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First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina

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Offline neofiyte

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First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina
« on: August 31, 2019, 05:23:27 AM »
I have 2 endings... let me know which one you think is the better one.

I had to set this up. The two of them gave me no choice.

I used to date Gina, she was cute, standing about 5’3”, weighed 118 pounds with strawberry blonde hair that fell down to the small of her back. She had 34 C cup breasts, and she had wide hips. She was a bitch to everyone, including me. I stayed with her far longer than I should have in college. I finally broke up with her and started dating around, but occasionally would get back together with her. I finally started dating Bella, she was beautiful, short dark hair down to her chin, standing 5’5, 110 pounds. Bella was in better shape with a flat stomach, 32A breasts and a tight ass.

Everything was going great with Bella and I, until Gina came calling. There was constant texts, SnapChats and other methods, trying to get me to come over in the middle of the night. I was ignoring them until Bella found my phone and became furious. She started texting back, telling her to stay away and stop messaging me. She called her an ugly whore and a slut. Gina responded in kind. I tried to make Bella ignore her and I blocked all messages from Gina. It did not work, and Gina kept it up, making it a mission to try to take me back.

Text < Why are you still with that frigid bitch>

Text <Stop writing my boyfriend you stupid whore>

Text <Bitch, he never had it as good as he had it w me. He always cums back when he is bored>

Text<Whore if I ever get my handz on you,>

Text< cxnt, you wont do anything>

Gina kept on saying that she would kick Bella’s ass if she ever saw her. That she would knock her out and rip out all her hair. Bella got hold of the messages and started saying the same, that she would scratch her face up to make her uglier than she already is and leave her naked for everyone to see. Things were getting heated, and Bella begged me to set it up. Just the two of them with me there to watch. So I did. I invited both of them down to my house in the mountains.  After work on Friday, Bella and I jumped in the car and took the two hour drive up to the cabin and spent the night waiting for Gina to get there on Saturday. I wanted to get the cabin set up, moving the furniture out of the way to make the living room spacious enough for the two of them and to place the sofa in front of the stone fireplace. Bella was nervous about the fight and I spent the night making her more comfortable, telling her how great she is and better than Gina.


The big day is here and Bella wanted to be alone. She waited in the bedroom while I sat on the couch pushed up against the fireplace waiting for Gina. After a few hours I hear a car pull into the stone driveway and a car door slam. I stand up and walk to the door and hear rustling moving around in the bedroom. Opening the door I see Gina walking towards me, she looks like she lost a little weight, but still has the wide hips and a little bit of a belly. She smiles as she walks towards me, and walks faster coming up to me and wrapping her arms around my middle and placing her face against my chest. She attempt to get up on tippy toes to give me a kiss, but I pull away after a brief touching of our lips.

“Where is the whore?” she steps into the cabin looking around. “MMMMm… remember the last time we were here together? We had a lot of fun, maybe after I beat that stupid bitch, you and I can relive the old times in front of the fireplace?” she grabs my ass as she says it and pulls me towards her again to embrace. Before she can the door opens and Bella is in the doorway staring daggers at Gina and Me. I disentangle myself from Gina’s embrace.

“You can get ready in the spare bedroom, you know where it is” I say, pointing to the door.
“I know where everything is in this place” She says with a grin. I can hear Bella’s teeth grinding behind me as I stand between them.

“Just come out when you are ready, bitch”. Bella yells as the door slams behind her.

Bella spent the morning relaxing and is dressed in tight fitting jeans with a white T-shirt and her hair pulled back in a small pony tail. She is stretching in my bedroom and pushed me out of the doorway when I tried to check on her. I can hear Gina banging around in the room and finally she opens the door. She is wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. Her long hair pulled back and up in a bun.

I call Bella out into the room. She enters seeing Gina walking out of the bedroom dressed nearly identically as her and as she walks up to me she asks “How could you date someone this ugly?”

“UGLY?! You stupid bitch. When I am done with you he won’t even be thinking of you.” Gina responds and starts to move towards Bella. I step in between.

“I am going to stop in when I think it has gone too far and one of you is the clear winner, do you both agree?”

“Don’t pull me off of her, she deserves what she gets” Bella is yelling from behind me as I have my hands out.

“Please you dumb Whore, He and I are going to leave you on the floor while I take him into our bedroom”.

I start to move from the middle of them and move over to the couch to sit down. The two of them start to move closer to each other. Gina moves her hands in front of her face and closes her hands into fists and Bella does the same after seeing Gina. Bella seems hesitant coming forward, but Gina steps right in and throws a right straight at Bella’s face. Bella not used to fist fights lets the fist hit her right in the eye. She gasps and throws her hands up to block anymore to and Gina obliges continuing to throw a couple of wild punches, mostly hitting Bella’s shoulders and forearms. Bella keeps backing up as punches keep coming and her back is against a wall. Gina gets a punch through her arms hitting her small breasts causing another yelp from Bella. Bella is covering up as Gina keeps pouring it on. Bella is covering her face leaving her body wide open, and while Gina is still attacking her face with punches, but not getting through, she goes lower and keeps on hitting her ribs and belly. Each strike causes a yelp from Bella.

