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Men's Naked Boxing For Their Wives

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Offline Luckyman

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Men's Naked Boxing For Their Wives
« on: September 23, 2019, 08:14:47 AM »
Note From Author:  This story is not for everyone.  It's bloody and crosses the line into physical torture.  My first wife knew about my catfighting fetish even before we were married, and we'd sometimes use story telling as part of foreplay.  She liked to humor and please me.  Unfortunately I was not the only man she liked to humor and please, and therefore she's my ex—but some of our stories remain.

We had known Bruce and Trish for several years.  They could've been our best friends as we had many common interests.  Both of us had sold our software development companies before we were thirty and though we didn't consider ourselves rich we could live comfortably for the rest of our lives.  The reason we weren't friends is because we shared an interest in catfighting and our wives had fought each other several times.  The men had even participated in some naked wrestling which our wives also thought was very sexy and always wanted more.  We were both the same size and weight, though I was (at least I thought) a bit more muscular.  I'm positive I could've beaten him all the time but I let him win some contests, mainly because I loved the way his wife would get excited when he got me in a painful hold.  “Oh poor baby, does that armlock hurt?” Trish would tease.  “Rip his arm off  Bruce!”  Such teasing would always give me an erection, a fact difficult to hide when we were wrestling naked. 

Our two wives were much more closely matched and you never knew who was going to win.  My wife Nancy was more skilled in wrestling techniques and usually got Trish in some painful holds.  Trish's strength was staying power and total determination to never give up.  If Nancy didn't overpower her in the first five minutes the advantage switched to Trish.  In one fight Nancy got Trish in a choke hold and she refused to give up, eventually losing consciousness—she was that competitive.  They had fought 4 times and the score was 2-2.  Bruce and I had identical feelings about catfighting, which was we like to see our wives win but it was also just as exciting to watch them lose.  And neither of us objected when the winner would dish out some punishment to the loser which wasn't in the agreed upon rules beforehand, such as removing the loser's bra or a celebratory punch in the face.

But the time had come for us to finally settle things and move on.  We were looking for a venue to accomplish this when we ran into each other ringside for a middleweight championship boxing match.  The preliminaries were really bloody.  We noticed Trish and Nancy got real excited watching the fighters, and were thrilled when blood and sweat splattered them.  It was obvious both our wives had a pretty strong attraction for BDSM.

A few days later Bruce sent me an email with an attachment which was a new prototype boxing game one of his former employees had developed.  Bruce told me to try it and see what I thought about it.  I did and sent him an email back suggesting we use the game to finally settle things between the four of us, and he agreed.  He brought over a complete prototype for us to try out and Nancy and I did and we thought it would be fantastic to play the game for real.

The game consisted of a canvas mat with a line in the middle and the two fighters stood next to each other on either side of the line.  Monitor screens on stands behind each fighter (could also use TVs mounted on walls) gave instructions to each fighter, along with a cartoon representation showing the fighter throwing the punch.  Throw a left to the side of the head, a right uppercut, throw a left to the right side of the stomach, etc.  Each fighter could only see his monitor, which told him which punches to throw, but couldn't see his opponents monitor which showed him where he was going to punch.  You were allowed to block punches only for the first two rounds, and after that each fighter was allowed to land punches unblocked.  The computer algorithm started off evenly for each fighter.  After 3 rounds each fighter would've thrown the same number of punches to the same areas on their opponent.  Two things made it interesting.  One, the order of the punches was random.  One fighter could be punched in both eyes and the mouth, while only able to return punches to his opponents arms or chest.  The other variable was if a fighter reacted to being punched by backing up on the mat, which signified he was “hurt” by the punch. (The computer tracked the fighters movement on the mat).  Depending on how far back he was driven and how long it took him to return to the line to deliver his next punch the computer punished him by taking away some of the more devastating punches available to him, and added some more serious punching choices for his opponent.  The effects of this computer modeling were subtle at first but as the fight went on and a fighter kept backing up he would soon be overwhelmed by punches from his opponent while there was little he could do to retaliate.  Nancy and I played the game numerous times and thought it was very realistic.  The key to the game seemed to be your ability to take a punch and not back up.  The other neat option in the program was the ability to add your own punches (or punch combinations), including illegal punches.  Basically you were able to type anything you wanted and also to specify in which round you wanted those options to become available.

To make a long story short, we decided to have the men fight first.  Our wives would meet with the game developer and he would help them make whatever custom additions the women came up with, and we would agree to fight each other, without knowing what they had in store for us.  A month after our match, the women would fight.  Assuming one member from each couple won those fights, there would be a third and final meeting in which we would all 4 fight, alternating rounds between men and women, with the first one to be eliminated could be ganged up on by the other couple.  We also agreed to have Martha film the fight.  Martha was the wife of the game developer and had filmed two of our last fights and had done a great job, producing professional DVDs from her camera work.  She was good at staying out of the way and wasn't a distraction.  (I also think she was into our fetish, though she never said anything).

