Dear TABSK--Lynn, here, again. The married woman who lost my dignity to my ex-neighbor Georgia. Before this whole episode, my normal reaction to this emarrassing "affair" (no pun intended) would have been to hide under a rock and stew in Catholic shame. In a way, I guess writing to you after it happened was a form of penance in search of redemption. Well, wouldn't you know it, I guess we'll never know what would have happened next, but I'm writing to tell you that we now know how Georgia behaved. She decided to act like a jack-ass. Check this out: she decided to tell my husband, via text, that I had driven 3 hours to "fool around with" her. I have no idea what her intention was, and more importantly, neither did my husband. He could tell Georgia was trying to stir a pot, so he didn't engage. He told me not to angrily confront me, but to bask in Georgia's flakiness. (I don't think he thinks she and I actually 'did anything' while I was over there.) So far so good; Georgia trolls my husband, my husband ghosts her, my husband and I get a good chuckle out of the whole thing. So, I should have let it go right there, right? Well, rightly or wrongly, I didn't. I engaged. I fed the troll. By text.
Lynn-Why did u tell my husband about us??
Georgia-Oh, sweetie, married couples shouldn't have secrets. What other secrets do u and he have??
L-So, basically, u were trying to cause trouble between him and me. To get a chance at him.
G-So u really want to do this, Lynn?
L-I do.
G-Fine. I prefer my husband to yours, sweetie.
L-That's bullshit, bitch. And I can prove it.
G-I'll bite. Whatchya got, hot shot??
L-You drunk emailed him in 2013. When I wasn't home. Obviously to fuck him. And he declined. How pathetic lol.
G-He told u this???
L-He doesn't even I know. I saw the email, darlin'.
G-More secrets. Quite the rock solid marriage u and he have, sweetie.
L- Don't change the topic, slut.
G-What IS the topic, dumbass? First u fuck me, then u say u wanna fuck me. Which is it, Sybil.
L-I drove there on Saturday to fight u.
G-Well, u were here, and we didn't fight. And good thing for u, Lynnie. Trust me, sweetie, you don't want to fight me.
L-I actually do, G.
G-Ok, fine. But if I win, a get a roll in the hay with ur husband.
L-He already turned u down once, darlin'. But maybe if I get him really drunk he can close his eyes and pretend it's someone else.
G-Ya, like one of his mistresses. Don't doubt he has 'em, sweetie.
L-I doubt it. So, u know where we are. When can we expect ya, hun?
That was a couple of days ago. My question for you, TABSK, is: Is this gonna happen?? Lynn
Dear Lynn-- Well, Georgia does have at least one point: you WERE there, and it, the fight, didn't happen. So you gave up control to her. Our guess--she's prepping for some fightin' AND some fuckin', so she's gettin' her hair done and buyin' some nice clothes and perfume for the "paydirt" part of the deal--the long-unrequited consummation of her pining for your husband. This fight WILL happen, and soon. But Georgia will pick where and when, so get ready for the ride. TABSK