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Mouni Roy vs Jennifer Jennifer buratalfight for TV show

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Mouni Roy vs Jennifer Jennifer buratalfight for TV show
« on: October 16, 2019, 11:20:59 AM »
Mouni Roy vs Jennifer winget
The producers of a prospective new TV show were interviewing potential actresses to fill the lead role. They had spent months wedding through the interviewees trying to decide on the right "look" for the show.One producer preferred  look and wanted to hire Jennifer winget to lead the show. The other producer liked the solid, toned  look and he liked mouni Roy for the role. The producers argued back and forth for a long time. One of the producers decided to get all four of them together into one room and that maybe they could hammer out an agreement that way.None of the producers or other people involved had known about the intense hatred between mouni and Jennifer.jennifer scoffed when she saw mouni and said, "You mean she's the other potential lead actress? Give me a break. No talent and no body."mouni screamed, "At least I'm not full of silicone, you  bimbo. I'm surprised you manage to find your way to work every morning with that empty head of yours!!"The producers got between the women and demanded they sit down.One said, "Listen ladies, we didn't bring you here, to have you argue all day. We are looking for solutions to this casting problems, not more troubles."Jennifer looked at the producers and said, "Since you are having a hard time deciding, I know that neither she or I will give it up to the other. I suggest an alternate solution." Jennifer glared at mouni  and said, "I'll fight you for the role. You got the guts for that, bitch?"mouni glared back intensely and said, "When and where sweetie? I've been waiting a long time to wring and scrawny bitch neck of yours. This will be fun."The producer stood up and said, "Alright ladies. We'll do it your way. Let us work out some rules and we'll be in touch."mouni laughed, "Rules? I don't want No fucking rules, a catfight to the finish. No submissions, no pins, just a knockout to the finish. What do you say, honey? Do you have the tits for that?"Jennifer glared, "I'll one up you. Best 2 out 3 catfights, with a 10 minute rest between fights to recover. Does that suit you, bitch?"mouni glared back, "Fine! We'll do evening gowns and bikinis first. The last match will be a strap catfight, and we'll do it nude! Can you handle that?"Jennifer replied, "Done!" Mouni muttered as she walked off, "Stupid bitch. I'm gonna tear her to pieces, and then knock her out. Dumb bitch bimbo."Jennifer muttered as well, "Little bitch. Thinks she so damn hot. I'm gonna knock that tramp down a few pegs when I tear her damn tits off!"**********Two days later at five o'clock in the evening, the ladies met for the fights. The producer went over the minimal rules for them."OK, ladies. By mutual agreement, these are going to be no holds barred catfights. The first will be an evening gown catfight to a submission or knockout ending. That will be followed by a ten minute rest period. The second fight will be a no holds barred catfight in thong bikinis, also to a submission or knockout ending. This is a best two out of three match, but the third match, by mutual agreement, will be mandatory. That will be nude catfight with leather straps, to a knockout finish. No submissions will count, only a knockout."The producer paused for a moment and said, "Alright ladies, get ready to fight."The girls went in the back and got their hair, makeup, nails, and outfits ready for the first match. For this first math, the girls were required to wear evening gowns. Mouni Roy was introduced first, and she came out in a black sequins gown similar to the one she wore in "Striptease," along with a pair of matching high heels. Jennifer winget came out next, wearing a long flowing red sequins gown, just as sexy as mouni's, and also in matching heels.The fight started with the customary bell "DING!" and the two wildcats stalked each other. They just circled, watching each other for what seemed like a long time, but in one instant everything changed. Jennifer took a wrong step, and caught her heel. She nearly lost her balance, but kept it. But, in that instant, mouni was on her, and tackled Jennifer to the floor.mouni was pulling at Jennifer's dress trying to get at Jennifer's huge tits to attack them. Jennifer managed to kick mouni away from her, but mouni had a good hold on Jennifer's dress and the dress was ripped up as mouni's went sailing away from Jennifer. Both girls rose pretty quickly after the first exchange.It was plainly obvious as Jennifer got up, that she was not wearing a bra. Jennifer charged at mouni thinking