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Hometown hottie JEN H VS Girl next door Kendra Wilkinson NHB at Charity event

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Offline stormbolt7

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I had looked at the invite again, and had thought of not attending.
It was going to be for charity, it was going to have a few guest celebrities, which usually was a good pull for me.
Yet I was unable to think of any of the catfight ladies that would be close enough to attend with me.
It would have a silent auction, and I probably was expected to be their, by some friends. Yet with out the company of a attractive lady, it just was not as fun.
I would pay for us both to have our plates at the meal, while enjoying the sun and outdoors at the estate.
I was just about to decline, when I heard from one drop dead gorgeous blonde. Jen H. was going to be passing through, and wondered if we could maybe get together for a bit, and maybe share a meal together.
I told her about the event, letting her know she was more than welcome. As she accepted my plans began to be made.
I met Jen as she arrived the day before. She had been taking care of some business in a nearby town, and now was free to enjoy a day or two to herself.
Jen was wearing a tight top, that revealed her curves nicely. Along with it, she wore a short, pleated jean skirt, that helped show her shapely legs off nicely.
Jen was a stunner, her blonde was silky, framing her lovely face, while curving down to stop, just slightly below her chin.
Her things put away, as I treat her to a dinner, and enjoy the stares, as I am sitting with the most beautiful woman in the place. Some looks envious, others staring venom at Jen.
Jen enjoyable company, as she ignores them and we enjoy the evening together.
Later after a hug, she heads off to make it an early night, to rest up for the coming day's event. Jen slightly fatigued from her travels.
The next day arrived and the wether was going to be about perfect. Clear skies with it ending up in the mid seventies.
Jen got ready and soon she smiled, as my jaw about dropped as I saw her.
Jen had on a slinky dress that clung to her nicely, yet was not skin tight or too revealing that way.
The top tied behind her neck, as it had no shoulders on it.
The front dipped down in a pleasing arc, that showed the tops of her firm breasts, and pleasing cleavage very well.
A slit part way along the one side, showing one of her well formed legs wonderfully as she moved. As the smile lit up her face, I had to admit, it was going to be hard for any of the other ladies to outshine Jen.
We arrive, as I hand my accepted and R.S.V.P'ed invite as my car is parked, and we head in to the event.
There are people moving from inside the nice sized manor, to the rear with trays and other things. A smile on her face, her arm linked through mine, as we begin walking along the side to the rear of the estate.
Music and laughter heard among sounds of chatter as people move around.
The back of the estate having a large open area, lush grass, some flowery garden area, as well as some sculptured shubbery. The yard extending both ways, and some distance back, before coming to a wooded area.
To the one side, was a well maintained pond, that several people were enjoying swimming in.
Off to the other side, was a large tent, that the auction items would be on view under. Another few tents had drinks, food, and some charity card games going on.
I smile at a few familiar faces, as Jen's pretty eyes roam over everything. "Care for a drink?" I ask her, as she nods, her eyes straying to the pond.
"Could you maybe meet me over their?" She asks smiling, as I had told her about the pond, yet could not figure her interest as she was not dressed for it, and had not brought a change with her.
"Okay Jen, I'll get our drinks and be right there." I tell her, knowing it was always difficult to say no to a pretty woman. Jen was beyond beautiful this day.
I get our drinks, and as I am heading towards her, Jen smiles, and begins removing her dress. I almost drop them both as watching me, she laughs.
