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The Renters 4

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Offline JayB

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The Renters 4
« on: January 22, 2019, 05:21:44 PM »
The Renters
The Renters 2
The Renters 3

Angie was the fourth renter that Rod and Holly hosted.  She was recently separated from her husband and was about 5 years older than Rod and Holly.  With medium length blonde hair, she would likely fit into the MILF category.  Of all the women they had rented to, Rod found her to be most attractive and appealing.

As usual, he was available and beck and call to help with whatever was needed in the rental property.  However, within a day or two of moving in, her ex showed up to confront her and demand that she come back to him.  While this confrontation was taking place, Rod was mowing the lawn.  He was closely observing the interaction and when her ex grabbed Angie by the arm, Rod intervened.  Angie’s ex, Phil, took a look at the shirtless Rod and told him to back off, his muscles didn’t intimidate him and that he would kick his ass if he didn’t get out of the way.  Phil looked like he was pretty well built at one time in his life and probably had 10 pounds on Rod.  When Rod stood his ground, Phil took a swing that Rod easily blocked.  Rod then landed a right-left combo to Phil’s head, a sharp blow to his stomach, and then an upper cut that put Phil on his back.  As Rod stood over him, Phil scrambled to his feet, made beeline to his car and sped off.  A shaken but grateful Angie then thanked Rod for interceding on her behalf, placed her hands on his powerful chest and then slid her arms down his bulging biceps.  At that moment, the two seemed to make an erotic connection.  Rod knew he wanted her and could sense the same.  He looked forward to more encounters between the two and fantasized about the pending duel with Holly.

Later that day, Angie came to see Holly to tell her what Rod  had done and to express her gratitude.  It seemed at that moment the two women developed a bond, one that would hinder any desire on Holly’s part to fight her.  No doubt this complicated matters as per the usual scenario that Rod and Holly had previously followed.  As Holly and Angie’s friendship grew, it put on hold any efforts to set up a confrontation between the two.  Though Rod continued to come around as often as Angie called as he found her very appealing and if he truly would ever actually cheat on Holly, he could see it happening with this sexy blonde.  Holly sensed the connection between the two and Rod even confessed to her that he found Angie to be sexy.  Once when he was at the rental property, he caught a glimpse of Angie naked as she changed clothes in a partially opened bedroom door.  He told Holly about it and described Angie as the blonde version of his favorite porn star from the past, Kelli McCarty.  Her natural 34 C breasts with sizeable light brown nipples brought an immediate bulge in his pants.  And even as he described then to Holly he got excited, enough for Holly to notice.  That, of course, lead to a very passionate love making session between the two.  Holly’s big breasts got plenty attention from Rod so she wasn’t jealous but she did think that she would like to see engage in a threesome.

After several months, Angie had found a job in another city and saw it as a chance to start anew.  On the eve of her departure, Holly approached her about coming to a farewell dinner and perhaps something more.  Angie, who also very attracted to Rod, jumped at the chance.  After dinner, Holly hinted at what she and Rod were hoping Angie would agree to.  Angie didn’t hesitate and off the three went to the bedroom.  It became pretty clear very early on that Rod was focusing on the blonde.  In fact, he paid little attention to his wife and spent the session working over Angie.  For the first time in all these set ups, Holly became jealous.  The previous encounters between Rod and the renters had been set ups to lead to a fight.  This time it seemed that Rod was into the sex and into Angie.   Holly began to wonder if Rod was really into Angie or was he trying to make Holly jealous so would challenge Angie to a fight.  In truth, Rod was actually pursuing both angles.  He found the blonde to put uber sexy and he also wanted to see the two of them get it on.

His strategy worked.  Holly had enough and confronted Angie.  This was supposed to be a threesome and she was hogging her man.  Holly proposed to Angie that she could have Rod the rest of the night if she could prove to be the better woman by beating her in fight.  It was clear that Angie was very much enjoying her time with Rod and wanted more.  She without hesitation told Holly to bring it on.

For some reason unknown to Rod, Holly wanted confront Angie in a test of strength.  She reached out her hands to grasp the blonde’s to see who was strongest.  As the two women raised their arms in front of them to gain an advantage, it took little time for Angie to assume control.  Within 15 seconds she had the big breasted brunette on her knees.  Angie then yanked Holly to her feet, released her right hand and plowed it into Holly’s midsection, then released her left and connected to the brunette’s chin.  As Holly stumbled backward, the blonde shot a solid right into Holly’s left breast.  As the brunette reached to cover her exposed 38Ds, Angie let loose at barrage of punches to head and body that elicited a grunt after each blow.  Angie seemed really motivated to win this quickly and resume her session with Rod.

With nary a punch thrown by Holly, Angie floored Holly with a shot to the stomach and a solid left hook.  With Holly on her back and seemingly defeated, Angie turned her attention back to Rod, who she noticed had a huge erection.  As she was stroking his penis, with a big smile on her face, confident that the rest of the evening was theirs, she felt a tap on her shoulder.  As she turned, she was face to face with Holly.  Holly connected with a right to the side of Angle’s face and then planted one on the opposite side.  Angie countered with a right of her own but Holly easily blocked it and then doubled the blonde over a blast to her abs.  The brunette grabbed the blondes hair and straightened her up and went to town with 3-4 shots to Angie’s body.   As she backed Angie up she then connected with a right and left to Angie’s head.  Those shots backed her back against the wall.  As much as Angie had dominated the early stages of the bout, Holly now was firmly in control.

At that point, Holly grabbed Angie’s hands and forced to her side and up against the wall.  The big breasted brunette then pressed her tits up against the blonde’s.   Holly had the size advantage, Angie’s were firmer.  But it devolved quickly from a tit fight to a nipple battle.  As the two women thrust their nipples at their opponents, the both went into erection mode, as did Rod by the way.  After about  thirty seconds it became obvious that Angie’s were bigger and thicker and Holly could sense she was losing this encounter.  To avoid being annihilated is this aspect of their fight, she backed away and released Angie’s hands.    Seemingly on the verge of defeat, this nipple skirmish revived Angie’s will and she caught Holly with a strong right to her jaw that buckled the brunette’s knees.  Before Holly could react,  the blonde was pummeling her with everything she could throw at her.  Angie was attacking with such ferocity that Holly had no time to counter and as the punches connected Holly was getting wobbly on her feet.  The final blow was a powerful upper cut that crumbled Holly onto the floor.  She had finally met her match and as she came to, she had to witness her husband and Angie in a passionate dance under the covers.  It was a night the three of them would never forget.

The next day, Angie left for her new job in a new city.  Rod obviously was sorry to see her go, Holly not so much.  She couldn’t really fault Rod for his dalliance with the sexy blonde Kelli McCarty look alike.  After all that was always the gamble that she could lose to one of the renters.  This time it happened.  It would be interesting to see if this little scheme with the renters would continue.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 05:24:51 PM by JayB »



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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2019, 01:10:55 AM »
I would insist that a male renter was found to confront Rod if I was Holly! Good for the gander is good for the goose!


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2019, 11:04:18 PM »
great stories!


Offline Allie22

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2019, 08:09:45 PM »
Glad the bitch met her match!



Offline Cat-the-apefighter

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2019, 08:39:54 PM »
cant wait to see who fights next


Offline snw

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2019, 03:04:31 AM »
I like your style Allie. Any chance you may have had a fight with a girl over a guy?


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2019, 02:49:33 PM »
think it's time the board sees more jayb  :P :P :P
great series here though braggart wife was greeeeaaaat


Offline Sandman13

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Re: The Renters 4
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2019, 07:39:13 PM »
I am loving this series! I hope to read more of Holly, win or lose.