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Neighborhood Rivalry 2

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Offline tigerfan777

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Neighborhood Rivalry 2
« on: June 13, 2018, 09:41:58 PM »
Here is the second story

Several months had passed from Steve and my moms clash in our makeshift arena.  We had often talked on how surprised we were that our moms could wrestle so well.  Both of us knew that a rematch would be in the works.  Steve’s mom had often commented to him about loosing to my mom by submission.  She vowed to get her revenge and put my mom in her place. 
     One afternoon the phone rang.  “Hello,” I answered.  I was shocked that it was Steve’s mom.  “Can I speak to your Mother.”  She asked.  I yelled for mom and she took the phone from my hand.  She motioned for me to leave the room while she started her conversation.  I sat at the kitchen table waiting for her to return.  Several minutes passed and them Mom stepped through the doorway into the kitchen.  “Well,” she sighed.  “I was just challenged to a rematch.”  “REALLY!” I jumped from my chair eager to hear the rest of moms’ statement.  “Two weeks from this Saturday.  In our little arena.”  She proclaimed.  “Well, we need to get you ready!” I shouted ecstatic from the news.  Unable to contain my joy, I picked up the phone and called Steve.  “Hello” he answered.  “Have you heard the news!”  I asked.  “No, what?” “Your mom challenged my mom to a rematch two weeks from this Saturday.” “No way!” he replied.  “She has been talking about this for quite a while.” 

     Mom spent the days up to the match working out in the arena.  She would often return from her sessions drenched with sweat from her strenuous workout.  She wanted to be ready for what she knew would be a long, tough match from an opponent that wanted revenge.  Steve and I decided to grab a bite to eat one afternoon after school.  “Has your mom been getting ready?” he asked.  “Yes” I replied.  “Working out almost everyday.”  “Mom has too.” Said Steve.  “She has also gotten some training from one of the local Pro Wrestlers.” He stated with a smirk on his face.  “Don’t you worry” said Steve.  “She will be good and ready!”  After dropping off Steve at his house, I returned home to finish my schoolwork.  I sat down at my desk and started working on homework when my mom yelled at me to come by her room.  “What do you think of my outfit for the match?” she asked showing off a beautiful gold suit with shinny white wrestling boots.  “Wow, you look great!”  I replied.  Mom had toned up from her workouts.  She was not out of shape by any means but she had now developed toned arms and legs.  “Thanks, I ordered the boots last week.  Glad they got here in time.”  “They are great!” I exclaimed.  The match was two days away and already I could tell that this time the match would be far more intense than before.  Both Mom and Steve’s mom had a determination not to loose to the other.  The only problem was that there was only going to be one winner and someone had to loose.  Steve’s mom was out for revenge and that often means they will do anything to get it and by getting help from a pro she meant business.

     The morning of the match I got up early and straitened up the area around the ring.  Made sure the ring was in good shape, test the ropes, and check the turnbuckle pads.  It was late fall and already the temperature was cool almost cold during the day.  I turned on what small heaters we had in an attempt to warm the chilly arena.  I looked at my watch and it was almost time for Steve and his mom to arrive.  I left walking back to our house to let mom know that everything was ready.  Just before getting to the back door, I heard the car door slam.  They were here.  I opened up the back door and yelled to Mom.  “There here!”  “Ok, I’m on my way down.”  She said.  I ran back to the arena to great Steve and his mom.  I opened up the door and saw Steve standing beside the ring with his mom already warming up.  “Hey, where is your mom.” Asked Steve.  “She is on her way.”  I replied.  “She’s not scared is she.”  Taunted Steve’s mom while she stretched on the ropes.  Before I could answer, the door opened and in stepped mom.  “There she is.” Yelled Steve’s mom.  “Come on in here and get your lesson!”  She yelled at mom, leaning over the top rope pointing her finger at mom.  Mom stopped and put her hands on her hips looking at her foe in the ring.  Mom wore a shiny gold satin jacket over her new gold suit and her new white boots.  Steve’s mom began to pace back and forth along the ropes waiting for mom to get to the ring.  Already the match had some tension and the bell had not ringed.  Steve’s mom wore a black leather jacket over her shiny black suit.  Black tights and new black wrestling boots.  Mom made her way to the ring and stepped through the ropes.  Staying in her corner, she began to stretch and loosen up.  Steve’s mom jerked her jacket off and leaning over the top rope threw it on the floor.  “Common, lets get this going!”  She yelled.  Steve stepped through the ropes to be the ref this time for the match.  “You need to step back out son.” Steve’s mom shouted.  “No ref for this one, if that is ok with you.” Looking at my mom.  “No problem.” Replied mom.  “Why not make this interesting” said mom.  “Best two out of three submissions.” How does that sound?”  “Sounds like you are going to suffer!” replied Steve’s mom.