Jen was wearing a very revealing, red, white, and blue bikini beneath it. The clever blonde beauty had worn her bikini, instead of bra and panties, and was getting more than her fair share of attention, as she strips down to enjoy a quick dip in the pond. Jen then letting the warm sun, dry her off, as she will be relaxed while enjoying her drink.
Jen takes her offered drink, from me, as she giggles a little. "Did you just invite me to stare at m tits Storm?" Jen asks, inhaling and arching slightly, to be sure to draw my attention to her firm, well formed chest.
My eyes dipping down, as she traps me, and I begin to blush, knowing I did exactly what she wanted.
Face, figure front to back, head to toe. Jen H. was very easy on the eyes.
My eyes move back up, as she moves closer, and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for being honest, and so sweet." She says, then cries out slightly, as someone bumps into her, and spills the rest of her drink all down her front.
The cool liquid streaming between the valley of her firm breasts.
While my eyes had been glued to Jen. Most of the rest had been watching the large breasted blonde rise from the pond.
Kendra Wilkinson was gorgeous, full figured, and very exposed in a skimpy pink bikini. Her large breasts bobbling, and threatening to spill free, with each step she took.
Her engorged nipples clearly visible through the sodden top, that covered the areola, and not much more of her breasts.
Jen's own nipples were beginning to distend and show through her own top, as the chill liquid caressed them.
"Sorry sweetie, maybe next time you can try to suck it in a bit." Kendra says, as Jen begins to heat up a bit.
Kendra giving me a dazzling smile, as she tries to outshine my companion. Yet Jen as far as I was concerned easily held her in in beauty of face and figure.
"Excuse me, your the fat cow, that needs to watch where her fat ass is walking!!" Jen replies, as around us several guests are heard inhaling breath at the brazen insult to the celebrity.
"Look slut, maybe you need to waddle down, and cool your pathetic ass in the pool." Kendra remarks.
"Besides I am sure your date, would rather escort one of the girls next door, than some cheap wannabe like you." She finishes smiling, while playing to the crowd.
"Well you know what, I would be just as happy spending time with Jen anywhere, even if we blow this event off." I reply honestly and quickly. Hoping to maybe head off what was building.
Jen's quickly given smile to me is dazzling. The full figured blonde beauty, pleased that I would openly deny someone of Kendra's beauty and fame in her favor.
"Why thank you Storm, I can handle this trash from here." Jen says, as she squares off, and begins to move into Kendra, forcing the more buxom lady to begin to back up.
"Now see here, I do not care if you are girl next door or whore of the neighborhood, my date says he wants to be with me." Jen says, as she begins to push Kendra a little bit as well.
Kendra backing up more, as she was not used to being treated this way.
"Now that is settled." Jen says as she grabs and rips Kendra's top off, to the delight of the growing crowd.
"Cool off yourself, cow!!" Jen says, as she shoves Kendra, and with a shriek, the buxom blonde beauty falls with a splash, back into the pond.
Jen triumphantly waving the bikini top around her head. "Can I put this into the auction?" She playfully asks the crowd, as she faces them.
Kendra rising, water streaming over her voluptuos body, as she wades back out, grabs Jen's bikini bottoms from behind, and yanks it hard up into Jen's cracks. Jen crying out, and trying to gently move to free herself.
Kendra using the grip to manuever them both, before letting go. Jen quickly trying to adjust it, to ease her discomfort.
Kendra returns the favor, by grabbing and tearing Jen's top off. Jen's breasts spilling free, to bobble, then stand firm and proud, as Kendra backhands Jen's tits, and sends Jen falling, and splashing into the pond.   

