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Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko title match

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Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko title match
« on: August 29, 2019, 06:07:13 AM »
Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko
By: WS2003
Tag-team match for the title.

This is part 107 in a series of wrestling stories.  The first story was done in 2003.  If you need access to any of my other stories, please email me at the email listed at the end of this story.

The league commissioner has called Jenny to his office, and as she arrived, he was on the phone.  Jenny over heard him setting up a tag-team battle between his league and the WCWL (Amanda's former league).  After he finishes up his call, Jenny says, "I heard you setting up that tag-team match...Yuko and I want in."  He says, "Well the match is only for the title holders...and currently Amanda and Sarah are the champs."  Jenny says, "We challenge them to a title fight then."  The commissioner smiles and says, "Alright.  There will not be much recovery time for the winners, since the match with WCWL is 3 weeks away.  We will need to have your challenge match next weekend."  Jenny nods.

The commissioner says, "While you are here, I have something for you.  It is from one of our sponsors."  He hands her a box.  She opens it and sees a pair of black high heeled boots.  She is excited.  She puts them on and they go up past her knee.  She says, "These are perfect.  Do you have boots for Yuko too?"  He responds, "No…the sponsor just gave that pair for you."  Jenny says with a wink, "That's ok...I am sure Yuko can find a way to get a sexy pair of boots soon."  The commissioner smiles.  Jenny moves over to him and gives him a kiss before heading out.


The tag-team championship match is all set and the arena is filled with fans, waiting to see if Amanda and Sarah can defend their new titles against Jenny and Yuko.  The rules for the match are set up as follows:  The first team to get two submissions will be the winners.  The fight will be set up in 3 rounds.  Once there is a submission, that round will end and the next round will start without a break.  The first 2 will be strict tag-team, meaning only 1 girl from each team allowed in the ring at a time.  Corner double teams will be given a 10 second count, and if not stopped in 10 seconds, that team will be disqualified.  After 2 rounds, if one team has gotten both submissions the match is over.  If each team has gotten 1 submission each, then the 3rd round will start and all 4 girls will be allowed in the ring (no tag ins/outs).  Once one team gets the 2nd submission, the fight ends.  There will be no other rules.

The first girls to head toward the ring are Jenny and Yuko. The Asian girls both are wearing black leather bikinis.  Jenny has on her new high-heeled over the knee boots and Yuko is barefoot.  The crowd sees Jenny in her new boots and really cheer her on.  The girls climb the ring stairs and enter the ring.  Next, Amanda and Sarah head down the aisle.  Amanda has on her blue bikini and black high heeled boots and Sarah has on her blue and gray stripped bikini and black boots.  They also have the championship belts around their waists.  The crowd cheers wildly for the champs as they head toward the ring.  Amanda and Sarah hand their belts to the official as they slide into the ring.  Yuko steps outside the ring in her corner and Amanda steps outside the ring in her corner.  Looks like Jenny and Sarah will open up this fight.  The ring bell is rung...

Sarah rushes toward Jenny and sends a kick toward Jenny, but the Asian girl steps aside so the kick misses.  Jenny quickly fires a punch back, and hits Sarah's ribs.  Sarah moans in pain and she holds her ribs.  Jenny moves in and sends a punch to her belly.  Jenny grabs Sarah by the hair and quickly brings her to the ropes and presses Sarah's neck down on the top rope.  Sarah starts to choke as Jenny presses her neck down hard.  Jenny holds her there, trying to take the wind out of her blonde opponent.  Sarah is trying to pull her neck free but is unable to.  Sarah is losing air and she sends her elbow back, hitting Jenny in the side.  Jenny lets out a groan and Sarah delivers a harder elbow, which forces Jenny to release her and step back.  Sarah pulls her neck off the ropes and starts to stumble back to her corner.  Jenny quickly follows her...

