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Katricia vs Foreing Rematch

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Katricia vs Foreing Rematch
« on: November 01, 2019, 09:57:26 PM »
A few days after the fight both Tricia and I got a group video message from Foreing. She was still showing the after effects of the fight. Make up covered a lot but we could still see the damage done by the sexy and powerful ebony woman. Tricia grabs me by the hair on the back of my head with one hand and my chin with the other. Twisting my head till we are face to face as she moves in wordlessly with her sexy mouth and kisses me deeply. Then Tricia whispers in my ear while we are still cheek on cheek that seeing the Latin bitch all busted up "through all that Maybelline"  instantly got her hot all over!

Before the video plays we both comment that we can make out the black eye and swollen lips. Tricia adds that she was able to hide a couple scratches she knew were there. We both reach into the other's crotch and continue to excite each other. Giggling and kissing recalling Tricia’s awesome victory and the sexual gratification mutually experienced after the fight, then the video began to play.

Foreing on video: "I can't wait to heal up you black bitch! If your dumb ass hasn't guessed, this shit ain't over! Not at all...hmmm....oh you lucky fucking bitch. I'm still so mad. We are going to fight again even if I have to track you down in the street! You got so lucky bitch, so lucky. I still can't believe it. In 6 weeks we fight again if your black ass isn't scared. You know you got lucky and oh, this next time we're gonna fight till the winner says so and the loser, which will be your ugly black ass, will belong to me for the rest of the weekend! Stupid bitch, I'm going to totally fuck you up in every sense of the word and destroy that rank ass pussy of yours. Oh, and I'm going to fuck your man's brains out and go back to shredding your worthless pussy. I hope your woman enough to accept this rematch challenge but in the end it won't matter as I'll find you cxnt, and beat your ass wherever I find you!"

Tricia begins to laugh with her eyes wide open. She can't believe what she just heard and the bravado in which the challenge was issued. It got her wet and totally turned on. The sexy dark black beauty pushes me backwards onto my back on the couch and literally rips my shirt off! She literally purrs as she mounts me telling me how bad she will fuck up this stupid plantain eating bitch. We almost have as good a fuck session as we did after the first fight, neither thinking there would be a rematch. Especially this soon and to quote the horny ebony sexpot "this will be delicious!"

After we finished up our sexual marathon, Tricia washed up and put on the slightest about of makeup and touched up her hair then put on a sexy sleeveless blouse and told me to record her response looking like a million bucks with a glow about her had to be seen to be believed! The super sexy lady sits in front of the camera for her reply to Foreing.

Tricia calmly looks into the camera: "Hi loser. How's the eye, lips, tits and ribs feel, bitch? Not a bad makeup job but there was no amount of makeup in the world that could've hidden the results of your ass whopping. I'll give you a tiny amount of credit as I didn't think you had it in ya to want to fight me again [chuckling with her hand covering her mouth]. I'm ignoring most of what you said on my reply as that shit is laughable. However, I'll be sure and remember every word in 6 weeks! The ass whopping you're recovering from now will seem like rose petals compared to what I'm going to do to you over the weekend soon coming! Since I'm the Champ and you are just another loser cxnt with a challenge, here's how it goes. We will fight totally naked, your ugly probably still bruised spic ass standing across the room from this vision of beauty and power (Tricia pops a quick bicep flex showing off her strength) in all my glory. Try not to piss yourself bitch. You will be alone. You punk ass man will have to watch your destruction with a tissue on video. And we will fight totally no holds barred, got it you worthless, loser cxnt? Oh yeah, I'll have my friend handcuffed to the chair to ease you frail sensibilities. Don't worry, I'll have the whole weekend to completely punish you stupid shank ass as the winner….er, me, owns the loser, er your worthless ass, for the rest of the weekend…100% to use and/or abuse in any way she sees fit!  Do you still want a rematch?  I do hope so!  Now you do know after this totally Biblical ass whopping you will take, your former man will leave your loser ass. He won't be able to recognize you on Monday anyway. Then she ever so sexually saunters to the camera blowing it a kiss and whispers, you only have 6 weeks of life as you know it left bitch!"
The time passes quickly. I rented a cabin for the weekend. With no neighbors of any kind we should not be disturbed. I planned for a loud fight considering the manner in which the rematch challenge was made, accepted, and the fact these two beautiful women really don't like each other one bit. Katricia upping the ante in her acceptance reply will really ensure this will be one very rough fight, so I searched for a place just like this.
Foreing knocks at the door, alone as per Tricia’s terms. Her man dropped her off and she confidently strode into the great room of the cabin looking around. I asked if she was looking for Tricia and Foreing said not at all. She dropped her sweat jacket to the floor as she slowly moved my way. Slinging it to a corner she popped off the pants which were snap off style and also threw them away. She was now nude with pumps on, telling me, “I came 100% ready to fight your black bitch and beat her ass.” The sexy and powerful Latina continued to walk toward me on the other side of the room. She was oozing with power, sex appeal, and toughness.  She looked very ready as she moved.
Foreing began to tell me that she was going to use me to cement her victory and that I would love every long minute of it.  She walked to me and slowly threw her leg over mine and sat on my lap with a slow and aggressive grind.  The Latina grabbed the back of my head by my hair and began to passionately kiss me when Katricia walked out of her room. Foreing whispered in my ear to get ready for an incredible weekend and that I will have to obey her every whim while she would dominate my bitch.  She slowly pealed her body off of me and turned to face her opponent with a huge smirk on her face as she sexily licked her lips and kneaded her breasts.

