It was inevitable that Marge, the brunette with the 38D tits and my wife, Angela, the blonde with 35C tits adorned with big thick nipples, would meet again. If for no other reason Marge couldn’t accept the idea that Angela had prevailed in both their encounters. Of course, each time that they fought circumstances that Marge thought unfair dictated the final result. She was convinced without those “events” she would have whipped my blonde wife.
Marge also felt that the one advantage the big nippled blonde had over her was in the fitness and strength department. So, in anticipation of a third meeting, she joined a gym and went to work building up her strength and fitness. She knew when it came to the pugilistic aspect of their encounters she had been dominant. When they would meet again, she wanted to possess all the advantages or at least be on par with the strong blonde.
Marge was motivated to really transform her body and make it a weapon. She went to the gym religiously five days a week. Needless to say, she caught the attention of many of the men as well as some envious females. The brunette was never shy about showing off her big breasts and she dressed for the gym in a way that couldn’t help but accentuate her assets. She received plenty of help and instruction from many of her male admirers. This would lead to trouble that would culminate in a had to see match up.
One of the female trainers at Marge’s gym took a real disliking to her. I gather see didn’t care for the attention the big breasted brunette was getting from many of the men. Randi, a blonde with 36C tits, was the queen of the gym. She was very muscular, with a physique that many of the less serious lifters could only dream of possessing. Angela, my blonde wife, was strong and possessed a nice set of biceps but Randi had a body builder physique. There wasn’t woman in the gym that would challenge her. That is until this particular day.
The gym had a rule, like most gyms do, that you are wipe off the equipment after you use it. On this day, Marge was in a bit of a hurry to get her workout in before she met Dustin for lunch. She inadvertently forgot to wipe off the bench she had been using and this was the opening that Randi saw as chance to confront the brunette. She approached Marge and scolded her for her oversight. Marge apologized, explained that she was in hurry, and would gladly go wipe off the equipment. Randi would have nothing of it and told her if she did again she would ban her from the gym for a month. Marge thought that was a bit harsh and said so. Randi told her if she didn’t like it she could leave now and gave her a shove. Marge told Randi to never put a hand on her again. Randi then planted a left-right combo that sent Marge stumbling over a bench and on to the floor. Randi then stood over the prone brunette and told her she didn’t want to mess with her or she would mop the floor with her. As Randi turned to leave, convinced she had put the top heavy brunette in her place, Marge called her a bitch.
Upon hearing that directed at her, Randi did an about face and asked Marge what she said. She repeated it. The muscular blonde then told Marge that she was messing with the wrong woman and that she was going to kick her ass in front of all these men. Randi told Marge that she was no match for her and she was going to enjoy working her over. As the two women got face to face, the chiseled Randi threw the first punch. The blonde had no idea what she was up against. Marge easily blocked it and countered with a right, left, right, body punch, and uppercut. Randi found herself on her backside before she knew what had hit her. She quickly rose to her feet and charged the brunette. Marge lowered her shoulder and drove it into the blonde and catapulted her head over heels. Randi landed on her ass with her back to Marge. Before could she shake off her acrobatic tumble, the brunette grabbed Randi’s short blonde hair and yanked her to her feet, spun her and planted a powerful blast to her taught abs. The punch forced Randi to bend over allowing the big breasted Marge to connect her knee to the blonde’s chin. The force of that blow sent Randi crashing into a wall resulting in her falling on to her ass.
Sensing that she had bitten off more than she could chew and being humiliated in front of the gym patrons, Randi made an effort to get to the locker room. Marge wasn’t finished, however. She grabbed the back of the muscular blonde’s fitted shirt and yanked it towards her. That action ripped off Randi’s shirt exposing her firm 36Cs with somewhat boyish nipples. As the blonde tried to cover her exposed breasts, Marge planted a powerful shot to her midsection and despite her washboard abs she let out an loud “oooof” sound. The upper cut that followed put Randi on her back. With that, she waved her hands indicating that she was done. As Marge backed away, Randi scrambled to her feet and ran to the locker room after being dominated by this big breasted brunette. All who witnessed that skirmish at the gym clearly knew who the best woman was that day and crowned Marge the new queen of the gym. Randi had an impressive body but that day belonged to the brunette with the big tits.
Fresh off that victory, Marge had Dustin contact me to set up a third encounter between our wives. This one would be in a ring with a ref, with 2 minute rounds until there was a victor. Word had spread about Marge’s performance in whipping the powerfully built Randi and Dustin had told me that his big tittied wife had been hitting the gym 5 days a week. Of course, that has been Angela’s routine for years and the question would be whether that recent training could match what was a lifestyle for my blonde wife.
We reserved the ring after hours at the gym Marge used and hired a mutual friend to serve as the ref. Marge insisted that the women fight topless as she wanted to show off her new body. When she disrobed both Angela and I noticed. The brunette had dropped 10 lbs and her arms were firmer, as was her waistline. And, what I noticed most, was that her big tits were firmer than I remembered. Angela was Angela. Her body was firm and her arms displayed just enough vascularity to denote her strength. And of course, her 35C tits were unmatched in my book with those big, thick nipples that she loved me to suck and fondle.
I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be a drawn out affair. These two women had a great dislike for one another and were hell bent on taking the other out as quickly as possible. Marge entered with a great deal of confidence with her fitter body and with her recent destruction of a woman even stronger that Angela. As the two meet at center ring as the fight began there was to be no build up. The two women began slugging away, pounding each other with all they had. In previous encounters, this would have been in Marge’s wheelhouse. However, on this occasion it was the brunette that wilted first. (I guess I should have mentioned that while Marge was pumping iron, Angela had hired an instructor to improve her punching power. She realized that had been Marge’s strength and that she needed to counter that).
Angela began backing up the big breasted brunette with a solid array of punches, she was landing 2-3 for everyone that Marge delivered. My blonde wife, her nipples swelling to total erectness, was dominating her brunette foe connecting on a left-right combo and then an uppercut that sent Marge backwards into her corner. She grabbed the ropes to keep from falling but in doing so left her body exposed to Angela’s assault. My wife pounded away at Marge’s body. Though it was in better shape than ever, it was no match for my blonde wife’s new found punching prowess. With each blow to Marge’s exposed stomach, the brunette’s cries got louder. Next Angela turned her attention to Marge’s firmer big tits and peppered them with three or four shots which lead to even more howls from the brunette. Unable to get off the ropes as Angela continued her assault, Dustin threw in a towel to signal that he didn’t want his wife to absorb any more punishment. As Angela backed away, the brunette freed herself from the ropes and slid down on to her ass and covered her battered torso. She was devastated. She had worked so hard to ger herself in the best shape of her life only to be utterly and totally dominated by the woman she thought she was superior to. What she hadn’t known was Angela had likely worked even harder to put herself in position to go toe to toe with Marge.
It was in many ways a rather anticlimactic finish to what had been a fierce rivalry between these two but I was turned on watching my wife prove that she really was the better woman in every way.