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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars

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Offline FyreCracka

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Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« on: January 30, 2017, 05:37:01 AM »

Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars

After my set back against Jessi, I'm more than eager to find a fight and put the loss behind me. I put the 'Cat' pin back on. I meet up with Patricia, with whom I'm getting along with increasingly well. We laugh when we see that we are both wearing our pins. We've planned to go the mall, so we hop in her car and drive to the city.

We aren't in the mall more than 10 minutes, before some young 'ladies' come up to us and challenge us. There are four of them, two of them have 'pins' on. My guess is that they earned those pins fighting each other, but there's no way to know. All four of them are fairly mouthy and have no problem calling Patricia and I "old".

After some back and forth, we decide to let the young women choose their opponent. To my surprise the littlest one, Destiny, picks me to fight. While the bigger girl, Christina, takes Trisha. Both of these girls are only 18 years old and think they are God's gift to fighting, so we let them even pick the match types. Both of them want to have bare knuckle boxing matches. I'm not too sure about that type of fight but Patricia really wants to do it, so we agree.

The girls have some friends that work at one of the stores in the mall. After talking with them for a bit, they take us out behind the store to the private alley that will serve as our 'ring'. Looking around our 'arena', I see that it is surprisingly private. I'm sure they have done this before here. It's a fairly open area that is ringed by cinderblock walls and large metal gate. There is a few large commercial dumpsters and bags of trash around.

The 'nerdy' friend, a chunkier white girl named Lori, digs a camera and laptop out of her backpack. She will be streaming the match and uploading the information to the 'site. The fourth friend, a quick talking, average sized black girl named Tamara, will be serving as the referee- and announcer, play by play, etc...the girl loves to talk.

All four of us that are fighting circle around Tamara as she explains the rules. "Alright, bitches, listen up. This will be a bare knuckle brawl. Punches only...keep swinging until one of you quits or is knocked unconscious. When a bitch hits the ground don't hit her again until she's back on her feet...they'll be no rounds, or timeouts, either. Keep going until it's settled."

Tamara looks all of us over, "Ok, Red, you and Christina will fight first....let's make some money, bitches, pull those tops off". Patricia, with her large store bought tits, is never shy about showing them off and removes her sweater and bra revealing her large, gravity defying C cups. Not to be outdone, Christina her shirt and bra. She smiles as her natural, young and perky breasts are equal to Patricia's.

Our 'announcer' walks over to Lori, the chubby girl with the laptop. Lori has been getting our profile pages from the 'site ready. Tamara reads from the laptop as Lori begins filming. "We welcome you to the latest edition of 'Back Alley Bitches'. Today we have a treat for you, as we have a couple of milfs that are ready to step up against your favorite sexy bitches. In our first of these bare knuckle boxing matches we have a 5'7", 135 pound...holy shit! She's 44 years old...ginger slut named Patricia". She changes her focus to the younger woman, "And over here, standing 5'7", weighing a lean, mean 125 sexy pounds...the barely legal 18 year old, the lethal Latina- Christina!"

 The two women stand across from each other. The older woman is wearing black leggings and grey Ugg boots. I watch as Patricia stares down the young brunette with her blue eyes and fiery red hair. Christina, in tight, ripped jeans with white Vans sneakers, stares back. Although you can tell that the sight of Trisha's toned and defined body is a bit intimidating to her, she still barks at Trisha "You're older than my mom...I'm about to beat your old ass". Trisha just smirks back at her confidently.

Both of the fighters let Tamara know that they are ready and raise their fists. Tamara say to them "Ok, bitches...let's fight!"

Trisha moves in quickly on the younger woman who paws a few timid punches at her, landing a couple jabs. The younger girl's punches, while not the hardest, were enough to snap my friend's head back and give her a slightly swollen lip. The red head, seems annoyed by this and refocuses. Trisha steps off line and buries a solid right hook to the pretty Latina's ribs that causes her to flinch, groan and cover her belly. Trisha's straight left sails unobstructed straight to Christina's nose, dropping her to her knees.

The young brunette sits there for a few moments, looking at the drops of blood dropping onto the concrete, debating if she should get up. Trisha, sensing victory, taunts her, "Get little yapping dog. It's too much fun knocking you down."She stands back up. Her eyes are watering and there is a small trickle of blood coming from her nose, but it's not too bad.

