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Best Friends and Their Wives

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Offline JayB

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Best Friends and Their Wives
« on: February 28, 2020, 08:54:07 PM »
Kevin and I are best friends and we have spent many a weekend together going to games, concerts, and other things that interest us.  Invariably on these weekend ventures we spend a lot of time talking about our wives, comparing their physical attributes and other such topics.   Like a lot of guys, we especially talk out wives’ bodies.  His wife, Charlene is a big-breasted brunette and he is convinced that she has the best tits in our community.  My wife, Kasey, is blonde with athletic 35 C tits.  While her breasts don’t measure the 38Ds that Charlene sports, she has a pair of big, thick nipples that adorn her firm boobs.

Kevin and I have had many a debate about which of our wives would take the crown of the best tits in town.   We never tire of the debate.  While we are best of friends, our wives have never been especially close.  They have different interests and different friends.  In actuality, they probably have grown to dislike the other because like me, Kevin usually tells Charlene what we discussed on our getaways.  And, that includes our best tits debates.  Truth be told, Kevin and I have done this on purpose hoping that it would lead to showdown between the two women, so that we could finally settle our debate over who’s wife would claim the title.
It finally worked out that we could get together for a foursome one Saturday night.  We were guests at Kevin and Charlene’s for dinner.  After dinner and a few drinks, Charlene brought up the debate between Kevin and myself.  Charlene to everyone’s surprise challenged Kasey to best breast comparison.  And to my surprise, Kasey was up for it.  After hearing from their husbands about the other wife’s assets, they were both keen to put an end to the debate.  Frankly, Kevin and I were just thrilled that we would get to see what all the bragging had been about.

Charlene had issued the challenge and was quick to discard her garments.  Off came her shirt and then Kevin unfastened her bra strap, and our fell her massive tits.  They were likely to biggest pair I had seen in person.  At her size, they were not as saggy as one might think for a 35 year old woman.  Fortunately, Kasey didn’t notice the growth in my pants.  Charlene had an impressive pair and I could understand Kevin’s braggadocio about them.   I really believe that Charlene stripped so quickly because she thought she could intimidate Kasey once her big tits were out in the open.  She stood with hands on her hips and puffed her impressive pair.  I was impressed!

Kasey turned her back on Charlene to undress.  She slowly unbuttoned her blouse and then unfastened her front clasped bra.  Charlene took Kasey’s decision to turn her back and take her time exposing her breasts as a sign that she, in fact, had intimidated my blonde wife.  The look on her face displayed a real sense of confidence as she turned to Kevin and asked if he was ready to raise her hand as the winner.  About that time, Kasey slowly turned to face the big-breasted brunette.  The smug look on her face disappeared.  Even more pleasing to me was Kevin’s reaction.  His mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

The two women were face to face and Charlene’s 38Ds faced off against Kasey’s 35Cs.  If this were just who had the biggest tits contest, the brunette would emerge the victor.  And as impressive as Charlene’s breasts were, this was contest of quantity v. quality, and it was clear that Kasey took the prize.  Her more than ample sized tits were displaying a set of big, thick pink nipples with silver dollar sized areola.  Charlene looked at Kasey’s erect display and then looked at her quarter-sized milk chocolate areola and and moderately erect nipples and then looked back at Kasey’s.  Kevin was still staring at Kasey with an open mouth and simply said to me, you win.  Kasey’s tits are better.  I was a bit surprised at the admission as I figured he would put up more of a defense than he did.  I mean, Charlene’s tits had a lot going for her.  They got a rise out of me.

What happened next was what made the evening.  Kasey approached Charlene and told her for big tits they weren’t bad.  She told her though she was beginning to sag a bit and then cupped her hands under each, raised them up, let them go, and watched them bounce a time or two.  At first, the brunette didn’t know how to react but quickly realized she had been upstaged.  She called Kasey a bitch and slapped her.  Mistake!  Charlene thinking that she was going to show this blonde a thing or two attempted to slap Kasey again.  Kasey, however, grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back and slammed her into the wall.  She then spun her around, threw her hands up over her head and pinned the brunette to wall.  With big-breasted brunette’s arms up against the wall over her head, Kasey then slammed her firmer breasts into the brunette bigger but softer ones and then pushed her erect nipples directly onto Charlene’s smaller nips.  Charlene struggled to break the hold but Kasey had a sizeable strength advantage and the brunette was unable to escape.  Next Kasey took a step back and then blasted her midsection with a right.  Charlene slid down the wall onto her ass.  Kasey reached down and grabbed Charlene long brunette locks and yanked her to her feet.  She then gave a bear hug flattening her massive tits.  Again, the weaker brunette was helpless.   My big-nippled wife then threw Charlene to the ground and pinned her until Charlene conceded defeat.

