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Tattoo Tussle

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Tattoo Tussle
« on: July 17, 2010, 04:35:17 PM »
Just a note, this takes place before tatoos became so popular.  Hope you enjoy and would love any feedback, positive or negative:

It had been a real steamy summer with temperatures in the nineties almost every day.  The local swim club was packed almost every day.  All of the women from the neighborhood were members and went almost every day.  One person who hadn’t been there at all yet was Nina.  She was six months pregnant and the heat was really tough on her.  The rest of her family went though.

One day when the heat wasn’t so bad she decided to go.  She had bought a maternity swimsuit in the spring and figured she wanted to get to wear it at least once.  Nina was normally a 36D but being pregnant her breasts were huge.   Nina was never shy about showing cleavage but even she was self conscious looking at herself in the mirror.  Oh well she thought, it’s just for this summer.

Nina got to the swim club.  Her son was already there.   Her friends from the neighborhood came up and hugged her.  They all asked how she was feeling.  Nina smiled and said she was feeling fine.  Just three more months to go she said.  One of her friends, Rachel, said to her “Jesus, you’re chest was big before, think you can lend me some of that?” and laughed.  Nina said “It’s murder on my back I’ll tell you that.”  Rachel said “I bet.  Here, get yourself into this lounge chair and relax.” 

Nina did and sat and talked with Rachel for a while.  While she was talking to her another woman from the neighborhood, Cheryl, walked by.  Cheryl was a tall blonde, same age as Nina and Rachel.  Their boys went to school together.  Cheryl stopped to talk with Nina and Rachel for a few minutes.  While she was talking to her Nina noticed that there was a rose tattooed on Cheryl’s leg.  Nina didn’t say anything to her but when Cheryl walked away Nina turned to Rachel and said “When did she get that tattoo?”  Rachel said “Oh, yeah.  She got that over the winter.” Nina shook her head and said “Well, I’m not surprised.  She’s always been a little different.”  Rachel shook her head in agreement.

That night at dinner Nina’s son said to her “Hey, did you see Billy’s mom’s tattoo?  It’s really cool isn’t it?”  Nina shot a look at him and said “Really?  How would you feel if I got one?”  He said “Well, I don’t know.”  Nina said “Well, you don’t have to worry about that.  Personally, I think it looks trampy for a woman to have a tattoo.”  Her son didn’t say anything else.

The next day Nina’s son was with Rachel’s son Tom.   Tom said to Nina’s son, “how about that hot bikini Billy’s mom had on at the swim club yesterday?”  Nina’s son said, “Yeah.  You know I was talking to my mom last night and she told me that a tattoo on a woman looks trampy.  You think it does?”  Tom shook his head no and said “Well your mom’s a little more old fashioned.”  Nina’s son said “yeah, I guess so.”

Now, Nina’s son Jim always had a thing for Cheryl.  He thought Billy’s mom was really hot.  Tom, on the other hand, thought Cheryl was hot also but really had thing for Nina.  He was also always into women’s wrestling and thought about Nina wrestling other women.  Cheryl was one he often thought about wrestling Nina.  Tom was on his way home he had an idea.  He thought it was a long shot but he’d try it anyway. 

The next day he saw Cheryl’s son Billy.  He said to Billy “Look, I have to tell you something.  Jim’s mom, Nina, was telling him your mom looks like a tramp with that tattoo she got.”  Billy said “What!”  Tom just nodded his head.  Billy said “Well, I’ll have to see what my mom says about that!”  Billy went home and told his mother.  Cheryl wasn’t very happy.    She picked up the phone to call Nina but then thought she’d wait till she saw her. 