Tamara tells them to start again. Christina looks determined, but she is so concerned with protecting her nose that she isn't able to stop Trisha's combination to the body. The left, right, left to the Latin's ribs doubles the young lady over and is followed by a big downward right to her jaw that puts her down on her belly. She groans and lays there for a few seconds, she begins to put her hands on the ground to try to get up again, after struggling for a good half minute she collapses back down. Tamara kneels down and asks her if she quits. She doesn't even look up.  "I'm done...she wins.."

Tamara walks over to Patricia. She takes her over Christina who has rolled onto her back, knowing what is about to happen. The talkative black woman raises Trisha's hand and my partner in crime places her fuzzy booted foot right in the defeated youngster's belly as Lori makes sure to get it all on camera, as Tamara proclaims her the winner.

Next, our announcer motions Destiny and me over. We both have already gotten dressed, or undressed as it might be. I'm in a pair of tight, faded jeans, with my nicest pair of boots on. Destiny is in skin tight black jeans with biker boots. Both of us have our blonde hair up in ponytails. I know I'm still pretty well built for my age and my chest, while not the biggest, is still nice to look at, but Destiny looks like one of those little hard bodied dancers in a dirty magazine. She is tan and fit, with quite a bit of definition. Too bad she's already starting to ruin it with several tattoos. Her chest is about the same size as mine, only younger and perkier- what's more, she knows it and is flaunting it.

Tamara begins to read our stats off the laptop like she did before. "Here's our second milf, she stands 5' 5 1/2" tall and weighs 140 least this one is only 37...too bad her husband hasn't sprung for new tits though". The mouthy girl continues "and her opponent, the scrappiest little slut I've ever met, she's 5'3" and 115 pounds of bad ass bitch. She's an 18 year old wildcat that knocks out suburban skanks for fun- Destiny!"

"Alright bitches, go fuck each other up!" Tamara yells as she starts the fight. Destiny doesn't waste any time, coming out swinging. I'm hit by a barrage of fast moving fists from the lightning quick girl. Fortunately, I'm able to block most of them, but a few body shots do slip through. While she doesn't have fearsome power, the small blonde does hit solidly.

She jumps back as quick as she attacked before I can hit back. I stalk the smaller woman as she dances around. She darts in and out with small flurries of punches and I usually get a few off. Neither one of us has landed anything but body shots so far. "Getting tired yet, bitch?" She asks as I continue to track her. "Why hasn't your husband bought you new tits?.... he probably doesn't have enough money after he's finished stuffing my g-string with cash.." She taunts, before throwing a few more jabs.

Frustrated with my lack of landing any decent punches and her constant chatter, I become more aggressive. I begin to take more chances, swinging wildly when ever I see even the slightest opportunity. One of my haymakers lands flush with the stripper's cheek bone, sending her staggering for a few steps. To my surprise Destiny shakes off the hard punch and retaliates with another combination to my belly, before I connect with a left body hook that earns me a whimper from her.

About this time, we both come to the realization that this is going to be a real fight. For the first time she shuts up and begins to focus, but I'm still on the offensive. I continue to attack swinging often, not giving too much thought to defense. We have a few more exchanges. She might be landing more mine are doing more damage. As evidenced by the swelling on her left eye. We are starting to go into clinches now as we finally start to slow down our furious pace.

We have been going at it for well over 10 minutes. Both of us are now covered in sweat, our topless bodies shining in the sun. Everyone can see that I'm a breathing harder than Destiny. The longer this goes, on the more I realize it's working in the younger girl's favor.

I wade in again, throwing a big looping right at the smaller girl's head. She attempts to duck and I only graze the top of her head. This puts Destiny in a great position and she unloads three hooks to my exposed belly. Everyone of them lands with a solid and resounding thud of knuckles to flesh. For the first time in the fight, she has hurt me. I yelp and groan from the pain and she knows she's scored.

With a renewed energy, she presses her advantage. My hands aren't high as they should be and her next punch lands just above my left eye, rocking me backwards. Destiny smalls the blood in the water and attacks ferociously. I'm driven back until I'm against the metal gate. The wirey blonde is landing most of her punches to my belly as I try to protect my face. I can hear my own groans getting louder with each impact. The young girls in the crowd start cheering their approval for their champion to finish me.