     Mom turned her back and started removing her ring jacket and just as the bell sounded, Steve’s mom charged across the ring at mom.  “Look out!” I yelled but not in time as Steve’s mom rammed her shoulder into mom’s back sending her hard into the corner.  Her jacket was still half on and pulled up around her head.  The impact send mom crashing back to the canvas face up trying to get the jacket off of her.  Steve’s mom wasted no time sending several quick kicks to mom’s midsection while she lay on her back.  Mom was in trouble early.  Steve’s mom reached down grabbing mom’s jacket and pulled her up from the mat.  Pulling it even further around her head she snapmaired mom to the mat.  Moms jacket came flying off landing beside her as she lie flat on her back disoriented from the sneak attack.  “Your going to pay this time!” Taunted Steve’s mom as she reached down picking up mom’s jacket.  Wrapping it around her hands several times, she dropped down behind mom and wrapped the jacket around her neck and started choking mom with her own jacket.  “Hey, no dirty tricks!” I yelled.  “You stay out there and keep quiet.” Yelled Steve’s mom.  Mom grasping at the jacket around her throat began to kick trying to free herself from the choke.  “I don’t need this to beat you!” yelled Steve’s mom snatching the jacket off of mom’s head and throwing it at me.  Mom rolled on the mat grabbing at her throat, trying get some air.  Steve’s mom pulled her leather jacket off and dropped it between the ropes down on the arena floor.  Mom still gasping for air managed to get to her hands and knees and was crawling toward the corner.  Steve’s mom calmly walked toward mom as if she was stalking her prey.  “Here, let me help you up sweetie!”  Smirked Steve’s mom as she bent down and grabbed a handful of mom’s hair.  “AAAHHHHH” yelled mom as she was slowly lifted from the mat to her feet by her hair.  Still maintaining a tight hold on mom’s hair, Steve’s mom pulled her head back and slammed it into the corner turnbuckle.  Steve’s mom let go of her head and mom staggered back into the center of the ring.  Unable to keep on her feet, mom fell backward flat on her back.  “What happened to your mom this time, she is not so tough is she!”  Taunted Steve’s mom yelling at me from the ring.  “Common mom, get up!” I yelled hoping to give mom some encouragement.  Steve’s mom again stood over mom lying flat on her back Steve’s mom positioned herself behind moms head and dropped down to both knees.  Grabbing a handful of mom’s hair again, she lifted her upper body off the canvas and released her hair only to wrap her arm around mom’s head and lock in a tight head lock.  Mom began to struggle by kicking her feet and grabbing at the arm wrapped tightly around her head.  Steve’s mom only seemed to delight in her hold and worked her arm even tighter around mom’s head to the point her elbow was almost under moms chin and dangerously close to her neck.  “Hey you’re choking her!”  I yelled seeing the dirty tactic moms’ foe was using.  “Chok… Chokin….. shes choking me!” Mom yelled grabbing at Steve’s moms arm.  “Common Mom, stop choking her!” Yelled Steve wanting to see a clean match.  Steve’s mom quickly let go of her strangle hold sending mom slumping down to the mat.  Steve’s mom quickly got to her feet and sent a sharp stomp down across mom’s chest.  “OOOOOFFFF” Mom grabbed at her chest and rolled on her side.  “Its time to finish you off” sneered Steve’s mom as she again reached down grabbing mom up with two handfuls of hair.  Mom was barely able to stand on her feet but that was not needed as Steve’s mom quickly grabbed hold of mom’s arm and sent her flying into the ropes.  Mom rebounded off and had no choice but to go crashing into the awaiting arms of her opponent.  Steve’s mom wrapped both of her arms around mom’s waist and picked her up in a brutal bear hug.  Mom struggled to free herself by grabbing at Steve’s moms arms but her foe had the hold locked on tight and mom started fading fast.  Seeing that there was no escape, mom held her arms up yelling “I GIVE, I GIVE!!!!”  Steve’s mom let go of her grip and mom crashed down on the mat holding the small of her back.  “That’s one, next is going to be the end for you!”  Yelled Steve’s mom pointing to mom lying on mat.  I got up from my seat and went to the side of the ring to check on mom.  “You ok, do you need to quit.”  I asked her.  Groaning mom replied “No, I will be ok.  Let me get back to the corner and catch my breath.”  Mom crawled back to the corner and sat with her back leaning up against the bottom turnbuckle.  Steve’s mom returned to her corner and grabbed a bottle of water and took several swallows before passing it back to Steve.  If this is what the pace of the match was going to be then I knew Mom was in trouble.  She had been shocked by the cheap attack and the first submission had gone to her foe.  She needed to regain some composure and get back into this match or it would be over real quick.

     “Ding, Ding!”  The bell sounded starting the second submission.  Mom had managed to get to her feet but still looked dazed.  Steve’s mom quickly moved from her corner and began to circle ready to strike.  “You ready to give up again!” yelled Steve’s mom.  “What, no sneak attack!” yelled mom back.  Both ladies leaned in and locked up in a collar and elbow hold.  Still maintaining the hold, both women circled, straining to gain an advantage.  Mom smartly shifted her weight and spun out grabbing hold of Steve’s moms arm at the wrist.  Mom seeing that she had control of her foe’s arm sharply twisted it sending Steve’s mom down to one knee and begging for mom to let go of her arm.  Mom again completely turned around twisting the arm as she went.  Unable to withstand the twist, Steve’s mom flipped over landing on her back with her arm still being twisted at the wrist.  Mom now had her foe on her back.  She quickly dropped down to both of her knees and clamped on a tight arm bar and placed her knee on Steve’s mom’s head as she leaned back in the hold.  “AAAAGGGGHHHHHH” Yelled Steve’s mom grabbing at the knee placed on her head.  Mom seemed to ignore the attempts to gain release and only cinched the arm bar tighter.  “How does that feel?”  Sneered mom.  Seeing that she had control of the match, mom decided to dish out some more punishment to her foe’s arm by placing one of her boots by the face and one under the armpit and fully extending Steve’s moms arm out while pulling it at the wrist.  Mom was now sitting on her bottom as she stretched the arm as far as she could.  All Steve’s mom could do was slap at the boot next to her face.  Steve’s mom managed to get to her knees and made an attempt to get to her feet but mom never let go of the hold of her arm and Steve’s mom went crashing down to the mat flat on her back with that arm still extended out.  “You ready to give!” Yelled mom.  “No Way!”  Yelled Steve’s mom.  Again Steve’s mom managed to get to her knees then feet only to be sent crashing back to the mat again unable to stand due to her arm being stretched.  She began to slap the mat in frustration.  “Are you ready to give up?” asked mom.  “Are you kidding me?”  replied Steve’s mom.  In a last attempt to get free of the hold, Steve’s mom managed to get to her feet only this time she was close enough to the ropes to grab a hold of the top rope.  Able to keep her balance, Steve’s mom brought her black boot up and delivered a quick stomp to moms head causing her to release.  Grabbing her head mom rolled to her side and got to her feet not to be caught off guard.  Steve’s mom still leaning onto the ropes shook her arm trying to regain the feeling in it. 
     Cautiously both women began to circle each other in the center of the ring.  Steve’s mom grabbed at her sore arm and sneered as she looked at mom.  Again both ladies lunged in and locked up tight.  Mom shifted her arm around her foe’s neck and sharply locked it tight around Steve’s mom’s head.  She leaned in hard trying to get as much pressure as she could.  Still standing Steve’s mom began to pry at mom’s arms.  Mom began to crank down more and more applying as much pressure to the standing headlock as she could.  “AAAAGGGGGHHHHH!!!” screamed Steve’s mom as she franticly probed to find a weak spot in the hold.  Beginning to tire from the pressure Steve’s mom placed one arm around mom’s waist and the other holding onto mom’s arm wrapped around her head.  Mom leaned into the hold and sent her opponent flipping over landing hard on her back while mom continued to maintain hold of the headlock.  Both women were now down on the mat with mom working a side headlock.  Steve’s mom grabbed at the arm wrapped around her head as mom cranked down to increase the pressure.  “Common, give up!” yelled mom.  “NO!” replied Steve’s mom.  Mom was now in control of the match and looked to have shaken off the affects of the earlier attack.  Steve’s mom began to raise one of her legs trying to catch moms head and trap her in a leg scissor but each time she would get close, mom would shift her head and tighten down more on the hold.  Frustrated with her failed attempts Steve’s mom slapped at the canvas.  Suddenly mom released hold of her foe’s head and began to stand brining Steve’s mom up using a handful of her hair.  Steve’s mom looked dazed from the lack of oxygen to her brain.  Mom grabbed Steve’s moms arm and flung her into the side ropes.  Steve’s mom rebounded off and this time mom was waiting for her wrapping her arm around her head from behind and placing the free arm up an beside her head in a sleeper hold.  To gain as much pressure as she could she jumped on the back of her foe.  Steve’s mom began to swing wildly with her arms trying to keep her balance.  Mom’s hold began to work as Steve’s mom stopped swinging and both hands went to moms arms wrapped around her head.  She sank to her knees still trying to free her head.  Mom gently went down behind her maintaining her hold.  Steve’s mom’s movements began to stop as she slumped further down.  Now both arms lie lifeless to her sides.  “Someone check her!” yelled Mom.  Steve jumped up from his chair and stepped into the ring.  He raised his moms arm up once and let it go.  It fell quickly by her side.  Again he raised the arm only to have it fall again.  The third and final time he raised it up and it fell down.  “She’s out” said Steve.  Mom let go of her hold and Steve’s mom slumped to the mat.  Mom walked back to her corner and grabbed the bottle of water and began to drink.  Steve remained by his moms side fanning her with his hand as she began to awaken from her forced nap.

