped it around the Latin girl’s neck, forcing it tightly around her throat. Carmen woke up coughing and grabbing for the silken band that was digging into her flesh.

“You like to take walks, you fucking whore?!”  Nia shouted with hateful glee.  “Then let’s go for a walk.”  With that, Nia started to drag Carmen into the back.  Carmen had no choice but to follow on her hands and knees or else feel the sharp tug at her throat.  Nia slowly walked Carmen into the back so that everyone could see her naked and humiliated. 

Once backstage, Nia tugged on the silk leash and forced Carmen up.  She pressed her hard against the wall and sent several knees to her crotch.  Carmen groaned in pain, her body slowly wilting with each blow.  Nia then took her hand and gripped Carmen’s crotch like a vice, sending new screams from the beaten beauty.  Nia smiled as Carmen bent over, weakly trying to remove her hand.  Before she could do anything about it, Nia let go and gripped a handful of her hair, launching Carmen into a set of folded chairs.  Carmen collided with a CLANG and fell to her stomach, motionless, as several chairs landed on top of her.

Nia moved the chairs, and looked down on her foe.  She wasn’t completely satisfied, so she turned the groaning Carmen onto her back, and grabbed one of the chairs.   She raised it high up in the air, ready to send it crashing into the Latin girl’s chest and smashing her tits to oblivion.  But Carmen came to just in time to see Nia's intentions.  Desperate, she swung her arm and hit Nia square in her bruised and battered crotch.  Nia dropped the chair and grabbed her womanhood with an expression of utter shock on her face. 

Carmen mustered all the strength she could, and got up with the chair.  Nia was on the move again when Carmen took the chair and bashed the edge right into Carmen’s temple, spurting more blood from the cut.  Nia fell backwards and stumbled for a moment.  She tried to get up, but Carmen came in and tackled her against the wall.  Carmen was running out of steam and needed to finish soon.  She grabbed Nia’s hair and sent her slamming face-first into a nearby dumpster.  Nia slid down the side of the dumpster, grabbing her face and trying to scramble away.  Carmen allowed Nia to stand just enough to think she could fight back before swinging her foot and connecting with the tall black girls crotch.

 Nia’s eyes glazed over as she bent down in pain.  Carmen grabbed Nia’s head and tucked it under her arm once more.  She sent a hammer arm blow into Nia’s back and two knees to her gut for safe measure.  Nia's body buckled, but Carmen lifted her up onto her wobbly legs and walked her back a few steps before jumping and lifting her body halfway into the air before swinging it back down towards the ground with Nia's head in tow.  Carmen executed her Lone-Star smash DDT perfectly, sending Nia’s head right into one of the steel chairs.  Nia lay motionless on the floor.  Carmen rolled her over to see the girl’s eyes rolling in the back of her head and realized she was knocked out. 

With a smile, Carmen planted her ass right onto Nia’s chest, crushing her tits under the weight.  The ref came over and began to count with the audience counting along. 1…2…3!  The bell rang to an eruption of cheer as the announcer spoke over the speakers. 
“Here is your winner, and new #1 contender, Carmen Rodriguez!”  Carmen stood up gently, trying to ignore the pain in her body, and raised her hand in the air.  She had beaten Nia in a street fight, and left her out cold and broken.  But that wasn’t enough for Carmen.  She wanted to do more, and she would get the chance.

Ignoring the refs advice that she should seek medical attention, Carmen wasted no time to strip her defeated rival.  She ripped off what was left of the black girls teddy to reveal her smooth and heaven pussy and, much to Carmen's glee, a pierced clit.She used the teddy to wipe the blood from Nias forehead -she didn't want it blinding her from what Carmen was going to do-.  Once she was cleaned up, Carmen raised her arm and sent it swooping into the defenseless girls pussy,jamming three fingers at once right inside. 

Mia shot up from the sudden jolt of pain and screamed in agony.  Carmen immediately backhanded her causing the screaming to come to a sudden halt.  Nia fell to one side, coughing and whimpering.  Carmen was already enjoying everything.
 "Wakey wakey, loser." Carmen said, removing her fingers and grabbing Mia by the neck and bringing her face to hers.  "You can't sleep just yet.  I beat your worthless ass, and now it's mine to do whatever I want with. 

Unsurprisingly, Nia spat directly in Carmen's face.  "Fuck you, cxnt!" She said through gritted teeth.  Even after losing , Nia was still fighting back.  Carmen smiled wickedly.  This was going to be more fun than she thought.

