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Priyanka Chopra vs Scarlett Johansson

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Priyanka Chopra vs Scarlett Johansson
« on: November 29, 2019, 10:16:41 AM »
Priyanka Chopra vs Scarlett Johansson
Priyanka Chopra and husband Nick want too a big Hollywood party of producer of film priyanka Chopra was in hot dress showing Her big clevag priyanka so Scarlett Johansson also in hot dress showing Her big clevag priyanka Chopra want too Scarlett said  nice clevag you too producer call both of them and told them both looking hot ass hell but only one of you will get the film it will take time to decidesite which one will get the film then priyanka want too house and took of her clothes in front of mirror and told her self she will get this film watever it takes then want sleep next morning want to gym find Scarlett Johansson all in some gym both a each other and fake smile both hated each other both want to gym steem room took there clothes of became  nude and see each other Scarlett Johansson said you have hot body priyanka you have nice clevag both are jealous of each other Scarlett said you have no Chan's of getting the film I am hot then you priyanka Chopra will see who gets it. Priyanka Chopra want to producer and fuck him then Scarlett want to producer and also fuck him.Priyanka Chopra and Scarlett Johansson both hated each other the wanted to settle priyanka Chopra call Scarlett Johansson both of us should settle your rivalry with catfight agree meet me at my house priyanka all right.
Priyanka Chopra and Scarlett Johansson glared at one another, neither lady backing down from the other."I'll kick your ass anytime and any place bitch, just name it!!!" Priyanka threatened. "How about RIGHT NOW!!!!" screamed Scarlett as she charged at priyanka.Each woman grabbed a thick handful of titflesh and began throwing each other around the room, each one's mouth twisted in pain as they tugged and twisted the soft pliable flesh between their fingers. Priyanka cried out as Scarlett smashed her breasts against one another and grinded them together painfully, Scarlett's manicured nails painfully biting into priyanka's breasts. Moaning in pain, priyanka shifted her attack lower and gave a mighty tug on Scarlett's hairy bush, getting some relief, as Scarlett released her right breast from her rough grip to try and pull priyanka's hand from her aching pussy. priyanka managed to drive her foe back first , slamming her against the wall and pressed her attack, twisting Scarlett's left nipple against her full breast as she again gave a hard tug on her pussy. Scarlett's face twisted in pain and she renewed her attack on priyanka's chest, her face lighting up with glee through the pain as priyanka cried out as her left breast was twisted then pushed upwards towards her face."I am going to rip these breasts right off your fuckin' chest, you cow!!!, Scarlett yelled in her hurting rival's face!"AHHHHHH", priyanka cried out again as Scarlett's other hand found her pussy hairs and she gave a few tugs on it before reaching back up and getting a good grip on the right breast and pulled both down at the same time. Priyanka's face showing the agony of the move as her knees started to buckle and she was slowly forced downwards to her knees, an anguished moan emanating from her lips."Here, get a good look at a pair of real breasts, BITCH!!!", Scarlett said as she buried priyanka's face in her titflesh and tried to smother her with them, rubbing her face deeply into her expansive cleavage.Already Scarlett had priyanka in trouble, her breasts throbbing in pain and she struggled hard trying to push away and get her rivals breasts out of her face, but Scarlett was too strong and had her wedged tightly against her chest. When priyanka's struggling became weaker Scarlett, confident of a fast victory, suddenly tugged up on both of the large breasts she had pieces of crushed in her hands, getting a cry of pain from her rival's lips as priyanka's sensitive breasts were ripped upwards, and she was forced to follow.
"Up we go", she said while pulling, the muscles in her shoulders and arms bulging from the exertion.As priyanka desperately gulped in needed breathes of air Scarlett yelled, "Now lets see how you like this!!! as her strong fingers burrowed deep into priyanka's swollen breasts.