     I knew that Steve’s mom would be ready for the third and final submission.  Steve had assisted his mom to her feet and tended to her as she propped herself in the corner.  My mom still holding onto her bottle of water, readied herself for what she knew would be a difficult end to a tough match.  An almost spooky quiet took over the arena as both ladies moved out of there corner and began to circle.  Both showed the effects of the contest.  Moms hair was wet and sweat dripped from her head with each step she took.  Steve’s moms suit had dark circles of perspiration on her back and middle.  Each moved carefully deciding when would be the time to lock up.  The ring shook with the force of the contact as both wrestlers lunged in and tied up in a collar and elbow hold.  Arms strained and legs dug in as each tried to force the other back to gain an advantage.  Steve’s mom managed to reach up grabbing a handful of moms hair on the back of her head and pulled back forcing mom to back up into the ropes.  Mom released hold of her foe as Steve’s mom continued to pull further back on moms head bending her backward across the top rope.  Steve’s mom drew back with a fist and fired a sharp jab into moms belly.  The blow sent mom bending forward holding her midsection.  Again Steve’s mom went at moms head this time placing the palm of her hand on mom’s jaw and began to press back.  Mom trying to maintain her balance spread her arms out grabbing hold of the top rope.  Steve’s mom seeing the effects of the first blow again balled up her fist and took another shot at mom’s exposed stomach.  Mom reached down with both hands holding onto her aching midsection as she went to her knees.  Steve’s mom raised up with her elbow and sent it crashing down right on the back of mom’s head and neck.  Mom’s hands went from her belly to her head after the blow met its mark.  Steve’s mom wasted no time grabbing mom by her hair pulling her to her feet.  Grabbing hold of mom’s arm, Steve’s mom took a big step toward the center of the ring pulling mom by the arm.  Mom had no choice but to follow.  Suddenly stopping she continued holding onto mom’s arm catapulting her into the side ropes.  Mom rotated with her back to the ropes and rebounded off.  Steve’s mom was waiting with her arm extended out catching mom is a powerful clothesline.  Mom stopped in her tracks and was lifted off of her feet as her opponents’ arm caught her across the upper chest and neck.  Mom fell back to the mat on her back grasping at her chest.  Steve’s mom looked as if she had fully recovered from her rude sleeper and was on the warpath.  No sooner had mom struck the canvas, Steve’s mom raised up her black boot and stomped down on mom’s chest.  Mom grasped again at her chest rolling onto her side.  No smart comments, no trash talk, just one woman in complete control of the match.  I felt that if mom could not counter quick she would be in dire straits for the final fall.  Following her foe, Steve’s mom again reached down and grabbed a handful of mom’s hair bringing her to her feet.  Facing mom she placed her left arm up and around mom’s head and neck and bent down scooping mom up off the mat with her arms between mom’s legs.  Mom was upside down as her foe positioned herself in the center of the ring.  Once she had picked her spot Steve’s mom slammed mom down to the mat on her back.  The ring shook and a huge “BANG” echoed all around.  It was like she was trying to slam mom through the mat with the power of the move.  Steve’s mom stood there looking at her foe with her hands on her hips.  Mom lie motionless in the center of the ring.  Again Steve’s mom reached down and grabbed mom by the hair on her head.  Mom struggled trying to gain a release from her foe.  