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They can't stand each other

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Offline #Bridgette#

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Re: They can't stand each other
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2019, 04:54:14 AM »
   This situation is much different then almost any other fight I have been in. There is so much tension and competitive energy between us. We both stand in the warm sun as it reflects off of our tan strong gym bodies. You standing in your tiny black g-string kini and me in my lavender g-string kini... Both of us letting our silky blonde hair flow freely. We both go up on our perfectly manicured toes and our strong bodies are on display as we joust and size each other up. It all happens so quickly but then our warm wet mouths are locked together as you can feel the aggressive competitive energy through our hate kiss. I immediately feel the blood pumping through my entire body and even feel my nipples harden up as the poke through the silky material of my micro kini top. Just then I feel myself being propelled backwards and then my ass and back hit the pool of oil with a thump.  I look up at you and hiss as I see you smiling with satisfaction.  "YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT YOU DIRTY BITCH! I slide a little closer and grab your right ankle and give it a tug as the same time my left leg sweeps toward your right leg as I knock you off balance and see you fall on your side inside the pool of oil. "How does it feel you bitch! Yt


Offline derbinis

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Re: They can't stand each other
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2019, 11:00:51 AM »
My first idea was: Bridgette off-course! But Rhiannon s sweet looking may let me underestimate her. A hard long angry fight, with both close to victory and defeat. Bridgette wins by an unescapable scissorhold, with Rhiannon writng desperatly, or -alternative ending- Rhiannon throws Bridgette face down to the ground and jumps on her back before Bridgette was able to escape, hairpulling, scratching and a little fist here and a little fist there will make Rhiannon the winner.


Offline Luvbrutalfightz

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Re: They can't stand each other
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2019, 10:13:11 PM »
Rhiannon wins this fight all day long.
Not into sexfights, The fighting is sexy enough!