 "Oh no, no, no." Carmen said slyly.  "The only one who will be fucked is you.  But not quite yet.  First, you need to learn your place.". Carmen grabbed one of Nia's tits with her free hand, and twisted hard.  Nia let out a painful groan as her largr, bruised, got got mangled by the smaller girls sharp nails.  Carmen then grabbed the other tit and repeated the process again.  This double assault for a scream out of Nia who desperately tried to fight back the tears. 

" I don't know what your crying over slut. " Carmen said with a giggle.  "Its not like these tiny things were that impressive to begin with.  If you want to see what real tits look like, then take a look at these!" With that, Carmen shoved Nia's face between her own impressive globes.  She held Nia's head close, laughing as the black girls legs kicked wildly behind her while trying to pull she's head away from crammed chest in a desperate attempt to get some air. 

Nia's let out a muffled scream as she was slowly being smothered by the Latin girls larger tits.  She tried to get herself fre, but with her arms bound all she could to was flail as she felt herself slipping back into unconsciousness.  Carmen could feel Nia's struggling getting slower and weaker and decided to let go just before she passed out.  Nia gasped hard and sucked in all the air she could before coughing.  Carmen watched happily.  "My tits are far better than yours, don't you agree?"

 "Go to hell!" Nia responded weakly.

 Carmen sighed and pouted.  " oh dear, it looks like you need  a little more discipline. ". With that, she grabbed and twisted the black girls tits again, pinching her nails deep enough to almost draw blood. Nia let out a blood curdling scream as Carmen twist and tugged her tits, getting to her feet and ordering her to get up.  Nia had no choice but to comply and as soon as she was to her feet, Carmen spun her around and slammed her hard against the concrete wall.  She then told the ref to bring her bag from the locker room and begin to bind Nia's hands with her own tattered and bloody lingerie. 

She then went back to torturing her tits, pulling and clawing them, enjoying the wails Nia made.  Carmen then leaned close to her ear and whispered "I'm going to give you the best fuck you ever had puta!  But first, I'm going to soften your pansy ass up!"
 " Fuck you, you dirty dyke! " Nia spat back.  "You've got nothing I haven't seen before!". Carmen laughed at Nia.  Such fire will be fun to extinguish .

The ref returned with her bag, and Carmen thanked him before opening it up.  She pulled out a container full of odd smelling liquid.  She slathered it all over a red vibrator and, without any warning, jammed it right up Nia's ass.

Nia groaned loudly from the invasion of her ass, but was soon moaning.   The vibrations in her asshole felt ten times more intense than her own vibrator.  Her insides were thinking and quivering as the little plastic toy pushed around inside of her. 

 "Feels good doesn't it?". Carmen said with a grin.  " just a little family recipe.  Just a few peppers and oils.  It's amazing how the things we eat can make an incredible aphrodisiac when mixed together.   Carmen continued to move the vibrator around, taking in the reluctant moans coming for her rival.  She could tell Nia was enjoying it, and just as it felt like she would cum, Carmen pulled the you out of the black girls ass.

Nia was left there in a daze, her ass slightly wiggling as if looking for the vibrator while panting heavily.  But this want about HER pleasure.  The only one who's pleasure mattered was Carmen's, and she wasn't even close to being satisfied.

Carmen rummaged through her bag and  pulled out a long and slender whip.  She unfolded the whip and slid it across Nia's ass.  "Now that I seasoned that massive rump of yours, it's time to tenderize it.". She then took a few steps back and cracked the whip.  It lashed hard against Nia's ass, bringing a loud scream from the black girl.  Carmen smiled.  That was just the warm-up.  Again she cracked the whip, leaving a long red mark in its wake.  Over and over she struck Nia's ass -purposely switching randomly from hard strikes to soft-  with the whip,and each time brought a scream from the black girl.

After a while, Carmen got bored with just her ass and began to aim for her sore and exposed pussy as well.  Screaming, Nia fell to her knees sobbing.  Carmen immediately ordered the ref to get her up.  Placing his hands under he arm, the ref lifted Nia up and held her in place for her tormentor.  He felt slightly sorry for the poor girl, but he had seen such victory sessions before working for the company that left him mostly indifferent at this point.

Nia tried to hold out, but each lash from the whip jolted her body that made her howl.  The worst part is that she coul no longer tell if she was screaming out of pain, pleasure, or both.  The pussy shots were the worst as they sent massive waves through her lower body and left her bruised member leaking. 

