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Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition

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Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« on: February 09, 2020, 02:44:14 PM »
Dear TABSK--I'm a 44 year old long-time reader, who thought I would always be able to spectate from the sidelines in your readers' battles, but am now wondering if I am about to be thrust into the arena.  My name is Kayla, and I'm dating a very successful 48 year old entreprenuer named Philip, who got divorced three years ago from his high school seeetheart, Hailey.  Philip and Hailey's divorce was very contentious; I've been suspicious that while Philip has moved on most conspicuously by moving most of his clothes from his divorcee apartment to my house), Hailey hasn't.  I thought I could "play it cool" with Hailey until the day that Philip chooses to get more serious with me, but a real-life complication has intervened.  Philip and Hailey had one child, a 21 year old daughter, who is graduating college downstate in May.  Philip and Hailey are attending the ceremony, and Hailey has been texting Philip to coordinate arrangements.  I don't trust Hailey one bit, and think she's going to try to reconcile with Philip, even if just sexually and not matrimonially.  I've discussed with Philip, and he's just so relieved to not be at war with Hailey for the first time in years that I think he's underestimating her intentions.  I of course do not want to cast a shadow of any sort on their daughter's big day, so I need to tread carefully.  Is there anything I can do put Hailey on notice that she's not getting and Graduation Day Dick?  I especially want the texting between her and Philip stopped.  Kayla

Dear Kayla--You and Hailey were eventually going to need to establish boundaries anyways, so the Graduation Day weekend is as good a time as any--kudos for taking control of the situation.  One warning signal to us of the adversary you will be confronting is that Hailey appears to be able to press Philip's buttons by modulating her anger at him--for him to noticably respond when she dials back the attitude is a weakness of his which she no doubt utilized in the past, and will do so in the future.  As an entrepreneur, Philip hasn't learned in his career life to navigate strong personalities like Hailey.  You, on the other hand, are correct to focus on the texting.  Does Hailey know Philip co-habits with you?  Have him tell her that all Graduation Day coordination should go thru thd land-line phone at your residence, rather than by text.  See if Hailey then backs off, or takes the bait and begins trying to manipulate you.  That will begin the uncomfortable but necessary sizing-up process between you and her, which is every bit a part of your and Philip's journey as the decision to co-habit was.  But since you've been reading us for years, you knew that part was coming.  Well, it's here.  Good luck.  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2020, 05:45:10 PM »
Dear TABSK--My name is Kris, I'm 51 years old, and I was drawn to your recent note from Kayla, dating the man with the manipulative ex.  Kayla's instincts are even more right-on than she realizes, and she needs to be very concerned about Hailey.  Kayla coined a neat phrase in her letter--Graduation Day Dick--and so I have one for her:  Ex Sex.  Hailey will absolutely, positively be on the prowl for Ex Sex with Philip, and he is a mark for this reason:  if their divorce was contentious, but never devolved into outright warfare, then Philip-Hailey is in the sweet-spot of danger to Kayla:  Hailey still cares about Philip, but doesn't hate him.  He's forbidden fruit to Hailey now, and she will be tempted to taste it.  How do I know?  Yes, I dated a divorcee.  And yes, it came to a catfight between her and me.  This isn't about me, so I'll spare everyone the details.  But, be strong Kayla--I'm in your corner.  Kris.

