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Hidden Island, Repost, by Catwriter

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Hidden Island, Repost, by Catwriter
« on: March 15, 2020, 08:13:19 PM »
Hidden Island
A short story by

Occasionally, if a person tries hard, nice things happen. Brent had worked
hard to become a geologist and even harder to get a job with a large petroleum company. He was happy with the basic grunt work, which had resulted in his gaining assignments
in many different countries.

The aerial search team had located an island which they felt had the topography and other factors which, with new scientific developments, was worth a closer look. Brent gladly took the assignment and several weeks later, he and his gear were transported to the island. He set up a small tent and work area and began to search the surrounding area.

The island was quite beautiful, although there were many valleys with streams running through. On one such trip, he became disoriented and managed to lose his way. After several hours of roaming, he decided that climbing a tree might help him locate a landmark of sorts and perhaps, reorient himself to his proper path.

He had not been in the tree long when he heard singsong voices below. He saw two rather beautiful women carrying what looked to be loads of wash to the stream below. Their black hair and light brown faces were wonderful to behold. The striking feature from this view, however, was the swaying breasts beneath loose fitting blouses. Their skirts were long and the women paused momentarily to tie them between their legs. Once tied, they moved into the stream and began scraping their wash on the rocks.

Directly above the women now, Brent was working himself into a frenzy. As the women scrubbed and labored, their full breasts rolled tantalizingly and the cleavage was extraordinary. These must be the most beautiful women on the entire island he thought to himself.

He moved a bit to his left and watched with dismay as his gold pocket watch plummeted into the shallow water. The women did not look up, as he feared they might. Perhaps they thought a child had thrown a pebble. They did notice the glinting of the gold beneath the water, however, and stopped their washing. On hands and knees, they scrambled forward. Reaching the shiny object simultaneously, both reached out and the watch came out of the
water in four hands.

He heard ohhs and ahhhs as the women admired the object. For several long moments,their eyes absorbed the beauty and strangeness of the timepiece. And then, they looked at one another and smiled. How nice this would be for my man they must have thought and tried to grasp it in their hand only. They began hand wrestling for this wondrous thing and then stood as the struggle escalated. Pulling and tugging, their arms worked feverishly now. Then, the power struggle began. Both women, pulling backward as hard as they could became almost motionless. Brent could hear the grunting sounds and was becoming enormously excited. Their large breasts were pressed provocatively between their forearms
in this position and looked as though they were about to pop.

Suddenly, the hold was broken and both women fell backward into the shallow water. From his vantage point, he saw his watch go sailing into a bush about twenty feet away. The women clambered to their feet, clothing now clinging provocatively and showing every gorgeous curve.

They glared at each other and then looked feverishly for the watch thinking it had fallen into the water. He could see their dark nipples through the rather flimsy white materialof their blouses. From either cold or anger, they were extremely large now. Muttering and occasionally bumping into one another, the women were obviously becoming angrier by the second. The woman with the slightly larger breasts leaned forward as though she had seen the watch. The second woman reached also as their foreheads banged together. That was it. Both women rubbed their sore spot and began to yell furiously at one another. They moved closer together, hands on flared hips until their breasts were lightly touching one another. Their heads were to the side as they continued moving into one another and their breasts continued to bulge upward.

The fight began to escalate as the women grasped each other by the forearm and began bumping their breasts together. The wet clothing made a smacking sound, as the tit bashing became more furious. With water rippling at their feet, they released the grip on each others arms and threw themselves together in a violent bear hug. Heads on each others shoulders, they were speaking to one another. Although he couldn't understand what it was
they were saying, they seemed to be taunting one another. Smiling through clenched teeth,they were definitely egging each other on to escalate the conflict. Moving slowly in a circle, they attempted to tighten their grips on each other. The constant breast rubbing was having an effect. Brent could clearly see that each combatant had a breast completely free of the blouse. The taller beauty had her left breast exposed and her shorter adversary her right. Although, the sight of these huge breasts alternately swinging free, then banging forcefully together was driving Brent crazy, these women were fighting for real.

Neither of the wild fighters was making headway, moving short distances in a circular fashion. The smaller fighter moved her left hand to her adversary's hair and tugged mightily. The girl screamed and moved her right hand to her rival's hair. This caused both women to lean to the right and after circling wildly several more times; they splashed heavily into the stream.

There they fought viciously in a rolling battle. Their blouses were quickly shredded and fourbeautiful breasts mashed together as the women had each other secured in a four handed hair pull. They were pulling and screaming and rolling and spitting for all they worth. Brent imagined the hardened nipples squirming beneath the compressed breast flesh as they squeezed one another furiously. After several moments of wild grappling,the women settled on their sides, one hand in hair and the other slapping at faces and breasts. They assaulted each other with nasty pinches and even several wicked belly punches. Their breasts and arms were becoming quite red by all this activity and blood was oozing from both noses.

The women pushed apart from each other to collect themselves and catch their breath. On their knees, they just glared and tried to rub the soreness from their bodies. Brent was in a high state of excitement as the large breasts rose and fell rapidly upon their chests.

Holding the branch with one hand, he attempted to unzip his fly with the other. It seemed like a good move, right up until the time he became airborne. Landing on his back with a resounding splash, he was a bit dazed. When his head cleared a bit, he looked up to see the meaty underside of four rather large breasts filling his field of vision.

"Damn", he thought. As the puzzeled women looked on, he moved slowly to the bush
where he had seen the watch fall. Finding it, he returned to the edge of the stream and held it out. He could see the women eyeing the watch and realizing that the watch was, indeed, his. They slowly moved on either side of the world's luckiest geologist and, in a universal sort of way, let him know they both still wanted it.

