In Celebration of their 30th anniversary
A comparison
Violent Grudge vs Bad Day on Broome Street
1. The actresses
Lots to choose from here. Young Venus de Light positively oozes attitude, sexiness, and toughness all at once. Heck, she even smokes in bed (pun not intended, yet still appropriate). Her opponent is a worthy and intriguing foil. Both manage to convince as 'the bad girl'/villainess. Tasha Voux, the blonde in BDBS, is a natural as a foul-mouthed late-'80s New Yorker (candidly, she's not acting in this dimension of her character; just being herself). Her opponent is likewise a convincing 2nd-generation diverse NY immigrant. But Venus's flawless body, flaunted so uninhibited, takes the cake.
VG 1.0, BDBS 0.0
2. The characters/leads
The protagonists/lead characters
Broome Street's tough-as-nails New Yorkers will clearly fight anyone, anytime, anywhere: at a club, in an alley, on the street; heck, even in each others' apartment. VG's two protagonists have clearly always wanted to fight each other, but have held back for years (since at least high school, possibly longer). Once they cut loose, it's No Holds Barred. But BDBS's vixens are in each others' hair mere minutes after meeting. You go, girls.
VG 1.0, BDBS 1.0
3. The premise
Love triangle in both films. 2 girls, 1 guy. Maybe a slight edge in BDBS, as there's chatter about a fiancee. It's hard to tell if VG's 'Warren' is a genuine boyfriend or a, ... ahem ... John. But kudos to VG for having Warren warn both girls about the danger of a direct confrontation.... and both girls ignoring him.
VG 1.5, BDBS 1.5
4. The trash talk
Not much to speak of in VG--since Venus's plan was to ambush her enemy, and since Carla THOUGHT she was successfully keeping her cheating a secret from Teala, there was a missed opportunity for some cat and mouse banter between the ladies. BDBS does a good job showing both ladies as hurt-yet-angry, angry-yet-hurt at the cuckolding by the brunette.
BDBS 2.5, VG 1.5
5. The fight venue
Didn't love the wrestling mat on the floor in BDBS. The cluttered apartment of Teala's is also .... confusing. Goodness, Teala, why so messy? Tasha gets props for going over to her enemy's place to kick her ass.
BDBS 3.5, VG 1.5
6. The fight
Teala and Carla seem like they enjoy fighting. Some fists would have been nice, though. BDBS has blood at the end--fake, but lots of it.
BDBS 4.5, VG 1.5
7. Intangibles
BDBS tacks on a sister fight as a bonus.
BDBS 5.5, VG 1.5