After several minutes of punishment, Nia finally screamed out for Carmen to stop.  The Latin girl halted her assault.  She walked up to Nia and motioned for the cameraman to follow.  "What was that?". She said coyly.
" Stop. " Nia said again between sobs.  "No more. Stop".
Nia's wicked smile grew wider.  "Very good bitch....but not good enough.".  She backed up and sent another lash across Nia's ass and giggles as she howled.  " Say 'mistress, please stop'. "  She said whipping the black girl again.

Nia shrieked in pain and broke down crying.  "Please..." She said between sobs.  " please stop, mistress. ".   At those words, Carmen dropped the whip and pulled out a large red strap-on from her bag.   She slipped it on, wiggling her ass playfully for the camera, and walked over to Nia to force her in her knees in front of it. 

"Suck it cxnt." She said forcefully . "And you better do well since its all the lube you're getting.". Nia's mind was in a fog .  She wasn't completely sure what was hppening.  All she knew is that she didn't want to be shipped anymore.

Slowly, she slid her mouth over the phallic object and began to suck on it.  Carmen groaned and slapped the side of her head.  "Fucking slut!  I know this isn't the first dick you sucked.  Put some effort into it, or I'm going back to whipping your ass!".  Nia quickly responded by sucking more earnestly .  The fake dick disappearing and reappearing from her mouth.  she wept silently as she clobbered all over the dildo.

This was exactly what Carmen wanted.  She laughed at the pathetic sight before her.  She grabbed Nia by her hair and and forced Nia's head to the very base of the dildo.  Nia let out gagging noises as she looked up with fear filled eyes.  After a while, Carmen  pulled Nia's head off of the dildo and forced her while coughing up to her feet.  She ordered the whimpering taller girl to slouch within her reach.  She then cupped one of Nia's tits and began to suck and lick it.  Nia moaned in pleasure from the oral massage but gasped when Carmen removed her mouth and shoved Nia's face down to her left tit.

" your turn bitch. " she said.  "Make them feel better since you hurt them.". Obediently, Nia began to suck on Carmen's tits.  She gently licked and kissed them trying not to stoke the small girls ire.  Carmen began to moan and press Nia's face harder into her chest.  After a while, she pulled the black girl off and spin her around. 

Carmen then took the container of salve and have Nia's ass a double dose.  Nia moaned and squealed as the chemicals began to do their work.  She felt the inside of her asshole get hot and itchy, and she panted while trying desperately to get her bound hands to go in. 

Carmen came from behind and slid the condo strap-on across the black girls ass crack.  Nia moaned as she felt her body reacting to the the touch. "Please" she whimpered . 

 "Please what bitch?" Carmen said moving the full away.  The brought more whining from Nia. 

 "Please...please fuck me." She said hoarsely.

 Carmen patted her head "Okay, I will.  But first. "She gipped Nia's hair and forced her to stare directly at the camera.  "I want you to tell everyone, who beat your ass.".

 Nia hesitated, but a hard slap to the ass by her abuser have her the proper motivation.  "You..." She said meekly. " you beat my ass. "

 "And who owns your ass?" Carmen spanked her again.

Nia squealed.  "You own my ass!  You own my ass!"

 "Very good.  Now finally, who is my little bitch?
This time Carmen didn't need to strike her.  As she could, Nia tried out "I am!  I'm your little bitch.  You own my ass and I'm your little bitch."

 Carmen almost came right there.  She had not only beaten her hated rival, but she broke her both physically and mentally.  It was the greatest rush ever.  There was no Nia anymore.  She was just a toy for Carmen, and she wanted to play.

Without any hesitation, Carmen pushed the thick strap-on right up Nia’s ass.  Nia let out a gasp followed by a moan as the smaller girl grabbed the back of her hair and started to thrust with all her might. 

“Oh god!”  Nia howled, as she started to slam her own ass back into the dildo.  “Fuck me, mistress.  Please, fuck your bitch! I need it!”  Her new submissiveness inspired Carmen to thrust even harder and faster.  Nia screamed louder than she ever had and came hard on quivering legs. 

Panting, Carmen stopped for a moment before grabbing the aphrodisiac salve one last time.  She dipped it on her fingers and then snaked her hand down to Nia’s crotch, rubbing it all around and inside her pussy. 

Nia whimpered and sobbed as the salve began to do its job.  It stung and itched more than it did when it was in her asshole, and she could feel as her juices dripped uncontrollably from her pussy. 

Rather than continuing though, Carmen removed her strap-on from Nia's ass with a wet plopping sound, and stood over her as the black girl crouched and wiggled in front of her.  “Please no.” She whined while looking up at Carmen.  Her eyes were watery, and she pleaded in her hoarse, worn down voice.  “Please, fuck me.  Please!”

