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Nicola and Michelle's Revenge Pt 1

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Offline john54

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Nicola and Michelle's Revenge Pt 1
« on: November 20, 2019, 10:56:19 AM »
I wrote this story some time ago and have now written the follow up and conclusion. I have attached a link to the original story hope it works.

Nicola and Michelle's Revenge

Michelle and Nicola returned to work two weeks after everyone else. Their cuts had healed. They still carried a few bruises that faded to a light yellow and could be concealed with makeup. So there was no real visual evidence that they had been in a vicious catfight with each other. They were also determined to find out who had been the instigators behind the plan to get them fighting.
The fight had certainly cleared the air between them and they were getting on great. There was the added bonus the fight had been a great turn on for them and that watching them fight had been the same for Bill and me, both our sex lives had been radically improved. Others in the office could see the transformation and a few were pissed off. They had hoped for one of them to leave and open a post for advancement. These were the ones that Michelle and Nicola kept an eye on they were sure one of them would let something slip.
When the slip came it was about three months later and not from where they expected, it was a shock to them both.
One of the male members of the team Dave returned from a business lunch with a new client, they had struck and signed a deal. The lunch had involved a few bottles of wine and Dave came back a little worse for the wear. He was making a strong cup of coffee in the kitchen when Michelle came in. They started talking and the subject got round to the staff weekend. In the way of all drunks trying to be subtle he failed miserably. He was glad Michelle had beat Nicola, she had it coming. Strictly between him and her, his wife Sharon was not really upset they had come to blows. She had loved the fight and had wanted to see them fight for ages.  She had in fact been discussing the chances of two women fighting at the staff weekend with one of their work colleagues Donna. Wasn’t that a coincidence?
Michelle of course went straight to Nicola while Dave tried to sober up. It all made sense. Sharon was forty six and had been made redundant from the firm three years earlier. She had thought either Michelle or Nicola would have been let go as they were older. But Sharon had a bad attitude and would cause friction when she could so Janet took the opportunity to get rid of her.
Sharon had met Dave when they worked together in the firm. She was a single thirty nine year old and he was twenty four years old when she decided she wanted him and had gone all out to get him. She had remorselessly destroyed the relationship he was in with a girl he had met at collage. Sharon was really quite insecure, fast approaching forty and no matter how much she went to keep fit gravity was taking its toll on her 36dd boobs and nicely firm round bum. She felt the need to find a husband before the makeup could no longer hide the wrinkles and she had always went for younger men. They had got married within a year of meeting and from all the evidence it was not a happy marriage. They had no children and Sharon had not been able to find new work. Dave was having to work at the office all day and most nights he was freelancing as a financial advisor, just to keep her in the life style she liked.
They both went to the kitchen and got the story out of him. It turned out Sharon blamed them for her losing her job, so she had got Donna to start creating friction and divide the team loyalties. Sharon had told her how to do it and she went to it with enthusiasm, Donna had worked out if one of them left there was an opening for her. (Make a space for Sharon’s return no chance, she was in it for herself). Once the team was divided in loyalty. Donna had whispered to the separated factions that it would be great if they could get the two of them to fight it out. No one knew Sharon was the instigator. The rest is history.
Dave of course pleaded with Michelle and Nicola that he knew nothing till later and not to tell Sharon he had spilled the beans or his life would be a misery. They agreed but told him the life of misery Sharon could give him would be nothing compared to what they would do if she found out they knew.
Michelle and Bill came round to our house one night. Bill and I were sent to the pub so they could plan, apparently it was best if we didn’t know. We found out later that they intended to use Sharon’s insecurity against her. Far from showing her age she was in fact a good looking woman with dark dyed hair, not beautiful but handsome with a nicely rounded figure around 145 lbs and 5’7” tall. Dave was to be the unsuspecting dupe mainly as he wouldn’t have a clue what was going on. Donna would be the other woman although she wouldn’t have a clue till it was all too late. Donna had just turned twenty six and the staff had had a bit of a party to celebrate. She is 5’5” a cuddly 125 lbs, boobs at a guess 36c. A good looking bottle blond who used the gym a lot, partly to keep herself fit and partly to control her shape. Her work out regime was boxercise, no sparring just the fitness part. Now all they had to do was plan the confrontation.
Nicola and Michelle started to put their plan in motion, when possible they paired Donna and Dave to work together. They put them to work with clients who out of necessity had meetings in the evening, so Dave would return home late. They even managed to send them away together to a seminar outside Leeds. Changing the hotel booking from two singles to a twin room standard practice for the company when the sent two members of the same sex. Simple mistake, of course no other rooms were available in the area so they had to make do. Things were going along nicely when one of the team Jack announced he would be leaving and emigrating to Australia. There would be a leaving party time to bring the charade to a hopefully violent conclusion.
The leaving party was set for a Friday six weeks later, it would also coincide with a party to celebrate moving to new premises in a business park. A few of us who knew Jack were invited to attend so Bill and I were there. The new premises were cheaper, easier accessible and closer to where the team lived. They were also larger with open plan offices two of which were not furnished, it was hoped the firm would expand into them but they made a great space for a party. Nicola and Michelle got a couple of pay as you go sim cards, and used them to send anonymous messages from a concerned friend to Sharon. No need to guess what they were doing, just filling Sharon’s head about a possible affair between Dave and Donna. On the day of the party they let her know about the room sharing. They had even got a picture of Dave giving Donna a peck on the cheek, the kiss was innocent just Dave giving Donna a kiss on her birthday. This they sent to Sharon about an hour after the party started.
Things could not have looked better when Sharon slammed through the door having come straight from her yoga, still wearing some very tight yoga pants, low cut tee shirt that came below her hips and slip on ballet style pumps. Dave and Donna were together in the corner of the room. Sharon screamed “you fucking cow” and shouldered her way through to crowd spilling drinks and barging people out of the way. Dave gave a good impression of a goldfish except he turned white, Donna turned to look at her, eyes blazing from the insult and implied accusation. Sharon didn’t give them time to deny anything, she slapped Dave in the face with her left hand then sent a roundhouse right slap to Donna’s cheek, it almost knocked the girl off her feet. Donna threw down her drink and went into the attack grabbing two handfuls of Sharon’s hair, Sharon retaliated likewise. It took a few seconds for those nearest them to grab them and pull them apart, even then they were spitting insults and trying to kill each other.
Finally separated Janet asked what was going on? Sharon screamed “that whore is fucking my man”. Donna of course denied it. Dave went to open his mouth but was told to shut up by both of them as he had “done enough already”. Asked if they wanted to talk about it? A firm no came from both of them, Donna wanted to rip the old bags face off for slapping her, Sharon wanted to kick her cxnt in so she couldn’t fuck another man again. Janet just said looks like we got a floor show and told them to take off their jewellery and advised Donna to take off her high heels. Dave stood there mouth opening and closing, Michelle and Nicola gave each other a sly wink. This should be good age against youth, a weight advantage on one side and a bit of boxing savvy on the other and if stories could be believed neither was a virgin when it came to a catfight.

« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 10:58:37 AM by john54 »