Again Steve’s Mom scooped up my mom and instead of power slamming her she carefully walked Mom over to the corner and hung her upside down making sure that Mom was secure in the corner by placing one of mom’s feet under the connecting turnbuckle.  This did not look good for Mom who just hung motionless in the corner.  Steve’s mom took a couple of steps back and began to fire the sole of her wrestling boot into mom’s exposed midsection.  The ring shook with each blow to mom in the corner.  Feeling that she had done enough damage, Steve’s mom unhooked the boot and my Mom fell to the canvas in a heap.  There was no way that Mom was going to be able to recover from this.  She was not even trying to get to her feet. Steve’s Mom moved in for the kill.  She pulled Mom up off the canvas again using her hair.  She carefully positioned Mom in the center of the ring and stood behind her.  Mom did not even struggle as Steve’s Mom clamped on a sadistic abdominal stretch working on Mom’s already weekend belly.  “AAAGGGGGGG!!!!” yelled Mom as Steve’s mom poured on the pressure.  All Steve’s Mom did was continue to work the submission hold and nod her head as if she knew that victory was at hand.  “Come on, give up!!” yelled Steve’s mom.  Mom shook her head indicating that she was not yet ready to give in.  This only irritated Steve’s mom as she worked the hold even more.  Finally Mom had enough and said the words that her opponent had wanted to hear, “I give, I give up.”  Steve’s mom released the hold and mom fell to the mat holding her side and midsection.  Steve’s mom raised her had in victory and fell back resting against the ring ropes.  I quickly made my way into the ring to check on Mom.  “Are you ok?” I asked her.  “I will be, help me get to my feet.”  Asked Mom.  I helped Mom up and braced her up in the corner.  Steve had made his way into the ring and was bringing his Mom and mine a bottle of water and a towel.  “Thank you Steve.” Said Mom as she took the bottle and towel from my friend.  “Are you ok?”  he asked.  “A little sore but I will be fine, thanks for asking.” Replied Mom.  Steve’s mom made her way to the corner where we stood.  “That was one incredible match, are you ok?” she asked.  “A little beat up but I will be ok.  You sure put on a heck of match.”  “Thanks, I just wanted to win.” Replied Steve’s mom.  Steve and I helped our mom’s out of the ring and gather up there belongings.  Both shook hands and hugged before they left showing that there were no hard feelings between them.  Steve and I still remained friends for many years and our little ring saw several more battles but that is another story.

Story by. David B.                   


Offline sally

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Re: Neighborhood Rivalry 2
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2019, 07:40:04 PM »
oved the stories of these matches.  Each mom with a match apiece...will there be a tie breaking third encounter?


Offline Brandiprowstls

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Re: Neighborhood Rivalry 2
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2019, 03:25:41 PM »
Such a sexy match.  Loved the outfits, loved the submission holds, loved everything about it really ????
Love all, trust few, do wrong to none......except in the ring.


Offline carolsingapore76

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Re: Neighborhood Rivalry 2
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2019, 03:21:36 AM »
love the story
me into wrestling, catfighting, erotic, tagteam, fun , rough tough, all at the same time if possible lol dont matter who win so long its good let me know if ur interested in chatting or more..5'7" 160

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