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Offline xxxCATxxx

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« on: April 11, 2019, 11:51:05 PM »
Riding up to the local bar just off the interstate highway, “who rides horses now days?” turning to look to who was talking to me.  “I do” I reply in my Aussie accent.  “You British?” ... a pause, as my eyes settle on their wizened features, still light in those old eyes as I can see a twinkle in them and the effort of concealing a smile.  Smiling back as I dismount and tethering the ranch horse to a pole to the left of the entrance.  “You the bouncer?” Raising my eyebrow as I pull off my gloves, tucking them in my belt.  “Nope, the owner” as I look in through the door.  It’s all but empty but there are six cars in the parking lot.  “Those your cars?” I ask with a sideways glance.  “Nope, people get drunk, people get a cab.  I keep their keys for them.” looking back in side, “well if I get drunk, will you look after the horse?” Calling back as I walk to the bar.  “...could do... what you having?” as the owner transforms into the bar tender.  “Hmmmmm, a beer, any beer as long as it is cold” The smiling old man reaches into the fridge pulling out a cold beer.  Giving me the bottle.  “What’s you name?” .. watching him .. “Cindy”. Hi “Cindy, I am Bill” extending his hand .. which I shake gently.  “You’re quite the big girl, I recon just over 6 foot in your cowgirl boots” thinking about what he is angling towards.  “Yes, that’s about right”. Hearing a car door slam and then the car pulling away.  We continue to talk but are interrupted by “WHAT THE FUCK” from out side .. woman’s voice .. then we hear her quickly striding into the bar “BILL .. my new car has a scratch in it!!!” Putting her hands on her jean covered hips. We are not dressed all that different .. both in jeans, cow girl boots, flannel shirts tied under our boobs.  Both shirts unbuttoned deep to show off our cleavage.  Leather belts and big buckles.  Only difference is I am wearing a Stetson and my outfit is a work outfit. Although I did change how my top was worn before riding here. Body wise she was almost 6 foot in her boots, our chests pretty equal.  Mine is 38 D .. waists mine is 28 .. used to be 26 but I have been working on my obliques.. 36 inch hips.  We lock eyes as I sip my beer.  “Well Rachel, I do not know who scratched your car” her stare is cold and hard.  She is probably the same age as me .. 25 .. but has a tough look to her.  While she is looking me over “you should take a picture, it will last longer”. Thinking what’s that all about.  Looking away “yah/Nah sheellbeealright mate” turning back to Bill.  “HEYYY DONT YOU TURN YOUR BACK TO WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU FOREIGN BITCH!!!” ... silence whispering to Bill “what’s her problem?” Bill looking over me, then back .. “Her family owns all the ranching land, she used to be on tour as a mma fighter, but was banned for killing someone in the ring while in Mexico” thinking .. oh great .. taking another sip of my beer .. “MAYBE THIS DUMB BITCH SCRATCHED MY CAR WITH HER SPURS WHEN SHE RODE HER FUCKING HORSE IN HERE!!!” Bill looking up at her “saw her come in and she didn’t go near your car” ... pausing before taking another sip .. “CANT THE BITCH TALK FOR HERSELF BILL!!” Looking over my shoulder.. before spinning around on the bar stool .. elbows on the bar as I lean back.. my jet black hair tied in a ponytail .. Her blonde hair in cornrows.  Smiling, “I didn’t go near any cars with my horse”. She walks towards me so I stand up.  Back home we have bullies like this.  Her hard stare not softening.  “Now ladies, take it out side” noticing Bill’s attitude change.. Rachel turning.. looking back over her shoulder “you coming?” I am hesitant at first, then walk toward the door .. we are barely out when she suddenly spins left ...