I grab her hair and force us into a clinch. Even though our faces are too close to hit, we both pound away at each other's stomach and breasts. I try to tie her up even more to stop the barrage with some success. I gain a little bit of a respite before the smaller woman decides to pinch my nipple, creating just enough space for her to land a left body hook followed by a right elbow to the side of my head. The unseen, illegal blow sends me crashing into the gate before I fall to the ground.

I can feel that she just opened a cut over my eye with that elbow. I can hear her friends already congratulating her. I lift my head and she is standing a few feet away with her hands raised. "Keep your old ass on the ground, bitch!" She snarls at me.

Tamara comes over and asks, "Do want to give up?"

"Hell no" I answer, already climbing the gate to get to my feet. I don't even give her the satisfaction of letting her see me acknowledge the trickle of blood from my eyebrow. "You're gonna pay for that one, bitch" I bark towards Destiny as I get ready to continue the fight.

Aggressively, the young blonde moves to meet me. No doubt thinking she's about to put me down again. After scoring the knockdown, the cocky Destiny is fighting a little sloppy. I throw 2 quick jabs that snap her head backwards before one of my haymakers finally lands. The hard right smashes into her mouth with enough force that it actually hurt my hand. The little woman doesn't go down but staggers several steps towards one of the big green dumpsters.

I pursue the blue eyed beauty punching her back and ribs. I hear her whimper with every punch and it feels good to finally inflict some pain on the mouthy brat. She bangs into the dumpster, holding on to it to keep from falling. I measure the distance for my next punch, waiting for the opening. When she turns back towards me, I unload on her nose with another haymaker. The stripper shrieks as she falls to the ground. "Nap time, little girl!" I yell at her.

Destiny writhes for a bit on the ground, her friends are encouraging her to get back to her feet. Tamara doesn't make it over to her before she makes it back to her feet. She gets her fists ready. Her nose bleeding slightly from both nostrils. It looks like she's starting to cry, but there is definitely a very intense anger in her eyes.

We both stand there for a moment, taking stock of where each of of us is in the stage of the fight. The small cut above my eye has stopped bleeding but there is a red smear on the left side of my face, I'm covered in sweat, I can feel the bruises forming on my ribs, but my will to finish this fight is as strong as ever. Destiny's toned body is glistening with sweat, smears of my blood cover her as well. Her nose is still trickling some and her eyes are slightly swollen.

She charges me and I meet her. We latched on to each other's hair again, swinging wildly with our free hands. Technique has left the fight as rage takes over. Both of us are landing punches every where, we're both screaming at each other  and from pain. I think both of us are no crying both from being hurt and out of anger. The small crowd is getting louder, sensing that there has to be a breaking point coming soon.

I land a huge uppercut to her stomach that lifts her up and slows the counterattack from the tough little woman. I follow up with a series of punches to her face, while holding her hair. I'm slinging her around the loading area while continuing to punch. Destiny is almost defenseman this point, no longer throwing punches only trying to push me off of her. I sling her into the metal gate with a loud clang. Then I throw a slow combination of haymakers to her head.

The crowd of Destiny's friends is now silent as I punish the smaller woman. She reaches up, clawing at my face out of instinct or desperation, I don't know. All I do know is this enrages me even more. I drawback with every once of strength I have and land one more big right to the hard body's face. Her head bounces of the gate and she moans as she slides down the gate, coming to rest on the pavement.

Tamara sensing what was about to happen, is over to her quickly. She checks Destiny by lifting her arm, which falls back down limply. "She's out, this bitch is out.....Kelli wins". Tamara walks over to me and raises my arm. We look back towards my beaten opponent, who has regained her consciousness but not her composure.  The young woman is sobbing pretty badly, but she does try to stop as Tamara and I walk over for the 'Victory Pose' photo.

  I plant my boot on her chest with my arms raised. I look down to see Destiny glaring at me, her blue eyes red from crying, still defiant as ever. I'm guessing she doesn't think this is over and truthfully, I'd like to take her on in a different type of match- I'm not sure I want to put my face through this again.