she would catch the bitch unprepared, but mouni was ready. Mouni gracefully sidestepped the charging bitch, and using her powerful legs, kicked Jennifer hard in the gut. The kick stopped nearly all of Jennifer's forward movement, and Jennifer was falling obviously winded and hurt. But, in going down, Jennifer latched onto mouni dress.mouni was trying to pull away, and Jennifer  wanted to stop her. Mouni dress lost the tug-of-war and ripped apart. Mouni tried to keep her balance as the dress ripped, but couldn't. Mouni landed right next to Jennifer.The two beauties dug into each other's lovely hair, and started a side-by-side hair pulling match. This lasted for over 2 longgrueling minutes, but mouni won due to her much shorter hair. Jennifer couldn't get nearly as good of a hold on mouni's short hair, and mouni could on Jennifer's long blonde mane. Mouni used this advantage to roll Jennifer onto her back, and straddle her.Once there, mouni let go of Jennifer's' hair and tore off the remainder of Jennifer's dress, leaving the blonde in only her panties and heels. Mouni then went after her original targets, Jennifer's big tits. Mouni dug her fingers and nails into the soft flesh, squeezing and twisting with all her strength. Jennifer reached up at mouni and tore off what was left of her dress as well. Jennifer endured the tremendous pain in her chest and clamped onto mouni's tits. Both women maintained this position for what seemed like an eternity, locked onto each other's tits. Blood was clearly visible around all four hands. Jennifer couldn't continue the breast assault battle. The pain in her tits was just too great. Jennifer had to let go first, and get mouni off her. Jennifer pried mouni's hands off her breasts, and then punched and kicked until the bitch was off her. Both women were hurt, but Jennifer obviously more so, since she was on the bottom for a great deal of fight so far. Jennifer was only just getting to her knees when she felt pain searing thru her side, and then another jolt of pain. Mouni delivered a series of kicks to Jennifer's side and gut. Jennifer rolled over onto her side, and she clutched her abdomen, and nearly cried. Mouni lifted the battered bitch by her hair and started throwing punches at her face and breasts. Fortunately for Jennifer, mouni was in the wrong position and her punches weren't as effective as they could have been. Mouni dropped Jennifer and straddled her again, bouncing up and down on the blonde's body, mostly her tits. Mouni kept it up, and let her whole body weight coming down on Jennifer's' boobs repeatedly.jennifer had enough and she grabbed mouni's ass and raked her nails down mouni's butt. She left four deep, bloody scratches on each ass cheek in the wake of her nails. Mouni screamed in pain and rolled off. Both women got up pretty quickly. They were both slightly winded and slightly hurt.mouni raised her fists and Jennifer matched the stance. Mouni threw a punch at Jennifer's head, which Jennifer avoided while she fired a hook to mouni's left tit. Mouni stepped back for a moment as her tit got smashed in. Jennifer followed mouni and tried to keep up her attack, only to be met with a big left-right combination to her own tits. Jennifer was now the one who backed away, and mouni followed. Mouni kept after Jennifer's tits, and she concentrated her punches there, as she fired nearly a dozen punchesto the bitch boobs. Mouni dropped Jennifer with an uppercut to the jaw. Mouni moved in behind the dazed blonde and clamped a figure-4 head scissors on her adversary.mouni demanded, "Do you give?"Jennifer didn't say a word.mouni increased the pressure on Jennifer's' next a bit more, and asked again, "Say it, bitch. Give up!"Jennifer said, "Yes, I give up! Stop!"Jennifer thought that she might have been able to power her way out of the hold and get free. But she considered that she would have had to call on her energy reserves to do that, and she didn't want to do that, this early in the fight. And if it was unsuccessful, she would have not only lost the round, but also expended too much energy effort to get away, energy she wouldn't have for later in the fight. She decided that the best plan was to just give in to mouni's this round, and then fight back harder next time.So Jennifer did just that. She surrendered, and mouni accepted the surrender as allowed for Round 1.The fighters were given 10 minutes to have their wounds tended and to rest before the next round of the fight. In her corner, Jennifer decided, "You may have gotten me, that first round, but now I'm ready for you, bitch."While in mouni's corner, she thought, "One down, one more to go. Stupid bitch."The producers were eager for the fight to resume, and counted down the minutes until the 10 