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REPOST: Kayla vs Alicia in OPW title defense, Baghdad, Iraq by Howard Cossell

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Offline Kayla

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OK, here’s a repost of one of my title defenses by Howard Cossell after winning the OPW title from Marie B in an awesome fight reposted at:,6524.0.html

Hope you enjoy & post some comments!  ;) :)



 The crowd was chock full of soldiers as we reached the main event of the evening. So much had happened at Queen of the Ring that the drama was running very high. Serenity had defeated Jolene Rictor in the finals to become the Queen of the Ring; Glory beat Big Black and had a face-off with Rachel Apache after the match, and Siena made an invited to Jenn Peccavi and her friends to show up at OPW's upcoming event in Sydney, Australia. 
 The ring was now had a white wedding cake shaped tent in it and music began to play, Madonna, “Like A Virgin.” From out of the tent came the 5’9” 140 lb Kayla, dressed in a white lingerie with stockings, a bouquet of white flowers, and a vale over her face. She began to dance to the song and grind herself on the floor. Then out came 5’ 92 lb Marie B. dressed the same as Kayla as the two women proceeded to dance together to the song. The two mock wrestled on the mat and Marie pinned Kayla.

The soldiers were up on their feet making a lot of noise as Kayla and Marie passionately kissed. And then Siena emerged from the tent in a huge white robe and stood between the two women. The crowd was going wild as Siena stripped to reveal a black bra and black panties and the three women began to grind all over each other. Then Siena kissed Kayla and then turned and kissed Marie, and there was no tongue spared from any of the women.
 Siena- “Hello Baghdad, how the f**k are ya?”
 The crowd goes wild as Marie and Kayla toss their vales to them. 
 “Flashdance” by Irene Cara plays and Alicia Christmas comes out. The 5’10” Barbie blonde is dressed in an American flag colored one piece with an opening down the middle showing her tanned stomach and white boots. The blonde doesn’t look happy as Siena and Marie smile at her.
 Alicia- “What is this? Not only was this disgusting, but it was also not original. I watched the MTV awards when Madonna, Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera did the same thing… do you people have to bring sex with you wherever you go? We, the good people of America, have conquered this terrorist regime, and you so-called females come here and disgrace our country with this display of raunchiness. But now Kayla, the time has come for me to defeat you and win the OPW World title. So ahem, Siena, Marie, kindly remove yourselves from the ring.”
 Siena- “Oh Alicia darling, I’ll be leaving the ring, but Marie is staying. See, with the emotions that have already been displayed tonight, especially in the Glory/Big Black match, I need someone who can control both of you. So therefore, Marie B. is the special guest referee.”
 Marie- “That’s right, ladies. And I’m going to call it RIGHT DOWN THE MIDDLE!”
 Siena- “Later bitches!!”
 Alicia gets into the ring.
 Alicia- “ Marie B? A referEE? She’s can’t even SEE her inferioriTY!! That’s not fair!! Marie has never been a referee!! This is an injustice to me!! Leave it to Siena to come up with something like this at the last minute!! Well, I’m still going to beat you Kayla, ring the bell!!
 The bell rings and Alicia and Kayla circle each other. They lock up and Alicia pulls Kayla into a headlock. Kayla rams forearms into Alicia back and Alicia loosens her grip, then Kayla whips Alicia off the ropes. Alicia comes back and knocks Kayla down with a shoulder ram. Kayla kicks herself to her feet and leg sweeps Alicia, sending her down on her stomach. Kayla mounts Alicia from behind and puts on a sleeper, but Alicia reaches the ropes. Alicia rolls out of the ring, but Kayla quickly follows and begins to hammer Alicia’s face with right hands as the military audience goes wild. Kayla tries to whip Alicia into the steel barricade, but Alicia reverses it and sends Kayla towards the barricade. Kayla jumps on top of the barricade and balances herself.

When Alicia charges her to try to push her off, Kayla senses her coming and does a moonsault (backflip) onto Alicia and both women go down. Kayla mounts Alicia and begins to pummel her face with punches. Then Kayla stands, pulls Alicia to her feet, and whips her hard into the steel barricade. Kayla charges Alicia and attempts to knee her in the face, but the blonde sees the knee coming and gets as low as she can. Some of the knee connects with Alicia’s shoulder, but Kayla’s thigh and top portion of her knee hit the barricade as Kayla lets out a piercing scream.

