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you think your grown up, final.

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Offline ooreach

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you think your grown up, final.
« on: February 08, 2019, 06:40:03 PM »
All of a sudden both women were aware of  a third person in the room.  Madi yelled “Brad! Get the hell out of here.” Brad’s mouth was open wide as he gawked and almost whispered “I though what you said might happen was pure B.S.” Christine whipped her face around to see a young attractive man standing there. Madi kept yelling at Brad to leave but neither women had given up an inch of the hair hold snake like hold on each other. Christine though a pain filled moment said “Brad, you can stay, but you need to strip right now.” Madi tried to order Brad not to do it, but he saw the look in Christine’s eyes and obeyed. Madi begged but Brad was under Christine’s control.
    His shorts came off with some difficulty as his hug erection  was apparent. Both women looked as they were sitting with pussy pressed to pussy, stomach to stomach and breast to breast. Now,  cheek to cheek with both women giving pause to the HUGE asset that Brad had. Christine smiled and said “Good boy, now sit and watch me show you how women settle things.  He went to sit on the bed and Madi had not stopped begging him to leave. Christine winked at him and said “now be quite and let us finish this. You’re the prize to the winner. Madi paused for a moment and without another word it was agreed on that if she won she would be able to have sex with him. But the horror was if she lost, her mom probably would have him.
    With continued ferocity they continued their body to body coil.  The only movement was in their hips. One would ram into the others crotch and the other would move back to lessen the blow. The other would counter with a jamming of her cxnt into the other and the other would try to deflect a direct blow. This went on for a few minutes till the near misses where not satisfying.  Both reared back and slammed forward allowing full bone crushing pelvic bone on pelvic bone contact. The stinking in each other’s pussy caused both to gasp, pause and repeat. All their energy went into the pelvic war as they where coiled so tightly they  could feel each other’s breath as their stomachs where pressed together. There equally matched breasts where pancaked with their harden nipples numbing each other’s chests.  Even the hair pulling didn’t hurt that much now. The only source of pain giving each had to offer was their fully exposed women hoods.  Christine was the first to break the upper body hold to better position herself with her hands behind her and gave a huge thrust sending Madi back a foot causing a massive rug burn. Madi quickly recovered and fallowed her mother’s lead as they had made eye contact.  Red headed blue eyed women staring and growling at her younger brown eyed brown haired advisory. They smashed their women hoods together over and over only stopping to grind their lips together. The pain was off the chart but both where award of Brad and his Huge prize.  Madi blinked first, probably due to her not having experienced anything like this before and rolled out of her leg lock with Christine.
    Christine stopped her attack and let Madi slowly get to her knees and to her feet. Christine asked “do you give, dear?” Madi just gave a death glare and Christine signed and said “round three, then.”  Both battered women circled. Madi’s young sweaty body was naturally beautiful due to her age and good genes. Christine had been working out for years but was just equally matched.  Both women met with a crash of fists, legs and knees and ended up rolling on the bed with Brad right below them. His erection had not only not gone down but he was about to blow.  Both bundles of womanly flesh he felt as their firm ass’ and breasts rolled over him before crashing back to the floor. 
     Madi was fighting though the pain and tears which had replaced the rage. Christine was running on fumes but her years of working out had helped. Madi ended up on the bottom after several more attempts to push Christine off and Christine finally got Madi into a schoolgirl pin. Madi eyed her mothers already bitten and bloody thigh but She paused after seeing Christine ball up her fist and warn her not to try biting again. Madi went limp, turned her head to the side and began to weep.  Christine wiped her own tears and then Madi’s and said “your almost ready, little dove.” She looked up at Brad and said “don’t worry, sweaty.  Madi will be ready soon. 
Christine looked into her daughters eyes and said “I will teach you, and I know just how to do it. There is the bitch that has wanted a rematch with me and she has a  daughter that  should be a perfect match for you. After you two girls see how real women settle their issues we will couch you girls. One of you will leave a full fledged women. I hope it's you."


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: you think your grown up, final.
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2019, 07:53:54 PM »
I hope you write the confrontation between the 4 women. Along with the training of course. A great story


Offline Michael James

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Re: you think your grown up, final.
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2019, 01:49:05 PM »
I agree w/ our Famous service member here, and continue! 

Great story!!  Nice and short and to the point!    Please keep it up!


Offline bigmack

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Re: you think your grown up, final.
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2019, 03:46:55 PM »
Great story . Please keep the story line going


Offline bigmack

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Re: you think your grown up, final.
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2019, 02:29:04 PM »
I hope there will be more adventures of Christine and her daughter this is a great series . Keep up the good work