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Carrie Keagan vs Melissa Benoist

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Offline SilverGhost

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Carrie Keagan vs Melissa Benoist
« on: June 21, 2019, 06:49:07 AM »
   Melissa Benoist had just finished a long 14 hour day of shooting and was ready to get out of her iconic blue and red suit.  She was walking toward wardrobe when a young blonde woman stepped in her way.  The white bodysuit, red cape, blue gloves and boots were almost as well known as the suit that Melissa wore.  Melissa recognized the face of Carrie Keagan almost immediately.
   "Okay, Melissa, it's time we decided who really has the right to be called the 'Girl of Steel'." said Carrie.
   "Is this a publicity stunt or did you hit your head on something?" asked Melissa as she started to walk by Carrie.
A blue glove fist smacked into Melissa's nose and knocked her back a few steps.
   "No stunt doubles to take the hit for you this time." said Carrie.
   "Are you nuts?" asked Melissa as she checked to see if her nose was bleeding.
   "Nope.  I'm just going to make sure that Power Girl takes your place on TV next season." said Carrie.
   "I don't think so." said Melissa as she crouched in a fighting stance.
   "No need for the melodrama, just go turn in your tights and your cheerleader skirt." said Carrie.
Melissa took a step forward and snapped in three quick jabs to Carrie's face, rocking Carrie's head back with each hit.  A right cross in the jaw spun Carrie around.
   "I like my job and I intend to keep it." said Melissa.
Melissa moved toward Carrie with her arm pulled back and ready to land another punch, but Carrie drove her fist into Melissa's gut.  Melissa's eyes bulged and her cheeks puffed out as she folded over.  Melissa stumbled forward coughing and wheezing.  She reached toward Carrie and caught Carrie's belt buckle.  Carrie put her hands on Melissa's shoulders and shoved her away with a look of disgust.  Carrie hadn't noticed that Melissa had unfastened her belt, nor did she notice that Melissa now held the thin blue leather strap in her hand.  Carrie did notice too late as Melissa wrapped the strap around the back of her thighs.  Carrie let out a scream as she jumped forward, more from the surprise than the actual pain.  Melissa began swinging the belt viciously lashing at Carrie's exposed legs, and her back.  Finally Carrie had enough and used her glove to catch the end of the belt.  Melissa was caught off guard when Carrie yanked the belt toward her.  Melissa stumbled into a hard punch that caught her right in the middle of the S.  Melissa gasped and blinked her eyes trying to stay awake.  Carrie moved around to Melissa's right side and landed a punch in the back just at the bottom of her ribs.  Melissa jerked to the side and fell to one knee as she blacked out for a few seconds.
   "That's your problem, you scrawny little thing.  A couple of good blows like a heart punch or a liver shot and you go down." said Carrie.
Carrie walked around in front of Melissa and raised her hand to punch down on Melissa.
   "Say good night Melissa." said Carrie.
Melissa raised back to her feet with an uppercut that caught Carrie in the middle of her belly.
   "Oooomphhh!" grunted Carrie as she was picked up off the ground and bent over by the blow.
Carrie moaned as she tried to straighten up.  Carrie's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as Melissa began beating on her big boobs like they were speed bags.
   "Okay, enough Miss Nice Girl." spat Carrie as she pushed Melissa back.
Melissa swung toward Carrie's head, but Carrie ducked and went under Melissa's arm.  Carrie grabbed Melissa's cape and threw the end over Melissa's head.  She grabbed Melissa's head over the cape and lifted her knee up into Melissa's abdomen, then up into Melissa's chest.  When Melissa fell to her knees, Carrie drove her elbow into the back of Melissa's head.  Melissa flopped to the ground with a groan.  Carrie pulled Melissa's cape back to look at her peaceful almost sleeping face.
   "That's even more annoying, she's adorable even when she's unconscious." said Carrie as she kicked Melissa in gut to make sure she wasn't acting.
Carrie reached down and tore the S off of Melissa's costume.  Carrie tucked the bottom point into the hole in her own costume as she walked away.
   "I guess you'll be looking for a new job, maybe you can still sing for your supper." said Carrie as she skipped off toward the camera crew.