Like Foreing, Tricia was in the appropriate attire or lack thereof for their fight. As the ebony fighter approached, the lovely Latina kicked off her pumps and rushed at her foe. Katricia responds in kind and the smack of flesh on flesh filled the room followed by grunts and groans as both sexy women are 100% in attack mode at this point. Pure adrenalin with no real thought or strategy. Just power vs power fueled by emotion. I was supposed to be secured to the chair ensuring I would not interfere. Of course I would not have anyway, so I’ll just sit quietly and enjoy the show.

Brown and black beauty intertwine in the most violent of embraces. Hair is being pulled, nails are scratching, fists are punching, and knees are being used to cause their lovely adversary as much pain as possible. I believe both women are succeeding and their exertion is showing. Both women have a slight sheen of perspiration over there sexy and naked bodies which further enhances their beauty and their power. It almost magnifies their muscle tone to accompany their full speed ahead pace.

Foreing with the help of 2 fists full of ebony locks, pulls hard and throws her solid hip into Tricia’s executing an awesome and very hard hip throw takedown. Brown fists begin to pound down into Tricia’s face and head while screaming at her hated foe. The ebony fighter is covering up and defending well but Foreing gets some punches through. In her zeal for revenge the Latina didn’t think of position which allowed the smart black fighter to snake her legs up and around her attacker’s lovely head. Tricia twists her hips and throws her foe off just enough to scramble free.

Both combatants get to their feet quickly and the chestnut haired fighter thought that it worked earlier and rushed at her sexy ebony opponent again. This time she was met with a stiff jab followed by a solid right cross to her mouth stopping her in her tracks. Foreing attempts to punch back but her foe is ready and slips the counter attack and blasts a powerful right hook to the ample brown left breast. Foreing's mouth makes that O shape with a low moan escaping. Tricia smiles knowing that hurt! Not resting on her laurels, the now glowing black woman sinks all ten nails into Foreing and her prized breasts. Not raking them but grabbing and squeezing them to hurt and hold her enemy in place while twisting those incredible breasts like they were door knobs going back and forth.

Tricia: “Hurts? This is only the beginning, Bitch! “ as her powerful right thigh rams into the Latina’s crotch. To me it looked like snow motion as I saw Tricia’s hips pivot and that granite black pillar of her powerful thigh ram directly into Foreing's crotch with her knee. The sexy brown skinned woman dropped as if she were shot. Mouth open but no sounds escaping and her face shows the power of Tricia's blow. As Foreing fell gravity working also inflicted 10 deep scratches to her awesome breasts. Tricia presses her attack dropping her sexy and very solid body down onto her foe's chest mounting Foreing. Her left hand grabs a deep fistful of brown hair as she begins to pound her right fist into Foreing's face and head as her foe did to her earlier. Foreing begins to buck like crazy knowing she is in a very bad position in an attempt to knock her powerful ebony foe off her dominate position. Tricia continues to pummel the Latina trying to maintain her mounted position by using brown hair like reigns as if she was at a rodeo bull riding. Foreing’s efforts pay off as Tricia loses her dominant position and she is able to escape.

