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Bollywood battle royal

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Bollywood battle royal
« on: October 11, 2019, 04:44:35 AM »

The eight women began to look around the ring at each other to see who would strike first. All the girls, but Kriti, Pooja, and Rakul moved into a sort of crouching position waiting to strike. The 3 brunettes however calmly leaned back against the rope not even preparing to attack. Kiara and Kriti K looked quickly from girl to girl, showing their nervousness in the match. Finally Kriti broke the silence.
"So Pooja ready for me to whip your scrawny ass," Kriti said smiling.
"Yeah right bitch, after I bash Urvashi's pretty little face into the ground, I plan on kicking your fat ass all over this arena," Pooja said removing her arms that were laid over the top rope.
"In your dreams skank. Even a dumb girl like you should remember sleeping under my ass," Urvashi spit back viciously towards Pooja.
"Enough of this fucking talk already," Rakul said as she pushes herself off the ropes, charging forward and hitting Disha in the side of her head with a forearm. The girl barely saw Rakul coming and was knocked into the ropes, just in front of the corner.
Urvashi charged Pooja but was met with a foot to the stomach that immediately stopped the brunette in her tracks. Kriti and Kriti K turned toward each other and both began to charge. The two starlets grabbed for each other's hair and began to pull themselves around the ring. Kiara and Rhea looked around at the chaos that had started around them. Both realizing that their were the only two not fighting, Kiara charged after Rhea. The brunette was able to side step Kiara slightly and as the brunette grabbed Rhea's locks she was met with a knee to the stomach. The cutie quickly fired another knee into Kiara's midsection dropping her to a kneel. Pulling the brunette up by her gorgeous locks, Rhea fired a punch into her adversaries' chin. Kiara was knocked back into the ropes. Throwing her arms on top of the ropes for balance, Kiara tried to get her head straight as Rhea fired another knee into Kiara's bare stomach.
The brunette gave out a grunt as she keeled forward. Grabbing Kiara by the back of her hair,  Rhea ran forward, jumped up into the air, and drove her adversaries face down into the canvas.
Meanwhile, Rakul was working over Disha's chest and stomach with her fists. The brunette tried to block the punches, and managed to deflect a couple, but she was still taking a beating. Every time Rakul faked a punch to Disha's face, the brunette would raise her arms to protect herself, and Rakul would nail her with a punch to the ribs.
"Look at Disha getting her as kicked already. Figures pussy," The brunette said serenely at her hurt adversary. Suddenly Disha shot her foot up catching Rakul in the lower abdomen. The kick stunned Rakul for a second and Disha took advantage by nailing her rival in the cheek with a right cross. Rakul was knocked back a step, but quickly leaped forward sinking both of her hands into Disha's hair. The brunette returned the favor and the two women began pulling each other's heads around by their hair.
While the two hellcats were engaged in their hair pulling, they collided into Kriti and Kriti K who were still engaged in their own hair tug a war. They four beauties fell to the canvas in a heap of bodies. Letting go of each other the four starlets began pushing and kicking one another in order to separate themselves. Kriti K was able to pull herself out of the pile and was the first her feet. To her delight she saw Rakul still pushing herself up from a sitting position. The brunette helped Rakul up by pulling her hair. Kriti K then threw the brunette into the ropes. When Rakul rebounded she was met with a clothesline that dropped her like a ton of bricks. Kriti K was on top of her in seconds, and while kneeling over her adversary began to rain punch after punch in to Rakul's face.
While Kriti K was wailing on Rakul, Kriti and Disha were having there own confrontation. Both still on their knees from their previous collision, the two ladies lunged for each other. After a brief struggle the pretty in pink was able to take Disha down to her back. After mounting her foe, Kriti quickly grabbed Disha's locks and began to bang the back of her head into mat. The brunrtte was unable to hold her advantage for long though, as Disha was able to unseat her. Disha quickly rolled on top of Kriti and returned the previous favor of having her head bashed into the ground. Disha too couldn’t hold her opponent down for long as the two girls began to roll around the ring each trying to stay on top of the other.
Rolling too far to the right of the ring the two hellcats rolled right into the leg of Rhea who currently had Kiara in a headlock. While punishing Kiara with the hold, the brunette felt something hit her leg. Looking down she saw Kriti on top of Disha. The momentary distraction was all Kiara needed to escape. Slipping out of Rhea’s hold, Kiara grabbed Rhea by the back of her head and threw her through the ropes and out on to the mats. Turning her attention back to the two actresses that laid next to her legs, Kiara reached down and pulled Kriti up by the back of her head, just as Kriti was beginning to get the best of Disha. Holding Kriti's hair tight at its roots, Kiara ran the brunette face first into the turnbuckle.
"Maybe that will knock some sense into that empty little head of yours," Kiara said just before she rammed Kriti's face into the turnbuckle again.
Disha had finally gotten to her feet and began to go back after Kriti when out of the corner of her eye she saw Kriti K holding Rakul down on her knees while she was starting to lace another punch into the side of the brunette head. Disha smiled and made her way over to Kriti K. Walking behind Rakul, Disha quickly twisted her arms between the brunett's arms and head, putting her in a full nelson.
Pulling Rakul to her feet Disha looked at Kriti K and said, "Mind if I help."
The brunette laughed a little and replied, "of course not."
Giving Kriti K a wide open shot at brunette's bikini clad body the brunette fired a shot into Rakul's stomach. You could hear the air forced out of the hottie's body as she curled up slightly. With Disha pulling her body straight again Kriti K fired another shot, this time into Rakul left breast. Kriti K kept up the pounding by alternating punched between Rakul's stomach, boob, and face. The brunrtte gave out moans after each shot as Disha could not keep herself from laughing openly at her foes predicament.
"Look at the this whore, simply pathetic," Kriti K said right before as she fired a punch into Rakul's womanhood. The brunette's body coiled forward as Disha let Rakul's body fall to her knee's holding her aching twat and sobbing.
"Mind if I take over for a while Kriti K?"
"Of course not, be my guest," Kriti K replied as she walked over behind the kneeling Rakul and pulled her up, putting her into a full nelson while pulling back on her hair.
Rakul dazed head was pulled up and looking her glassy eyes she saw her rival Disha Patani standing in front of her. It did not take long for Disha to start the taunts.
"Well, well. Look at what we have here. Some big mouth whore is having her big ass kicked." Pushing her chest forward into Rakul's Disha continued, "Now Rakul, you did a lot of talking the last couple days about me and this match. And if I recall correctly you said that you were going to rip those fat utters of mine right of my chest. Where could that hostility becoming from."
