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Do You Want To Watch Me Kick Her Ass? Final

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Offline snw

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Do You Want To Watch Me Kick Her Ass? Final
« on: February 09, 2018, 05:40:31 AM »
           Blondie walks past Shannon to get a drink and Shannon was just getting to her knees. I went over to check on her and ask her was she sure she wanted to do this. Shannon said I'm so embarrassed that I let that bitch do that to me. She said we're both basically the same size except her boobs. I try to say I was sorry about what I had done and Shannon said no you don't need to say anything. I know what this type thing turns you on so much cause I do it for for you remember? I'm a big girl and I should be able to stand up for myself. She just caught me  off guard you'll see. Blondie comes walking back in all smiles and says you want to quit Shannon? Shannon says I ain't quitting bitch you ain't all that. Blondie says that a girl Shannon I'm proud of you and I know Steve is glad you want to keep going. Shannon says shut up you bitch let's go. Shannon says what's the challenge Steve? I say well I thought about it and I think it would be good to see some wrestling with the winner being by choke out. No punching to the face but most everything else goes. Blondie says come and get it Shannon. Shannon says we'll se . Both meet face to face in the middle and wait for my call to start. Blondie says this is payback Shannon Steve told me how you told him that you kicked my ass in one of your stories. Yea don't seem so shocked. He told me that he wanted to see you wrestle for real so he could watch you do what you say. I as who does she wrestle and he told me you beat me. I told him if he was my man I'd wrestle you  and show him what a woman versus a little girl looked like. He told me about how you flex and push out your little tits like you got something. So I took my shirt off and flexed for him while you were at the store. You know what he said Shannon? He said I don't think Shannon would wrestle you. Ask him why he said that Shannon. Never mind I'll tell you what he said . He said because based on you and what I got you would get your ass kicked! You know what else? I asked would he still like for you to wrestle me and he said yes I sure would. So you want to see me Kick your gf's ass?  He said she's a big girl she can take care of herself. I made him promise that he wouldn't get mad at me for kicking your ass and I been sick of shit at work anyway. So I'm going to show him what he's been begging for. I'm going to take my time and my man. Shannon says you're such a both Blondie and a liar.