As Kendra played to the crowd, seeming to be unconcerned about her own being topless. Jen was rising like some goddess of myth from the pond. Her face lovely, yet angry.
Her body glistening, from the water streaming from it. Her breasts naked, nice sized and almost perfect, as they heave and bobble. Her bellly taut, and her legs shapely, as she sloshes to the side, and pulls herself out.
Kendra begins to take some bows, as people begin to applaud, thinking they were all for her.
Then her long hair grasped, and yanked back, as Jen slaps Kendra hard across her large, soft skinned breasts. The wet slapping sound seeming to echo, as more people begin to be drawn to the fight.
"I'm not done with you yet, bitch next door!!" Jen tells her, as Kendra can only try and pull back weakly, as Jen begins to play tennis with her large pendulous breasts. The sounds of the chops, from forehand, and backhands making people wince, as Kendra's tits take the punishment. Red hand prints starting to show on the slightly tanned skin.

"Now had enough slut?" Jen asks, as she holds the buxom beauty still by her hair, as Kendra sucks in air, to try and catch her breath.
"Not on your life you cheap whore!!" Kendra hisses back, before driving an elbow into Jen's sleek belly. Jen doubling up, and gasping as the wind driven from her. Kendra sending a few hard slaps to Jen's well formed breasts. Kendra's nails raking across the left breast, as Jen cries out in pain, as her engorged nipple is clawed as well.
The two now both with a handful of the others hair, as they shift, and try for position with each other, soon slip and go down, to roll in the muddy area by the edge of the pond together.
Jen shoves Kendra off, only to be caught by a dropped elbow between her tits, as Kendra dives back onto her.
Jen gasping in pain, as Kendra strips the red white and blue bikini bottoms from Jen to twirl over her own head, to the cheers and applause of the crowd as the drop dead gorgeous Jen H. was now fighting muddy, soaking wet, and fully naked. Yet face and figure she still looked wonderful.
Kendra rising to her feet, as she moves to kick Jen, and I start to move to stop it, before Jen can be hurt badly.

Jen's leg darts out, sweeping Kendra's legs from under her, as the girl next door goes tumbling back down, to be quickly mounted and stripped naked by Jen. "I will be the one finishing this fight, bitch!!" Jen informs her, as now open hands become clenched fists, as they begin to locl up again. Fists and legs flailing as they roll entangled into the pond together again.
The two naked blonde beauties soon rising from the water, to exchange weakening punches, and slaps.
The pond now the full focus of the guests at the charity event.
Chests heaving, self honor on the line, as Jen is staggered by a hard back hand across her chest again.
A final desperate thrown punch by her, as after so much punishment to her chest, it was harder to catch her breath.
Water streaming over and glistening on both naked beauties, as bets waiting on the outcome, as Jen's fist connects squarely, with Kendra's jaw.
The voluptuous blonde's head jerking, as her body spins. Kendra taking a few wobbly steps, before falling face first with a wet splat to the muddy part, just on the outside of the pond.
Jen takes a few staggering steps of her own, before dropping to her knees, chest heaving, gasping for air.
Kendra rolls slowly onto her back, her breasts mounds of quivering, heaving flesh, as they bobble, and stand firm, as she lay on her back gasping for air, her face and front smeared with mud, as she clearly can go no more. Barely conscious, with Jen hovering over her, ready to hit her again.

The two mud smeared and naked blonde beauties seemingly caught in time for a moment, as all eyes watch, and everyone seems to be quiet.
Kendra raises her arms slightly, as if to try and protect herself from the coming blow. Then her arms fall to her sides again, as she is too weak to defend herself.
Both ladies chests reddened by the punishment given to each other. Some areas of the tender skin discoloring and bruising. The two each going to be sore, and achy from the fight. Yet as Jen lowers her arm, a cheer goes up for her, as the winner of the fight.

The fight won, Jen flops onto the ground beside Kendra to recover herself, as I quickly have her wrapped and held against me in a towel, trying to help make sure she is warm, as Kendra is also soon wrapped and recovering by us, as bets are paid off. The crowd breaking up, and heading to other things.
I help Jen to her feet when she is ready, and gather up her bikini. A quick dip in the water to sluice the mud off her, as well as her bikini. Then I hold the towel out as a partial screen, as the lovely blonde exits, donning her bikini again, while Kendra enters the pond to do the same.
I wrap her in the towel again, as she leans against me. "Want to go?" I ask her, as she shakes her head. "You may have to be gentle with me, but I want to stay for the auction, and our dinner." Jen replies. Her smile lighting up her lovely face.
"Here you won this, put it in the auction." We here from the pond, as Kendra flips her own top, to Jen.
Kendra soon being attended too, as she exits the pond, topless, with only her bikini bottoms covering her sex.
Jen smiles, as the anger and emotions now spent, she and Kendra begin to chat, as someone hands the buxom blonde a thin tee shirt, that she soon has stretched over her large heaving wet tits.
As the two begin to start meeting anew.

Later Kendra joins us at the dinner, while she and Jen get to know one another a little better. Myself easily not the richest guy at the event, yet I had the most beautiful company of anyone there.
Kendra's bikini top raised a lot of money in the auction. Yet the one item that topped it, was the slightly mud stained towel that had briefly graced the naked body of Jen.
The winner of the fight.

The end   


Offline JenH

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Thats right Kendra  Great story storm!!