minutes had passed. Right on time, mouni and Jennifer reappeared. This time the girls were wearing string bikini tops and thong bottoms, in the same colors as before, mouni in black, Jennifer in red. Changing into the bikinis was a simple matter. Neither woman had anything left of her dress. Both were torn and tattered rags all over the room. They only had on their panties and heels. So, the change of clothes simply involved putting on the bikini top. Both women secured the tops and limbered up for the next round of the fight.mouni was cocky now, and thought she had this fight already won. She wasn't paying any attention to Jennifer, who was closing in on her. Mouni was much too busy playing up to the producers, flashing her tits and ass at them. Jennifer had her approach timed perfectly, and when the bell rang, Jennifer tapped mouni on the shoulder. Mouni naively turned around, not expecting Jennifer to be there. Jennifer ripped two punches into mouni's stomach, and then one into her face, causing mouni mouth to bleed. Jennifer gave mouni a moment to recover from the punches, and then delivered three nasty kicks into mouni's crotch. Jennifer grabbed mouni by the hair and mare flipped her up and over. Mouni fell forward, and landed hard on her ass. Jennifer went over to mouni, and lifted her up by her hair. She nastily grabbed two fistful of her dark locks.mouni knew she needed to go on the offensive, and quickly. Mouni saw her chance. As Jennifer was lifting her, mouni punched out at Jennifer's exposed crotch. Jennifer yelped out in pain, and immediately let go of mouni hair. Mouni went down to her knees.mouni quickly got up and moved over to Jennifer and started to punch at her face, belly and tits. She easily ripped off Jennifer's bikini top as she went after Jennifer's full tits again. The punches reopened many of the earlier wounds. Jennifer's face and especially her tits started to bleed again. After taking a few blows, Jennifer blocked mouni's next punch, and counterpunched mouni in the tits. Mouni was forced to back off. Jennifer continued to punch at mouni while she chased her down. Jennifer ripped her bikini top off as well. Jennifer forced mouni against the wall, and began to pound her with repeated punches to the guts, face and tits. Mouni set her defense to protect her boobs, but it was only marginally effective. Jennifer still cut through the defense to hammer mouni tits with lefts and rights repeatedly. Mouni defense also left her head wide open to attack and Jennifer took advantage. Jennifer sent mouni to the floor with a big left to the side of the head that left mouni glassy-eyed and dazed.jennifer hauled mouni to her feet by the tits, and nailed the bitch with a series of forearm smashes to the tits. Jennifer immediately followed that with a bodyslam that left mouni nearly knocked out. Jennifer continued her boob assault with a running leg drop across the tits. Jennifer went to follow that up with an elbow drop to the tits, but mouni rolled out of the way at the last moment and Jennifer smashed her elbow into the hard floor.mouni got up and managed to grab Jennifer in an arm-breaker hold, with the hurt arm. Jennifer yelped out in pain, and that just made mouni wrench the arm even more. Mouni knocked Jennifer's legs out from under her and released the arm breaker, while she wound her legs around Jennifer and squeezed her in a body scissors hold. Mouni squeezed and thought she had Jennifer, as she applied more and more pressure to the vice grip. Jennifer elbowed mouni repeatedly in the tits, and mouni was forced to let go and back away.jennifer went over and kicked mouni in the tit, with the tip of her high heel shoe. Mouni rolled over in pain. Jennifer lifted her up, and performed what she calls the "titbreaker" on mouni. That's a backbreaker, but with tits down instead of back down. With mouni nearly helpless, Jennifer hit her with the Boston Crab, and wrenched legs over and back.jennifer demanded, "Do you give up?"mouni was too dazed to respond.jennifer put even more pressure and said, "Give up bitch, or I'll break your back!"mouni came partially to, with the added pressure and weakly said, "I give."Round 2 was over. Each girl won one round, and now was the tie breaker.Once again, the girls got 10 minutes to have their wounds tended and to rest. Even after the 10 minute rest, mouni still looked a bit groggy. Jennifer however, looked great and ready to continue the fight. Mouni began to seriously regret her cocky attitude when she challenged Jennifer to a strap fight. Mouni had thought that Jennifer would be out of the fight by now. She figured this third round would be nothing more than an opportunity to beat her helpless bitch foe out cold.For Round 3, the girls would fight