Patricia and I get all of our stuff together and I do the best I can to make myself presentable for my walk through the mall back to Patricia's Mercedes. Fortunately the cut and a fat lip are about all that is visible with my clothes on. Patricia jokes that if I was as good her, I wouldn't have to cover up as much.

Patricia drops me off at my house. It's almost dark and Jake is already home. I walk in with a big smile on my face. Jake has surprised look on his face. "Well...judging from the smile, I guess you won. Although that's the only way I'd have guessed it."  He says, mildly concerned.

I laugh and give the predictable answer "You should see the other girl".

His eyes light up, "Is it online? Because I'd love to".

After the car ride and the adrenaline wearing off, I realize how battered my body is. I even need Jake to help me change and shower. I look in the mirror before I get in the shower. There is red streaks in my blonde hair, a shiner has appeared on my left eye, there are bruises all over my body, and I have a pretty fat lip. The thing I notice hurting the most is my hands. I smile to myself 'That girl had a hard head'. I think reflecting on my win as I move the bags of frozen vegetables from one ache to the next.

Surprisingly, I don't feel that bad other than being sore. I've heard that winning is the best pain killer. I'm pretty sure that's true. I wonder how Destiny is feeling about now, the thought of it makes me smile.

After we put the little one to bed, Jake and I get on the 'site'. The video that Lori shot is already posted. First we watch Trisha's fight. It was all of 5 minutes long- including the introduction. Then we watch mine. It's always interesting to see yourself in fight from the crowd's perspective. We really went after each other, the screams and grunts really showed how hard the fight was. I was proud that I went 45 minutes with the younger athletic blonde and was able to win when she seemed tireless.

Of course the video put Jake in a mood, so we had to take care of that. Obviously, more gently than we normally do. After we were both satisfied and Jake drifted off to sleep. I was alone to dwell on my victory and browse the 'site'. I clicked on Destiny's profile. It was a proud moment to when I saw that I was the "1" in her 7-1 record. I put the computer away and cuddled up to my husband, wondering what my next adventure would be.
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline joey

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2017, 05:57:11 PM »
Another good story, I would like to see a rematch with Destiny, hairpulling catfight thongs on mats. creating a rival woman to woman. Keep them coming. Thank you JOEY  PS how about a tag team brawl catfight?


Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2017, 06:20:24 PM »
Another good story, I would like to see a rematch with Destiny, hairpulling catfight thongs on mats. creating a rival woman to woman. Keep them coming. Thank you JOEY  PS how about a tag team brawl catfight?

Thanks Joey.
I've been kicking around some tag team-type stuff. And I definitely think you'll see more of these girls, especially Destiny. If you have any specific requests you can always let us know through PM, we love doing requests.
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka


Offline dfoulup

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2017, 07:47:02 PM »
Kittens and Cougars is a nice idea and the story was well done as always.  Thanks for posting it.


Offline TheScribbler

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2017, 05:03:21 PM »
Nicely done, Fyre!



Offline FyreCracka

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2017, 05:18:14 PM »
Kittens and Cougars is a nice idea and the story was well done as always.  Thanks for posting it.

Thanks dfoulup, I'm glad you're enjoying it. We mostly do it as way for us to play around with a mutual fantasy but it is nice that other people do enjoy them as well. Also lots of fun when you guys volunteer and give us even more subject matter.  :)

Nicely done, Fyre!


Thanks Scrib, we enjoy your work as well. Hopefully, one day we will be close to as good as you are.
Fyre: a 5' 5 1/2", 130lbs, 39 years old, blonde hair and brown eyed brawler.

If you're interested in being in a story feel free to contact us.

We are now on Trillian: Fyrecracka

Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2017, 09:21:56 PM »
It's always nice to see mouthy kittens put in their proper place by some cougars.  As always, a fantastic story to read.  :)


Offline dbmoore1968

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2019, 07:41:58 PM »
Loved this fight, Firecraka.     I wish you would write more boxing stories.  Weather they be gloved or bare knuckle.  This is your best story ever.


Offline ralbright2010

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Re: Fyre's Fight Journal, Chapter 12: Kittens and Cougars
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2019, 10:59:39 PM »
Superb work! I really enjoyed this series initially. Glad you did the re-boot!