Disha took a half step back and slowly brought her hand up from Rakul's stomach, over her chest and onto the top of the brunette's bikini cups. "Could it be that you jealousy because your stuck with this itty-bitty things," Disha said in a little girl's voice as she pulled Rakul's cups down to the bottom of her breast, so her tits were in full view. "We both know Rakul that's not going to happen, but you did promise the press and I hate to be the one who brakes a promise so how about I do the ripping." Disha brought both hands up to Rakul's boob and began to squeeze. Rakul immediately began to scream and tried to escape the hold, but Kriti K had her locked up tight.
"Let go of me you stupid bitch," Rakul cried out.
Disha let go of Rakul's chest and slapped her across the face, "Don't you dare talk to her like that, slut!"
Disha quickly invited herself back to Rakul's luscious bounty as the titty torture continued. Kiara was still controlling Kriti and after nearly a dozen face slams into the turnbuckle, Kiara spun Kriti around so that her back was against the corner. From there Kiara began to give a very dazed Kriti some slaps across the chest. The brunette hollered in pain, which only seemed to push Kiara more. As the brunette was laying the smack down on the Clueless Cutie, Rhea was back on her feet outside the ring. Looking up she saw Kiara lacing into Kriti. Seeing an opportunity that she simply could not pass up, the leopard bikini clad Rhea walked behind the ring post where Kriti was pinned and grabbed her ankles. Swiftly stepping backwards while pulling the brunettes feet, Rhea caused Kriti to fall flat on her face and have her pussy smashed into the ring post as she was dragged backwards. Rhea smiled in joy at her devastating move, as Kriti's whole body became numb with pain. Keeping with her advantage, Rhea grabbed Kriti by her locks and pulled her out of the ring.
Kiara was unsure at first what had happened, but once she saw that Rhea had control over Kriti she turned around to see what else was going on in the ring. Looking to the left she saw Pooja on her knees being choked over the second rope by Urvashi having her neck being crushed between the rope and the brunettes knee. Looking across the ring Kiara saw Disha standing their crushing each of Rakul's nipples between her vicious fingers as Kriti K still held her in the full nelson. Completely concentrating at the abuse she was giving Rakul, Disha didn't know what hit her as Kiara walked up behind her, went to a knee, and fired an uppercut straight into her twat. Disha immediately fell to her knees holding herself. Rakul delighted by the turn of events fired a kicked that struck Disha right in the chin, knocking her onto her back. Confused as to what happened to Disha, Kriti K let her curiosity get the better of her as she lost her concentration. Rakul back peddled forcing the brunette back as well. The two girls stumbled back until Rakul was able to sandwich Kriti K between herself and the corner. The air rushed from Kriti K lungs, yet she managed to keep her hold on the brunette. Rakul kept up her attack by grabbing the ropes for extra support and pushing her body back in to Kriti K repeatedly. The brunettes move worked as Kriti K let go of her full nelson. Rakul turned around so that she was now facing the brunette. Grabbing the ropes again, Rakul let loose eight rapid knee shots to Kriti K's side. Struggling for air, the brunette curled forward, cradling her side. Rakul grabbed Kriti K by he hair and bikini bottoms and tossed her through the ropes, onto the mats outside. Rakul stepped though the ropes but remained up on the canvas. With Kriti K just getting to her feet, Rakul leaped off the mat and cracked the brunette in the head with a falling elbow drop. The brunette collapsed to the floor. Stomping her down adversary Rakul began to berate Kriti K.
"Who's pathetic now?" Rakul followed up the insult by pulling Kriti K to her feet. Throwing the brunette backwards, Kriti K's back and head collided with the ring post. Again Kriti K fell to the ground crying and holding the back of her head. Rakul stepped over Kriti K, pulled her arms back, and pushed her knee down into the back of the brunettes neck forming a sort of surf board hold. Kriti K immediately began to scream out in pain. Referee made his way over to Kriti K to see if she would submit. After only a couple seconds Rakul heard what she wanted to.
"Ahhhhhh, I give, I give. STOP!"
"Figures you'd quit skank," Rakul called out.
Refree quickly stepped in between Rakul and Kriti K push the brunette back so that Rakul stumbled. Rakul was visibly angry about the push. Refree just stared coldly back at the brunette.
"Just try it Rakul," Refree spoke without hesitation. Rakul gripped her fist and took one step forward before her wit kicked in and she held herself back.
"The first fighter eliminated is Kriti K Kharbanda," The P.A. voice broke in.
Rhea didn't even hear the announcement, as she was busy punishing Kriti. After crushing the brunette's private area and pulling her from the ring, Rhea pulled Kriti into a reverse headlock. Grabbing the brunette's bottoms, Rhea fell back suplexing Kriti onto the hard mats. The suplex had caused Kriti small panties to wedge up, displaying her cute buns to the crowd. Rhea pushed her self up and raising her arms gave a "Wooo" as the crowd responded with cheers. Turning her attention back to the downed brunette, she pulled Kriti up by her hair and throw her into the guardrail. When Kriti back hit the guardrail it made a sound like metal bat hitting a line drive. Kriti stood on shaky legs against the rail, holding herself up by it. Giving another "Wooo", Rhea slapped the side of her thigh, and charged forward with a kick that would have surly knocked Kriti over the railing had the brunette not pulled herself out of the way at the last second. Rhea now sat on top of the rail uncomfortably with a leg on each side of the metal bar. Not be able to touch either side of the ground, Rhea teetered on the rail cautiously. Seeing her chance, Kriti pulled herself to her feet, grabbed the front of Rhea lock and slammed her head down into the rail. Rhea forehead smacked into the top of the rail making her see stars. Her dazed body then fell back off the rail and back on to the mats. Taking a moment to get her head straight and adjust her panties, Kriti soon returned her attention back to Rhea to seek some revenge. While stomping to downed brunette, Kriti noticed that Rhea had a decent size gash on her head that was bleeding from where her head had struck the guardrail. The sight of the blood brought a grin to Kriti's face. The brunette then repeatedly stomped Rhea's head making the cut bleed even more. Tiring of this Kriti pulled a very dazed Rhea to her feet.
"You look a little out of it red. I'm sure this isn't going to help."
Kriti took Rhea's medium length hair, and began to ram her fore head down into the ring canvas. The brunette repeated the move four more time until she finally let Rhea fall back to mats outside. A small puddle of blood laid soaking on the ring apron where Rhea's head had made contact. Rhea now just laid on her back staring at the spinning rafters above her. Seeing the state of mind Rhea was in Kriti decided to take advantage.