Dear Kris--Thank you for the teaser, Kris.  But, when you're comfortable, don't you think that Kayla, and all of us, could benefit from the full story?  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2020, 08:28:06 PM »
Dear TABSK--Kris, again.  Well, I didn't want to make Kayla's story all about me.  And I don't want any differences in my circumstances, vis-a-vis Kayla's with Hailey, to distract Kayla or to make her take any false steps.  In fact, I've already noted one difference between us:  Kayla said she reads about fights but never expected to be in a fight herself.  That's not me at all--I love to fight, am always open to settling any business with a fight, and will sometimes resort to stirring up a fight (if I'm in a slump from having had one) just to keep from getting rusty.  So keep this background in mind as I relate my tale.  Kayla may choose different tactics as she engages Hailey.
Three years ago, I went thru a second divorce (Kayla didn't give her marriage history, just her boyfriend's), and resolved that the third time would be a charm--that I would finally choose the man that I would grow old with.  I sowed my wild oats with a post-divorce Tinder bender, catching up on all the sex moves that had somehow escaped my attention for 48 years (including same-sex sex, which was novel but not-my-bag), and then began the search for a man I could consider a life partner.  Who, as frequently happens, had been in front of my face all along, since high school.  His name is Elston, and he and I were Class of '86 at high schools in near-neighboring town in Massachusetts (one of us in Attleboro, the other in Mendon, although I'll keep a secret which was which), for those who must know.  We ran in the same weekend party circles, and the same seasonal Recreation Department job circuit (we both had a parent in town government).  Even though there was a spark of attraction between us, the age of Hooking Up hadn't arrived yet (you generally only slept with a guy if you were dating him in 1984-1992), and our moment slipped away.  We both entered into bad marriages, and tried to deny our regret for what might have been.  Until Facebook came along.  We found each other in 2016, declared our unrequited lust for each other, acted on it, and found that it wasn't too late to make a life as a couple.
There was only one problem.  Elston's second ex, Destiny (as trashy as her name, by the way) wasn't ready to let go of the past....or of Elston. 
Just as myself-Elston had nearly slipped away because it had been almost too obvious, myself-Destiny started the same way.  There was a Springer Episode vibe to every interaction between her and I, Elston holding us back to prevent us digging our claws into each other.  Then, when things would cool down, I would think to myself, "Surely no woman has such low self-esteem as to subject herself to more spurned advances from her ex," and think Destiny had moved on.  But, nnnooo, here she'd pop up at his place again, back for more, and then melting down once she saw me, only to have Elston and his buddies act as bouncers again and prevent the necessary catfight from being consummated.
Finally, one night, what I needed to do became clear.  At 1am on a Sunday morning, with Elston called away at his Park District job for a water main break, I texted Destiny, said I was alone, and asked if she was up for some "girltalk".  It was Last Call at all the bars, and all propositions become 4x more enticing at Closing Time than the rest of the night.  She showed, and had at each other viciously and No Holds Barred.  I'd give a blow-by-blow if it was like that, but it wasn't.  It was an on-the-floor catball, both of us trying to kick each other in the jaw while holding each others' hair, double-fisted style.  Both of us were experienced catfighters, so we knew it was no use to try to break the others' will--we instead needed to make the other wary from crossing each others' path ever again.  No quarter asked, none expected.
My kind of fight, evidetally.  I won.  She got home how the came--via Uber.
Neither Elston nor I have ever heard from Destiny again.
Now, Kayla, don't fit your situation to my template.  Stay alert.  But trust your gut, too.  If Hailey seems like she can't let go, help loosen her grip.  Good luck.  Kris.

Dear Kris--Thank you for sharing.  Three years too late, but better late than never.  And hopefully just in time for Kayla.  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2020, 11:25:45 AM »
Dear TABSK--Kayla, here.  Kris's harrowing experience with Destiny spurred me to seize the bull by the horns and seize the initiative with Hailey.  Kris's story of her 1am phone Sunday reach out got my thinking at 1am on a Monday morning.  Philip was sound asleep after a sublime love-making session with me with the Oscars on TV in the background.  Not wanting to wake him, I steeled my nerves and decided to text Hailey on the off chance she might be awake.  She was.  Here is the chat we had.

> I know it's very late, and I know this is an awkward way to meet, but hoping we could chat a bit.  This is Kayla.

> Ok, I'm game; you might be right, but let's find out.  Hello, Kayla, this is Hailey.  How are you?

> I'm well, thank you.  Congratulations on your daughter finishing college.  How are you?

> Thank you for the wishes on my daughter, Kayla, but she's not what you and I have in common, now, is she?