She didn’t have to wait long.  Nina was at the swim club again the next day.  Cheryl waited until Nina went into the woman’s bathroom and she followed her in.  Tom actually saw Cheryl follow Nina in.  There was window open outside the ladies room and Tom stood under it to hear what was being said.  Nina was putting some sunscreen on herself.  She had gone in the ladies room to do it because she really didn’t like the thought of rubbing it onto her breasts in public.  Nina saw Cheryl in the mirror standing behind her glaring at her.  Nina turned and said “Cheryl, something wrong?”  Cheryl said, “Yeah, I hear you think I’m a tramp because I have a tattoo.”  Nina stuttered and said “Well, no, I didn’t say that.”  Cheryl looked at her and said “I can tell you’re lying.”  Nina said “No, I’m not.”  Cheryl said “My son doesn’t lie.  He heard it from your son (this wasn’t true but Cheryl didn’t know that)”.  Nina was getting angry now and said “Look, I never said that; now get out of my way.”  Cheryl blocked her way and said “Before you go I just want to tell you this.  I’m sure as hell not going to beat up a woman that’s pregnant, but after you have that baby, we’re going to dance, got it.”  Nina said “Fine, you know where to find me.”  Cheryl stepped aside and Nina walked past.  Before she got to the door Cheryl said “one more thing, your tits are hanging out all over the place and you call me a tramp?”  Nina just stomped through the door and slammed it shut.     Tom had heard the whole thing.  He was loving it.  Hopefully Cheryl wouldn’t calm down in the next few months.

Nina went over to her chair to gather her things.  Rachel was sitting there and could tell Nina was upset.  She asked what was wrong.  Nina said, “I can’t talk about it right now.  I’m so pissed.  I’ll call you later.”   Nina then left.  Next Cheryl came walking by and said to Rachel, “She’s got too big of a mouth.  Once she has that baby I’m going to shut it for her.”  Rachel was a little shocked but before she could ask Cheryl what was up Cheryl walked away.

Rachel got home that night and called Nina.  Nina was still really upset.  Nina said “I can’t believe she cornered me like that.   I never called her a tramp.  All I said was that it makes a woman look like a tramp.  There’s a difference.  I said it to my son because he thought it was cool.”  Rachel said “you said that to your son?   Obviously he didn’t keep his mouth shut.”  Nina said “Obviously.”  Rachel said, “Look,  she’s pissed now but I’m sure it will blow over and she’ll forget about it.”  Nina said, “I’m not afraid of her.  I’ll take her on.”  Rachel said, “OK, Nina.  Why don’t you just forget about the whole thing. You’re getting yourself even more upset.” Nina said “OK, good idea.  I’ll talk to you later Rachel.” 

Rachel hung up the phone and thought about the whole thing.  Sure Nina was acting tough but Rachel thought to herself that if it ever came to it Nina would be in trouble against Cheryl.   At 5’7” Cheryl had a good 3 inches on Nina and was someone who went to the gym often and it showed in her toned body.  At 145 pounds Nina outweighed Cheryl by about 10 pounds but it wasn’t because of muscle.  Nina’s body was reminiscent of the pinups of the 50’s & 60’s.  Buxom and nice to look at 40-26-36 but not a body built for a fight.  Rachel then shrugged it off and figured Cheryl would cool down, Nina would cool down and the whole thing would be forgotten.  Later that night Rachel was telling her husband all about it.  Tommy overheard her and a big smile came across his face.

After that day Nina didn’t go back to the swim club for the rest of the summer.  In her condition she wasn’t going to do anything to get upset like that.

The summer drew to a close and turned to fall.  Nina had the baby and everything was fine.  She hadn’t forgotten that day at the swim club but it was out of her mind.  She didn’t even think about it.  Her son was friends with Cheryl’s son so they’d have to find a way to patch things up.  Cheryl still had different ideas.

It was now early summer and Nina was at the supermarket.  The baby was in the cart.  She was walking down the aisle browsing and all of a sudden the cart came to a stop.  She turned her head forward and saw Cheryl standing there.  Cheryl said “Well, I haven’t seen you in a while.”  Nina said “I know.  Look I’ve been wanting to talk to you.”  Cheryl said “And I’ve been wanting to talk to you.  We never had our little dance.”  Nina said “OK, look, don’t you think things got a little too heated?”  Cheryl said “No, you called me a tramp.  End of story.”  Nina, who was now getting pissed again, “OK, you want to hang onto this go ahead.  Where do you want to go with this.”  Cheryl said “Well, I’d like to take you and sweep this aisle with you but unfortunately I’m sure someone would break it up before I got a chance to do that.”  Nina said “Oh, you think it would be that easy for you?”  Cheryl said “Look bitch, I have an idea.  I’m going to call you tonight.  I’ll talk to you then.”  Cheryl stomped off and Nina began to see red.  She was really pissed.  How dare she confront her like that.  She’ll talk to her alright.