Scarlett stepped back, locking her arms straight out, pushing herself forward as she drove her hands even deeper into priyanka's yielding titflesh. Priyanka's breasts were flowing out around her rival's hands as she sobbed in pain at Scarlett's savage move.She grabbed at her Scarlett Johansson's wrists, trying to alleviate the pressure to no avail as she cried out, "ARRHHHHHH, my fucking TITTTSSSS........!!!!" then she desperately reached out and grabbed Scarlett's breasts by the nipples and started twisting and pulling with all her might, getting a small cry from Scarlett which gave priyanka all the incentive she needed to rip away even harder."Now, how does that feel, you Slut?!! How do YOU feel NOW???!!" Priyanka screamed out at Scarlett, then Scarlett Johansson's face twisted in agony as her own breasts ached severely from priyanka's torturous attacks. Priyanka wrapped her slender arms around Scarlett in a bear hug, lifting Scarlett off her feet. Scarlett twisted and bucked against priyanka Chopra's strong arms trying to escape. Their breasts were crushed together, and Scarlett's larger tits were getting poked painfully by priyanka's rock hard nipples."My nipples are gonna slice through your tits, Bitch!!! then priyanka Chopra snarled as Scarlett's huge breasts were totally engulfing priyanka Chopra's big globes. Priyanka grinded into her tits into Scarlett's, as Scarlett tried to push back, hoping her own rock hard nipples were also hurting priyanka. But priyanka got too close to a wall, and Scarlett put one foot against it and pushed off ,sending them flying across the room, crashing down onto the floor, as priyanka let go of Scarlett. But in a flash priyanka Chopra's legs were tightly wrapped around Scarlett's waist. Scarlett Johansson gasped as priyanka Chopra's powerful creamy thighs crushed her sides, and in retaliation she uppercutted priyanka's right breast, sending the mammary flying upward as now priyanka Chopra let out a cry at Scarlett's vicious blow. Priyanka tugged Scarlett's head backwards hard, with both hands buried in Scarlett's thick  hair as Scarlett's scalp exploded in pain.scarlett buried her fingers into the soft pliable breast flesh of priyanka's left breast, wrenching the breast left and right as her nails dug in deeply, drawing blood, her rival's face twisting in pain then in defiance as she tightened her legs around Scarlett's waist and was rewarded with another gasp of pain as Scarlett's sides protested at the new pressure. Scarlett rammed her forearm into priyanka's left breast and cried out as priyanka gave her hair another good tug while also crying out at the pain that had erupted from her left breast as it was crushed under her rival's forearm! Scarlett gripped the left breast and began pushing both breasts upwards and soon was driving her red haired rival backwards onto the floor by her breasts, forcing priyanka to release her hair and try and pull her hands from her throbbing breasts.
It was just a matter of time before one or the other could not take it anymore and surrendered to the pain. Scarlett thought it was almost over till priyanka's left hand ripped down Scarlett's bruised and scratched breasts, and this time it was  Scarlett Johansson's turn to roar in agony as priyanka expertly crushed her right breast in her strong fingers, then gasped loudly as priyanka Chopra added some twists back and forth."Your tits are gonna drop off your body once I'm through with you, BITCH!!!" Priyanka sneered, as she released Scarlett's breast only to bring her closed fist smashing down onto it, striking it right in the nipple and bursting blood vessels under Scarlett's bruised titflesh as her rival let loose an anguished cry of total pain. Priyanka grinded her knuckles and rings in deeply with a huge grin on her sweaty face, as tears began to flow down Scarlett's cheeks."OHHH GOD!!!! Priyanka---MY BREASTS!!! OHHHH MY BREASTS!!!"priyanka gripped each breast at the base and bore down on them, Scarlett's red tits swelling up against priyanka's hands. Corkscrewing each breast around hard, priyanka crushed Scarlett's globes harshly against her nails."I can't TAKE ANYMORE!!!" Scarlett screamed out.
Scarlett knew she was almost done for it unless she did something real fast, the pain in her aching breasts too much too stand. Tugging priyanka's right breast upwards with all her remaining strength she raked her nails down the underside, priyanka screaming bloody murder then bellowing out in utter pain as Scarlett repeated it twice before burying her fist deep into the soft underside. That got priyanka's full attention, and in agony now herself she sent her forearm crashing into Scarlett's face as she pulled her to the side by her hair, releasing her scissors and wrestling herself on top of Scarlett, her breast attack forgotten for the moment."Oooohhh.. look what I found!" Priyanka said as her left hand crept up Scarlett's leg and found her pussy. Priyanka gave a mighty tug on Scarlett's pussy hairs just as Scarlett had been about to punch her in the face, forcing her, screaming, to reach down with both hands and grab priyanka's hand from her pussy before she could do more damage. While she struggled to pull priyanka Chopra hand away priyanka took full advantage of Scarlett's undefended chest and started alternately punching each breast over and over with her right fist. Scarlett Johansson cried out in utter agony as priyanka's red nails ripped a gash in her cxnt wall, but she managed to finally extract her rival's hand from her pussy, only to scream out again as priyanka started to twist her left breast around pulling it out like taffy. As priyanka brought her other hand to bear and started squeezing and twisting