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Angelfist 2: The Expansion (About the story)(Fan Fiction based on film)

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Offline PeachPit

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Let me just say first off that I am taking a different approach than what you're used to on here.  What you are used to seeing are bikini catfights, jello, and even oil wrestling featuring topless women with little to nothing on.  Whereas I want to go back to the roots of fighting that are similar to the days of gladiatorial bouts in the coliseum of Rome.

I believe deep in the hearts and minds of every woman lies the blueprint and heart of a warrior.  Times have changed.  No longer are the men the hunters and gatherers.  We are now on a equal plane. 

If we're going to be on a equal plane then let's show what lies deep in the heart of every woman.  The ability to defend. The ability to stand up.  The ability to divide and conquer.


Inspired mostly from this very popular cult classic Angelfist

The screenwriter Anthony Greene had the right idea for a concept of a female fight tournament created in the same style as Jean Claude Van Damme's hit film "Bloodsport".  However Director Roger Corman did not capture the screenplay. 

The fights were poorly choreographed and the scenes were so awfully short. 

So I want to go back to this film and try to recapture how this film should be portrayed.