> Well, that's actually what prompted this text, Hailey.  You and I don't have HER in common, but if you're going to be texting Philip about going downstate in May, I'm afraid you and I will need to coordinate better.  Please arrange that trip thru my and Philip's home phone.

> Last I checked, Kayla, Philip's home phone is his bachelor apartment.  I'll continue to use that one.  Sweetie.

> Then you missed a memo, Haylie.  Philip receives his mail at my place now.  He and I are an item.  Please use this phone.  Honey.

> Well, that escalated quickly.  I was hoping to be treated civilly by Philip's first girlfriend.  But apparently not.

> I think my request is the best way for things to remain civil.  Although I'm not afraid of the alternative, Hailey, if you force my hand.

> You're aware I could easily show this entire text conversation to Philip, right?

> I see nothing in it that would alter the trajectory of each of our relationships with him, Haylie.  You're his past, I'm his future.

> You're projecting, sweetie.  The past, huh?  What's in your past?  You know I'll find it, right?

> We all have youthful indiscretions, honey.  It's part of maturing.  Might I offer some divorce advice?  It's so much more productive to move forward than to look back.  Happier, as well.

> So, the amazing Kayla is divorced.  Go figure.

> It was a broken engagement, and I'm on to your manipulative ways, so don't think you've forced me to divulge anything I wasn't prepared to anyways.

> Oh, so you didn't even make it to the alter, sweetie?  How pathetic.

> That's all you got, Haylie?  Don't disappoint me.  That will just give Philip and me another thing in common to bond over.

> Ok, I'll bite.  I'll let you read what you wanted to read.  Kayla, you've proven to me that you are a Class-A bitch, a jerk, and a cxnt.

> A cxnt, huh? 

> You sure are.

> And you would tell me that to my face?

> Gladly.

> Well, our first meeting will certainly be interesting then, won't it, honey?

> I like interesting.

> Good night, Haylie.

> Good night, Kayla.  Tell Philip I said hi.

> Not a chance.  cxnt.