"You know, in all the fights you had there's something of yours I've never seen. Those small cans of yours."
Kriti reached down and pulled Rhea's leopard bikini over her head. Ms. Chakraborty meekly attempted to keep her top, but Kriti easily won the tug of war. Kriti then held the bikini top over her head, in which the crowd responded with a deafening roar. Rhea was too out of it to cover up and her naked breasts were on display for everyone to see. After several seconds of hyping up the crowd. Kriti returned to the bleeding Rhea. Pulling her up, the brunette pushed the topless rival into the ring so that she was facing the roof. After climbing in to the ring herself, Kriti put her foot on Rhea's windpipe and stepped up. Using the ropes for better leverage, Kriti put all her weight on poor Rhea's throat. Rhea instantaneously began to gag.
"That's right bitch, choke," Kriti said sadistically. The brunette then began to bounce up and down, still with her foot on Rhea's throat. Already dazed, Rhea was struggling to breathe. With the whole room spinning Rhea began to frantically tap the mat. Seeing the tap out Kriti kept her foot on Rhea's windpipe anyway, until refree began to make his way over to her. Stepping off Rhea, Kriti put her foot on Rhea's thigh and pushed her half-naked body out of the ring.
'The second fighter eliminated is Rhea Chakraborty," The P.A. broke in for the second time during the match.
Back in the ring Pooja was picking Urvashi up for a body slam. The two had been fighting the entire match so far, and though the dominance of their fight had changed several times already, Pooja was getting the best of Urvashi. Urvashi's body bounced after she was slammed down to the mat. Holding her back and rolling onto her stomach, the brunettes beautiful face was a mask of pain. Wanting to humiliate her opponent a little, Pooja grabbed the bottom of the back of Urvashi's blue tank top. Trying to pull the shirt over her head, Urvashi forgot her back pain for the moment and tried to keep her shirt on. Pooja was relentless however and began to drag Urvashi around to ring by it. Tiring of the even tug a war, the brunette stomped Urvashi several times until finally being able to strip the shirt from Urvashi. Throwing the top into the crowd, Pooja went back after Urvashi who was left in only a black bra and denim shorts. Pulling the kneeling brunette's head between her legs, Pooja applied a standing head scissors so that she was facing the Urvashi's back. Pooja was a sight to behold with her shapely legs flexing, while the tiny black bikini displayed her suntanned skin. Urvashi face was a purplish-red as her breathing was being cut off. Reaching down, Pooja Hegde began to rake her sharp, maroon painted nails down Urvashi's back and sides, leaving long red streaks. Urvashi could do nothing but grit her teeth and bare the pain. Pooja Hegde leaned forward a little more and began to spank Urvashi's denim clad ass, giggling during her whole display of dominance.
"Come on Urvashi, give already."
Refree was right there waiting for a submission but none came. Realizing that Urvashi was not going to give in, Pooja Hegde released her standing head scissors. Urvashi rolled to her side, barely awake, coughing, and trying to get in some much needed breaths. Looking around the ring Pooja Hegde was delighted to see Kiara bending Disha back in a Boston crab. Not wanting to miss a chance, the brunette ran over and stomped Disha in the head. Kiara kept on the hold, while Pooja Hegde laid down in a push up position so that she was inches from Disha's pain-stricken face.
"Well Disha, looks like the new girl is giving you some trouble. Well it's about to a get a lot worse."
Pooja Hegde pushed herself back up to her feet and took a firm grip of the girl's hair. She then yanked up pulling Disha's top half of her body off the ground, adding greatly to the pressure on her back. The brunette screamed in pain as the brunette repeatedly would pull Disha off the ground and the let her fall back to the mat. Kiara finally let go of the crab hold and Disha's body flopped back to the mat.
"Hey Kiara, let's hip toss her," Pooja Hegde said to the brunette as she was already pulling Disha to her feet. Each girl took an arm and threw Disha into the ropes. The girl rebounded off the ropes to be met with a double hip toss. The brunette's body slammed in the mat, bouncing off the ground slightly.
"How about giving her a clothesline this time," Kiara asked her new found comrade.
"I think that's a splendid idea," Pooja Hegde responded smiling
Again the two girls pulled Disha to her feet and then they threw her into the ropes. The brunette tried to stop herself, but it was all in vain. Disha was moving too quickly and rebounded off the ropes. Speeding forward, she had her legs shoot out in front of her as the double clothesline laid her out on the mat. Disha rolled around on her back holding her throat and lightly moaning.
"I love watching that bitch suffer," Pooja Hegde said joyfully
"Yeah, that was nice, give me five," Kiara said putting her hand up.
Pooja Hegde walked over and slapped Kiara's hand. Just as she did Kiara fired a shot boot right into Pooja Hegde's stomach. The brunette was completely caught off guard by the crafty Advani girl. Kiara landed a punch to the stunned "Pooja" knocking her back. Kiara caught her with another punch that knocked the brunette back further into the ropes. Grabbing Pooja Hegde, Kiara threw the her across the ring into the ropes. Charging forward Kiara went for the running clothesline, but as she went for it Pooja Hegde ducked it. Rebounding off the ropes again, Pooja Hegde answered back with a drop kick catching the brunette in the chest and knocking on her ass. Pooja Hegde quickly got up and went right after Kiara. She pulled the brunette up to her feet.
"You sneaky little cxnt, this is what you get for being a back stabbing bitch," Pooja Hegde said angrily as she sent Kiara in the ropes again. On her rebound, Kiara was met with a knee to her stomach, which she then flipped over. Kiara hit the ground and quickly held her midsection as she curled up in a ball. Pooja Hegde walked over to her curled up enemy and dropped an elbow into her side.
"Time to take your no talent loser ass out of this match Kiara!" Pooja Hegde threatened as she sat down behind Kiara, grabbed the brunette by her hair, and put her into a head scissors. Locking her ankles, Kiara quickly tried to pry Pooja Hegde's legs apart, but to no unveil. When that didn't work, Kiara tried using her black painted nails to scratch up Pooja Hegde legs, but the brunette wouldn't budge. "Give it up Kiara, your ass is mine!"