It was a little after 8pm and the phone rang at Nina’s house.  Nina picked up and it was Cheryl.  Cheryl said “OK, here’s the deal.  You know the old arena off of Main Street?”  Nina said, “Yeah, the place where they used have wrestling matches.  It’s been closed for a couple years now. Why?”  Cheryl said “Well, they are going to be reopening it soon and I just happen to know the new owner.  I asked him for a favor.  It doesn’t open for another month and he said I was welcome to use the ring if I wanted.  It will be just me and you there.  Well, what day is good for you?”  Nina said “So, you want to wrestle me at the arena.”  Cheryl said “That’s right.  We can settle this whole thing in one night. Now, if you say no, that’s fine too.  But the next time I see you, baby or no baby, in public or not, I’m coming after you.”  Nina said “OK you bitch, fine.  How about next Wednesday night?”  Cheryl said, “OK, 8:00.”  Nina said, “Fine” and slammed the phone down.

Nina got off the phone and just started shaking her head.  Her son saw this and asked what was the matter.  Nina told him nothing and said “I’m going up to get a shower.”

Now at Cheryl’s house her son Billy had been eavesdropping on the whole conversation.  He heard all the details.  His adrenaline was racing thinking about his mom taking on Nina.    The next day he had to share it with somebody so he told Tommy about it.  Now Tommy was excited.  Tommy said, “We have to figure out a way to watch this.”  Billy said, “No sweat, we know the time and place.  We sneak in there early and find a hiding spot where we can watch.”  Tommy said “Should we something to Jim.  Maybe he’d want to see it too.”  Billy said, “I don’t know, let’s just keep it between us.”  Tommy said, “OK, deal.”

On Monday Nina went over to Rachel’s house and said to Rachel “Well, it didn’t blow over, Cheryl and I are going to go at it.”  Rachel said “WHAT?” Nina said “Look, it’s a long story and I don’t want to really get into it but since we had talked about it before I just wanted to let you know.”  Rachel was worried for her friend and said “Nina, you sure you want to do this?”  Nina, not sounding as cocky as when they first talked, said “Yeah, I have to.”  Rachel said “Well, when & where?”  Nina said “I can’t tell you.  I’ll let you know when it’s over and what happened.”  Rachel said “OK honey, good luck.”  She gave Nina a hug and Nina left.

That Wednesday came and Nina was trying to figure out what the heck to wear.    She laughed to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.  She hadn’t even given this a thought.  She had occasionally seen women wrestling on TV and they all seemed to wear one-piece bathing suits so she figured that was as good as anything.  Other clothes were looser and probably could get ripped.  Only thing was how the heck could she leave the house at night in a bathing suit?  She had told her family she was meeting some friends.   So what she did was put on her bathing suit and then put on her clothes over it.  It was pretty warm out and she was a little uncomfortable but she only had to leave the top layer on for a little while.  The bathing suit Nina wore was light blue and was fairly low cut.  She didn’t have any other kind.  Down the middle of it to about her belly button was a small opening with material intertwined.  Nina came downstairs and said goodbye and left.

Earlier in the night Billy and Tommy had gotten there.  It was about 6:30 and no one was there yet.  They were able to get in through a window.  They found a place in the corridor that looked out onto the ring in the center.  With the light on the ring they could see the ring but they couldn’t be seen in the darkness.

Cheryl got there at about 7:30.  She had told Nina that the side door would be open so Cheryl went up into the ring and started to stretch.   She was wearing a red bikini.  The boys watched as she warmed up.  Tommy was impressed at how in shape Billy’s mom was.  She was ripped.

Nina pulled up in the parking lot.  She saw Cheryl’s car there.  She took a deep breath and opened the car door.  She went to the side door and walked inside.  The door closing could be heard throughout the empty building so Cheryl knew that Nina had arrived.  She stopped her stretching routine and stared at Nina as she walked towards the ring.  Cheryl said “Well, you showed.”  Nina said, “That’s right” and she took off the sandals she had on and stepped up onto the steps and stepped up to the ring. 