(to be continued)
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

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Offline xxxCATxxx

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2019, 10:28:33 AM »
The spin was sudden, which was good because I didn’t have time to think as her left heel came straight out towards my jaw.  Trying to pull my head back while walking forward only meant it was not moving when her heel slammed into my jaw as I tucked it in blasting me backwards and cutting my jaw just under my lower lip as my lips mashed up my face .. splitting.. blood flying out of my mouth as my head snapped back sending me off my feet to land on my ass “UHHHHHHHHH” then flopping backwards .. maybe I should just lay here .. “COMMON BITCH GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP SO I CAN BEAT THAT FUCKING ACCENT OUT OF YOU!!”  Oi... I think ... fuck me ... I can taste the blood in my mouth ... my face is numb ... I can hear her boots on the wooden entrance way to the bar ... coming in the door she leans down grabbing my right boot and dragging me out.. “DON’T LISTEN WELL DO YOU BITCH!!  HE SAID TAKE IT OUT SIDE!!” the sliding by my boot pulls my flannel shirt op my body.. almost pulling it off my breasts.. think yup .. he said that... take it out side.  THUDDD “UHHHHHHHH” my right thigh explodes in pain as she kicks the leg she is holding .. luckily not in the knee as she probably plans on torturing me before putting me down... “gawdddd” I gasp ... I try to keep my eyes open, but the body just does what it does THUDDDDDDD “UUUHHHHHHHH” her heel slams into my vulva ... vag for you guys .. cxnt if you are Aussie .. I almost gag from the pain as she drops my leg and I roll to my left side holding my wounded sex.. Have you ever wondered why you have random thoughts even though someone just may be wanting to kill you like .. “uhhhh gawdd where is my huhhhh Stetson” .. I was thinking it, but I guess my mouth was saying it.. “YOU STUPID BITCH” stompppp .. yup my hat .. looking through teary eyes as she grinds her foot into my hat... I try to lick my lips .. they are puffy and burning ... I should just stay down .. honestly .. she is walking away .. but .. the rest of my body save my pussy, right thigh .. and my mouth .. is fine .. rolling to my knees and getting up .. picking up my Stetson and popping it out .. going to my horse .. “THATS RIGHT BITCH YOU RIDE OUT OF HERE!!!”  Putting on my gloves as she heads to her car and starts chatting on her phone.. climbing up on my horse ... riding up to her car .. I get the horse to rear up and slam her hooves into the bonnet .. backing up and flipping her the bird... well Rachel didn’t like that to much .. so I bolt at full gallop while she fires up her engine .. I don’t like cars like hers ...

(to be continued)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 10:33:16 AM by xxxCATxxx »
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

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Offline JT Edson

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2019, 03:22:03 PM »
Nice start.


Offline xxxCATxxx

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Re: Discovery
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2019, 10:13:43 PM »

Soooo there you go... I am on a horse galloping at full speed down the side of the road with an deranged enraged killer in her dented sports car looking to hand me my ass .. or worse .. I bolt left off the road through some sand and dusty dirt and she drives straight into it .. and bogs down instantly ... I slow the gallop down to a trot .. now common sense says go home Cindy, but that’s never stopped me from moves bordering on insanity.. I trot back towards her car .. “HEY, DOYOUNEEDSTOW”. That worked as she gets out of her car .. I dismount like any suicidal girl would do, as you know.  Swatting the back of the horse to send her home.. I would smile but my lips are split, finally stopped bleeding.. as they eventually do ... “YOU FUCKING BITCH!!” She yells “I CAN HEAR YOU JUST FINE” I yell back.. That gets under her skin fast .. resulting in her stomping towards me.. Kind of ass backwards .. you think I would look for a defendable position first, like in those old Kung fu movies .. and Angela Mao Ying .. so I move to get a solid patch of dirt between Rachy and I.. trying to set up a trap .. I guess .. as she comes in I bolt towards her, not going to wait for her to get comfortable, ducking low like I am going to tackle her.. she starts moving into a stance .. but at the patch, that I found, I switch up.. driving off my left thigh.. sending a Muay Thai right knee into her face as my 155 lb body hurtles towards her .. I feel my knee impact with her face as she screams out in pain staggering back.. Now normally that should of knocked her the fuck out .. maybe she got her hands up to shield her face .. but she is on me fast.. her left fist exploding into my right breast “UHHHHHHH”, I swear as it buries itself literally wrist deep.. “FUCKKK” then her left is coming straight into my guts... but this time I am ready as her right fist slams into my left oblique.. THUDDDD My left elbow driving into her right eye the impact is sudden as she screams out.  Driving her right knee into my lower abs... THUDDD they hold .. I have awesome abs.. grabbing her right knee .. I drive the heel of my right foot into her left knee cap.. blowing out her leg as she drops into the dirt with a scream.. but she is not down long .. not long at all .. from there she dives towards me to grab me around my thighs.. only to meet my right knee going into her mouth .. I feel teeth and wet .. good .. I think .. her head flying backwards as blood erupts from her lips.. as I am moving in ... her right heel comes up slamming into my pubic bone taking my legs out as I drop “UHHHHHHHH”, we seem to like boxing each other’s boxes, trying not to grip my pussy this time.. she is getting up so, as you do,  I slam my gloved fist into her sex .. driving two knuckles into where her clit should be.. she bellows in pain, as bingo nailing what I am guessing, and it was a guess, her large clit that sends her again staggering back ... as I get to my feet.  Bringing my fists up.. we both are a mess of blood, sweat and dirt ... she is no better shape then I am now.  Only difference is she now has a serious look on her face ..

(to be continued)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2019, 10:15:13 PM by xxxCATxxx »
Let me taste you, let me feel you, make me know you and then there will memories of us.

Only Supers accuse others of supering.


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Re: Discovery
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2020, 10:40:05 PM »
Please finish this one!