Kiara kick and wiggled, but could do nothing to break the hold. She was fading fast and needed to come up with something. Fortunately for Kiara, Urvashi had regained her head and was back on her feet. First seeing Kriti and Rakul fighting outside the ring, and then Disha laying on her stomach in the corner, Urvashi finally saw what she wanted to. Seeing Pooja Hegde sitting down occupied was too good of an opportunity for the brunette to pass up. Running full force, Urvashi ran up and kicked the completely unaware Pooja Hegde in the side of the head. Pooja Hegde immediately fell to her side, releasing the leg lock, and holding her aching noggin.
"What did you forget about me Missy," Urvashi said a she stomped Pooja Hegde and then yanked her to her feet. Hauling the brunette up, Urvashi managed to body slam Pooja Hegde back down to the canvas. Pooja Hegde was still too out of it to comprehend what had happen. All she remembered was that Kiara was about to tap out and that was it. Pooja Hegde thoughts were cut short as she released what she was looking at. Standing on the second rope was Urvashi. Seconds later Pooja Hegde felt the brunette drop a leg across her throat. The brunette's body thrust up a from the impact. Laying on her side, Urvashi sat down behind Pooja Hegde and put the black bikini clad enemy in a figure four head lock with her legs. Pooja immediately began to flop around realizing the trouble she was in. Trying to reach behind her, Pooja attempted to grab hold of something of Urvashi's. Finding the brunettes right boob Pooja squeezed it, but Urvashi easily knocked her hand away.
Returning the favor Urvashi reached forward and slipping her hand under the top of Pooja bikini, she took hold of her right melon and began to kneed it like dough. The breast attack only caused Pooja to become more frantic, but yet Urvashi would still not budge. Eventually Pooja's defense got weaker and weaker until finally she ceased to move at all. Refree slid under the ropes and into the ring to check on Pooja. She raised her hand 1......2.......3 and that was it. Urvashi released the hold and kicked Pooja's lifeless body away so that the brunett's body rolled out of the ring and flopped onto the mats outside.
"The third fighter eliminated is Pooja Hegde Hegde," the P.A. interrupted again
Urvashi was delighted with her elimination of Pooja, but was a bit drained from the whole ordeal. She rolled herself out of the ring to catch her breath and to figure out what her next attack should be. The brunette looked across the ring to see Kriti and Rakul locked in a test of strength. Urvashi watched on unsure of whom to cheer for as each gave out grunts and groans as the strained to force the other women backwards. Urvashi realized that the two were the only ones fighting and quickly looked around the ring for the other girls. She saw Kiara on her knees holding her head and Disha standing in the corner of the ring, breathing heavily and trying to regain some strength. Obviously the match had started to take its toll on the women. Urvashi turned her attention back to Kriti and Rakul and was surprised to see Rakul slowly forcing Kriti backwards. Kriti struggled in vain as she tried to comeback against Rakul, but she was quickly forced to her knees. Looking up from her kneeling position, Kriti saw Rakul smiling down at her. "On your knees again Kriti, I thought you would get bored of that by now," Rakul said with glee.
"Fuck you bitch" was all Kriti could muster for a response.
While watching the two brunette rivals fight, Urvashi realized that she had taken her eyes off her other opponents. Quickly looking around the ring, Urvashi saw Disha still standing in the corner looking like she had recovered a little bit. Disha looking back a Urvashi locked eyes as the two women's faces began to harden. Disha broke the stare off by slowly nodding to Urvashi. Urvashi, understanding what Disha meant by her gesture, began to climb into the ring. Suddenly hearing a quick pattering, Urvashi looked to her right as she stood on the outside of the ring apron to see Kiara charging at her. Before she was able to react Kiara had grabbed the back of Urvashi's denim shorts and whipped her to the floor. Urvashi crashed backwards into mats. Laying in a heap, Kiara was on her in a flash, stomping the downed brunette. Urvashi tried her best to cover up, but Kiara's barefoot always managed to find a spot on her prone body exposed. After a good 2 minutes of stomping Kiara stopped, pushed her hair back from her face, and watched Urvashi moan and hold herself in pain. While Urvashi was laying on her stomach, still holding her sides, Kiara notice that Urvashi's denim shorts had ripped from her previous attack and were slightly hanging down her thighs.
"Well, what do we have here," Kiara said with delight as she saw the tare in Urvashi's shorts. Kiara then proceeded to pull her opponents shorts the rest of the way down her legs. Fighting through waves of pain, Urvashi attempted to keep her shorts on by grabbing her waistband. Kiara fought the tug of war, which Urvashi was losing with her black panties already mostly exposed.
"Let go bitch," Kiara exclaimed in frustration as Urvashi still attempted to stop her disrobing. Getting fed up, Kiara released her grip with her right hand and fired a punch into Urvashi's back. The hurt brunette let out a yell and then another one as Kiara landed another punch into her abused back.
Disha watch on as Kiara finally pulled Urvashi's shorts off leaving her in just a black bra and panties. Disha was unsure of what to do next. She could help take apart Urvashi, but she didn't trust Kiara, besides it seemed that Kiara had that job under control. Disha looked back in the ring to see Kriti holding Rakul's head down with a double grip of her hair and firing knee shots in the chest of her. Should I interfere, Disha thought to herself. She didn't care much for either one so she decided to just stay put for now and see how things turned out.
Kiara pulled Urvashi to her wobbly legs and whipped her towards to guard rail. Urvashi hurt back smacked into the metal as she let out a loud groan that attracted the attention of the Refree. He rushed to Urvashi's side.
"Do you give?" The ref asked. Urvashi, still lying on ground, responded by shaking her head back and forth.
"Fine by me slut. I don't mind kicking your ass a little more," Kiara responded by grabbing Urvashi's ankles and dragging her away from the rail on her butt. Stopping several steps later Kiara took Urvashi's ankles and pushed them up so that Urvashi laid on her back with her legs spread and up in the air.
"Should I?" The short brunette yelled to the crowd, which responded with a hollering yes as they knew what as about to happen. Urvashi lifted her head to see Kiara smiling back at her.
"You heard them. Might as well give them what they want," Kiara spoke down to Urvashi as she jumped up in the air and sent her right foot crashing down into beaten brunettes crotch. Ms. Rautela screamed violently as her hands shot down to her womanhood. Kiara threw Urvashi legs to the side as the taller girl curled up in a ball. Kiara laughed loudly at her dominance over Urvashi. She had never been the dominant one in a fight before and she had to admit she loved it. Kiara walked over to Urvashi and kicked her over onto her stomach. She now stood over the brunette facing her legs. Sitting down on the brunette's back Kiara couldn't help but giving her tush a little spank before grabbing Urvashi's legs and putting her into a Boston Crab. Though applied a little sloppy, the hold was done well enough to have Urvashi cry out in pain. Refree was right there asking for Urvashi's submission, but the tough brunette wouldn't give just yet.