I start to worry about Bella, she has taken six or seven punches to the body, but she reached out and grabbed hold of Gina’s hair pulling it out of the bun. Her hair cascades down her back and shoulders allowing Bella’s left hand grabs hold of a clump and pulls her off balance. With her right hand she punches Gina in the side of the head. Gina continues to punch as her head is being pulled to the side. Being off balance she hits Bella in the ribs but eats a punch to her own face. Now it was Gina’s turn to yelp. Bella continues to pull her head to the side, yanking trying to pull her hair out. Gina has to grab hold of Bella’s hand to minimize the yanking and reaches up for Bella’s hair, grabbing the top of her head pulling the hair from the small pony tail.

“You stupid whore, Let go of my hair!” Gina yells while yanking Bella’s head down. Bella is bending over and with both her hands tied up she starts kicking Bella in the legs.

“Bitch, I hate you” Bella uses her free right hand to keep punching wildly. Several hit Gina in the body, causing her to scream out. One smashes her left breast flat, and she screams from the strike. She lets go of Bella’s hand and grabs two handfuls of hair and drags her away from the wall shaking her head back and forth as she does. Bella is crying out from the hair being yanked out and is pulling with all her strength with her left hand while continuing to try to punch with her right, but not effectively. Gina is pulling hair out with each yank and trying to trip her with kicks to her legs. Bella stumbles but forward into Gina and they tangle up, making Bella reach up and grab Gina’s long locks with both hands. They are both pulling, trying to rip each other’s hair out with each yank. Between grunts of pain, a mixture of bitch, slut and whore coming from both of them. Bella pushes Gina’s head back and down forcing her to look straight up. Gina is pulling Bella over to the her right side while continuing to kick her legs, trying to trip her.

Bella pulls as hard as she can to her left to pull Gina over with her. Both are ripping hair out as they keep on pulling and are bent over. Gina lets go with on hand and digs her nails into Bella’s cheek and drags it down her face. Screaming Bella lets go with one hand and starts punching hitting her in the side of the face and head, while Gina keeps scratching. A long red welt forms on Bella’s beautiful face and they are spinning in circles trying to take the other down. Kicking each other in the legs, Bella continues to throw hammerfists down on Gina’s head. One more circle and the two of them get entwined and tumble to the ground.


Both of them are on their sides at this point trying to gain the upper hand. Gina is still pulling hair and using her nails to scratch Bella’s face. She has three long scratches down her cheek and neck, tears can be seen in her eyes. Bella on her left side, still has a handful of hair and luckily her right fist free and keeps on bringing hammerfists down. Every one that gets through hit Gina in her face and she emits a yelp. Gina’s lip is split and a little blood is coming from her nose. Gina gets her legs around Bella’s body and she tries to roll over on top of her, but Bella blocks her and rolls on top. Gina uses her legs to push her away while squeezing her stomach and letting go of her shorter hair, Bella keeps hold of her hair and starts to pull towards her to make her sit up. She can barely punch at her face with Gina’s hands in the way. Bella widens her legs on her knees making it harder for Gina to tip her over and she is punching down at her belly. Three hard shots and one knocks the wind out of her lungs. Gina is coughing and almost lets go of the scissor hold, but keeps it on and rocking Bella off to the side. Bella is continuing to punch down, screaming obscenities at her. She reaches forward and grabs hold of the collar of Gina’s T’shirt with her free hand and starts pulling towards her trying to make her sit up. The Fabric is stretching as she is yanking at the shirt and keeping the other hand in her hair ripping out clumps. With Bella leaning forward she grabs hold of Bella’s shirt and is pulling her down. This catches her off guard causing Bella to fall forward. Gina grabs hold her hair again and reaches to start punch downward at the back of Bella’s head, hitting it with every attempt. She wraps her arm around keeping her head against her chest with one hand and punching down with the other, all the while bucking her hips and trying to roll her over.

Bella is in trouble the back of her head has taken five strikes and Gina’s thick legs are squeezing, she is trying to throw blind hammerfists down at Gina’s face. She is hitting occasionally but with only glancing blows. Being unable to strike Gina’s face she reaches up and feels for her face and digs her nails in and starts to rake down the side of her cheek with her right hand and continuing to pull hair with her left hand yanking as hard as she can. Gina bucks her hips one more time and rolls over onto her left still keeping Bella’s face pressed to her chest. Gina is screaming from the lines being raked in her face and stops with her punching the back of Bella’s head to grab hold of her wrist. She pulls Bella’s hand away from her face and presses it against the ground and keeps on rolling until she is on top of Bella. She lets go of Bella with her thick thighs and places them on either side of Bella’s stomach, Keeping Bella’s face covered with her breasts she starts to inch up on her body, but knees are hitting Gina in her back over and over as Bella is trying to knock her off.