Our instructions to our wives were that this would be it, the final between us, and that we would be locked into going through with it all.  There was no backing out or quitting allowed.

True to their word, the wives didn't tell us what scenario they had come up with for our fight, only that “there will be blood!” and that the loser's wife would be the sexual slave for the winning couple for the rest of the evening after the fight.

The fight was held in their large game room with all the furnishings moved out of the way.  Nancy taped my hands and then put on the 10 oz gloves.  My strategy for winning was NOT to back up, no matter how bad I got hit.  I figured my greater physical strength would win in the end.  My wife's only advice was, “Don't lose this fight!  It'll be bad if you do.”  When I asked what sort of boxing trunks I was going to wear she told me we were both fighting nude.  “We want to watch your dicks swing.”  When I asked if she had a mouthpiece for me to wear she replied, “Only if you get a penalty.”

The mat was in the center of the room, with two 60” TV screens on the opposite walls where we'd read our instructions for throwing punches.  There were two armless upholsted chairs underneath the TVs where we would rest between rounds.  Martha had several video cameras on tripods and was holding a close-up camera which could also film slow motion action.  She ignored the fact that we were both naked and proceeded to start the filming and played the part of announcer for the cameras.  She stated that this would be a boxing match which would continue until one fighter was unable to continue the fight after his wife counted him out.  If the computer program called for a fighter to be cut the fighters wife would administer the cut to her husband for the first two rounds.  Afterwards the opposing wife would administer the cuts.  Cuts could not be sewn.  Once a winner is declared the losing wife will present herself to the winner for any sexual activity the winner desires, and this will also be filmed.  A month from now the two wives will have a match similar to the one today.  If one couple does not win both matches, there will be a third contest.  Are there any questions before we begin.

She called us to the center of the mat where we were facing each other across the line in the center, and started the program running.  In about 10 seconds there was a “ding,” the bell to start round one.  I put up my gloves to defend and didn't see anything on my screen, but suddenly Bruce threw a right into my chest.  I was a bit started by how powerful his punch felt, but immediately my screen instructed me to hit him in the chest as well and I returned the favor.  Neither of us stepped back.  We continued trading punches with the computer programming putting up instructions almost as fast as we could punch.  I gave him a punch to the stomach as hard as I could and he bent over with a “Offh!” and I knew he certainly felt that.  He returned a punch to my stomach in kind but it was very weak.  I felt I had him on the run.  The bell dinged and we had 60 seconds to rest.  Nancy gave me some water and told me I was doing great and that I had really hurt him.  Neither of us had backed up the other and that was my goal for round two.

I started off the 2nd round by hitting him in the nose but he took it well and immediately hit me in the stomach.  It was a really good shot and now it was my turn to go “Offh!”  A little embarrassed that he had got that out of me (though I hadn't backed up), I did hesitate for a second or two before I complied with my computer instruction which was to hit him again in his stomach.  But this time he took the blow and immediately hit my right eye with his left hand.  Although we could technically be blocking punches the first two rounds neither of us was very good at it and we were just whaling away at each other.  Again I didn't back up but it hurt and my sight was a bit blurry.  I had to concentrate to keep from backing up and again it was a few seconds before I replied to my computer to punch him back in the stomach.  This punch didn't seem to hurt him and he immediately hit my right eye AGAIN!  This blow knocked my head back and I stepped back with one foot but immediately returned to the line but my punch was just to hit his left upper arm, which I did after a few seconds.  I had just hit his arm when he returned the punch to the left side of my face.  Jesus!  He gets to punch my face and I just get to smack him on the arm?  We exchanged two shots to each others faces and then he hit my right eye again.  This one really hurt and I was blinking when my TV screen went blank and my wife stepped between us and said, “Oh honey, the computer says he cut your eye.”  She stood in front of me and pressed this little hand-held clicking device to my upper eyelid just below my eyebrow and I heard a snap and felt a sting as the 1” long razor blade was forced out of the device and penetrated into my skin about 1/8 inch, and I could feel and see the blood starting to trickle into my eye.  I finished  the round with no more damage but the computer only let me hit him in the face once where I had to endure a couple of punches to my nose.

Things really started to go downhill in the third round as he seemed to be getting all the shots to the head and I was getting chest punches to return to him.  I tried my best to keep from backing up, but sometimes had to rest a bit to recover from his punches before returning a punch of my own.  He feinted a punch to my stomach but instead smashed my mouth and I stepped back two whole steps.  Again my computer screen went blank and this time Trish was grinning at me as she stepped in front of me and said, “Computer says it's time you put this in your mouth,” and she put a mouthpiece in my mouth.  However, when I felt it in my mouth I also felt that there was a piece of piano wire which was sticking out of the front of the mouthpiece.  The next punch he gave me to my mouth split my lip against this wire and now I had a bloody mouth.  Trish was really getting into the fight now with shouts of “make him bleed, make him bleed.”