Meanwhile, Kriti was caught in the corner of the ring with her pink shirt rolled up over her boobs with Rakul firing punches into her chest and stomach. The advantage in the brunette's war had changed several times, but Rakul had been primarily in control and defiantly had Kriti where she wanted her now. Kriti was grunting with each punch.
"I love to hear you moan for me baby," Rakul mocked as she fired two punches in Kriti's stomach and one into her left boob. Rakul was relentless as she continued her combos; right boob, right boob, stomach; face, left boob, face; right boob, left boob, stomach, crotch. The last shot made Kriti's eye bulge as her right hand tried to massage her aching pussy. Rakul stepped back to view her handy work. Kriti laid against the corner, holding herself, and barely standing. Rakul then charged at Kriti, jumping into the air, and splat...Kriti had dropped down so she was sitting on the mat from the pain in her womanhood. Though hurt Kriti had unknowingly dodged Rakul's attempt to crush her in the corner. Rakul bounced off the corner dazed. Disha finally saw her chance and darted at Rakul. The brunette never saw her as Disha speared Rakul in the back. Quickly getting to her feet, Disha pulled Rakul up and whipped her into the ropes, Preet bounce back and Disha laid her out with a elbow to the chin.
"Where's your big fucking mouth now Rakul," Disha said as she pulled the her up again and whipped her into the turnbuckle. Disha followed and crushed Rakul between her own body and the corner.
"Now, that's how it's supposed to be done Rakul."
Disha continued her insults as she scooped Rakul up and quickly slammed her back to the mat. Rakul was flabbergasted by the sudden change of events. She had almost had Kriti beat when suddenly she was getting her ass kicked by one of her rivals. She opened her eyes after the body slam to see Disha jump from the second rope and land a splash onto her. Disha had recovered a lot from her previous break and was really giving it to Rakul. Pushing herself off of Rakul, Disha grabbed to Rakul by her hair and looked down into Rakul's, teary eyes...
"Oh the fun is just starting cxnt, don't you worry about that." Disha said as she slapped Rakul with her free hand and began to rain punches down into the Rakul's face.
Kiara couldn't believe that Urvashi wouldn't submit to her Boston Crab, and neither could Refree for that matter. Finally, getting fed up Kiara released Urvashi's legs and she flopped back to the floor. Kiara stood there for a minute, breathing heavy, and still trying to figure out what to do next. Seeing the ring post Kiara got an idea.
"Fine honey, if you won't submit then I'll just knock your ass out," Kiara spoke as she pulled Urvashi to her wobbly legs and ran with her towards the ring post. Standing behind Urvashi and pushing her forward towards the post, Urvashi managed to drop to a knee right before contact. Kiara tripped over Urvashi and went headfirst into the post. Kiara's head clanged so hard into the post that the vibration scared Kriti who was sitting against it inside the ring. Kiara fell backwards with her head clouded in pain. Seeing her adversary's new predicament Urvashi attempted to take advantage, but her body wouldn't let her. After a 30 second rest Urvashi forced herself to her feet and pulled Kiara with her. Urvashi charged towards the guardrail and threw Kiara running into it. The smaller brunette slammed into the railing and flew over it, landing hard on the cold cement by the fan's feet. Urvashi followed up by reaching over the railing and pulling Kiara back to her feet and back into the ring area.
"So you think you're a tough girl do you Kiara. Well will see how tough you are."
Urvashi whipped Kiara headfirst into the metal stairs that were outside the ring. Kiara's head crashed into the stairs as blood started to gush from the top of her head. Urvashi wasted no time and grabbed Kiara by her slightly bloody hair and tucked her head under her arm. Urvashi then fell back, suplexing the poor Advani girl in the ground.
"Pay back's a bitch, huh," Urvashi taunted the almost lifeless Kiara as she grabbed both of Kiara's legs and held them in the air. Urvashi then drove her knee down into Kiara's crotch. Ms. Advani could only muster up a small yelp and Urvashi repeated the devastating knee drop 3 more times into Kiara's most intimate of areas.
Kriti liked what she was seeing. Rakul had regain control of her fight with Disha and now had the brunette topless outside the ring. Kriti looked back to the other fight and saw Urvashi strip Kiara of her black shorts. Ms. Sanon stared on in surprise as Urvashi pulled Kiara's blue and yellow floral panties off, leaving the brunette naked from the waist down. Urvashi then sat down on Kiara's motionless body. Reaching backwards Urvashi slid her hand down to Kiara's short trimmed black Mohawk. Gripping the best she could Urvashi twisted and pulled the short dark hairs as Kiara's body jumped back to life with her screaming and shaking in pain.
"Who's tough now Kiara, who's tough now," Urvashi yelled down in to Kiara screaming face.
"Ahhhh....I give...oh God...I give...stop...please," Kiara cried out as Refree moved in to stop the fight. Urvashi had to be pushed off of Kiara by the ref before she would release her hold, which was by now crotch claw.
"The fourth fighter eliminated is Kiara Advani," the announcer yelled excitingly through the P.A.
Urvashi may have won the battle, but she was exhausted. Kriti seeing what Urvashi had just gone through thought it was best to strike her while she was tired. Looking back to see a topless Disha in arm bar courtesy of Rakul, Kriti decided to go after Urvashi. The brunette saw Kriti coming her way and prepared for their collision. Pulling herself to her feet she motioned to a staring Kriti.
"Come on bitch, bring it," Urvashi challenged the brunette.
"Whatever you say bitch," Kriti said as she charged the brunette. The two girls went to the ground and began rolling over each other as they held on to each others hair. Kriti managed to stay on top of Urvashi and began her onslaught. After slamming Urvashi's head into the hard mats, Kriti stood up pulling Urvashi with her. Kriti kicked her bare foot into the brunette's abdomen. Kriti pulled Urvashi into a reverse headlock. Grabbing her panties Kriti jumped back, hitting Urvashi with a devastating brain buster. Kriti jumped to her feet as the brunette rolled around on the mat moaning and holding her neck.
Looking down at Urvashi, Kriti spoke..."Well Urvashi as much as I would like to kick your ass a little more, I have rumble to win. So how about I just hurry this up and put you out of your misery!”