Amanda reaches her hand out as Jenny grabs Sarah by the hair...but Sarah slaps Amanda's hand.  Amanda quickly enters the ring and sends a kick to Jenny's belly with her boot.  Jenny releases Sarah, allowing her to exit the ring.  Jenny holds her belly and Amanda follows up with a kick between Jenny's legs.  Jenny drops to her knees as she howls in pain.  Amanda sends a kick to Jenny's breasts, knocking Jenny to the mat on her back.  Jenny lies there for a moment, as she tries to recover.  Amanda grabs her by the hair and hauls her to her feet.  She then whips Jenny into the corner where Sarah is waiting.  Sarah grabs Jenny's arms and holds them over the top rope.  The ref moves in to begin the 10 count as Amanda rushes in and drives her knee into Jenny's belly.  Amanda drives her knee into Jenny's belly again and again.  As the ref reaches 9, Sarah releases Jenny's arms, allowing her to fall face first to the mat...

Jenny needs a tag, but it looks like Amanda is not going to let her tag.  She grabs Jenny's long hair and pulls her up.  She throws her off the ropes and as Jenny bounces back, Amanda meets her with a clothesline.  Jenny falls back to the mat with the wind knocked out of her.  Amanda moves in and delivers a boot stomp to Jenny's belly.  Jenny curls into a ball as she holds her sore belly.  Amanda grabs her by the hair and pulls her up again.  She leads her back to the corner and then slams Jenny's head down on the turnbuckle over and over and over.  Jenny is groaning in pain and drops to her knees.  Amanda reaches down and grabs Jenny's leather bikini top and quickly strips it off.  The crowd cheers Jenny's bare tits...

Amanda grabs Jenny by the hair and pulls her up.  She brings her over to the ropes and presses Jenny's bare breasts down on the top rope.  Amanda then pulls her along the ropes, giving Jenny's tits a rope burn.  Jenny cries out in pain as her sensitive breasts get pulled down the ropes.  Jenny sends an elbow back, hitting Amanda in the ribs.  Amanda releases Jenny and holds her ribs as Jenny drops to her knees and massages her tits.  Amanda moves back over to Jenny and drives her knee into the side of Jenny's head.  Jenny falls to the mat, moaning in pain and holding her head.  Amanda grabs Jenny's hair and yanks her up.  Jenny is very dazed and struggles to get to her feet.  Amanda pulls on Jenny's hair, leading the stumbling beauty over to a neutral corner.  She shoves Jenny back first into the corner.  She slings Jenny's arms over the top rope to hold her up.  Amanda then drives her boot into Jenny's belly.  Yuko is screaming for Jenny to make a tag...

Amanda sends a few more kicks to Jenny's belly.  Jenny is getting weak and can barely stand.  Amanda moves in and lifts each of Jenny's legs over the ropes, spreading them apart.  Jenny is in big trouble now.  Amanda then drives her boot into Jenny's pussy.  Jenny cries out in pain and Amanda follows that up with another boot to the same spot.  Yuko looks on helplessly as Amanda drives another kick into Jenny's pussy.  Jenny is fading and Amanda says, "Submit to me Jenny!"  Amanda sends another kick into Jenny's pussy.  Jenny is in terrible pain.  Amanda drives her hardest kick into Jenny's pussy.  This time, the sexy Asian cries out, "I SUBMIT!"  Jenny's arms slide off the ropes and legs become dislodged, allowing her to fall face first to the mat.  She holds her crotch as she lets out another pain filled cry.  Amanda has gotten the first fall and she raises her hands in triumph.  The crowd cheers her on.  Amanda heads back to her corner and gives Sarah a high five.  Sarah says, "My turn to work Jenny over."  Amanda says, "Just give me a few more minutes...I owe her some more pain."  Sarah nods in agreement.  Amanda turns around and looks toward Jenny and sees Jenny crawling toward her corner...