Four supple breasts rested against his arms and the women cooed in a fashion that had him hard again in no time. Both noticed the tilt in his kilt and began rubbing lightly around his cock and balls. He loosened his belt and the women pulled his pants down exposing a raging boner. He leaned back and lay the gold watch upon his chest. He was a college graduate after all.

The women continued to rub him and lay down on either side of him. Their breasts
pressed into his upper thigh area as they began to lick him, ever so lightly, just flicking their tongues across his throbbing penis.

He could see the women glaring at one another as their contest began anew.
Each pursed her lips and ran up one side of his cock, their lips meeting at the head. Then they would slide down the entire length, all the while coddling his balls. He began trembling and the women worked harder. As their lips reached the tip of his cock once more, they both attempted to take it all.

Foreheads pressed feverishly into one another as each tried to capture his cock.
They were anxious to feel the others skin grinding against her own. Large nipples sliding back and forth, occasionally coming into contact and stabbing at each other. They inched forward until their breasts were squeezed out beneath their arms, bulging furiously this way and that, as their torsos were wrenched violently left and right. Reaching behind the others back, they engaged in a furious bear hug, double hair pull that had them screaming. With their knees spread wide for advantage, these gals fought an evenly matched catfight for several moments. Unable to cause any more pain with the upper half of their bodies, they began slamming their hips together. After several moments of bone crunching smacks, they moved their bodies together from knee to head and just ground into one another.

Grunting and moaning, they fell to the sand and began squirming furiously.
They tore at each other’s skirts and were soon completely naked. Locking their legs together and securing fierce hair pulls, they began a very slow roll across the sand. Sand soon covered their arms, backs, and legs. Still they struggled, barely moving now. Only an occasional grunt was heard after a particularly hard hair pull or ass slap. At one point, holding hair with one hand, they began slapping asses furiously, each slap louder than the last. The ass slapping only escalated the conflict further. The furious duo began pinching breasts, faces, and pulling at the short hairs. As their woman anger came to a boil they pushed apart and got to their feet. Not waiting a second, they rushed together and grappled in a bear hug. Now knees came into play as they tried to land   blow between the legs. The women were sobbing now and moaning loudly. This battle had been going on for thirty minutes and they were exhausted. They pushed away from one another and tried to catch their breath.
Once again coming together their breasts rolled heavily on their chests as they stumbled in the sand, grunting and spitting at one another. After each move of their legs, the women changed their grips grinding closer and more furiously than before. Both were sweating profusely and their breasts slithered against each other. Loosening their grip somewhat, both females moved their upper torsos away from one another and then slammed them together. Nipples met head on time and time again. The grunts and slapping sound of breast flesh had Brent in a frenzy. Then, looking down and lining their nipples across from one another, they secured the tightest bearhug yet. Moving their shoulders up and down, they mashed their breasts together, grinding nipples into each other's soft flesh. Grimaces of pain appeared on both faces as the women continued to grind into one another.

Falling to their knees, they reached between their legs and took a two handed hold on each other's pussy lips. He could see their hands working feverishly as they tried to destroy one another. Fingers disappeared and cxnt lips were stretched outrageously. They leaned in and began biting each other's neck and shoulders. The screams were horrible.

Finally, the tall girl fell backward and her opponent fell upon her. Both women were gasping for breath. The shorter girl, breasts resting upon those of her opponent, caught her breath and sat on her hated enemy's chest. Holding her by the hair, she began slapping the other girl who was too tired to scream and just lay there crying. The top girl's arms were weary as she grasped her rival's breasts and pulled them up by the nipple, stretching them to the point of pain. She then reached back with one hand and began lightly slapping the other girl's pussy.

When enough damage had been done, she rose unsteadily to her feet and returned to Brent. Lying close to him, she took the watch. Although too large for her slender wrist, he showed her how to put it on. An exhausted smile graced her lovely face and she began licking his chest ever so lightly. Her large breasts encompassed his throbbing dick as she moved sexily side to side. Cupping her breasts in her hands, she squeezed them around his bobbing cock. He slowly slid his dick between them as she continued to lick and suck on his chest. She looked up at him and smiled as she took him toward ecstasy. Then, ever so slowly, the sexy fighter crawled up his chest until she was kissing him feverishly. Gently rotating her pussy so that it just touched the head of his cock, she teased him. No matter how hard he thrust forward with his hips, she would keep her prize just out of reach. Her dangling hair encompassed his face and he could see the Polynesian features. She was so beautiful. Finally, she gently lowered herself, impaling her pussy with his engorged dick. Holding him with her powerful hips, she stroked slowly, moving her pussy in circles and then back the other way. Brent's balls felt like a rocket two seconds before launch time.

Closing his eyes, his body tightened, heels digging into the sand and then.....she was gone. The taller beauty had recovered and pulled her rival from Brent. "Damn" he thought. Leaning up, he saw that the taller beauty was straddling Brent's recent lover and had the smaller girl's hands pushed to the ground above her head. Their breasts were beautiful in this position and nipples were again straining together. Their pussy's were jammed together as the girl on top ground down and the girl on the bottom attempted escape. Brent moved to the struggling duo and gently kissed the girl on top. She responded lustily and tongues were soon swirling. Placing his knees on either side of the bottom girl, he kissed the tall beauty furiously. His interrupted lover took the opportunity to lick the underside of his cock. The women, both highly excited now, began grinding their heated pussy's together. All three were soon moaning, rubbing, and licking at once. Brent came first, spewing his come everywhere, the women a moment later.

Lying together in the sand, Brent took his gold bracelet and gave it to the taller girl. All three fell asleep in the dwindling daylight. Brent dreamt the best of all dreams, surrounded by the most beautiful women he had seen in a long while.