It was almost too pathetic, even for Carmen, but she loved watching the woman who thought herself to be so tuff just a half-hour ago, break down in front of her.  Carmen grabbed Nia’s hair and spat in her face, returning the favor from earlier, and pressed it right next to her plastic cock.

“You want this inside you that bad bitch?”  Carmen said as Nia nodded eagerly.  “Then get on your back and spread your legs.”  Nia obeyed, sliding on her back and spreading her legs, exposing her pink pussy.  Carmen knelt between her and thrust the cock hard into her cxnt. 

Nia moaned in pleasure and pain as Carmen rammed again and again with all her strength.   She grabbed a hold of Nia’s tits and squeezed them hard.  “Now, tell me, who has the better tits slut?”  Carmen said pinching them.

In a squeal, Nia replied. “You do mistress! You have the better tits!”  She panted hard as she felt her body about to convulse.  She screamed and her eyes flitted into the back of her head as she came even harder than before.   

Nia was half conscious and gasping for air.  Carmen stood up and took off the strap-on.  As fun as all that was, she still wasn’t satisfied.  She stood over Nia's face and squatted her pussy right onto Nia’s mouth and nose.   “Finish me!”  She barked, and Nia complied.

The black girl moved her tongue around frantically, digging deep into Carmen's pussy.  Carmen moaned and gripped Nia’s head as she gyrated all around her face.   “Mmm, you call me a dyke, but you clearly have done this before.”  She said with a sick smile and sticking out her tongue in enjoyment.  She rocked back and forth harder and harder on Nia’s face, moaning louder with each thrust.  Finally, she let out a deep grunting moan as she let out the biggest orgasm she ever had right on Nia’s face.   She felt weak as she stood up, but soon regained her strength.  She looked down at the panting Nia’s face which was glazed with her juices. 

One last time, Carmen grabbed Nia by her hair and forced her to stand up.  She stood there; legs slightly bent so she could be eye level with Carmen.  The Latin girl smiled and patted her head.  “Such an obedient and dutiful girl you are.”  She said to Nia in a mocking tone.   “Why I’m half-tempted to take you home with me.”  She gave Nia a kiss on the lips which Nia reciprocated, eager to please.  “But I’m afraid my apartment has a ‘No dogs’ rule, so this is where we have to say goodbye.” 

In a swift and impressive feat of strength, Carmen pulled Nia over her shoulders into a fireman's carry and then chucked her right into the dumpster.  She laughed as she heard Nia’s body hit the bottom and then strode up to the cameraman. 

“I hope you were watching closely Rosie.” She said, confident that the champ was still sitting and watching from the arena’s jumbotron.  “Because that was nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you.  That championship is mine.  And once I have it around my waist, I’m going-” She stopped when she heard noise coming from the dumpster and turned around to find Nia slowly trying to stand up.  With a sigh of annoyance, she went over to the Dumpster “Did I say you could get out?!”  She shouted before taking the metal lid and slamming it down on Nia’s head with a heavy thud.  Nia collapsed in a heap inside the dumpster, unconscious and trembling from all her orgasms, as the lid slammed down hard sealing her in. 

Carmen stared for a few seconds before picking up her toys and stuffing them back into her bag.  Slinging it over her shoulder, she strode away not even giving a glance to the paramedic team that rushed passed her.  “Let them fix her up” she thought.  “They’ll never be able to repair her mind or her reputation after that.”   With that wicked grin, Carmen headed for the locker room.  She was going to get a good shower, go out and find a good fuck, and then get ready to take her place as the Amazonian Champion.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 11:22:29 PM by Wormman »


Offline Rivals Rapture

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Re: W.S.E.W- Brutal Number One Contenders Match.
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2019, 05:03:39 PM »
This was VERY well-written! Please keep writing, the pro-style community needs great authors!


Offline Wormman

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Re: W.S.E.W- Brutal Number One Contenders Match.
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2019, 05:09:12 PM »
This was VERY well-written! Please keep writing, the pro-style community needs great authors!

Second story is already being written and will be posted shortly.


Offline SunnyB

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Re: W.S.E.W- Brutal Number One Contenders Match.
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 03:48:16 PM »
WOW!!!  :P ;) This is smoking hot!!!  ;D :D Mmm, wouldn't mind joining this league if any of the girls are game to go up against a strong, tough female-to-male (FtM) transsexual like me!  ::) :D It's a bit like Ultimate Surrender ... the winner getting to strap-on fuck & face-sit loser ... yummy!  :P ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!