Both warriors get to their feet and fists are raised as both slowly circle looking for an opening. Foreing strikes first landing a pretty stiff left jab to the ebony women's mouth snapping her head back. She tries another but Tricia slips the jab and lands a solid straight left to the Latina's nose drawing blood. Tricia presses forward continuing her attack knowing that Foreing would have some watery eyes after that punch and turns her body into a right hook into her opponent's exposed left breast. Now back upstairs with a left to the side of the head and a hard right uppercut to that same left breast landing under the luscious orb right where the skin meets the ribcage. Tricia's hip turn got a lot of power generated as the blow lands hard.

Foreing is stunned and hurt, trying to back away from her tormentor. She throws her left hand out trying for a hair grab but missed. At this point it was a very lucky miss as her fingers jabbed Tricia in the face and eyes!

Tricia: “Ahhhh! You fucking Bitch! My eyes!” As the black woman stops pressing forward and instinctively raises her hand to her face. “You will fucking pay for that! “
Foreing's eyes are clear and is now catching her breath but her left breast is on fire inside. “Shut up you stupid black bitch! I owe you way more than a poke in the eye! “

She stepped forward and punted a NFL proud right kick directly into Tricia's pussy. Another kick to the lovely ebony chest drops the black fighter to the ground. The mad Latina dives down and begins to claw, pull, slap, scratch and punch Tricia who responds in kind. Legs wrap around each other. Both women are in full offensive mode with little attention to defense. Two angry fighters doing anything to hurt their opponent. Both are bleeding from lips or noses and scratch marks are deep and painful. The ebony woman is a step slower than her foe and recovering from Foreing’s punt to her crotch but overall she has dished out more punishment and seems to be recovering quickly.

In their body to body struggle, Tricia has maneuvered just a bit while the infighting has been going on and now she has been able to slip behind her sexy foe.  Black thighs wrap around brown midsection to secure a figure 4 body scissor and the squeezing begins coupled with a first rate breast attack while using brown hair to twist her foe’s head to the most painful angle her arms will produce.  Now Tricia is able to inflict discomfort and recover at the same time.  Since she has acquired a better position on Foreing’s back, she isn’t getting hit by the lovely Latina either.

Tricia begins to talk more trash to her foe as her hands are scratching, pulling and twisting Foreing’s breast while her body scissor both squeezes her foe and keeps her close in a bad position.  The angry Latina now has blood coming from the scratches on her breasts to match that coming from her mouth and nose.  While the ebony beauty is far from unscathed, her face and breasts are in much better shape from a damage prospective. 

Foreing rolls to her right a bit, trapping the black hand that is mauling her breasts between her body and the ground.  This vastly reduces the punishment she was enduring but she is still in a bad position and her breathing is still labored due to the sexy and powerful black legs wrapped around her middle!  Foreing is able to make a move when the black hand that was yanking and twisting her neck via lovely brown locks now releases her hair but quickly wraps around her throat!

Tricia: “Oh you dumb bitch…you are in big trouble now!” 

Foreing: “Fuck you, you black fucking cxnt! I’m going to really….”

The Latina is cut off as Tricia really tightens her whole body.  Legs squeeze harder.  Left arm flexes tight while sexy black hips thrust forward and twist to her left, bending the brown skinned foe backward and giving room to free her trapped right arm.  Now a couple hard right hands land on Foreing’s right side, head and body before interlacing her fingers with her left arm.  With all her considerable strength, a glowing, smiling, sexy black woman really locks in a rear naked choke while laughing at her Latina foe.

Tricia: “I told your spic ass, you were in trouble!” As Foreing tries to buck her way to relief but the ebony powerhouse has both holds sunk in tight.  “That’s it bitch, fight it! Struggle and grunt.  Fucking pig cxnt, I want to feel your pathetic body give out on you!  Don’t stop bitch, don’t stop!  You know what’s coming to your dumb ass, right?  Ha, Ha, Ha!  My fun has only just begun!”

