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Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion

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Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion
« on: May 25, 2014, 07:37:52 PM »
Anna and Kymm latched onto each others hair and started yanking for all they were worth. Wet bodies slapped together as they fell to the grass and started rolling. Wet grass clinged to their bodies, legs wrapped together as they were joined from head to toe. The quick rolling stopped with Anna on top. Her left hand sneaks in between their bodeis and latched onto Kymm's B cup right breast, nails digging in. The sexfight was over, both knew that the next stage would be more vicious. Kymm's scream of pain echos through the empty woods, thunder drowns it out. Kymm's body bucks and writhes, Anna unable to maintain to postion on the wet woman is pushed off to the side. Kymm quickly moves to her knees and lashes out with a right fist....THWACK!!! Anna's head snaps to the side and she lands to her side on the ground. As Kymm moves forward on her knees, Anna's right leg pushes forward at the approaching woman landing right to Kymm's belly right above her navel. OOOOOOFFFFFF!!! Kymm folds in half and grasps her stomach in pain.

"Now!!!", Anna breathes out as she gets to her knees rubbing her jaw.

Anna grabbed Kymm's hair and pulled forward and pushed down, slamming her enemy's head into the grass. Kymm's vision is blurred with stars as she is slammed again and again into the ground. In her desperation she reaches out with left hand and latches onto Anna's pussy, gripping tight and inseting two fingers and long nails inside Anna. Anna bolts upright and the scream she lets escape from her lips would make a banshee cringe! Her hands rush to her wounded womanhood and grabbed Kymm's wrist trying to wrench it from injuring her even more.

"What's wrong slut, you kitty doesn't like claws?!?" Kymm taunts as she reached out with her right to grab a handfull of Anna's DDcup left breast, claws gouging the heavy flesh.

Anna is like a crazed woman trying to get Kymm from ruining her for life. Balling up her fists, Anna throws a short left jab at Kymm's face and a looping right that conects behind Kymm's ear. Kymm is knocked back and Anna rolls away, tears streaming down her face. Both women lay in the rain and wet grass, moaning, rubbing the new wounds. Anna gets to her hands and knees and moves towards Kymm. Kymm shaking off the thumps to her noggin, she sees a blurry naked figure inching towards her and lashes out with a left back hand to keep Anna at bay. WHACK!!!! Anna's nose erupts in pain and blood starts to flow. Anna's arms fail her and she falls face first to the wet muck. Blood, grass and mud on her face.

Kymm grasped two handfulls of wet hair and hauled Anna to taunt her.

"FUCKING LITTLE cxnt!!! I am going to finish beating you then I am going to take your bike, leave you here....enjoy trying to get back whore!!!" Kymm said with an evil smile.

Anna deciding that this need to end soon or she may lose, lunged forward and latched her blood stained teeth onto Kymm's clawed left breast. Sinking in with her chompers and shaking her head back and forth. Kymm screamed in pain and rage as Anna knawed on her wounded tit. Kymm's hands pull back on Anna's hair, trying to free her breast. Anna pushing forward with knees and feet, pushes Kymm onto her back. Kymm's legs are splayed out as she bucks up with her hips. Anna, feeling Kymm's thigh brushing hers, rears back with left knee and slams it forward in a sickening crunch as it finds in's home inbetween Kymm's legs. CRACK!!!!

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Kymm screams in intense pain.

Anna hearing the howl of pain, let's go of the bite and slams her knee again into her mortal enemy's womanhood. She moved her legs to straddle Kymm's waist, grabbing Kymm's jaw with her left hand pulling her head up.

"This is where it ends you titless skank!!!!" Anna yells in Kymms face as she pulls back with her right fist and unleashes it at Kymm's face. CRUNCH!!! Kymm's head slams back to the earth. Stars erupt in her head. Anna inches forward with her body grabbing Kymm by the hair and bringing it to her pain ridden "kitty" rubbing it back and forth across Kymm's face. Kymm smelling the musty scent tries her last ditch effort, biting with her own pearly whites. OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! is the sound to comes from Anna's throat. Her fists rain down punch after punch to Kymm's head, smacking Kymm around the ears. Kymm unable to take any more, releases the bite and succumbs to unconciousness.

Anna continued to punch until Kymm went limp. She falls off to the side and layed there, crying as the addrenilin weened and pain racked her whole body. After what seemed to be an eternity, Anna slowly got to her feet and made her way to where she parked her motorcycle. She picked up her ruined shirt and muddy jeans. Dressing in the ruined clothing, she slowly mounts the bike and starts it.

"OH FUCK!!!!" she yells out as the vibration of the bike brings back pain between her legs. "That BITCH" she says to herself as she looks back to see Kymm start to stir. She puts the bike in gear and slowly moves back to the road. She didn't stop until she was a few counties away and got herslef a room as a seedy motel, a long bath, and much needed rest.

The End!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2014, 07:52:16 PM »

Hope you have a great memorial day weekend...  THANK GOD .. For Marine Chicks!!



Offline Fw190 A

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Re: Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 05:45:13 AM »
I just loved it! Thank you, Anna, and thank you Leroy Veritas!

I'd love to see some more stories.


Offline Drake8

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Re: Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2019, 02:52:53 PM »
Amazing story a shame the cops stopped the bar fight it would be awesome a public fight between those two.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: Motorcycle Maddness Conclusion
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2019, 03:03:50 PM »
Amazing story a shame the cops stopped the bar fight it would be awesome a public fight between those two.

What a blast from the past!!! I wrote that story back in 2008 and it got lost for a long time. It was based off interactions with Kymm here on FCF back then.