Alicia also flips Kayla over the barricade and into the crowd. Marie gets out of the ring and goes into the audience to restore order. Alicia pulls Kayla’s leg over the barricade and slams her knee across it. She does this two more times and then twists Kayla’s leg around one of the bars. Alicia balances herself on top of the barricade and asks the patrons to clear out. Alicia jumps off and steps hard on Kayla’s foot, yanking the twisted leg hard. This isn’t really Alicia Christmas’ style, this is more something the Siena or Jasmine or even Rachel would do. 
 Alicia- “She’s not so HOT and WET now, is she?”
 Marie- “Get her back in the ring, Alicia.”
 Alicia- “And what if I don’t want to?”
 Alicia pulls Kayla to her feet and attempts to whip her into the side of the ring, but Kayla reverses it and sends Alicia into the steel steps.
 Alicia- “AHH! My shoulder!! You‘re cheating!!”
 Kayla climbs the steps and pulls Alicia up by her hair, then Kayla attempts to suplex Alicia off the steps and to the floor, but Alicia reverses it and front suplexes Kayla’s torso onto the steps. Kayla instantly grabs her ribs and belly as the edge of the hard steps seems to have taken the wind out of her. Alicia rolls Kayla into the ring and places her foot on the brunette champion’s chest, 1,2, Kayla kicks out. Alicia gets up and faces Marie and begins to complain. Marie only looks at the taller blonde and rolls her eyes.
 Alicia- “Marie, that was a slow count. What’s wrong with you? You don’t know how to count to three? Don‘t you watch Sesame Street with Kermit and Elmo and Big Bird and The Count? The count goes 1,2,3.”
 Kayla rolls Alicia up from behind and holds her suit for extra leverage, 1,2, Alicia angrily kicks out and looks at Marie, who just smiles and shrugs her shoulders. Kayla whips Alicia off the ropes, but Alicia ducks Kayla’s clothesline and pulls back on Kayla’s head for a neck breaker. Alicia then quickly bounces off the ropes and lands a leg drop, 1,2, Kayla kicks out. Alicia begins to post off Kayla’s hurt left leg and land double knee drops to it. Kayla winces and moans in pain as the tall blonde pulls Kayla’s legs apart and lands a hard head butt to her stomach. Then Alicia pulls Kayla up to a seated position, places her knee just below the back of Kayla’s neck and pulls back on Kayla’s chin with both hands. 
 Alicia- “Ask her!!”
 Marie- “What do you say, Kayla?”
 Kayla- “NO!!”
 Alicia- “ASK HER!!”
 Marie- “I just did, you stupid bitch. She said NO!!”
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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Alicia angrily lets go of the hold, stands up and delivers a hard kick to Kayla’s back, then grabs Kayla’s head from behind, does a front flip over Kayla pulling Kayla‘s head forward. The whip lash effect sends Kayla‘s head back and hard into the mat. Alicia covers Kayla, 1,2, no! Alicia grabs Kayla’s leg and begins to apply the figure four leglock, but when Alicia turns, Kayla kicks her in the butt and sends her head first into the turnbuckle padding in the corner. Alicia is momentarily stunned as Kayla rises to her feet and Marie smiles.

Kayla places her hands behind her head and wiggles her hips as Alicia turns around only to be hit with Kayla’s trademark jumping body splash, The Sexysplash. Why is it called a sexy splash? Well, while Kayla has her body pinning Alicia in the corner, she grinds herself against Alicia, just like she did against Jessika and Marie. Alicia freaks out and desperately tries to pry Kayla off of her as Marie covers her mouth and laughs. Kayla backs up a bit only to land a hard knee into Alicia’s belly as the blonde bends and lets out a loud “OOF!!”
 Kayla wiggles herself right in Alicia’s face and drives another hard knee into the blonde‘s belly.
 Kayla- “Why dear Alicia; I’m offended that you don’t find one as hot as me attractive. I guess if I were wrapped up like a mummy, then you’d take a second look, no?”
 Kayla whips Alicia to the corner across from hers. Alicia goes chest first hard and Kayla grabs her around the waist from behind and pretends to dry hump her before throwing her back for a German suplex, one of Alicia’s own favorite moves, 1,2, no! Alicia is huffing and puffing as she rolls over onto her stomach and across the seated Kayla’s knees. Kayla smiles as she lifts Alicia up and drives her stomach hard across her knee. Kayla holds on to the taller blonde and proceeds to spank her as Alicia comes to her senses and angrily frees herself. Kayla backs up as she and Marie both are laughing at the crazy blonde who looks at them while clutching her bare stomach. 
 Alicia- “You’re going to pay for that, Kayla! I am not a child and you don’t spank me, you, you, you… MEANIE!!”
 Alicia and Kayla circle each other again, but when Kayla goes to lock up with Alicia, Alicia slips behind her and hits Kayla with a reverse neck driver. Alicia Christmas is known for working her opponent’s neck; this is her forte. She pulls Kayla to her feet and whips her off the ropes. Kayla comes back and launches herself at Alicia, but Alicia ducks and Kayla’s body crashes into the ropes and Kayla tumbles out of the ring. Alicia waits for Kayla to rise, then Alicia launches herself over the ropes and onto Kayla. The crowd has been into this match from the beginning and the only war going on in Baghdad tonight is in the ring… or now out of the ring.