Kriti stood over Urvashi's head facing her legs and sat down into a reverse face sit. Urvashi immediately began to scream as her face was enveloped by Kriti pink panty covered ass. Refree watched on but could not rule Urvashi out because she could not understand the brunette's muffled cries. Kriti was all smiles as she slid her hands down to Urvashi's chest. Sliding her hands under the black bra, Kriti took hold of each of Urvashi's medium sized melons. Urvashi kicked her legs frantically and tried her best to push the brunette off of her, but she wouldn't budge. Within seconds Urvashi hands slowly slide down Kriti's thighs as her body went limp. Refree raised Urvashi hand three times with out a response. She called for the bell and Kriti got off of the brunette viewing her handy work.
"Eliminated fifth in tonight's contest. Urvashi Rautela," the announcer chimed in again.
Kriti looked back in the ring surprised to see Rakul with her white bikini pulled down so that her pale breast were in plain view wrapped in a bear hug with the also topless Disha. Both women were grunting and whipping the heads around as the naked breast squashed into one another.
"Give it ...up Disha, your... not stronger then... me," Rakul managed to grunt out.
"...We'll see when...I...break your two," Disha replied back between groans.
The bear hug was a stalemate until much to Disha's delight her large boobs began to slowly engulf Rakul's smaller ones. Rakul looked on in horror as the pain in her back was now matched by the pain in her tits.
Disha started taking control of the fight as Rakul began to squeal in pain. Seeing the fight slip away from her Rakul released her hold around Disha and began to pull at the brunette's hair in order to get her to release the hold. Disha responded by lifting Rakul up off the ground and bringing her down on her out stretched knee. Rakul's cxnt was crushed down on to Disha's knee as the brunette was pushed backwards to the mat. While she was holding her crotch, Disha mounted Rakul and began to berate brunette as she slapped and backhanded the Rakul's pretty face.
"I've waited so long to have you like this Rakul." WHACK! (slap)
"I only wish we had more time." WHACK! (backhand)
"But I see Kriti over there and I don't trust that bitch." WHACK! (slapped again)
"So I think its time to.....Ahh" Disha was cut short as Rakul reaches up and grabbed hold of the brunette's luscious orbs.
"All you fucking do bitch it talk," Rakul responded as she put all her strength into crushing Disha's tits.
Disha tried to pry Rakul's hand from her chest, but wasn't making much headway. Rakul began to push Disha off of her as Disha felt the match slipping away. Wanting to win more then anything, Disha fought through the pain in her boobs and stopped trying to get Rakul's greedy hands off of her chest. Instead, Disha took her thumbs and pushed them into Rakul's eyes. The battle of who could take more was on. Disha pushed with all she could as she cried out with her jugs feeling like they were on fire. Rakul's head was being pushed back to the mat with great pain in her eyes. Finally Rakul could not take it and released her boob claws. Prying Disha's fingers out of her eyes, Rakul was still blinded and Disha took full advantage. The brunette stood up pulling the brunette with her. Tucking Rakul's head between her thighs, Disha knew from her experience that she had to end this match fast before Rakul could make another comeback, too many victories had slipped away from her already. With this in mind Disha fell back, driving Rakul's head into the mat with a piledriver. Rakul laid motionless as Disha gets to her feet. Refree was about to rule Rakul out when she her a low moan coming from Rakul. Disha reached down to pull Rakul to her feet. She then threw the brunette into the corner back first. Rakul lies against the corner barely standing. Disha slowly and seductively walked over to the abused Rakul. Standing right in front, Disha leans in giving a quick kiss on Rakul's lips. The brunette then pulls away and says...
"Good night, bitch."
Disha climbs onto the second rope and pushed her boobs down into Rakul's face. The brunette is now being smother by Disha's tits with her head being pinned against the turnbuckle by the brunette's weight. Rakul's face is completely engulfed by Disha's boobs as the crowd is going absolutely crazy.
Kriti, who has been watching the whole fight turnout between Disha and Rakul, makes her way back into the ring. Disha is completely concentrated on smothering Rakul out. About 30 seconds later Rakul's struggle starts to succeed and Refree is there to raise Rakul's arm. "1. nothing. 2. nothing..3," Refree calls for the bell and Disha jumps off of Rakul with her arms raised over her head. She is beaming a smile as she turns around to be met with kick to her chin by Kriti.
"The sixth women eliminated is Rakul Preet. We're down to our final two," announced the voice over the P.A.
Disha pushed her head off of the mat and tried to shake the cobwebs out of her mind. She wasn't exactly sure what just happened, but she knew it hurt. Disha's thought were cut short as she was yanked up by her hair. Thrown against the ropes the brunette rebounded and collided back into Kriti's waiting clothesline. Disha lay on the mat holding her neck and still trying to get her head straight.
"Well Disha, I never thought I would be left alone in this ring with you. This might be even easier then I thought," Kriti spoke as she stood over the downed, topless brunette.
"I don't know how you got this far, but I'm going to make dam sure that this is as far as you get," Kriti said as she lowered a knee to the side of Disha's head.
Disha let out a yelp as Kriti's knee struck her. Standing back up, Kriti began to stomp Disha's stomach repeatedly. Giving out small grunts with each stomp, Disha tried to protect her stomach with her hands. Kriti responds by stomping Disha's chest instead. Trying to cover up her vulnerable body as best she could, Disha was again pulled to her feet by her hair. Kriti threw Disha towards the turnbuckle and quickly followed behind. The brunette slammed into the corner with her chest taking most of the impact. Just as Disha bounced back from the corner she was squashed back into it by Kriti's speeding body. Kriti then snaked her arm around Disha's neck and locked in a chokehold. Immediately the brunette felt her oxygen being cut off. Her hands shot up to the Kriti's arm as she desperately tried to pry loose the hold that was literally taking her breath away. Disha began to gasp for air.
"That's right bitch, choke." Kriti said as she kept her hold on strong. Realizing she wasn't going to be able to break the hold Disha began to panic. She knew she would have to fight through her worries and lack of oxygen or else she would be finished. Finally, coming up with an idea Disha began to fire elbows back into Kriti's ribs. Disha was rewarded with grunts from the pink clad brunette. Her opponent's cries pushed the red faced brunette to continue elbowing Kriti as the brunette fought to maintain her hold. Ms. Kriti’s chokehold began to loosen as Disha turned her body enough so that she could really put some force behind her elbows. Kriti lost her hold little by little as the Party of Five cutie continued her elbowing assault. Eventually loosening her hold all together, Disha turned to face her sore rib opponent and punched her in the gut. Kriti gave out a groan as her hands gripped her hurting stomach. The brunette then wound up and threw a right cross that connected to the mouth of Kriti. Kriti's bottom lip mashed into her teeth causing a small amount of blood to spurt out as she was knocked onto her back. Disha leaned against the ropes to catch her breath. She watched Kriti moaning and holding her aching and slightly bleeding jaw. After a few seconds Disha felt all right enough to attack and immediately began to make her way over to the downed rival.
