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Best Friends and their Wives, 3

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Offline JayB

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Best Friends and their Wives, 3
« on: March 24, 2020, 03:42:48 PM »
Kasey and I had just settled in for a love-making session a bit before 9PM when there was a loud knock at our front door.  I was naked, so Kasey, my blonde wife, quickly put on her robe and went to the front door.  As she opened the door she was plastered with a right and then a left by my best friend’s wife Charlene.  Before she had time to react, Kasey was the recipient of a solid shot to her midsection and then sent tumbling on to her back when Charlene, a big breasted brunette connected on an upper cut.

For those not following this rivalry, Kasey and Charlene had first fought when they had been goaded by me and my best friend Kevin, to engage in a best breast competition.  After years of bragging to the other about our wives’ assets, we finally convinced them to square off.  My wife, Kasey with 35C tits won out over Charlene and her 38Ds in large measure because my blonde wife has an awesome set of nipples that overwhelmed the big breasted brunette.  To Kevin and my surprise, however, this competition lead to an actual fight between the two.  Kasey far more athletic than Charlene prevailed.  This has lead to a monthly square between the two.  My wife captured the first four or so encounters before Charlene wanted a boxing match.  Though my wife dominated early on, Charlene found her groove late in the fight, knocked my wife silly and used her big tits to dominate and humiliate my wife.  Finally, Kasey got revenge when she turned the tables on Charlene and whipped her in the last match.  That’s were things were before last night.

After 15 seconds Kasey found herself stunned and flat on her back.  As Charlene moved towards her, Kasey quickly rolled over to knees and then arose trying to retreat to reset the fight.  However, before she could escape, the brunette grabbed a hold of her robe and in one motion spun Kasey around and pulled the blonde’s robe off.  My wife was now naked.  Before she was able to react to Charlene’s actions, she was on the receiving end of a right, left, right, belly punch, and upper cut.  The final blow sent the big nippled blonde crashing into the a wall and then down on her ass.

When I heard her hit the wall, I got out of the bed to see what all the commotion was.  Still naked, I entered the living room to see Charlene towering over my wife.  Charlene turned to see my nude body.  Like Kasey, I had a very athletic well-built body.  But, what really caught her attention was how well built I was downstairs.  I am considering bigger than Kevin in that department.  Charlene quickly turned her attention away from my blonde wife and focused on me.  As if I needed to turned on any more by what I had only briefly witnessed, the brunette pulled off her shirt that covered no bra.  Out sprung her bouncy 38s.  She approached me and asked if after she worked over my wife, if she could work me over.  Before I could even react, she ran her hands over my biceps squeezing them, then moved her hands over to my chest, tweaking my nipples and then before I knew it, she grabbed my dick.  She could feel it growing within her grip.  At that moment, temptation might have gotten the best of me.  But, what happened next interfered with that.

Charlene felt a tap on her shoulder and as she turned, Kasey connected with right-left combo of her own.  The brunette tried to counter but my blonde wife blocked it and connected on a blast to Charlene’s midsection which she followed up with an upper cut.  That shot sent Charlene backwards where I caught her.  Accidently or otherwise, as I caught her my hands cupped her massive breasts giving me a sense of what I might have been playing with given what might have happened under different circumstances. 

I shoved Charlene back to her feet sending her stumbling towards Kasey.  My wife lowered her shoulders and caught the brunette in her midsection and drove her back into a wall.  The impact knocked the breath out of her.  Kasey then flipped her over back and onto the floor.  Charlene’s back was now facing my wife.  Kasey, whose nipples had now exploded from the activity, grabbed the brunette’s arms and brought them backwards.  She then planted a foot directly in her back and pulled with all her might.  Charlene howled in pain begging Kasey to stop.  No chance that was going to happen.

She then forced her big breasted foe to her feet, spun her around and used her big tits as a punching bag landing several blasts.  Charlene was trying to cover up but exposed her head to a series of shots that sent her head swinging left and right.  At that point, with Charlene essentially defenseless, my wife grabbed her wrists and forced her back towards a wall.  Upon reaching the wall she then forced the brunettes hands over her head against the wall.  I knew what was coming next.  She thrust her now totally thick, erect nipples squarely at Charlene’s inferior areola and pressed forward and battered her smaller, less erect nipples. 
I had marveled at Charlene’s big tits when I had the chance to feel her up, but right at this moment I knew why my wife turned me on as she did.  When her half dollar sized pink areola exploded into the thickness of her nipples, that moment of feeling those big tits disappeared.

After thirty seconds or so of her overwhelming the big breasted brunette’s nipples, she stepped back, blasted Charlene’s midsection, and then connected on upper cut that put her on her bottom.  She then yanked her up by her long brown locks and then led her to the front door.  I opened it for her and she then kicked the naked brunette out into our yard and then slammed the door behind her.

I’m not sure what would have happened if I hadn’t wandered into the living room in all my glory and diverted Charlene’s attention.  Just based on what I saw when I entered the room, Kasey was getting worked over pretty good.  I also wondered what might have happened if it did.  Fortunately, Kasey proved to be the better woman and our postponed love making was sensational.  What had originated as just a fun competition for the sake of their husbands had turned into a very fierce rivalry.  These two women had no love lost between them. 


Offline mag

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Re: Best Friends and their Wives, 3
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2020, 03:58:44 PM »
Wonderful piece of work.  Can't wait to see what happens next, seems like as you alluded to at the end, there is no love lost.  Kasey might have been utterly destroyed by Charlene had the hubby not been there to distract her.  Very interesting indeed.  :-)


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Best Friends and their Wives, 3
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2020, 09:21:56 AM »
forgot to comment on this great story! sorry!!! Charlene must get her revenge I hope soon.  8) ;D :D


Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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Re: Best Friends and their Wives, 3
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2020, 12:05:22 AM »
Amazing chapter of a great series! Can't wait for the next one! 8)
Blondes do it better!