What's your take, TABSK?  Kayla

Dear Kayla--Well, the gloves are already off, aren't they?  Destiny and Kris still have you beat--they fought before bedtime.  But you and Haylie are nipping at their heels.  Good luck.  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 02:15:04 PM »
Dear TABSK--Kayla, again, with a belated response, but only because the drama between Haylie and me has gotten so rapid-fire that events were occurring faster than I could catch my breath and write about them.  Do you realize how hard it is for two successful women our age to get free time in common and arrange some good old face-to-face, private girltalk??  Well, ....., now that I think about it, y'all are the experts in girltalk, so, ....., ok, you prolly do.  Anyways..... my breaking the ice with Haylie by engaging in textfights with her was probably a mistake, in so many ways.  It just fanned the flames of her feeling like she's an active part of Philip's life, which is preventing her from moving on and meeting someone new.  It allowed her to tell tall tales about how frequently and intensely Philip and her would have sex, even as they were breaking up, making me feel inadequate, and questioning Philip's devotion for me.  And her braggadoccio about confrontations she had with rivals for Philip's affections and attention during their long marriage made me, candidly, wonder what I've been missing out on since college.  What I mean is, I of course had my share of catfights during high school and college, and would have willingly entered into more as an adult, but the opportunities just seemed to dry up.  I guess becoming an avid reader of yours became my outlet.  Anyways, earlier this week, one night after a forecasted Midwestern snowstorm fizzled out on us, leaving Philip away on business travel for an extra night, I drove over to Haylie and Philip's fotmer house, now being occupied by just Haylie.  I didn't text her ahead of time that I was coming over, I just showed up at the front door and knocked.  I had no plan in mind, TABSK.
She answered, dressed in sweats and with her blonde hair down, and I knew right away we were going to fight--both of us dispensed at last with our threats and trashtalk.  Or any talk at all, for that matter--the time for talk was long past.  She motioned me into the foyer, and she removed her top.  I knew right away the she was curious about what Philip was getting his hands on in bed every night instead of Haylie's 38dd's, and my confidence in my 4-year age advantage on her gavd me the confidence to remove my sweatshirt and bra and drop them on Haylie's foyer floor.  I could tell by the look of envy in Haylie's body language that I was no rebound divorce-fling for Philip--that I was a formidable rival of hers in it for thd long haul.  I felt a shot of confidence through my body, and did not want to delay the Main Event a second longer.   I approched my enemy, neither of us dropping eye contact.  We were within an inch of each other in height, so our standing bodies met like puzzle pieces.  Our hands started pulling on blonde hair and breast flesh, then slapping each others' faces and sides.  Our feet remained anchored to the floor, our hips stubbornly staying square and refusing to give an inch of ground, no matter how much pain we were in from the pinching grabbing our chests were sustaining.  I kept waiting for our stance to collapse into a clinch or at least a hairpull, and for our bodies to wrap into a catball against the front door or into the floor.  But instead we just continued our standing slap/grab duel, the foyer echoing with flesh-on-flesh slapping and pinching sounds.  Our faces and breasts changed from winter pale to pink-red, as we filled each others' upper bodies with bruises.  Our slaps became harder and our pinches deeper, causing us to occassionally lose balance, but always returning to our original position.  We both wanted to catball, but were stubbornly unwilling to admit defeat or even a draw in our slap-/pinch-fight.
As our duel continued, my confidence in my 4-year age advantage on my enemy and rival grew.  Haylie's slap and pinches were losing some of their original snap, and the excitement of the fight was causing my runner's high to kick in, giving me fsith in my ability to fight thru the pain stinging most of my body abovd the waist.  Haylie was the first of us unable to suppress grunts of pain from each new blow.  I had begun the grunt as well, but was only releasing one versus every four from my enemy.  Haylie was sweating more heavily than me, and her knees began to wobble.  A single punch to the jaw from me would have dropped her instantly, but I wanted the satisfaction of winning a catfight with her, not a streetfight, so I continued working her over for five more minutes.  Her attempts to rally failed, and she dropped to the floor in a helpless heap.
TABSK, as long-winded as that story is, it's not the reason I'm writing.  It's for what happened next.  Once Haylie was defeated, the adrenaline drained from my body, and the pain she had inflicted on my face and chest was center-most in my consciousness.  I wanted to retaliate, so I lay her flat on her back, and made her look at my body standing over her.  She motioned me down, and I mounted her body, our bodies pressed together from flesh to forehead.  We started rocking back and forth, both of our breasts blooming in full arousal.  Our mouths found each other and kissed desperately.  I released a slow ecstatic orgasm through my entire hips, and continued rocking on Haylie until I felt her body quiver in orgasm as well.  We kissed each other warily, and I started to disengage from my mount.  I searched for my bra and sweatshirt, and returned to my car.
TABSK, whatever that was that happened post-fight:  did I blow whatever edge I had gained on Haylie by defeating her in our catfight?   Kayla