I tried my best to stay in the fight but things continued to go down hill fast.  Trish loved stopping the fight to give me more cuts, and her clicker made deeper cuts, putting two cuts over my left eye and adding three more in the lid above my right eye, to where the blood was making it difficult to see.  Streams of blood were streaming down my face.  I could no longer stand my ground and his punches were backing me up, and now the computer was giving him multiple punches to my single return punch.  When the sixth round ended Nancy tried her best to clear my eyes, but before the bell sounded for the next round she grabbed my dick and began to stroke it until it stood up, and then had me stand up and wrapped a thin rubber strap around my penis and around my waist, forcing my dick to remain erect and against my stomach.  “He can start giving you punches to your dick this round,” was all she said, and the computer rang the bell for the start of round 7.  It didn't take the computer long to give him a dick punch to me and I immediately went down.  Trish screamed, “Oh my God!  Did you see that?”  Nancy started counting and I made it up by six and back on my mark by 8, but the computer had already nullified my return punch and given him another, of course to my dick and I went down again.  This time I didn't make it up till 9.  By now even when the computer gave me good punches I no longer had the ability to make them effective, and the computer was giving him combinations.  A left right almost sent my dick in a full circle and it broke the strap holding it upright, so my dick was now sticking straight out.  My dick was bright red from the punches and it was thrilling Trish to watch her husband pound me.  One more dick punch right underneath my helmet I thought would take the top of my dick off and my dick smacked back against my belly and I went down again.  I wouldn't have made it up but the round ended.  Now instead of Nancy taking care of me in my corner Trish was there taunting me, and said, “Now I've got a surprise for you.”  She laid me back in the chair and grabbed my penis and started massaging it.  She put her back to me so I couldn't see what she was doing and she just kept stroking my dick until it got really hard.  Then she reached into her pocket and took something out and the next thing I know she's ramming something into my dick through the pee hole.  Nancy is now in back of me holding my arms back keeping me from interfering.  I look down to see the top of a glass rod sticking out of the top of my dick.  She tied a new rubber strap back keeping my dick erect, and the computer rang the bell for round 7.

Now the computer showed no mercy, giving Bruce 5 punches to “work on my facial cuts.” and when I couldn't get back to the line gave him three dick punches.  He only needed one to put me on my knees, and one more to put me on my back, but instead of counting the computer just said to follow me down and give me 5 more punches to my dick.  I heard and felt the glass crack with the first punch.  The second one he rolled my dick splintering the glass fragments inside me, and then with each remaining punch blood spurted out the head of my dick.  There was incredible stinging pain and I laid there while Nancy counted to 10.  Trish was jumping for joy that Bruce had beaten me, but the computer wasn't done with me yet.  It instructed Trish to take the gloves off of Bruce and put them on herself, and then invited her to attack my balls, which she did with laughing glee.  I couldn't even put my legs together so my balls were totally exposed.  The first punch split my balls and then she punched first one and then the other as hard as she could.  I lost consciousness after the second blow, but apparently there were many more.

I regained consciousness to hear them in the other room giving my wife a bad time, but couldn't do anything about it.  I was still semi-conscious when Trish came back in the room naked, looked at me and pointed and shouted, “Oh my God!  He's still squirting blood!”  I looked down and the punching had given me a priapism in which the penis is in virtual continuous orgasm.  She reached down and grabbed my dick and gave it a few pumps and twists until I cried out and then looked at me and laughed.  She said, “Nancy will be occupied for a few hours, how about if Martha drives you home.”
Martha helped me walk to the car, still naked and squiring blood, and drove me home.


It wasn't a real glass rod.  It was made out of sugar (like cotton candy only clear—think peppermint stick).  It shattered and cut like glass, but it then dissolved into the body over several hours.  It hurt like hell to pee for a couple of days but after that I was okay.  My balls were another matter.  They swelled up to the size of walnuts and I couldn't really walk for 3 days, and hobbled around for more than a week.  Nancy came home early the next morning and she was in almost as bad a shape as I was.  Her lips were swollen, her breasts were bruised, and her panties were bloody.  I think they were trying to soften her up for her boxing match with Trish in a month.

After Martha got me into the house that night, she said, “Excuse me, I don't want to interfere, but did you want to lose?”  When I told her no, she told me that the computer not only counts stepping back from the line as a “penalty,” but also counts against you when you fail to return a punch on time.  I didn't know that!  All those times I thought I was resting to be a better fighter I was actually telling the computer to make me lose!  That's why Bruce was returning punches to me immediately because he knew that!  I was sure that I'd now win a return match with him and couldn't wait to get my chance.  But the only way I'm going to get that chance is if Nancy wins her match against Trish.  Wish us luck!


Offline Peggy Tee

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Re: Men's Naked Boxing For Their Wives
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2020, 06:09:59 PM »
Yikes!!  I've heard of glass jaws, but never glass dicks!