the other breast, Scarlett all but finished now, in a last ditch effort raked her nails across priyanka's eyes, blinding her and causing her to draw back, releasing her fight ending breast attack to rub at her watering eyes.Barely able to see through the tremendous flow of tears from her own eyes, Scarlett brought her head up and took a bite of the creamy left breast dangling above her as priyanka let out a scream of pain that shook the window. Priyanka grabbed Scarlett by the hair and tried to tug her head from her now bleeding breast they struggled for a few seconds as Scarlett ripped her head left and right, sinking her teeth in deeper and deeper. Priyanka unable to pull free and frantic to stop the pain, suddenly screamed, "OHHH GOD!!! NO MORE!!! ....MY BREASTS!!!!!!!!!!Removing her mouth from the big mammary, Scarlett Johansson used priyanka's tits for hand holds and dragged priyanka Chopra off her by them, maneuvering her around till Scarlett had her pinned against the wall Scarlett, on wobbly legs, shot her knee into priyanka's groin, not once but three times, rewarded with a cry for each one as they crashed into priyanka's blazing pussy. Scarlett clamped her hands down on priyanka's red and aching tits, and priyanka was getting completely ravaged as priyanka Chopra cried out in utter pain. But priyanka battled back, gripping both of Scarlett's fiery nipples, and soon it was Scarlett, her face showing the agony of her rival's nipple assault, who was forced to step back, her face a mask of pain. Priyanka's sharp red nails had ripped into Scarlett's areola, as priyanka tried her best to slice through Scarlett's nipples. With a cry Scarlett ripped priyanka's tenderized breasts out and then pulling a screeching priyanka with her by them, she tugged her foe's breasts outward and tossed her by them to the floor, freeing her aching nipples from priyanka inflicting more pain. Priyanka fell to the floor and clutched at her swollen and utterly aching breasts as she lay on her back, Scarlett's finger marks bright red on her ravaged breasts! Before she could even think of recuperating and try to get to her feet, Scarlett was suddenly behind her head and reached down as she stepped on priyanka's hair and she grabbed a good piece of titflesh in each hand before she tugged them up by it. Priyanka bellowed out in utter agony as her back left the ground."YOU'RE MINE NOW, BITCH!!! I'm gonna keep pulling till I rip them off your fuckin chest and stuff them up your ASS!!" Scarlett yelled down at her aching and hurt foe!!Both ravaged women knowing she could not take another such tug, priyanka , her face a mask of ultimate pain, tears now streaming down her eyes and at the end of her rope, frantically tried to reach out and grab a handful of pussy hair."Ohhhhh, no you don't", Scarlett cried out as she swatted her rival's hand away.Crushing the nipple of priyanka's left breast in her palm tightly she gave it the strongest tug upwards that she could. Priyanka's shoulder blade left the floor as she grabbed at the wrist of her foe with both hands, screaming in agony at the immense pain."You think that hurts, bitch, how does THIS FEEL!!!!, she said as she smashed her hand downward, fingers splayed outward, slamminmg deeply into the right breast then grinding her hand back and forth as she put her weight behind it. Priyanka's big breast mushroomed out around her hand and fingers as Scarlett twisted the other breast around clockwise in her tight grip, priyanka's screams echoing off the walls."AAAAHHHHHHHH ........ OOHHHHHH ........ .GOD!!!! SHIIIIIT!!!!!!!!! MY BREASTS!!!! Scarlett---NOOO!!! MY BREASTS!!!" Priyanka cried out. Scarlett slammed the bruised and swollen orbs together, enjoying more cries from her priyanka Chopra foe as she grinded them into each other, the tight flesh oozing out between her fingers as she gave them all she could and then finally released them, while priyanka sobbed at the cruel punishment she was dishing out to her."I guess we know whose breasts are better now, don't we??!!! Scarlett yelled. Scarlett stepped back and started punching priyanka all over, uppercutting her bleeding left breast, then the right one, added a blow to each nipple, driving them in deeply as priyanka cried out in pain. Scarlett Johansson rammed her fist into priyanka Chopra's pussy and her next blow crashed into her rival's belly, almost doubling her over till Scarlett sent both fists crashing into priyanka''s big breasts in front of her and sent her flying back against the wall, a defeated, sobbing wreck.Pulling priyanka to her feet, Scarlett slammed her breasts like a freight train into priyanka's breasts, knocking her back into the wall. As priyanka bounced back Scarlett slammed her breasts into priyanka's again, as she started sliding down the wall. Grabbing her hair, Scarlett Johansson held her up as she slammed her breasts over and over into priyanka's, enjoying her cries of pain. Finally, taking a firm grip of  priyanka's hair, Scarlett pressed her big breasts against priyanka's face, her sweaty breasts forming a perfect seal around priyanka's face, cutting off air and light, slowly and deliberately crushing and smothering her thoroughly beaten foe. Priyanka's body soon went limp as Scarlett let her fall to the floor. Priyanka Chopra was sobbing loudly as she cupped her bleeding left breast, Scarlett's teeth marks quite prominent just below the nipple. Scarlett Johansson collapsed as well, totally exhausted from their fight. Scarlett gasped when she saw the extensive damage she had taken, blood was dripping down her body from her raw, bloodstained breasts, both her tits black and blue and swollen to twice there normal size.
Scarlett Johansson wins