Dear Kayla--As with so many of our long-time readers, when you ask a question, you already know the answer.  Of course you did, and you need to search for what's really going on, under the surface, between you and Haylie.  And usually, the clues to that are in what is unsaid, not what is said.  Our guess?  The 38dd's you and your rival share that you not-so-subtly dropped into the narrative.  I guess we now know what makes Philip's engine purr, right?  Haylie's personality sounds toxic, but that's not what drew him to her, now is it?  Kayla, we don't tell uou this to be cruel, but Philip hasn't "moved on from Haylie"--he's found Haylie's chest on your (4 years younger) person.  Which, by the way, you and Haylie instantly recognized when you lay eyes on each other topless.  Glad you won the catfight, but sorry about the aftermath, and the predicament.  Before you "make it legal" with Philip, make sure you're prepared for a confusing 25+ years with his ex.  Best wishes, TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2020, 01:24:21 PM »
Dear TABSK--Hey it's me again, Kayla, the 44 year old who fought my newly-divorced boyfriend's ex, Haylie, all because of an anticipated May 2020 graduation hookup/reunion which, of course, has now been cancelled anyways by Coronavirus.  Philip and his graduating daughter and I have been quarantining at my place, and I've been getting to know his daughter, Alex, through the combination of close quarters, shared bathrooms, and a shared love of Skinny Martini's.  One night, Alex and I opened up to each other about my February catfight with Haylie.  Although Alex was at first drawn by blood loyalty to her birth Mom, she acknowledged a fight of some sort was probably inevitable between Haylie and me, so after coaxing me into sharing the embarrassing details, she congratulated me on my victory.  I could tell she was itching to open up with me about a secret of her own.  After topping off her drink, she confided that since coming home from school, she had been having a text feud with a fellow graduating senior from U of I named Maddy, who was also her suitemate for three years.  Maddy had discovered that her boyfriend had a crush on Alex for all 4 years at U of I, and that Maddy thought Alex had been insufficiently assertive in rebuffing his advances of Alex, failing to block him on Snapcat, etc.  Alex protested that she had, despite numerous opportunities, declined no-strings sex with the boyfriend, and that if Maddy couldn't control him, perhaps Alex wasn't the problem.  Maddy was planning on confronting Alex shortly before graduation, which of course now will never happen thanks to the epidemic.  Alex and Maddy were already competitive in their suite in looks, in popularity, in grades, and in careers, so the confrontation would have almost led to a catfight over pecking order.  Both are itching for one to happen.
TABSK--How do Alex and Maddy settle this?   Kayla

Dear Kayla--Whew.  Close quarters indeed.  Well, like all of us, they don't settle it.  Not yet, anyways.  But all pandemics end, either in a vaccine or in Mad Max.  Consider in which version the Alex-Maddy fight will happen.  Each is intriguing, no?  TABSK


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Re: Things a Bitch Should Know--Graduation Assignation edition
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2020, 09:40:30 PM »
Dear TABSK--My name is Chelsea, an 18-year old graduating high school senior, and I've discovered your website during the stay-at-home lockdown.  My eye was caught by the Alex-Maddy "sub-plot" (sorry for reducing you two fellow-seniors to characters in a soap opera; I know all too well, as you will see, that you are living, breathing women with feelings and passions, caught up in a tsunami not of your making) in Kayla's series of Second Love letters.  My story doesn't match theirs, but it does rhyme.  My cul-de-sac has a frenemy, Rikki, also a graduating senior, who has been on a collision course with me for a few years now.  The usual:  Facebook drama, gossip, school lunch table slights, a shared ex-near-boyfriend (long story, don't ask).  Rikki's parents and mine both go away annually for July 4th, and Rikki and I had an "understanding", unspoken, that she and I would stay behind at home this summer and tear into each other on the Fourth and settle our differences, before leaving home behind and going our separate ways in September 2020 for freshman year.  Now, of course, thanks to the virus, both our July 4th and September 1st plans are up in the air (in all likelihood, shot to hell), with our greivances still unexpressed.  We are both home-schooling every day, and catch glimpses of each other walking dogs and doing outdoor chores.  I'm horny with anger to mess her up, but have not worked up my courage to reach out to her, virtually or IRL, mostly because I don't know what to say.  (I'm not as good as this catfight game as Alex and Maddy are.)  I figured I'd ask the experts.  Whence Rikki and me?   Chelsea

TABSK--Whence, indeed, Chelsea?  And when?  The fact is, none of us knows.  You can't fight her now--a post-fight trip to the ER is unacceptable.  And we don't know when "this" is "over", so it's not like an outreach accomplishes much.  Like we said to Kayla, all pandemics burn themselves out.  By the time that happens, either you and Rikki will have moved on, or you'll be ready to take out your frustrations on each other.  We just don't know when.  2020?  2021?  2022?  You stay tuned to the progress of the virus, and we'll stay tuned to the progress of your rivalry.  TABSK