Alicia places Kayla’s head between her own legs and pulls her upside down, holding her around her waist. Alicia hits Kayla with a jumping piledriver on the floor; this move could have easily broken Kayla’s neck as Marie can only watch as Alicia throws Kayla into the ring. Alicia covers Kayla and demands that Marie count, 1,2... Kayla kicks out somehow. Alicia is livid as she jumps up and down in frustration. Alicia pulls Kayla to her feet and pushes her into a corner.

Alicia sits Kayla on the top rope and climbs up with her. Alicia lifts Kayla up and suplexes her off the top rope. Both women’s bodies crash to the mat as Alicia slowly rises to her feet. Instead of going for the cover, Alicia pulls Kayla closer to the center of the ring. Then Alicia climbs to the top rope in another corner. Alicia does a high angled backflip/moonsault onto Kayla, but Kayla gets her knees up, “OUGHHHH!!! Jesus Mary Joseph!!” is screamed from Alicia’s mouth is she clutches her stomach and curls herself into a fetal position.

Kayla is still very much out of it as she slowly climbs to her feet. Marie has a very concerned look on her face as Alicia also gets to her feet. Alicia goes for a front kick, but Kayla catches her foot, which is exactly what Alicia wanted. Alicia jump kicks Kayla in the side of her head with the other foot. This move is called an enziguiri and it’s one of Alicia’s trademarks. Kayla goes down on her back as Alicia goes with another one of her trademarks. She grabs both of Kayla’s legs, turns her over on her stomach and sits on her back, bending her legs back also; this is called a Boston Crab, it’s a submission hold and it’s very painful. 
 Alicia- “Ask her!!”
 Marie- “Kayla, do you give up!”
 Kayla- “NEVER!!”
 Kayla does a pushup in the Boston crab and begins to pull herself towards the ropes. Kayla’s strength is amazing to move Alicia back like this while using only her upper body. She gets within arms reach of the bottom rope, but Alicia drags her back to ring center with relative ease while still maintaining the hold.
 Alicia- “Give up, Kayla! You’re a cheater, and cheaters NEVER win!! You‘re a sex-crazed fiend and you‘ve never amounted to anything and you never will. Give me my belt; you‘re a loser!! It‘s time for the dawn of a new season in OPW!! CHRISTMAS SEASON!!”
 Marie- “That is so corny and cheesy, Alicia. I’m sorry, but I have to say it.”
 Alicia- “Not as cheesy as your feet, Marie, you little bumpkin. NOW ASK HER!!”
 Kayla can feel the agonizing pain in her legs and lower back as Alicia bends back even further, forcing Kayla to scream. Kayla reaches up with both arms and stretches them as far as she can. She manages to get the ends of Alicia’s butt long blonde hair and Kayla pulls on it forcing Alicia to bend back and loosen her grip on the Boston crab.
 Alicia- “AHHH. She’s pulling my hairrrrrrrrr!! Marie, what are you DOING? This isn’t a legal move; she’s pulling my hair!! She’s cheating!! Make her stop!!”
 Marie is more than happy to break the Boston crab and free Kayla. Alicia is on her knees checking and making sure that her hair is still in place as Kayla pulls her by her hair towards the ropes. Kayla applies her patented body scissors on Alicia and while Marie is asking Alicia if she gives up, Kayla is using the ropes for extra leverage.
 Alicia- “Marie-ee-ee, she’s cheatinnnng!! Why don’t you turn around and see what she’s doing to meeeee!! My ribs, oh my ribs!! Marie-ee-ee B-ee-ee, I need air to bree-ee-eathe, she‘s chee-eating. And no, I don‘t give up!!”
 Alicia begins to slam her elbows and fists down hard into Kayla’s stomach. The little oofs are starting to come from Kayla as Alicia hammers away at her white wedding dress lingerie. Alicia frees herself and mounts Kayla, pulls her arms forward and locks her other arm around Kayla’s neck, this is a modified dragon sleeper. But Kayla gets out of the hold by arching her body and sending Alicia off of her through the ropes and to the floor outside the ring. Kayla stands up and bounces off the ropes, when Alicia rises Kayla goes for her trademark baseball slide, but Alicia had it scouted and grabs Kayla’s legs.