Amanda gasps and hurries across the ring.  Jenny reaches her hand out to Yuko who is reaching her hand through the ropes.  Just as Amanda grabs Jenny by the hair, she slaps Yuko's hand.  Yuko enters the ring and sends a hard punch to Amanda's ribs.  Amanda releases Jenny's hair and Jenny rolls under the ropes.  Yuko grabs Amanda and pushes her face first into the corner.  Before Amanda can turn around, Yuko rushes in and lowers her shoulder, driving it into Amanda's lower back.  Amanda lets out a loud groan.  Yuko grabs the middle ropes and pulls herself back and then launches her shoulder into Amanda's back again.  Yuko keeps up the attack, driving her shoulder into Amanda's back again, and again, and again, and again, and again...

After a dozen shoulder thrusts, Yuko pulls Amanda out of the corner.  She quickly scoops her up in her arms and turns to the middle of the ring and drops to one knee, bringing Amanda's back down on her other leg delivering a killer back breaker.  Amanda cries out in pain.  Yuko holds Amanda in place, pushing down on Amanda's neck and thigh.  Amanda moans in pain, her back bending over Yuko's thigh.  Yuko then raises her hands up and drives a hard double-fisted blow into Amanda's belly.  Amanda slides off Yuko's knee and crumples to the mat.  She reaches a hand around to hold her sore back.  Amanda should have tagged Sarah when she had a she is in trouble...

Amanda knows she needs a tag.  After a few seconds, she pushes herself up to her hands and knees.  Yuko is standing right there and she drops to her knees and drives a double axe-handle smash to Amanda's back, knocking the babyface back down.  Yuko grabs Amanda by the hair and pulls her up.  She looks back to her own corner and sees Jenny on her feet.  She nods to Jenny and then whips Amanda toward the corner.  Amanda's body whips around and as she flies in to the corner, Jenny sticks her knee through the ropes.  Amanda's back hits Jenny's knee and she instantly drops to her knees as she arches her back in pain.  Yuko and Jenny smile.  Yuko pulls Amanda up and then whips her toward the corner a second time.  Jenny has her knee in place and Amanda's lower back connects again, sending Amanda to her knees a second time...

Amanda is holding her back as she lets out a few moans of pain.  Yuko moves in and undoes Amanda's bikini top and quickly throws it to Jenny.  Yuko pulls Amanda up and pushes her into the corner back first.  As Amanda's arms slide over the top rope, Jenny wraps the bikini top around Amanda's neck.  As Amanda gasps for air, Yuko moves in and sends a fist into Amanda's belly.  The ref is there and starts his 10 count.  Jenny continues to pull on the bikini top as Yuko drives punch after punch into Amanda's belly.  Just as the ref reaches 10, Jenny releases her choke.  Amanda's arms slip off the ropes and she crumples to the mat in pain.  Yuko grabs Amanda by the arms and drags her to the center of the ring.  Yuko then runs toward the ropes and throws herself off.  She bounces off and heads back to Amanda, who is still lying face down.  Yuko jumps in the air and tucks her knees.  She then lands right on Amanda's back, driving her knees in hard.  Amanda cries out in agony from another blow to her weak back...

Yuko gets up and grabs Amanda and pulls her up.  She brings her over to her corner and Jenny quickly grabs her arms, holding Amanda in place.  As the ref starts to count, Yuko starts driving punches into Amanda's back.  Yuko treats Amanda's back like a punching bag...right...left...right...left...right...left...right...left...The ref is at 9 and Jenny releases Amanda's arms.  Amanda is about to collapse but Yuko grabs her.  Yuko lifts Amanda up and sits her on the top turnbuckle.  Yuko says, "Remember this, Amanda?"  OH NO...WHAT IS YUKO ABOUT TO DO?  Yuko grabs Amanda and pulls her back and over her a canadian backbreaker!  Amanda cries out in pain as her back bends over Yuko's shoulder.  Yuko will get her submission soon if she keeps this hold...

