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Fight Over Toilet Paper

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Fight Over Toilet Paper
« on: March 18, 2020, 11:10:11 AM »
Wal -Mart has gotten crazy people buying  toilet paper like nothing YVonne wanted to get her share of toilet paper, she got to wal-mart at 5 am waited for the doors to open and fought the crowd to get the last 4 packs of toilet paper. She headed for her car and drove home not realizing she was being followed by two girls who also wanted toilet paper but Yvonne got the last 4 packs on the shelf. Yvonne got to her house undressed and was headed for the shower when she heard a knock on the door, she was puzzled who would be knocking so early in the morning as she figured it was her sister.

When she opened the door she was sprayed in the face with perfume blinding her as these two girls shoved her inside locking the door, Yvonne started to see again as she screamed to them "what the fuck do you want" they said we want your toilet paper. Now Yvonne is no small girl at 5'7 150 but she was no match for these two girls one was a blonde about 5'8 155 & the other also a blonde at 5'10 and heavier at 165, she told them they needed to get out or she'l cal the cops as Yvonne headed for the phone she was tackled down my both ladies.

They pulled up Yvonne as the smaller blonde slammed a right fist to Yvonne's jaw sending her flying back into the wall, Yvonne was stunned as she quickly turned kicking the smaller blonde between her legs Yvonne was not gonna give up her toilet paper without a fight. She was doing good fighting off both ladies as she was shocked people would do this all for toilet paper until the bigger blonde punched vonne n the back of the head dropping her no both knees.

The bigger blonde told her you should of just given us the toilet paper and that would be the end of it but no you wanted to fight so now were gonna kick your fat ass,Yvonne knew she was not gonna win this fight as she tried fighting back sending a hard left to the bigger blonde's ribs then a shot to her face sending she bigger girl staggering back a little, that quickly changed when the smaller blonde showed Yvonne from behind as Yvonne hit the wall face first. Yvonne dropped to the floor holding her face as she felt her nose bleeding as she covered her face with both hands,

the bigger blonde grabbed Yvonne  by the back of her hair pulling her up and slammed a punch into the back of her head, Yvonne's body went numb as she felt her legs wobble as the bigger blonde grabbed her arms pulling them over her head, the smaller blonde went to work on her with punches and kicks to her whole body then she ripped open Yvonne's top pulling off her bra.Yvonne pleaded and started to cry for them to stop as both ladies just laughed as Yvonne knew the worst was yet to come,
Yvonne was yanked backwards by the hair as the smaller blonde returned the favor kicking Yvonne between her legs as Yvonne screamed in pain. The bigger blonde shoved her face first into the wall  slammed sever hard punches into Yvonne's back taking all the breath from her body,

Yvonne tried to fall but was held up by both ladies and spun around & pinned against the wall as both ladies took turns punching her  tits side to side then they went to work on Yvonne's belly punching and kneeing her over and over as Yvonne could not fight back, After about ten minutes of being beaten up both ladies stopped and let Yvonne slide down the wall her tits & belly fire red from the beating, they grabbed the 4 rolls of toilet paper off the table as they headed for the door laughing the smaller blonde headed out the door as the bigger blonde gave Yvonne a super hard kick in her belly as Yvonne fell to her side both hands clutching her belly in pain as she watched the bigger blonde walk out the door. Yvonne laid there  for a few minutes and slowly got to her as she was crying and hurting all over and she never imagined she would get beaten up for toilet paper.

She was too embarrassed to cal the police and tell them what happened so she decided to forget all about it, when she got to work a few days later a friend asked her if she ever got her toilet paper Yvonne just smiled and said yea I got it not telling her what happened

« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 11:11:31 AM by big arthur »


Offline catfightlover40

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Re: Fight Over Toilet Paper
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2020, 12:43:10 AM »
Though I do write dystopian fiction, I've fully refrained to write about this subject, for several reasons, maybe the most pressing being, that a lot of us live in countries under social lockdown until further notice, and the uncertainty is unnerving how exactly it's transmitted, or if we avoid getting it, can recover from it, or we just become asymptomatic, and that doesn't get tested in a lot of places.

I'm not passing moral judgment, but I understand those who're themselves in at-risk groups or have relatives, who're in that group, and not everything can serve as escapism. Personally I follow the advice of stand up comedians, comedy is tragedy plus time.
The  home of my multi-part work: