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NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa

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Offline luffy316

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NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa
« on: November 22, 2019, 07:28:12 AM »
Not everyone may remember (because I didn’t for a while) but my first ever story of Tifa vs Peach was set in a thrown-together idea of a video game wrestling league. It was an excuse of a setting, but I went back to it when someone commissioned a sequel to it. I played around with it in the Lara Croft vs Lara Croft story to give it a semblance of sense, but between the President Bowser joke and the weird lore that can come from all that, I like keeping it around. I finally decided to expand the idea, with mild confines on it by making it strictly video games rather than all my old anime crushes that I’ve mostly outgrown.
Decided to go with these two as two hot but massively strong women. I always liked power moves (lifts and throws and such) in my matches, and think they’re both hot so just let them loose on each other.

Zarya was a very practical woman. There were only so many places the burly Russian could be found. As a former Olympian and soldier, Soldier 76 only had to look in so many places. When she wasn’t in her bunk, the battlefield or the mess hall, he knew to go to the gym. The woman was massively broad-shouldered and even taller than that. A scar ran above one eye before it reached her spiked up pink hair. Everything about the woman was big, from her broad hands and muscular arms to her bulging breasts that rolled around beneath her tank to and sports bra. Her gym shorts exposed much of her musclebound legs as she pumped a massive dumbbell up and down, a complex machine floating overhead as her robotic spotter.
“Zaranova!” Soldier called gruffly. Zarya raised a scarred eyebrow, but she didn’t stop her bench press. “Letter for you. Looks like you got a new assignment.”
“Assignment? But I work for Overwatch now,” her thickly accented voice pointed out. She set the barbell that was normally only handled by industrial equipment back into place. She shifted to sit on the bench rather than lay down, toweling off her neck and cleavage. “Who would be able to recruit me zat is higher than you.”
“You tell me.” Soldier 76 tossed the envelope into her broad and sweaty lap. The envelope was large but plain, but the seal across it caught her eye. A large, fanged face that was the standard symbol for President Bowser and his NES wrestling league was melted into the wax. Zarya was joining the brawl.

“We got another one, boss!” Isabelle reported proudly. The little dog-woman trotted up and salute President Bowser at his commissioner’s desk. The well-dressed turtle monster raised a cigar and blew a puff of flame to light one end of it.
“Great! Is it that Princess Luigi people have been asking about?” Bowser chuckled.
“Er, no, sir. Interdimensional recruitment is a little tricky right now, so we’re mostly hitting the fellow video games. But it looks like Nintendo just acquired Overwatch.”
Bowser laughed, spraying out some smoke from both his cigar and his actual breath. “Perfect! I’ve already got a match lined up for that one… what’s the big pink chick that looks like a dude?”
“Er… I wouldn’t know,” Isabelle replied more delicately, pretending not to know what he meant. “But their full female roster has signed on with us. We’re still getting the paperwork back on the Sonic team, but they’ve been having problems with their CG lately…”
“Right, right. Point is, get that Russian girl from Overwatch out this week’s card on the double. We could use a little more gals with some muscle around here. Men love chicks with power.”
“I wasn’t aware,” Isabelle said as she got to work on her clipboard. She checked off a few things before seeing what he meant. “So… Urbosa, sir?”

“The buff Gerudo chick with the big snout?”

“Y-yes,” Isabelle said gingerly. “But can we please just use the wrestlers’ names from now on?”

Just as Bowser predicted (and always seemed to) people were excited for the upcoming match. Urbosa hadn’t been in the Nintendo Extreme Showdowns for long but she had made a big impact. She was often a bodyguard/manager to Zelda, with the tall, tan and busty amazon of a woman intimidating many of her foes. She was large and powerful even by gerudo standards, her thick red hair and angular nose accented by carefully applied makeup that contrasted her dark caramel skin and muscular build. She didn’t have many matches yet, though mostly out of difficulty in finding someone who could match the brawny desert amazon.
It seemed they’d finally found her match. Urbosa strode towards the ring with confidence and elegance to her long steps. She was easily among the tallest fighters in the league, and her colorful desert silk skirt bared much of her long, muscular body. Her proudly out-thrust chest bobbed lightly behind her loose clothes as the simple intro music of drums and flutes played her to the ring. She hopped neatly over the ropes before she crossed her arms to make her muscular arms pulse impatiently.
A blasting heavy metal intro announced Zarya’s debut. The fans blew up as the pink-haired Russian weightlifter entered wearing an old Olympic style singlet, matching the style she had used when she broke a world record for power lifting. She smiled and flexed for the crowd more playfully than her opponent, slapping a few hands before climbing the ring apron. She pushed down the ropes in a show of raw power before stepping over and leaning an elbow on the ringpost with a dismissively casual posture.
A random Toad in a referee’s shirt waddled to the middle of the ring signaling the musclebound ladies to do the same. Up close it was clear that Zarya was wider and more heavyset, but even the 6’5” woman gave several inches to the towering gerudo. Toad ran over the rules quickly before staring way, way up at the fighters. “Any questions, Zarya?”
“Nyet,” she replied with a calm smirk.
“Any questions, Urbosa?”
The gerudo did not, but she shocked everyone as she suddenly headbutted Zarya before the bell. Zarya staggered a couple steps and grabbed her forehead while everyone else gasped. Toad did his best to scold the woman 4 times his size, but Zarya just broke into laughter. Even with the visible redness of her pale skin where the gerudo had struck, she broke into a wild grin.
“Oh I like this one. She is feisty,” Zarya praised.
“Zarya, do you need a minute to-“ Toad started to offer her a break but Zarya charged the short distance to Urbosa and smashed her in the abs with a vicious hook. The gut-buster even pressed back the gerudo’s impressive abs, making the tall and busty woman double over with a grunt. Toad gawked at the sight, clearly losing all control of this fight.
Zarya followed up with a knee to Ubrosa’s pronounced chin, sending her toppling to the mat. Toad wildly signaled for the bell as the women appeared too caught up in their contest to bother with the rules for it. Zarya grabbed Urbosa by one of her bare feet and twisted her onto her stomach. Sitting on her lower back, Zarya pulled back on her legs to bend her into a boston crab. Urbosa let out a startled scream as her legs were bent up and behind her shapely ass, Zarya’s weight pressing her big tits into the mats. Even her loose skirt flipped back up her hips, showing that the amazon didn’t bother with any underwear as the crowd saw her tan-colored pussy.
“Should have hit me harder, slut,” Zarya grunted as she bent the submission hold harder. “Now submit to Zarya!”
“I’ll do no such thing, you arrogant cxnt!” Urbosa defied. She propped herself up on one elbow, slamming the other one back into Zarya’s ribs. The hold was painful, but she was never going to yield to a submission hold this early in the match. A few firm elbows forced Zarya to stumble off her, and Urbosa wasted no time in striking back. She swung her long leg in a sweeping arc so that her broad foot slammed into Zarya’s temple, knocking her to one side. Zarya leaned against the ropes just to stay in a kneeling position while the gerudo rose to a matching position.

While the Russian was still reeling, Urbosa rubbed an aching leg before she made her move. She rose to her feet and pressed her foot against Zarya’s back, forcing her breasts into the firm elastic of the middle ropes. She normally used it to choke out a smaller opponent, but the loud moan that came from the weightlifter felt just as satisfying. The tan amazon stomped and pushed with her foot to bounce her against them a few more times before hurling her by the shoulder to the mats.
“Welcome to the big leagues, rookie,” Urbosa scoffed as she stepped over the Russian. Zarya winced as she clutched her breast, but the gerudo ground her heel into her chest to crush her muscular bust further. Toad hurried over to start to count his pinfall, but he had hardly started his “two” when Zarya bucked her shoulder. Urbosa stepped off her tilted chest but Zarya caught her by the ankle.
“Don’t make me laugh,” the pink-haired fighter scoffed despite the visible strain in her face. She grabbed Urbosa’s skirt and with a mighty pull, she exposed the long and muscular legs of the amazon right up to her broad hips and carefully shaved pussy. Urbosa didn’t have much time to be humiliated as Zarya sat up sharply, headbutting Urbosa right between her legs. The towering woman howled in pain and dropped to her knees, giving up her height advantage and then some as she cupped her naked, aching pussy.
“You dirty little dravaq!” the tanned woman hissed through her gritted teeth and watering eyes.
“I’ll be sure to look that one up later,” Zarya noted briskly as she wrapped her arms around the gerudo. “After I break you!”
The punky Russian stood up and hoisted Urbosa up with her. The huge redhead gasped as Zarya actually managed to lift her off her the mats, turning her sideways. It was a clear strain, even on the weightlifter, but the sweaty Olympian still managed to charge into the nearest corner. The half-naked gerudo let out a sharp grunt as her back rammed into the turnbuckle before Zarya spun around and bodyslammed her into the mats. The ring shook beneath the two heavyweights as Zarya hooked her foe’s muscular leg, flexing her free arm.
Toad scampered over for another count but Zarya hard her stuck firmly under her expert pin. He had his hand up for the third count when Urbosa decided to bypass overpowering her and gouged her nails into Zarya’s eyes. The pink powerhouse gave a sharp yell as she shielded her face, eyes watering as the brutal warrior woman instantly broke free. Urbosa wasn’t quick to rise but it was fast enough that Zarya was still nursing herself from the blinding attack.
“You wouldn’t last a day in the desert,” Urbosa sneered as she pulled on Zarya’s short hair. She dragged her up to her feet before catching the back of her singlet, pulling it tight enough that the elastic fabric buried itself up her pussy and ass cheeks in front of the roaring audience. Urbosa lifted the tall and heavy wrestler into the air, even if it required a labored grunt to do so. Both women were clearly intent on showing they were the stronger of the two as the gerudo lifted Zarya over her head. She gave a few precise tugs at her outfit before with one mighty throw, she spiked Zarya to the mats outside the ring. There was a loud rip as her mighty hands held onto the Russian’s leotard, tearing it from her body and letting the pained Zarya land completely nude.
The audience went wild at the devastating move that even left Zarya reeling. She clutched the shoulder she had landed on as Urbosa paced the ring, calling insults at her in her native tongue. Urbosa even stripped out of her top, flexing showily for the crowd with her swollen muscles and even bigger tits before she threw her top out of the ring at Zarya. Their ref ran to the ropes to ask if she gave up, or better yet if she was still conscious. Zarya waved him off with a choked “Nyet,” as she struggled to even keep one knee under her, shaking away the cobwebs and a short spray of sweat.

Urbosa finally grew tired of her sluggish opponent, spreading her long legs (met with a quick burst of cheers) to step over the ropes. She stood on the ring apron and watched Zarya like a hawk, so as soon as she got a bare foot on the mats she went charging in. She threw a kick at Zarya’s head, but the weightlifter keenly dodged out of the way and pulled on her balancing foot. Urbosa barely lost her balance, tumbling forward and landing on the metal steps in the corner. With a messy crashing sound, she landed with her chin on the top step as her meaty tits slapped against the second, rattling her as she landed in a roll clutching her jaw.

“You call it quits?” Zarya offered bitterly.

“Fuck off, you piece of FPS shit,” the Nintendo amazin snarled back. Both women dragged themselves back to their feet, but they were clearly sweating buckets. Their toned physiques pulsed with heavy breathing as they forced themselves to stay standing.

Zarya threw a heavy-handed right at Urbosa’s face, but the gerudo was still quick enough to block it. She grabbed onto the beefy arm and drove two harsh knee into Zarya’s abs, knocking spit from her lips as the Russian reeled. She still braced her hand against Urbosa’s side and twisted her hips, throwing the gerudo against the guardrails. Another loud crash went off as more harsh metal dug into Urbosa’s ribs. The redhead gave a short, high cry before Zarya was on her, driving her fists into her sides and belly.

“Come on! Try and hit me now, bitch!” Zarya huffed.

“Gladly!” Urbosa slammed a forearm across Zarya’s face, neither woman bothering to block much this late in the exhausting and painful matchup. Urbosa caught one of Zarya’s thighs and with another hard grunt, she lifted her off the arena floor and spiked her crotch down on top of the railing. The husky Russian screamed at the top of her lungs in a high-pitched voice as the cold, merciless metal pressed itself roughly into her pussy.