Sarah can do nothing but watch as her partner's back bends over Yuko's shoulder.  The last time Yuko applied this hold in the cage match, Amanda lasted less than 80 seconds before she submitted.  Yuko parades around the ring with Amanda moaning in pain.  The fans cheer Yuko on...knowing Amanda's back will not last much longer.  At the 1 minute mark, Amanda's moans get shallower.  Yuko leads her back to her corner and Jenny is sitting on the top rope, but technically not in the ring.  As Yuko brings Amanda near, Jenny raises her fists together and then slams them down on Amanda's belly.  Amanda moans loudly as the ref is right there to start the 10 count.  Jenny continues to deliver vicious double axe-handle blows to Amanda's belly as Yuko keeps bending Amanda's back over her shoulder...

As Jenny drives her 8th hit into Amanda's belly, Amanda finally mumbles, "I submit..."  The ref signals the submission.  Yuko then drops to her knees, sending a huge jolt of pain to Amanda's back.  Sarah slides between the ropes, since the tag rules do not apply for the last fall.  Jenny stands up on the ropes and jumps off, sending one final brutal smash to Amanda's belly.  Yuko releases Amanda, letting her roll off her shoulder and crumple to the mat.  Sarah is there now and grabs Yuko by the hair.  She pulls the Asian beauty up and fires a punch into her belly.  Jenny rushes in and kicks Sarah in the belly.  Sarah drops to her knees and holds her belly.  Amanda is lying motionless face down on the mat.  Her back is badly injured...

Jenny forces Sarah up and grabs her arms behind her back as Yuko moves in front of her.  Yuko starts driving punches into Sarah's belly, trying to take the wind out of the sexy blonde.  Sarah moans in pain, forced to endure this double team with her partner too injured to help her.  After a dozen punches, Sarah's knees are ready to give out but Jenny holds her up.  Yuko moves to Sarah's breasts, driving uppercuts to Sarah's large breasts.  Sarah cries out in pain from each punch.  Sarah is in trouble as Yuko continues to work her over.  Yuko now drives her knee between Sarah's legs.  Sarah cries out, "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"  Yuko smiles and sends another knee to Sarah's pussy.  Sarah tries to break out of Jenny's grasp, but Jenny is holding her too tight...

Yuko sends another knee into Sarah's crotch.  The sexy blonde's legs give out now, leaving Jenny to hold her whole weight.  Yuko drives one more knee to Sarah's pussy.  Then both girls grab Sarah, each taking a different arm.  They lead her to the opposite side of the ring.  Sarah stumbles along and as the get closer to the corner, the Asians bend Sarah forward and launch her between the top and middle rope.  Sarah is thrown between the ropes and she hits the corner post head first with a CLANG!  She then drops to the mat in a complete daze.  Jenny and Yuko smile and head over to Amanda.  Amanda has not moved, still lying face down near the opposite corner.  Jenny grabs her and rolls her over.  Amanda lets out a soft moan.  Jenny pulls her up to a sitting position as Amanda mumbles, "My back..."  Jenny pulls Amanda's arms behind her as Yuko kicks Amanda's legs apart and kneels in between them...

Yuko launches a few punches into Amanda's belly.  Amanda moans in pain.  As Yuko stops, Jenny whispers in Amanda's ear, "Open those eyes Amanda, I want you to watch what happens next."  Amanda opens her eyes as Yuko slides back a bit and reaches for the top of Amanda's right boot.  She grabs the zipper and slowly pulls it down.  Amanda whimpers, "Please no...not my boots..."  Jenny says, "Oh yes Amanda...the boots are now Yuko's boots!"  Yuko slides the right boot off.  She then moves to the left boot.  She slowly starts to unzip it.  Amanda is too weak to stop her and soon Yuko slides the left boot off.  Yuko then puts the boots on and zips them up.  She stands up and the crowd goes wild.  Jenny whispers to Amanda, "Oh how the fans love Yuko in those boots.  She looks so sexy...much sexier than you ever did."  Amanda whimpers, "Nnnnoooooooo...."  Jenny and Yuko are not just destroying Amanda physically, but mentally as well...