"How'd that punch taste Kriti?" Disha proceeded to stomp her barefoot down into Kriti's unprotected stomach. The Clueless cutie body coiled from the impact.
"So you think you're out of my league?" Disha repeated the stomp. "Well listen up cxnt, I'm better then you, hotter then you, and I'm going win by beating the shit out of you," she finished her sentence by stomping Kriti in the face.
Kriti screamed in pain and rolled to her side in an attempt to protect herself from a further punishment. Disha was just getting started however, and pulled Kriti up to her feet. Grabbing the brunette's hair firmly by the roots, Disha rammed Kriti face first into the turnbuckle. The brunette pulled the Kriti's face away from the turnbuckle and again smashed it into the corner. Disha began to repeatedly slam Kriti's face as the crowd began to count each time the Kriti's face made impact.
“Four... Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Ni...” Disha had faked out the crowd by not slamming Kriti's face into the turnbuckle, but yanked her hair so that Kriti's head crashed backwards into the mat. Kriti arms immediately grabbed the back of her head trying to soothe away some of the pain. Her face was now not only bleeding from her lip, but slightly from her nose as well. Disha wasted no time in continuing her assault. Climbing onto the bottom rope the brunette jumped off landing an elbow to the side of Kriti's head. Kriti was in bad shape and Disha couldn't help but smile as she took notice. Getting to her feet, Disha grabbed Kriti by her black mane and pulled her up so that she was on her hands and knees.
Walking forward Disha dragged a sobbing and crawling Kriti around the ring as the crowd ate it up. Kriti, sick of her humiliation, attempted to remove Disha clutches from her hair, but was rewarded with a knee to her head for her efforts. Kriti remained on her knees crouched forward holding her aching noggin.
"Hey fat ass, I think its time for you to lose that shirt."
With that Disha grabbed the bottom of Kriti's pink shirt and without much resistance pulled it off leaving the topless Kriti in only her pink panties. Disha held Kriti's shirt over head yelling in excitement as the crowd responded back with screams of cheers. Disha continued to play to the crowd for a little bit. The brunette relished in the crowd's applause for her. It was not every day that she was able to have the crowd cheer for her as she kicks some ass. Finally turning her attention back to her adversary, Disha saw Kriti on her knees near the ropes trying to stand up. Disha ran over and helped Kriti to the rest of the way to her feet before she whipped Kriti into the corner again. Kriti's back collided against the corner as Disha charged after her. Lowering her shoulder Disha smashed into Kriti's stomach as the air rushed from the pretty girl's mouth. Standing up Disha looked into the face of her hurt adversary.
If you think that hurt bitch, wait until you feel this," Disha cockily said as she backhanded a chop into Kriti's bare chest. Kriti immediately moaned as Disha continued her slaps across her breast. The merciless brunette repeated this move five more times with Kriti crying out after everyone. The brunette stopped her assault and began to eye Kriti's hurt boobs. Reaching out and grabbing the bottom of Kriti's left boob, Disha gave the tit a quick little squeeze in which Kriti cringed.
"Look at these pathetic things, hardly a handful. Now these are a real women's chest," Disha said as she leaned forward pushing her large melons against Kriti's puffy yet still smaller boobs. Disha stared into Kriti watery eyes as she began lean her weight into Kriti's breasts. Shaking her torso back and forth Disha laughed as Kriti moaned and tried to turn her body away from the vicious brunette. Finally pulling away Disha continued her trash talking.
"You know what Kriti, I think its about time you saw some real boobs up close and personal" Disha spoke as she walked backwards away from Kriti who was barely standing in the corner.
"Hope you enjoy them."
Disha charged towards Kriti, jumping in the air Disha went for boob led avalanche. However, Kriti managed to drop to her knees as the brunette sailed over her and landing chest first into the top turnbuckle. Disha bounced of the corner holding her tits with her mouth open from both pain and surprise. Kriti looked up from her kneeling position and fighting through her pain jump forward and clotheslined her adversary. Laying with her arm over the coughing brunette's neck Kriti wanted to rest, but once the she saw Disha's face she became full of rage. Grabbing Disha's hair Kriti began to shake her head violently.
"You stupid slut, I'll fucking kill you" Kriti was a mad women as she laced punches and slaps into the brunettes pretty face.
"I bet you think your pretty hot shit. We'll see how much the crowd cheers for you while I'm kicking your bimbo ass all over the ring," Kriti spoke as she continued her assault.
After several minutes of punching, slapping, and hair pulling the brunette, a still extremely pissed off Kriti yanks a puffy faced Disha to her feet.
"Stand the fuck up bitch!"
The topless Kriti backs Disha into the corner and fires a knee up into her midsection. The air rushes from Disha's swelled mouth as Kriti repeats the move over and over quickly. Her rage is visible as the star fires about twelve knee shots into the brunette's hurting stomach, cursing her the whole time. Stopping to view the condition of her adversary Kriti watched a gasping Disha slowly begin to slump down against the corner while holding her aching stomach.
"Stand up straight Disha," Kriti says as she grabs hold of Disha's nipples and pulls upwards. The brunette let out yelp as she stood up attempting to pull Kriti's hands away from her chest, but Kriti lets go of her own will. Leaning in next to Disha’s ear Kriti whispers...
"If you think that hurt, wait until you feel this," Kriti finished her statement by firing a knee between Disha's legs. The brunette hollers out in pain and falls to her knees as Kriti backs away from her opponent. Kriti doesn't let up and pulls Disha back to her feet. Throwing Disha into the ropes, Kriti is waiting with a clothesline. However, Disha ducks under the clothesline and bouncing off the ropes she goes for a drop kick...but Kriti side steps the move and the topless brunette falls to the canvas. Slamming her hand down on the mat you could see Disha's frustration at what could be her last chance to turn this match around. Kriti quickly hops on Disha's back and pulls her head back by her brown locks.
"You're a sneaky little slut aren't you. Too bad I'm smarter then you bimbo. Now how about you just scream a little submission for me and we can both go home."