“Let’s take this pathetic dyke for a ride,” Urbosa gloated. The naked gerudo planted her hands on Zarya’s back and shoulders before charging forward. Zarya screamed again as her wet pussy slid alone the guard rail, stimulating while aching her pussy as the friction stung her privates. Urbosa halted abruptly at the end of the rail and turned sharply, swinging her arm in a massive clothesline that smashed Zarya back to the ground outside the ring.
Zarya was laid out flat on her back, stunned by the punishing move and the abrupt fall. Urbosa had to rest her hands on her knees as she huffed for air, her tanned chest bobbing as she dripped sweat onto the floor. She finally slapped her cheeks to rally herself before dragging Zarya back up by her hair. The proud and powerful women were still set on proving themselves the strongest, so Urbosa slid her bulging arms around Zarya’s and lifted her off the ground in a crushing bearhug. Zarya could feel her ribs and back crack as her injured shoulder throbbed, getting her to scream again. Urbosa just planted her feet in a firm stomp, shaking Zarya in her arms to work the hold even worse. It mashed their breasts together, sweat pooling in their collective cleavage as Zarya’s aching pussy was forced to rub against her lower abs.
“Submit, you disgrace of a Blizzard bitch,” Urbosa demanded.
“N-never,” Zarya grunted in a wavering tone. “You overrated waifu cxnt… RRGH!”
Zarya emitted another pained grunt, but she focused on wrenching one arm free. It put more pressure on her ribs, but she caught and pulled back viciously on Urbosa’s hair. The amazon howled in pain but held strong, allowing Zarya the perfect target. She freed her other arm and gritting her teeth like a beast, Zarya started pounding Urbosa with forearms to her upper chest. The gerudo redhead jolted from each heavy swing, rattling her head while making her big tits bounce.
Urbosa squeezed for all she had but had to finally release her. Staying stationary while the weightlifter beat her breasts black and blue was not going to last long enough. She cringed as she cradled her tits between her arms, dropping Zarya to rest her knees. The raging Russian didn’t stay down for long, forcing herself to bull rush Urbosa and ram into her toned abs. The gerudo grunted as her back slammed into the ring apron, Zarya’s broad shoulders flattening her proud and shapely abs. Urbosa let out a husky grunt as her sweat and spittle fell over Zarya’s back, barely feeling it as Zarya reached around the thick, tanned thighs of her rival.
“Is time I finish this,” Zarya growled as she lifted Urbosa off the mats. She sat the gerudo’s thick and muscular ass on the ring apron, holding her by the legs before pulling back. With a grunt of effort, Zarya slapped her hand around Urbosa’s aching midsection, holding her completely upside down. Her red locks trailed along the floor as she kicked feebly at the air. The crowd went wild as Zarya went on grinning between her opponent’s legs, leaning forward to grind her chin degradingly against her pussy. Her muscular thighs squeezed around Urbosa’s head, trapping her in place against her groin.
“My ultimate is ready!” Zarya boasted as the audience went wild for her finishing move. Zarya gave a short hop and spiked Urbosa’s head down on the hard floor, getting her long legs to limply drape around Zarya’s shoulders as if attempting to spread eagle for her. The gerudo stirred limply as the ref climbed out of the ring, ready for a finishing pinfall as she looked completely out of it after the massive fall.
Zarya leaned over her as if to pin her, but she pulled back before Toad could start the proper countdown. The scar-faced woman smirked as her pride took over, wanting to finish this like both of them had planned.
“I vill crush you,” she whispered into Urbosa’s pointed ear, forcing her to stand and bend over in front of her. Urbosa could barely stand on her own, so Zarya had little trouble guiding her. The real effort came as she threw the taller woman across her brawny shoulders, back and arms flexing hard as she lifted her in a torture rack. She pulled on the gerudo warrior’s neck while squeezing her pussy, bending her back across her immovably strong shoulders. Urbosa screamed before she seemed to run out of air, simply cringing and sobbing in pain. Zarya was sweating buckets and breathing heavily, putting all her weightlifting training to work as she tried to balance the towering warrior.
“Urbosa!? Do you give!?” Toad urged desperately from far below either of the amazons.
“Tap or snap! Is your choice, bitch!” Zarya threatened with her exhausted voice straining to shout so loud.
“N-never… I… I…” Urbosa panted, pawing blindly at the air as her head spun with pain.
Finally biting her blue-painted lip, Urbosa slapped weakly at Zarya’s shoulders. She tapped out as the audience went wild and Toad rapidly signaled for the bell. It finally sounded and Zarya hurled Urbosa back to the ground, raising her thick but weary arms in the air as the crowd cheered the naked Russian on.

Zarya nearly fell to the floor in a brief stagger before kneeling low enough to let Toad lift her hand in victory, finally limping backstage to rest her huge and exhausted muscles.

“Told you it’d be great,” Bowser boasted.
“I never doubted you, sir!” Isabelle chimed in. “So what’s next?”
“We keep the action comin’. Let’s see how that tag division’s doing. And bring me the full roster when you can. With a king in charge of these leagues, I’m thinkin’ a royal rumble’s in order.”
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Offline GeekGlorious

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Re: NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2019, 06:52:00 AM »
Loved this! Happy Zarya won. She is a favorite of mine.


Offline luffy316

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Re: NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2019, 05:57:27 AM »
Loved this! Happy Zarya won. She is a favorite of mine.

I'm a big fan of Urbosa, but yea, Zarya's best OW girl (but Pharmercy is best couple)
Think I'll be following up on this NES league thing
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Offline fionaflex

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Re: NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2020, 04:39:55 AM »
Hard to beat a tank like Zarya!


Offline luffy316

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Re: NES Wrestling: Zarya vs Urbosa
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2020, 02:33:57 AM »
Hard to beat a tank like Zarya!

for sure! she's a major contender in the league
Always posting free stories and commissions over at

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