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15. G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated Talent Roster

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G.L.O.W. X - Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling X Rated

Talent Roster

Part 1

   Oni was sad to see me go. He understood because he knew I had kids but he told me I should come back to work in Japan again soon. He offered me a hand to shake and seemed startled when I laughed and hugged him.

   It was true, I missed my kids more than anything in the world. But I had another reason to go back home too. Jasmine. She was doing well in the ring but facing some struggles outside of it with Tom and Jacky.

   During my stint in Japan, I called her once a week long distance and we wrote letters to each other every couple weeks. So I had a good idea what all had been happening in GLOW X while I was gone.

   The first time I saw her after I got back to America, she gave me a big hug. After we both said hi and she told me how much she missed me, I cut to the chase.

   "I need to ask you something, Jasmine."

   She blinked, giving me an uncertain look. "Oookaay. What do you need to ask me, Donna?"

   "You're sleeping with him, aren't you?"

   "What? Who?" She looked at me with a small, innocent smile.

   "Jaaaaazzzzzzy. C'mon. It's me."

   She blinked at me, started to say something but then stopped. Finally, she said "How did you know?"

   "I know Jacky, I know what he's like. Look, I'm not judging. I just worry about you, baby. Just be careful. Okay? Please?"

   I think she thought at first I was going to give her shit because she looked relieved then. "I will be careful, Donna. I promise."

   We hugged again and I sighed. Jasmine had no idea what she was getting into by getting involved with Jacky.

   "So you really are leaving. You're going now." Anrio glared at me with her almond shaped, brown eyes on the day I left Japan to return to the States. "Just like that."

   I sighed giving her a meek look. "Anri, we've already talked about this. You know I have to go back home to America."

   "For your family. Your children." She sounded angry like she did every single time I tried explaining it to her. "So tell me again. Why can they not come here? Why will you not move to Japan? To be with me?"

   I shook my head and it hurt. Groaning I rubbed the white bandage on my forehead above the right eye. "Baby, I'll think about it. No guarantees though. But I'll write letters to you and call as often as I can afford to. I promise."

   "Okay." She ran her fingers through my red hair and our eyes met. I saw her anger quickly turning into sadness like one of those toys I bought in Japan for my son that transformed from a robot into a jet plane.

   We kissed and hugged, holding each other for a long time.

   So there was no rematch between Anrio Kito and I. To this day I still don't know why. Maybe she had something to do with it, maybe not. But I did get something else with Anri during my time in Japan.

   And that something else wasn't a bad thing at all.

   A couple days after I got back home from Japan, I had a meeting with Tom and Jacky. They sat across from each other at one of the tables in the spare office on the second floor of the GLOW X Arena.

   This venue wasn't even half the size of the Tamago Dome and it seemed even smaller to me now than I remembered. I sat at the end of the table dressed in a black skirt with a brown, long-sleeved top cut low to show off my cleavage.

   "So." I said smiling at them, folding the fingers of my hands together on the table.

   Both Tom and Jacky leaned towards me with their eye balls bobbing up and down between my eyes and my chest like little yo yo's. They both replied in unison "So."

   "As per my contract, I would like a synopsis and run down of your current talent roster." I said calmly, completely ignoring the fact that neither man would stop staring at my tits.

   They both blinked and stared at first, as if what I said didn't register right away. Tom stammered "A run down of.. what?"

   He quickly looked over at Jacky with a panicked expression but only received one back. Seeing his boss shaking his head looking terrified, Tom tried to regain his composure.

   "Well, let's see." He thought long, pushing the thick rimmed glasses he wore further up the bridge of his nose with one finger. Suddenly he nodded to Jacky. "There's the blonde you're... friends with. What's her name?"

   "Jasmine." Jacky said quietly, completely avoiding eye contact with me.

   "Right, right! That's it! She's what, a rock star or something?"

   Jacky shook his head with a frown. "I thought she was a rapper."

   I sighed loud and long, shaking my head while rolling my eyes. "She's a gangster, guys. SHE'S A FUCKING GANGSTER!"

   They both went silent, staring down at the table.

   "Okay. So how exactly do you guys write the angles and storylines if you don't even know the women on your roster?"

   Jacky sat up waving a hand dismissively. "Well, c'mon Donna. Most of this stuff just writes itself!"

   "A gangster? I thought for sure she was a rock star like in a girl band.." Tom was still mumbling on about Jasmine's character.


   They quieted down again so I took a file folder out of my side bag, opening it up. "Well, I had a feeling this would happen. So I sat down with Jasmine last night and made a list of the wrestlers currently on your roster in GLOW X. We made photocopes for both of you."

   I handed them each a copy as they sat staring at the pages with dumbfounded looks.

   "Okay." I said with a sigh, taking a deep breath. "Let's review. Shall we go in alphabetical order or by size?"   

To Be Continued...