With that Ms. Sanon clamped her hands under Disha's chin and pulled her head back into a camel clutch. Referee was quickly on the scene looking for a submission. Disha screamed out in pain as Kriti leaned farther and farther back.
"Do you submit Disha," Refree asked, but the brunette didn't respond. Disha felt herself losing it and was desperate to do anything to not give up. Noticing that Kriti's thumb was against her lips Disha opened her mouth and bit down on the enemy's finger. Caught off guard and in pain Kriti released the hold as Disha's upper body flopped back to the mat.
"You dirty bitch, I can't believe you bit me. I'll fix that!"
Kriti brought hands back to Disha's face, but this time actually put both of her bent index fingers inside of the brunette's mouth and "fished hooked" her mouth. Pulling back again in this new modified camel clutch, Disha's screams reached new levels as even Refree was taken back a little bit by the move.
"Do you submit?" Refree asked in which Disha responded with an inaudible sound. Unsure if it was a submission Refree continued the match despite blood starting to trickle out of both sides of Disha's mouth.
"Don't want to give Disha, fine have it your way," Kriti spoke as she released her sadistic hold. Resting for a couple seconds Kriti finally began to get off of Disha, but not before taking hold of the black shorts. To Kriti's surprise, Disha actually reaches back to stop her disrobing but after a few stomps to her legs, Ms. Sanon wins the short lived tug-a-war. Waving the shorts over her head, it is Kriti's turn to play to the crowd as she taunts a now naked Disha. The crowd roars with approval as Kriti relishes in the cheers.
"Do you want me to beat this bitch now or kick her ass a little more," Kriti yelled to the crowd, which answered in a mix of responses. Looking back to her adversary who was laying on her side holding her mouth, Kriti made up her mind. Hauling Disha to her wobbling legs Kriti pushed her naked rival back into the corner. Standing there rather lifelessly the brunette's body was wide open. Kriti took in the sight on Disha's naked body. Black hair a mess, face a little swollen, lips bloody, body slender, full firm chest, and a shaven snatch, Kriti was actually impressed by the shape of her adversaries body. However, this only fueled her desire to destroy the brunette. Kriti stepped up to Disha and fired a punch into her midsection. Disha held her stomach and began to slump down.
"I thought I told you to stand up," Kriti repeated her earlier move by grabbing Disha's nipples and pulling her up. She laughed at her own vicious dominance. She was all smiles as she began punching the brunette boobs. First a right and then a left and then two rights as Disha's melons were knocked this way and that. Disha tried her best to cover up and was actually able to deflect a couple of punches. It was then that Kriti fired another punch, this time into Disha's naked crotch. Grinding her fist against Disha's pussy, Kriti watched jubilantly as the brunette screamed and shook in pain. Refree watch on considering stopping the fight, but with the crowd going completely ape shit he decided it was best to let it go on for at least a little while. Finally releasing the punch, Disha collapsed to the mat. Leaning down Kriti began to stroke a sobbing Disha's hair.
"It's OK Disha, it will be all over soon," Kriti said as she began to drag Disha away from the corner. The brunette pushed Disha on to her back with her foot as she then stepped over Disha's tear filled face. Looking down Kriti spoke...
"Say good night Disha!"
Kriti knelt down onto Disha's face so that her pink covered crotch was right on top of the brunette's mouth and nose, but not her eyes. Disha's eyes were filled with horror as she was brought back to her senses by Kriti's sweat soaked snatch. She began to slap and claw at Kriti's ass and thighs, but to no unveil. Kriti laughed at Disha's feeble attempt to oust her from her facesit. She loved watching the fear in her adversary's eyes and even wiggled her ass on Disha face to heighten her enjoyment of her dominance. Suddenly Kriti's smile turned to an O shape as pain swept from her womanhood to the rest of her body. Kriti looked down screaming to see Disha biting her vagina. Kriti tried to get off of Disha, but the brunette was actually holding her there by grabbing Kriti's ass cheeks. Kriti finally pushed herself off of Disha and rolled away. The brunette rolled to her stomach and began to take in some dire breaths. She turned her head towards Kriti to see Kriti sitting against the ropes with her hand down her panties massaging herself. Disha wanted to get up and attack but her body simply wouldn't allow her. Every bone in her body ached. Kriti, though not as banged up was in no great shape herself. The match had gone on longer then she ever thought it would and she was exhausted.
Neither woman moved for over four minutes until finally Kriti began to make her way over to Disha on her knees. Seeing Kriti crawling towards her, Disha pushed herself up to her knees. Kriti lunged for the brunette's hair, but Disha caught Kriti's hands and the two found themselves in a sudden test of strength. The topless Kriti and naked brunette locked hands and leaned into each other's body. Giving groans of both pain and exertion the two women's sweaty bodies rubbed back and forth against each others. Both exhausted by this point, only sheer desire kept the girls fighting. While, their bodies smooshed into each other's, Disha's tits began to slowly engulf Kriti's well-endowed, yet smaller chest. Disha smiled as she saw the look of concern on Kriti face as she took notice. Seeing Kriti distracted Disha slammed her forehead into Kriti's face. Kriti was caught off guard and howled in pain as blood sprayed from her nose. She tried to pull away, but the brunette held on to her hands. Kriti began to panic as the blood began to pour down her face. Disha showing no mercy pushed herself forward knocking Kriti on to her back. Still holding her rival's hands, Disha climbed on top of her adversary. Pinning Kriti's hands over head, Disha snaked her legs around Kriti's thighs locking in a grapevine. Looking down into Kriti's watery eyes Disha spoke...
"Now bitch, it's over" With that statement Disha lowered her chest down onto Kriti's bloody face. Kriti shook and screamed from not only her predicament, but from the pain in her nose being crushed. Disha kept her enemy pinned and her breast smother sealed tightly. Kriti muffled cries could be heard, but nothing she was saying could be made out by Refree who was standing by anxiously. Finally, after about fifty more seconds of fighting, Kriti's body slowly stopped moving until she was completely still. Calling for the bell, Refree helped Disha off Kriti's motionless body.
"Ms. Kriti Sanon is the seventh women eliminated, Ladies and Gentlemen your winner of tonight's battle royal, Disha Patani" The P.A. broke in one last time as a soar and abused Disha stood with Kriti's blood all over her chest in the middle of ring.
Supported by Refree, Disha raised her hands over her heads as a screaming crowd treated her to a standing ovation. Disha could only enjoy the cheers for a short time, before her body ached too much to keep standing. Helped by Refree, Disha made her way back to the locker room, beaten, bleeding, sobbing, and naked, but victorious