Bella is in trouble as she wraps Gina’s long hair around her wrist as close to the side of her head as she can to keep control of her head and is yanking her to the side to pull her off. Gina puts her hand down to keep her from being pulled over but her head is being twisted to the side hard. She tries to sit up, but can only get so far with one hand holding Bella’s down and the other balancing her body on top. She continues inching her body further up towards Bella’s smaller breasts. Bella’s knees are kicking up furiously, she tries to lift her right hand off the ground but every time she gets it a little off Gina slams it back down. Gina pulls Bella’s arm down towards her side, trying to pin it under her knee to free it up. Bella is bucking has hard as she can to try to get her off. Bella is the only one doing any damage with her knees as they hit Gina’s in her lower back.

Bella is trying to fight against her arm, but Gina almost has it close enough to pin it, freeing up her hand to punch again. Gina is now sitting on her breasts and fighting against her arm pinning it to her side, she slides her leg up pinning it on top of her. Gina lets go of the pinned hand and uses it to punch down on Bella’s face. She gets two good shots in before Bella starts bucking and forcing her to place it down for balance.

Bella’s eye is turning black and blue and she has several lines down her cheek and neck from Gina’s nails. Her bottom heavy body is sitting on her breasts with one arm pinned and the other yanking at her hair. Gina tentatively lifts her hand off the ground again and punches down again and again. Two more direct strikes and Bella is crying, a trickle of blood coming from her nose. She bucks and is able to get her hand out from beneath Gina’s leg and she reaches up grabbing hold of her shirt pulling on the collar again stretching it and pulling Gina forward. Off balance from her shirt being pulled and her hair she falls forward and the two start rolling to the side. Bella is yanking her shirt ripping at the seams.

The two are on their sides throwing wild punches with their free hands and trying to roll the other over to get on top, but they are just rolling from side to side cursing and calling each other names. Gina is losing a lot of hair from Bella’s pulling, long strands of strawberry blonde hair litter the floor. Gina tries to wrap her legs around Bella again, but Bella gets one leg over top over Gina’s and brings up her knee connecting with Gina’s pussy. Gina lets out a scream and grabs Bella by the hair with both hands and she slams her head down onto the floor once before she pulls Gina over and tries to roll away from her letting go over Gina’s hair. Bella rolls over one more time and gets up to her knees looking at Gina who is slowly getting to her knees.


Bella’s face is looking bruised and small trickles of blood are coming from the long lines Gina scratched, here shorter dark hair is sticking out wildly from where it was pulled. Her white shirt is slightly stretched from it being pulled. She takes a moment while she sees Gina still getting to her knees to pull her hair back into a small ponytail.

Gina’s hair on her right side is showing a small patch where Bella pulled out and three fresh lines down her cheek. One eye looks like it is going to swell later. Her black shirt’s collar is pulled open exposing her 34 C cup breasts covered by a red bra.

Both are wary of the other, slowly getting up to their feet and wiping tears from their eyes. Both get to their feet and start to circle one another again. Bella puts her fist up to block her face “Bitch, I hate you… I am going to destroy your face”.

“I am going to knock you out whore and then I am going to fuck Dante in front of you, then I am going to hurt you again”.

Gina moves forward keeping her fist up like a boxer and throws a wild punch at Bella’s face hitting her forearm forcing Bella back, Gina keeps throwing punches and Bella showing her inexperience keeps backing up and unable to swing back. She just keeps taking steps back and trying to block her face, Gina gets a few shots through to the body, but most hit Bella’s arms. Bella’s back is up against the wall again and Gina hits her in the belly with a hard shot knocking the wind out of her temporarily and her hands fall from her face. Gina uses that opportunity to swing a hook and hits Bella on the cheek causing a cry to come from her lips and she covers up her face again. Gina punches through her arms and flattens her small left breast, another cry comes from Bella and she tries to move away from the wall but Gina reaches up and grabs hold of her hair pulling her away. As she drags her forward she starts throwing uppercuts towards Bella’s face. Three get through Bella’s arms trying to block her face and each one causes more yelps. Bella reaches out trying to grab hold of whatever she can and her left hand grasps onto her already stretched shirt and starts yanking on it, pulling down as hard as she can, with a loud rip her shirt rips halfway down her stomach exposing her breasts. Letting go of the ripped shirt she reaches out again and grabs hold of Gina’s red bra and pulls towards her pulling away and ripping it. This exposes Gina’s 34 C cups. Gina does not let go of Bella’s dark hair and is yanking at it pulling clumps out and throwing uppercuts at her face. Bella has to let go of the slack material that was Gina’s bra and blindly reaches out for her long strawberry blond hair. With her free hand she tries to punch back.

