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KellyCrushes VS TitfightGoddess Tit Squeeze Fight Story

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Offline wrdwvr

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KellyCrushes VS TitfightGoddess Tit Squeeze Fight Story
« on: October 29, 2010, 08:40:21 PM »

KellyCrushes VS TitfightGoddess Poll Match-,9366.msg53782.html#msg53782

The Story:

Kelly is already in the room when I turn on the cameras for the fight, give me a start as I had no idea she had entered the room. Noticing the red lights lite she starts posing for the camera's and the viewer's. Bring on the bitch whose tits I am going to crush!" Just as she says it Titfight_bitch strolls into the room and looks at her and laughs as she points at her foe, "So your the so called tough titted bitch I have to fight...shittttt, this will be easy! If I knew it was going to be you I would have went and gotten my hair done first!" Kelly starts looking pissed as she stalks forward and starts to walk around her, "I'll crush those melons of yours and have you begging in the 1st round you fucking cxnt!" "In your dreams you saggy boobed ass, I'll have you finished after only on round!"
                           TitfightGoddess can barely contain herself and storms forward, slamming her humongous boobs into Kelly's, catching her by surprise. "Bitch you will never beat me!" I quickly sound the bell to get ready and both beauties reach out and grab each other's breasts in death grips! At the next bell they go crazy on each other, tugging and pulling on each other's boobs like they are possessed! Kelly soon starts pushing her rival backwards as her fingers dig deeply into each mound of titflesh and already the Titfightgoddess is looking pained as her back hits the wall and her tits are pushed upwards towards her face and then mashed together! " How you doing now you fucking skanky lowlife?!" Kelly starts pushing her foe sideways by her tits and after a brief struggle she has her face first against the wall as she crushes Titfightgoddess's tits! After a 30 more seconds of utter torture Titfight goddess is starting to cry out  in pain as she is unable to push out or turn around and Kelly starts tugging her tits outwards and then slamming them together as she uses her body to keep her aching foe trapped against the wall! " OOOOOohhhhhh... you fucckinng assssholleee... when I get out of thisss I amm going to rip your tits off!!"
"You mean LIKE THIS!!" screams Kelly and she rips each tit outwards by the nipples and starts dragging Titfightgoddess backwards till she is sitting and Kelly is banging her tits up and down against her as she holds them by the nipples!! "OOOhhhhhh... Goooodddddddd.... youuuuu shiitttttttt......!! OKKKkkkkkk.... STOPPP I GIVVEEE UPPPPP!!!!!!" screams out the now sobbing Titfightgoddess as her tits are being crushed and twisted by Kelly as she stands over her grinning from ear to ear! "Oh yeah.... that is music to my ears! I thought you said I would never beat you, you fat assed cxntrag!" taunts Kelly as she releases her hold and steps back from her agonized foe! Kelly struts around her sobbing foe, her hands held high in triumph, laughing at her defeated rival before she finally leaves the room to get ready for round 2. 30 minutes later Kelly is back and Titfightgoddess arrives only seconds after her. " OK you skanky fucking bitch.. THIS time your tits are going to pay!" " HA! Not if your the one collecting... LOSER...!!" taunts Kelly as I sound the bell for them to get ready once again and Kelly lets Titfightgoddess grab her tits while leaving her hands at her sides. "Go ahead and start without me, otherwise the fight will be way too short for my many fans out there who want to see me squeeze the shit out of you again and make you beg and cry!" Her rival stiffens in anger as the bell rings and trys to all but rip Kelly's tits off her chest! Kelly still leaves her hands at her sides as her boobs are crushed by her foe,  but she just whistles for another 10 seconds before she suddenly and viciously grabs hold of her foe's tits and digs her fingers in deeply! Kelly starts twisting and tugging then straight out crushing and within seconds has her rival reeling in pain. " You really need to stick to titfights as you really suck at this!" she taunts as she pushes against each of her rivals's tits hard enough sink her fingers in past her glove covered fingernails and quickly forces her stumbling backwards. "AAAAaaahhhhhh..!!" bellows the stunned fighter, then suddenly Kelly rips the plump tits downwards and sends Titfightgoddess onto her back! "AUUGGHHHH..!!!" screams the ensnared beauty as her foe straddles her belly and fingers once again sink deeply into her fat tits with Kelly's weight behind them, then she starts twisting each tit back and forth over and over till Titfightgoddess is sobbing and pulling at her wrists to free her tits from her savage grasp! "PLeaseee noo morrreeeee I GIVVVEE UPPPP.......AUUUGGGHHHHHHHH...!!!!!!!" yells the utterly defeated fighter as she desperately tries to free her aching breasts from Kelly's stong grip!!!  "Whose tits are the best?" taunts Kelly!  ""YOURS ARE! PLEASE.... NO MORE!!!"  " I don't think I heard you!" purrs Kelly cattily as she starts mashing each tit against each other as Titfightgoddess stiffens beneath her and sobs loudly! "NOOOOoooooo...pleasee I cannnn''tt take any moreee you winnnn...your the bessssttt!!!!" sobs the utterly defeated fighter as Kelly languishes in her misery. "Ok I guess you had enough you deflated little cxnt!!" she says as she finally frees her opponents swollen tits and gets up off of her! " Well AJ, I hope the next time I at least get some competition, or are all the other fighter as bad as this bitch? She is all mouth with nothing to back it up with. I've fought Grannies who hurt me more then this little loser!" With that Kelly struts from the room as her defeated foe's sob reverberate around the room!


Offline Marie B.

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Re: KellyCrushes VS TitfightGoddess Tit Squeeze Fight Story
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2010, 01:16:19 PM »
"Ok I guess you had enough you deflated little cxnt!!"


Well, judging by the picture of the women in your avatar, I can guess how the loser might become deflated. :o

Very enjoyable story.