naked. Both were introduced again, and each was handed a leather strap. The signal was given to start the fight. Mouni had decided to strike hard and fierce at the bitch. She planned to batter the girls tits and take her out, before she could mount her retaliation. Mouni did just that, and she immediately came after Jennifer. She struck Jennifer repeatedly across the tits with her strap. Jennifer breasts had begun to bleed seriously under the strap assault. Jennifer had no intention of giving up though. Jennifer suffered through mouni attack and watched for her chance. When she saw it, she attacked. Jennifer showed remarkable skill as she locked her strap up with mouni's and then punched mouni hard in the mouth.mouni reeled back from the blow, and Jennifer followed up with a huge spin kick to the ribs. Mouni winced as she lurched to the side and went down. Jennifer unlocked her strap from mouni's and raised it up. She whipped the strap down hard at mouni's back. Mouni had rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the strap, which smacked loudly against the floor. Jennifer set herself to whip the strap at mouni yet again, but mouni had other plans. Mouni trapped Jennifer's feet in her strap and yanked on it hard.jennifer went down hard. Dell mouni pulled her strap loose and started at Jennifer's' breasts again. Jennifer knew her tits couldn't takethis abuse much longer, the strap was leaving horrible bruises and now welts on her tender breasts. Jennifer knew that if mouni got a few more strap blows into her tits, that it would knock her out from the pain. On mouni's next shot, Jennifer rolled and took the strap on her back. Mouni was clearly annoyed. When mouni started to pull her strap in again to attack again, Jennifer grabbed at mouni's strap, and pulled her in, while she raised her own leg. Jennifer's heel caught mouni in the crotch. Mouni went down hard, as she clutched her crotch. Jennifer started using her strap on mouni's tits. The pain of the strap brought mouni back to the reality of the fight. She fought through the pain between her legs. She knew that she had to get back on the attack against Jennifer. The straps had definitely hurt both women and the straps had added quite of damage to what fists and manicured nails had previously done.jennifer continued her attacks, as she used her leather strap on mouni's full, round breasts. She had mouni globes as sore and bloody as her own. Mouni watched for her chance. Jennifer swung out with her strap, and mouni did the same. Both women hit vital areas. Jennifer continued at mouni's tits, while mouni had aimed for Jennifer crotch. Jennifer was on the defensive now, as mouni attacked her crotch. The brutal strap between the legs had caused some bleeding. Mouni tried to move again, as she figured a couple of those shots would put Jennifer done for the count. Once again though, Jennifer trapped mouni strap with her own. This time Jennifer was using all her skills and she pulled the strap out of mouni hand. Jennifer went after mouni tits and crotch now with the dual straps.mouni had a look of fear and horror in her eyes, as she realized that Jennifer had both straps. Jennifer tossed one strap to the side, far from mouni. She stopped her assaults on the bitch back and tits with the strap. Mouni saw her chance and she lunged for the second strap and got it. Jennifer allowed mouni to get the weapon. She waited for mouni to get prepared and offered to drop the straps. Mouni agreed, and both women released the straps, and agreed to finish the fight as a regular catfight.They traded some more blows, and tit shots. Mouni went after Jennifer tits, as she tried to cause more and more damage and bleeding. Jennifer assumed control of the match though, as mouni was more exhausted and hurt than she was. Jennifer delivered another "titbreaker" to mouni. Mouni all but passed out right there. Jennifer achieved her KO of mouni with a the sleeper hold. Jennifer got behind the bitch and clamped the hold on. Mouni struggled a little, but didn't have much strength left to resist. The sleeper got her, and she went out cold.The producer handed the contract to Jennifer to sign for the new TV show. She looked it over and signed. The show" and she had the lead role . Jennifer smiled as she handed the documents back and looked down at the bloody and unmoving form of her adversary, mouni.jennifer cleaned herself up and changed clothes. She knew that she would be sore and hurt for a while, and nobody would get any topless or cleavage shots until the welts and bruises heralded. But the contract made up for the pain she was in.As Jennifer left, mouni was just coming back around. The producers told her what happened. Mouni went off to change and she quietly left.
The end!