She looked across at Cheryl who was already sweating a bit from her stretching routine.  Cheryl had purposely not put on the air conditioner.  She knew that she was in better shape than Nina and Nina would wear down much faster in the heat.  Nina could see the sweat glistening off of Cheryl’s toned body.  She swallowed hard.  The contrast in body types wasn’t lost on the two boys hidden watching it all.  Tommy said to Billy “I think Nina’s going to have a hard time here.”  Billy, who never doubted his mom would kick Nina’s ass, nodded in agreement/

Finally Cheryl said “Well, let’s get started.”

The two women sort of circled one another.  Nina tried to sort of push at Cheryl but Cheryl swatted Nina’s arm away.  Cheryl made the first move and lunged at Nina with her hands outstretched. Nina, showing surprising quickness stepped aside and stuck her leg out.  Cheryl tripped over Nina’s leg and fell face first into one of the ropes.   Even Nina looked surprised but that didn’t stop her.  Nina, who really didn’t have any concept of wrestling holds,  jumped on Cheryl’s back and grabbed a hold of Cheryl’s hair and started to try to bang Cheryl’s down on the canvas.  Cheryl, who was more embarrassed than hurt from her original fall placed her hands down on the canvas and started to push her way up.  When she did this Nina instinctively wrapped her legs around Cheryl’s midsection.  She still had hold of Cheryl’s hair so she tried to yank it from side to side.

Cheryl threw two sharp elbows into Nina’s side.  Nina’s hold on Cheryl’s hair and midsection began to weaken.  Cheryl could feel this and reached back and grabbed Nina by the back of the neck and flipped her over.  Nina’s back came crashing to the canvas.  Nina held her back in pain for a second but before Cheryl could take advantage Nina grabbed a hold of Cheryl’s leg and tripped her up.    Nina pounced on top of Cheryl.  Again, Nina really didn’t have a clue as to what to do at this point.  She began to try to slap Cheryl in the face.  Cheryl easily blocked Nina’s vain attempts and began to wrap her legs around Nina’s midsection.  Cheryl’s legs were much more muscular than Nina’s and when they squeezed Nina’s soft midsection Nina howled in pain..

Cheryl was able to reverse everything so that now she was the one on top.  Cheryl, unlike Nina, knew what to do with the advantage.  She quickly yanked Nina up by her hair and before Nina could react Cheryl brought her fist crashing into Nina’s belly.  Nina crumbled down in pain clutching at her stomach, the wind knocked out of her.

Tommy turned to Jimmy and said “OK, I think here comes the massacre.”

Cheryl then got on Nina’s back and interlocked her fingers under Nina’s chin.  She pulled back in a very painful camel clutch.  Nina’s arms began to flail at the air.  Cheryl rocked back and forth each time moving a little further back.   Nina felt like her back was going to snap in two.  Cheryl let go and Nina started screaming “Oh no, that’s enough, that’s enough. I give, I give.”  Cheryl said, “Enough? We’re just getting started sweetheart.” 

Cheryl grabbed Nina’s arms and planted her foot on Nina’s back and yanked back Nina’s arms as she pushed her leg down on Nina’s back.  Again Nina felt like she was going to snap in two.  Cheryl took her foot off Nina’s back but only so she could bring her knee crashing down into it while still holding onto Nina’s arms.  Again she arched Nina back.  Nina let out a scream that echoed through the empty building.

Cheryl released the hold and stood up.  Nina lay on the canvas sobbing.  Sweat rolling down her ample chest.  Cheryl grabbed Nina by her hair again and pulled her to her feet.  Nina, who was really weakening now, flailed her arms in a vain attempt to hit Cheryl.  Cheryl dragged Nina over to the corner of the ring and held her by the neck with one hand and brought her fist crashing into her stomach with the other.  The thuds echoed through the building.

Cheryl then reached between Nina’s legs with one arm and over Nina’s shoulders with the other, scooped Nina up and body slammed her down to the mat.  Nina bounced with the force.  Before Nina could even react Cheryl grabbed Nina by her ankles and spread Nina’s legs.  She brought the heel of her foot down into Nina’s pussy and pushed down and grinded.  Nina squirmed and squealed in pain.  Cheryl let finally let go and let Nina’s legs fall to the ground.

Nina lay there, arms and legs spread wide, her chest and stomach heaving up and down.  Cheryl reached down and yanked Nina up by the straps on her bathing suit.  With one quick motion Cheryl brought the straps down to Nina’s side and Nina’s 40 inch tits popped out.