Two weeks later when Kevin and I were on another of our excursions it was obviously all we talked about.  Despite watching his wife get dominated by mine, he was turned on.  Needless to say, I was totally jacked by watching Kasey show off her stuff and then whipping Kevin’s woman.  What surprised me, however, was that he wanted to have the women do it again.  I was definitely up for it and when I told Kasey she was ready because she knew how much it turned me on.  She said knowing that it turned me on, turned her on.  As it turned out, we did this several times over the next couple of months.  The result was pretty much the same. For the most part,  my girl controlled and dominated his wife.  It did seem that Charlene was getting a bit better at lasting longer before she conceded.  But, clearly my wife was too strong and athletic for her.

The next time it was their time to host, Kevin asked if the women could keep it to a boxing match.  Kasey and I had no problem with that.  This would just prove a different way my blonde wife would destroy Kevin’s brunette honey.  The night before as we made love, we fantasized about it.  Kasey would toy with her and then knock her out.  I was exciting just thinking about it.  There was just something about two women facing off in this fashion.

At our insistence, of course, the two women would box topless.  I’m pretty sure this was the first time either had probably boxed with gloves before.  They would fight until there was a winner with rounds of 2 minutes.  The fight progressed as Kasey had envisioned.  She dominated without trying to knock out Charlene.  The first two rounds were clearly Kasey’s.  She constantly backed the brunette up and forced her to cover.  Charlene had probably only landed a half dozen or so punches and none that phased my big-nippled blonde wife.  As Kasey approached me in her corner, with the sweat dripping down over erect nipples, I wanted to take her right there.  I told her, enough of this, finish it so we can get busy.  She winked at me and said no problem, reaching down and feeling my bulging dick in my pants.

As the third round started,  Kasey stood at center of the room, signaling Charlene to meet her there.  Kasey told her it was time to see who would the better woman was and that they prove that by throwing what they had at each other.  Kasey figured the brunette would decline but to her surprise she agreed.  Not sure it was out of confidence or just a desire to get the punishment over with.  With that the two began trading punches.  Not surprisingly after 2-3 shots each, Charlene took a step back under what Kasey assumed was too much for the brunette to handle.  Kasey misread the brunette’s strategy.  My blonde wife dropped her guard momentarily and left herself open.  Charlene struck.  With her best shot to that point in the fight, she buckled Kasey’s legs.  The brunette then followed up with a right and left that backed up the blonde.  Trying to reestablish her dominance, Kasey threw a right that Charlene easily saw coming, blocked it and countered with a blow to Kasey’s taught midsection.  A second punch there elicited a very audible “ooof”.  The upper cut that Charlene launched straightened the blonde up and before Kasey could  react, the big-breasted brunette delivered a right-left-right that forced my wife to grab hold of Charlene to keep from falling.  Unfortunately, she didn’t contain her arms and she blasted Kasey with a couple of rib shots that loosened her hold.  Kasey connected on a right but had little power and did little to stop the brunette’s attack.  Another right-left combo brought Kasey forward again, this time she put her hands on Charlene’s shoulders.  The brunette easily brought her hands up forcing the blonde to let go.  Now with her hands to her sides, she was open for the final assault from the brunette.  Another right to Kasey’s abs doubled her over setting her up for a vicious upper cut.  The force of that blow finally sent my wife to floor. 

On her back with her arms stretched over her head, she was pounced on by the Charlene and her big tits.  It was now her turn to pin her opponent.  Normally my wife would be too strong for Charlene to succeed in doing so but she had been worked over by the brunette to the point she couldn’t free herself.  Then, Charlene put those big tits in Kasey’s face and began to punch her with them.  Eight are so times she wacked my wife with her 38s.  And, she went in for the kill.  She performed the breast smother on Kasey.  My wife struggled for about 15 seconds and then she was done.

To say I was stunned would be understatement.  To this point my wife  had completely dominated Charlene in every encounter that had had.  Kevin raced to his wife’s side and raised her hand in victory.  Needless to say, I heard all about this the next time we were together.  Frankly, he had reason to be proud.  His wife big-breasted wife whipped my big-nippled wife.

It’s our time to host and I asked what kind of match Kasey wanted.  She sort of surprised me and said she wanted another boxing match.  Well, tonight is the night.  I’ll let you know what happens.


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Re: Best Friends and Their Wives
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 10:43:23 PM »
I enjoyed this very much and really looking forward to the next part as well. Love it when women compete to gain their mans attention as well as take other women’s attention away from their husband. I’m a big boob guy so love it when the fights are spurred on because of this type competition. However I like the it when the bigger boob girl wins so the end was great.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Best Friends and Their Wives
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2020, 12:37:45 AM »
yes!!! great story!  ;D so nice 2 have you back. like snw like when big breasts win. go Charlene!!!!!!  :P


Offline EJB

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Re: Best Friends and Their Wives
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2020, 01:18:53 AM »
I swear I never learn. Every time I start a story of yours I roll my eyes at the 38D brunette and the 35C blonde with thick nipples, and every time I'm completely drawn in by the end of the story. Excellent as always and I can't wait to see the next part.