Foreing’s mind is racing.  Trying to come up with a way to break free.  Her foe’s words are burning in her ears as she expends what’s left of her energy to escape.  Then she feels the holds release and thinks “I’ve got to bridge out and get some air.” Her thoughts interrupted by the hard black booty slamming down on her stomach, knocking the little wind she was getting back. 

Tricia had released her holds before the powerful Latina passed out but just before.  Now the glowing, powerful ebony warrior has her brown foe in full mount.  Tricia has her foe’s wrists in each hand and is pinning them to the ground out at her sides while commanding Foreing to look at her and not to submit yet. The black warrior looks off the charts sexy to me now as her back, shoulders and arms are all flexed powering her foe to the carpet in total control with a dominate expression that has to be seen to believe.  As Foreing begins to yell her reply, Tricia spits in her face.  Foreing’s anger grows exponentially and as she begins to buck uncontrollably, the ebony beauty raises her head up and then with sadistic power, head butts Foreing squarely on the nose.  The crunch was as loud as a gunshot and the Latina’s nose bleed increased by three with what is undoubtedly a severely broken nose.  Foreing mercifully is knocked out.

Tricia slides higher on her torso, ass sitting on brown tits as she grabs Foreing’s throat, yelling at her, “Are you done bitch?  Did I knock your worthless ass out?  Tell me you suck and I’m the much better woman!”  Then while looking at me with a glowing smile, I begin to take the first of many pics.  Tricia now hits a double bicep flex pose for my pics.  I’m going crazy inside!  Tricia still sitting on her breasts, has her left hand on her hip, reaches back with her right hand and brutally slaps her opponent incredibly  hard 2 or 3 times bringing the defeated brown lady out of her slumber, somewhat with an incredible smile.  Her whole body still flexed and erect.  The Queen basking in her conquering victory while her foe realizes she has lost, badly!  The realization and the pain hit her at the same time causing her to cry uncontrollably. 

Tricia again slides forward, now sitting on her crying former foe’s face.  The ebony victrix demands Foreing to eat her pussy like her life depended on it.  As she starts to moan with pleasure, she waves me over and we begin to kiss uncontrollably as she rips my shirt off.  She grabs my already hard dick as she leans back off Foreing’s face and we use her poor girl as a mattress for our initial round of sex.  Each time we change positions, Tricia reaches over and pulls Foreing’s hair to make her look at us or moves her closer or slaps her or claws her breast or punches her all with verbal reminders of the terms of the fight. 
After numerous orgasms from each of us, the black Queen victor gulps down some water and sits on the Latina’s face again, telling her this is what victory looks, tastes, feels and smells like, forcing the loser bitch to eat her out again.  Tricia tells her, “That kiss you stole before you got your ass whipped is the last one you will get for a while.  I know you wish you could have felt what it was like to be fucked like the victor you will never be!  I’ll bet you really wished to have stopped with just one ass whippin!   Worry bitch!  Worry, worry, worry as we are just getting started and by the end of this weekend, I’ll bet you won’t challenge me ever again!” 

Tricia got up and kicked Foreing in the ribs a few times and stomped on her breasts, ending up with her foot on the Latina’s throat while flexing both biceps in one of the sexiest victory poses ever!
The weekend, much to Foreing’s dismay, Tricia was true to her word.  She spanked, humiliated, dominated and utterly destroyed Foreing over the weekend.  When she called Foreing’s man to pick up the trash she left on the stoop naked and crying, she locked the door and we continued to celebrate her total dominate victory to never before seen heights! 


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Re: Katricia vs Foreing Rematch
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2020, 12:13:39 PM »
The first fight was posted in the catfight section.  Hope this link works to that 1st story.


Offline master

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Re: Katricia vs Foreing Rematch
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2020, 06:26:44 AM »
Great story description, setting and stakes were very creative for the outstanding rematch.  Can't wait to read about the next great and humiliating match for the dominant, black beauty.  Maybe against a blonde and the winner having her stakes with the boyfriends.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 06:38:41 AM by master »