Watching, Tommy thought he’d blow his load right there and then.  Nina’s tits were as nice as he thought they would be and then some.  He and Jimmy just stood watching with their mouths open not making a sound.

Cheryl then grabbed each of Nina’s tits and began to spin Nina around by them.  Nina grabbed Cheryl’s wrists and tried to get her off but Cheryl was just too strong and hand her nails dug in.  Cheryl let go and Nina went flying against the ropes, bounced off of them and fell to the mat.  Nina got on all fours, bathing suit hanging half off her breasts dangling.  When she went to get up Cheryl kicked her in her stomach bringing Nina back down to the ground. 

Cheryl jumped on Nina and grabbed her by her wrists and  pinned Nina down.   Nina bucked a couple of times and managed to get Cheryl off.  Nina managed to get a hold of Cheryl’s blonde hair and began to pull.  This only infuriated Cheryl.  She grabbed a hold of Nina’s hair and began  to slam Nina’s head onto the mat until she let go of Cheryl’s hair.  In one quick motion Cheryl then jumped off of Nina and grabbed Nina’s bathing suit and slid it down Nina’s legs.  Nina was now naked in the ring.

Cheryl held Nina’s bathing suit out mockingly in front of Nina.  Nina reached for it but Cheryl laughed and pulled it away.  Nina crawled on all fours after it but Cheryl just kept laughing and pulling it back.   Cheryl then tossed the suit out of the ring.  Nina made a desperate attempt to get out of the ring but Cheryl stopped her by grabbing a hold of Nina’s hair and yanking her backwards and down to the mat.  Nina landed with a thud.

Cheryl jumped on top of Nina’s back and grabbed a hold of Nina’s arm.  She twisted it up behind her back and whispered in Nina’s ear “wait until you see the surprise I’ve got for you.”  She then pulled Nina back up to her feet and tossed her into the corner of the ring.  Cheryl immediately came slamming into Nina with her shoulder.  She then held Nina up by putting her fingers around Nina’s neck and began to repeatedly punch Nina in her soft belly.  The thuds echoed through the arena.  Cheryl finally stopped and let Nina slide down to the canvas.  Nina lay there hands spread out, her chest heaving up and down. 

Nina didn’t even realize Cheryl had gone under the bottom rope and out of the ring.  There was a small bag on the floor next to the corner Nina was in.  Cheryl opened it and in it were a set of handcuffs.  Before Nina even realized what was going on Cheryl had hand cuffed Nina’s two arms to the corner of the ring.  Nina began to panic and started to scream “WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP, WHATEVER IT IS STOP!”  Cheryl just got on top of Nina and slapped her across the face and said “Just be quiet.” 

Tommy said to Billy “What the hell is she going to do now?”  Billy said “I have no idea.”

Cheryl then stood up and called out “OK, we’re ready for you.”  All of a sudden another woman came out of the otherwise darkened arena.  She was also carrying a bag.  She was a younger woman, maybe 5’7”, long black hair and slender.  Cheryl said to Nina “I want you to meet Lisa, the woman who did my tattoo.”   Lisa then went about taking her tattoo equipment out of the bag.  A look of fear came over Nina’s face.    Cheryl then got down and sat on Nina’s legs and said “Now, if you move, it’s only going to mess it up.”  Nina said “NO, NO, YOU CAN’T.”  Lisa was ready to go and Cheryl said “OK, how about a nice rose on one of those nice boobs”.  Lisa nodded and began to go towards Nina.  Again Nina screamed “NO, STOP!”  Cheryl  said “Nina, you can always have it removed.”  Lisa then went to work and soon there was a rose tattoo on Nina’s right breast.

Cheryl got out of the ring and uncuffed Nina.  Nina was sobbing in the ring.  Cheryl picked Nina’s bathing suit up and got back in the ring.  She stood over Nina and said “guess you won’t be wearing any of that low cut shit you usually wear will you?”  She threw Nina’s bathing suit at her.  Cheryl said “See you around” and she left. 

Tommy and Billy were in shock at what they just saw.  They were staring at Nina still in the ring.  They watched as Nina struggled to her feet and pulled her bathing suit back on.  She kept looking down at the rose and shaking her head.  They watched as Nina walked away.  This was a night they would never forget.