Amanda's back is injured and she cannot get out of Jenny's grasp.  She is forced to watch as Yuko parades around the ring wearing the boots, the crowd cheering wildly for her.  Yuko moves back over to Amanda and sends a couple kicks into Amanda's belly with her new boots.  Amanda moans in pain and Jenny says to her partner, "Those boots look sexy on you Yuko."  Yuko smiles and responds, "Thanks Jenny.  I will be keeping them."  Jenny says, "Good.  This weak bitch doesn't need them anymore.  Plus, the fans like you wearing them.  Now, I think it is time to finish this match."  Yuko nods in agreement.  The Asian beauties drag Amanda over to the nearest corner.  Yuko slides under the ropes and out of the ring.  Jenny rotates Amanda so her lower back is against the corner post.  OH NO!  I think they plan to bend Amanda's back around the post!  This could be bad for Amanda.  Just as she has Amanda in place, Jenny's hair gets grabbed from's Sarah.  Amanda's partner has come to save her...

Sarah pulls on Jenny's hair, trying to pull her away from Amanda.  Jenny starts to turn toward her opponent and as she does, she fires a hard punch hitting Sarah right in the pussy.  Sarah's mouth drops open from the surprise punch.  Jenny quickly drives another punch into Sarah's crotch.  Sarah cries out, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!"  Sarah starts to lower her hands as her knees wobble.  Jenny is able to drive one more hard punch to Sarah's pussy before the blonde falls to the mat in pain.  Jenny stands up and gives Sarah's body a few kicks, sending her in the opposite direction.  Sarah's hands are buried between her legs and she is in agony.  Jenny moves back to the corner and kneels down by Amanda.  Yuko grabs Amanda around the neck with one arm, and grabs Amanda's leg with her other.  Yuko begins to pull back, bending Amanda's weak back around the post.  Jenny takes her fist and drives a punch into Amanda's belly...

Jenny has a perfect target and continues to drive punches into Amanda's belly as her partner keeps up the pressure, bending Amanda's back around the unforgiving post.  Amanda is in major pain, her back already hurt from the canadian backbreaker.  She will not last long in this hold.  Sarah is still lying on the mat massaging her hurt crotch.  The Asians continue their torture, further injuring Amanda's back.  Amanda is fading fast as she continues to cry out in pain.  It has been 45 seconds and finally Amanda cries out, "OH GAWD, MY BACK!  NO MORE...I SUBMIT!!!"  The ref signals for the ring bell.  Jenny and Yuko have won the match and are the new tag team champs!  Yuko releases the hold and Jenny slides out of the ring and hugs her partner.  The commissioner presents them with the title belts.  The crowd cheers for the Asians with their new belts and sexy boots.  Jenny and Yuko will now face the tag team title holders of the WCWL in a special pay-per-view event.  The title holders in the WCWL are Diamond and Electra.

With the title belts around their waists, Jenny and Yuko make their way back to the dressing room, slapping high fives with the fans on the way.  Sarah crawls over to help Amanda, who is still left partially bent around the post.  Amanda and Sarah did not have those title belts long, and will now have to wait for a chance to get them back as Amanda's back heals...

The End.

Please send any comments or suggestions to:


Offline York

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Re: Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko title match
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2019, 08:53:40 PM »
well done to Jenny and Yuko, becoming the new Champions. !!!  :) :) :)


Offline watchingwomenrumble

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Re: Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko title match
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2019, 12:48:00 AM »
Hey WS2003...followed you on the seakings site for years.  I loved the Amanda/Sandra feud.  But the Amanda vs Jenny/Yuko feud is even better.  I am really starting to like Jenny, and Yuko too.  Glad they both have boots!


Offline SunnyB

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Re: Amanda & Sarah vs Jenny & Yuko title match
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2020, 04:00:10 PM »
Tsk, tsk, Jenny & Yuko just got lucky here  ::) ... my tag team partner, Lucy, and I would easily cream their asses!  ;D ;)

P.S. Nice writing though ...  8)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!