        Shannon doesn't wait she catches Blondie by surprise and slams a fist in her stomach. For the first time Blondie is hurt. Shannon says we'll see you trailer trash bitch. Shannon slams her fist into Blondie's kidney before she can recover from the cheap shot. Shannon slams a fist into the other kidney and Blondie is on her knees. Shannon looks to me and says I'm going to show you I can fight. She gets behind Blondie and starts taunting her by saying ain't so bad now are you bitch. She grabs Blondie's hair to pull her up and is pulling her around talking shit to her . Blondie says you cheating bitch. Shannon turns to throw another punch and her hand is caught mid swing by Blondie and Blondie sends a back hand slap across Shannons chest. The follows that with a punch to her stomach that doubles Shannon up. Blondie pulls Shannon up by her hair and says I'm going to put one hell of a show on with you whore. She takes Shannon and lifts her and slams her back into the wall. Shannon would be on the floor if Blondie hadn't been holding her to the wall by her throat. Blondie says look at you Shannon you ain't shit as she slaps Shannons face. Blondie grabs Shannon by her wrist and plants one to the wall and then the other and pins them there . She steps up and kisses Shannon on the mouth and licks her ear and says with her mouth next to Shannon's ear I'm using you bitch. I'm using you to take your man and I'm using you to get me hot for him when I'm done. Shannon tries to push off the wall and Blondie says good bitch keep fighting. She pulls Shannon off the wall and throws her to the floor. Shannon is whimpering and trying to get to her knees. Blondie turns to me with a wink and says how am I doing? Which I cheer her on and say come on Shannon don't take that. Blondie laughs and says hear that Shannon Steve doesn't want you to quit. He loves watching me kick your ass. Shannon says screw you bitch as she swings a weak punch toward Blondie which she slaps away and takes her foot and puts it on Shannon's shoulder and pushes her to the floor and keeps her foot on Shannon's throats and says under my foot bitch as she flexes her muscles and turns to me as she puts some pressure on Shannon's neck causing her to cough and gag. She says I'm almost finished with her and then you can see what else I can do better than this pitiful bitch. Blondie walks to me cause Shannon sure isn't a threat right now as she tries to get some air back and get up. Blondie walks to me and says you like as she shows me her arms and holds her chest firm to my chest and says you want me to stop? I say no way babe I want you to show me it all. Blondie turns her back to me and says can you unhook this top I'm getting kinda hot. I unclasp her bikini and she raises her arms and flexes those arms and turns to face me with her boobs just staying high and tight like she had still had them supported by her bra.  Blondie holds me back as I want to get at those perfect boobs. She says wait just wait you will be glad when you see this. Shannon is on her knees now and Blondie walks to her and says look at me bitch. Shannon continues to have her head hanging down so Blondie grips her hair and bends her neck back so Shannon is looking up at her as Blondie hovers over her in this dominant position. She jerks Shannon up to her feet and looks her in the eye and says are you done Shannon? Shannon says please stop you win . Blondie says sorry Shannon you heard the rules. Shannon says please don't I'm sorry. Blondie says maybe if you do what I say I'll think about it. Shannon says please whatever you want just don't hurt me anymore. Blondie says ok take that top off. Shannon removes her top. She hands it to Blondie. Blondie calls me over and says I want Steve to see this . You see this as she pushes her chest into Shannon's and says my tits are crushing hers. Tell Steve whose got better tits. Blondie has stronger bigger boobs than me Steve. I can't compare to her chest. Blondie holds her arms out and flexes her arms and chest and says Shannon show me you respect the better woman. Shannon says please Blondie don't make me do it. She says now bitch do it. Shannon takes Blondie's boob and licks and sucks each one and the kisses each one along with each bicep. She says good little girl Shannon. Blondie said to me you like that Steve? You see her sucking my tits? I told her I might not finish her if you say so I'll let her go with that. I lean over to Blondie and whisper in her ear and she smiles big and Shannon is waiting to see what is going to happen. Blondie says ok Shannon worship my tits again like you mean it and it'll be over. Shannon starts really licking and sucking on the stronger girls boobs as Blondie works my hard on and tells Shannon she's a weak little bitch and Tells her how hard your bf was when I was telling him about kicking your ass. She says tell Shannon about how you begged me to kick her ass so you could watch her take a ass whipping . Blondie looks at me and says ok watch this. Shannon is still licking Blondie's boobs and Blondie wraps those strong arms around Shannons head and holds her face between her awesome chest depriving her of air. Shannon is pushing and pawing at Blondie's arms and chest in a panic. Blondie has it locked in good and she tells Shannon sorry Shannon Steve wanted me to finish you like this and I'd be lying if I said I ain't loving this too. Shannons legs start to buckle. She goes to her knees as her movement slows . Blondie lets her sit on the ground while still controlling her face and shaking her head side to side. Shannon's legs are straight out and Blondie is telling me she's out Steve. She's done . I smothered your girl out with my boobs. As Blondie pulls Shannons face away and shows me that indeed she has totally kicked her ass and holds her head to show me Shannons totally beaten face and she uses her to turn me on. Blondie takes Shannons beaten topless body and sits her against wall as she stands up and gets on her knees and takes Shannon and lets her beaten body lay against her legs and flexes her muscle and holds Shannon as a trophy and says so Steve did you like it? Did you enjoy watching me kick her ass? You damn right I did! Blondie says we'll do it again later but right now I'm getting my prize as she shoves Shannon to the ground and we get to the best I could've ever dreamed of.


Offline snw

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Re: Do You Want To Watch Me Kick Her Ass? Final
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2018, 11:48:52 PM »
I agree I am no writer and I used to see stories similar to this every now and then on here. Lately I haven't so I thought I'd try writing what I like to read. I've posted a few times wanting someone who is a writer to do a story similar to this about my gf and my ex gf. I tried to write those too but they never quite live up to how I see it in my mind. I suppose I could do better if I took more time but I don't have a lot to spend on it. Anyway maybe someone will read it it and like it enough to do it right. That would be great should anyone do that I'd sure love to see it.


Offline darkfighter1

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Re: Do You Want To Watch Me Kick Her Ass? Final
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2018, 09:07:26 PM »
Very hot story  ;) please more of this  8)


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Re: Do You Want To Watch Me Kick Her Ass? Final
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2019, 06:36:00 AM »
Another fantastic domination story. A great writing and it would be really exciting to have Blondie make Shannon her bitch with the ultimate humiliation.  Excellent description.  Can't wait for the next one.