Alicia smiles but her smile quickly turns to a frown as Kayla jerks her legs back, slamming Alicia’s stomach into the side of the ring, and then Kayla vices Alicia’s head between her feet and repeatedly slams it down into the ring apron. And in one last feat of strength, Kayla pulls Alicia’s body with her legs to where Alicia’s upper body is in the ring and her lower body is hanging over the side of the ring as Alicia is doubled over the bottom rope. Kayla rises to her feet and climbs to the top rope. Stealing a page out of Lady Jasmine’s book, Kayla jumps off the top rope and lands a leg drop to the back of Alicia’s head. Having wrestled Jasmine as many times as she has, and having never won a match against her, Alicia knows the feeling of this move very well. Kayla covers her, 1,2, Alicia’s foot is on the ropes and Kayla is on her knees now catching her breath. Alicia rolls out of the ring and Kayla pursues her quickly.

Alicia crawls under the ring and Kayla goes under also. The blonde eventually comes out on the other side and rolls into the ring, her long blonde hair a mess and covering her face. Kayla comes from under the ring and grabs the blonde, and then places her head between her legs. Kayla lifts Alicia up and does a falling power bomb on her (This is Kayla‘s finisher, and it‘s called the K-Bomb), Kayla’s head slamming between the blonde’s legs as they both go down. Kayla lifts Alicia’s leg and pins her missionary style as Marie counts, 1,2, Marie stops counting. Kayla looks at her friend as Marie points down at the blonde in the American flag one piece.

Kayla is stunned as this blonde looks just like Alicia Christmas, but has a rounder face and bigger eyes. It’s Alicia Christmas’ eighteen year old daughter, Alicia Christmas II or AC2, and she rolls out of the ring as Kayla turns around only to receive a spinning belly-to-belly suplex from her mother. AC2 is ringside and has Kayla’s bouquet of flowers.
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Kayla

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She’s digging under the ring for something that seems pretty long and stiff and she places it in the flowers. Then she gets up on the ring apron and distracts Marie. When Marie comes over, AC2 tosses the flowers to Alicia and Alicia swings them at Kayla, nailing her in the head. Kayla goes down and seems to be unconscious as Alicia tosses the flowers out of the ring and AC2 gets off the ring apron.

Marie knows something fishy has happened and banishes AC2 from ringside as Alicia once again climbs to the top rope. As Alicia gets ready to leap off, Kayla kicks herself to her feet. The move startles Alicia and she slips off right into a murderous sidekick from Kayla. The kick snaps Alicia’s head back and the “CRACK!” sound is very loud and can be heard outside of the soccer stadium turned arena. Kayla covers Alicia, 1,2,3!! Kayla has defeated Alicia Christmas and retains the OPW World championship!!

Marie and Kayla hug as Kayla lifts her belt to the sky and the crowd goes wild!! Kayla has defeated one of the best pure wrestlers in OPW history and there is no question that she is now going to be considered one of the best in OPW today. Kayla has a huge bruise on her left thigh and she has some horrible pain in her neck. She can definitely feel it now that the match is over, but it all goes numb again when the crowd starts chanting "TAKE IT OFF!"

Kayla smiles and stands over Alicia's body and gets naked. Then she puts her hands behind her head and girates her hips in a circular motion while Marie grins and laughs and the fans go crazy. After a few minutes, Marie and Kayla exit the ring as Alicia rolls out and her daughter comes and they look at the bouquet. 
 AC2- “Mommy, I put the steel pipe in the flowers just like you said. I don’t know what happened Mommy.”
 Alicia- “Well, I hid that pipe there myself. So, let’s see… hey, what’s this?”
 Alicia reaches into the bouquet only to find a long rubber dildo that has been spray painted silver. Alicia immediately screams and drops it. Alicia now realizes that someone switched ‘pipes.’
 AC2- “Mommy, what is that thing? They make pipes look weird these days. But I put it in the flowers and you hit Kayla right in her head with it. It should‘ve knocked her out. Kayla must have a very hard head, or maybe it‘s just a soft pipe.”
 Alicia- “Kayla’s going to pay for this. She’s a meanie, and a sex fiend freaky cheater loser boozer snoozer. And when we meet again, I’ll slap her naughty wrist so sore. And Marie too.”
Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)