Ending 1:
Eating a few more punches Bella has to take a last ditch effort move and falls into Gina, wrapping her arms around her and tackling her to the ground. Bella’s legs spread out and she presses her body against Gina’s and presses her face into her chest, throwing wild punches up at Gina’s face until she can start moving herself up Gina’s body. Slowly she is creeping up Gina’s body, as Gina punches the back of her head. Bella’s ass is sitting on her stomach and she jumps her body upward so she is sitting nearly on her breasts. She pulls up feeling Gina not holding onto her hair. Bella shakes the hair out of her face and punches down at Gina’s exposed breasts several times until she tries to cover them up and then alternating punches to Gina’s face. Gina is bucking, but Bella is tabling to hold on and creeping up further. Bella is sitting on Gina’s breasts and she is pulling one of her arms and trying to pin it under her right knee. Gina is fighting it, but Bella with a bit of luck, she presses her knee down on Gina’s upper left arm.

Bella grabs hold of Gina’s right wrist, with her left hand so that her free to use the right hand to punch. Bella still crying but wanting to get revenge on Gina, when she was in this position Bella starts to punch down at Gina’s face. She connects with several punches as Gina is trying to turn her face away. Knees striking Bella in the back pushes her forward and she reaches down with her nails, and rakes her face from her cheek all the way down her neck. Gina screams from it and is crying as well. Bella puts her forearms over Gina’s throat and starts pressing down with it. Gina’s eyes go wide and she begins thrashing, but Bella is seated on her. Legs kicking Gina is trying to get her off nearly pulling her left arm free, but Bella adjusts herself pressing down harder with her knee.

Gina takes in a deep breath and as she does Bella punches down again and again, letting go of her wrist to use both hands to punch. Unable to stop the punches with her one hand Gina grabs hold of Bella’s pants and tries to pull forward, but eats several more punches. Bella’s tears are running down her cheek as she punches over and over again. “Give up”! she screams in Gina’s face… Gina crying is shaking her head no, and covering her face in the crook of her elbow. Bella stands up quickly, with a handful of Gina’s hair in her hand and drags her across the floor by it and turning around to kick her in the stomach. Gina screams and Bella kicks again. Gina is on her knees with Bella behind her kicking her in the side. Gina falls to the ground covering up, but Bella continues to kick, using Gina’s hair she straightens her out on her stomach and sits on her back pulling back with one hand in her hair and swinging at her face. Gina crying can’t take it anymore after 7 more punches get through, and screams that she gives up. Bella does not stop punching, and I have to grab her and lift her off. Bella is screaming and cursing at her kicking as I pull her away and throw her in one of the bed rooms. I close the door after I put her on the bed and close it behind her telling her to stay in there.

I check on Gina who is on the ground crying, eyes black and blue, scratches bleeding all over her body. I take her into the other bed room and let her rest.


Ending #2

With Bella blindly grabbing at her hair, Gina shakes her head and throws another punch into Bella’s chest. Bella crying and one eye closing because of all of the punches to her face, Gina punches her again in the face and Bella’s knee buckle at it, but she is able to keep her feet. She leans forward and tries to tackle Gina, but as she falls into Gina, Gina brings her knee up into Bella’s belly knocking the wind out of her. Bella is trying to breath, but is trying to take large gulps of air, but while she is trying to breathe Gina holds her up and brings up her knee between Bella’s legs. Bella drops down to the ground holding herself. Gina kicks her in the side knocking her over. Gina continue to kick Bella while she is down before dropping down on her stomach and punching her already battered face. Bella goes limp during the barrage, but Gina continue to punch and I have to rush in and lift her off Bella’s prone body, while she is cursing and kicking and trying to get back at her.


I carry Gina in to one of the bedrooms and throw her on the bed as I go check on Bella who is coming around again after the lost. I take Bella into the other bedroom and let her get some rest.




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Re: First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2019, 08:16:20 AM »
I like the version where Gina wins. Be cool if  Gina makes good on her promise to take you while Bella watches. Winning the fight Gina has you so excited for her that you choose to do Gina. As she tells you how much she enjoyed the fight


Offline krispin

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Re: First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2019, 08:40:41 AM »
Ending 2 off course  ;D


Offline Fortran Wrench

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Re: First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2019, 02:29:30 PM »
Hey well done for a first effort. I hope you stick with it and develop your style. Nice work! :)
There's no elevator to success. You'll have to take the stairs.


Offline griffin

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Re: First attempt at a story. Bella vs Gina
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2019, 09:21:36 AM »
Nice story. I also liked ending 2 best.