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The Set Up

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Offline Jonica

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The Set Up
« on: July 30, 2010, 05:23:53 PM »
Jessie and Kyla hate each other.  They have since the day they met.  Both are type "A" personalities and both love to be in charge.  They run roughshod over the other girls, and they demand total loyalty from their subjects.  It was inevitable that they would clash.  Everyone in the class knew that from the start.  And no one wanted to miss it when they did.

Jessie grew up in a small town.  She never had much ambition outside of her tomboy-ish desire to hunt, fish and drive big, loud four wheel drive pickup trucks.  She mainly dressed in jeans and cotton t-shirts.  No one in town was ever surprised to see her in camouflage BDUs...and a bright orange hunting vest...standing proudly over an 8-point buck having her picture taken.  That was a common sight during hunting season.  But Jessie was gorgeous....and she knew it.  She also had a penchant for wearing bright bikini tops and extremely short "Daisy Duke" style cut-off jean shorts.  The brunette with long, straight hair loved to show off her 5'6" 120 lbs frame in slinky clothing.  When wearing her "Daisies," she liked to wear her cowboy boots while driving her bright yellow Jeep Wrangler around town.  They accentuated her long, firm legs.  It was also fairly well known that she liked to be seen without any of those clothes.  Whether it was a skinny dip down at the lake, sunbathing nude in her backyard, or frolicking around the brass pole at a local club after she turned 18.  She just wanted to be seen.  Jessie also had the reputation of being a brawler.  She had to learn this at a young age because small town women don't really like it when a young girl...who dresses like a whore...gets all their boys' undivided attention.    

Kyla came from a small town as well, but she came from affluence.  She was pampered from the day she was born.  It was a well known fact around her town that she was "Daddy's Little Girl."  That doesn't mean much to most people, but in her town it did.  "Daddy" was the most influential man in town.  Kyla could get away with murder.  Literally, most likely.  Daddy would get her out of trouble.  Kyla's biggest problem is that she has to have whatever she wants.  She will pout, bitch, moan and cry until she gets her way.  And as she got older she learned to use slander, blackmail, and Daddy's influence to get what she wanted.  The town's girls hated Kyla.  She always got the choice of whatever boy she wanted.  If she didn't, she would simply ruin the reputation of the girl who had the boy she wanted.  Not that she really had to use devious means to get the men she desired....Kyla was a true beauty.  Her long, naturally curly blond hair framed the face of an angel.  She had the most startling blue eyes imaginable.  She also had the body of a goddess.  She stood 5'7" tall and only carried 125 lbs.  Because of her underhanded scheming and natural good looks, Kyla too had to learn to fight.  The other girls in town all wanted her dead, and many tried to make her that way.  But Daddy financed Taekwondo classes...and surprisingly she found a knack for them.  She mastered this martial art and earned a second degree black belt.  But she learned quickly that sometimes martial arts won't work well in a girl-girl street fight.  So she learned the fine art of dirty catfighting from her Hispanic maid....who so far was the only girl Kyla had lost a straight up catfight to.

Time passed for Jessie and Kyla and they both decided that their lives needed some direction.  Both had to earn a living because they hadn't found their "sugar daddies" yet.  So they both applied to...and were accepted into...nursing school at a local college.  They were two of thirty girls in the class.  But they both craved attention.  And they both wanted to be head honcho.  Therefore it was inevitable they would clash.

Outside of the fact that they both hated each other from the moment they first saw one another, the trouble started over something simple...and stupid.  But both were too hardheaded to just walk away.  The trouble started over a chair.  A simple desk implement at the front of a classroom.  But this wasn't any was the one that both felt would make them the center of attention in the classroom.  After a heated exchange, their very stern instructor decided who would sit in that chair.  And it wasn't Jessie or Kyla.  Any normal student would let this slide.  But not these two.  They had to use their wiles and emotional pressure to make the girl who was awarded the seat quit school.  They made the rest of the class uncomfortable.  They made the next year a living hell for every other student.  And the rest of the students finally had enough.

A clandestine meeting was held by several of their classmates.  This group had to decide what to do with the two evil little bitches.  One girl suggested killing them and burying them in the school's flower garden. While this was a very popular idea, the group figured that this much evil couldn't stay buried for long. Jessie and Kyla would most likely come back as ghosts and haunt the nursing school.  But something had to be done. Finally one girl hatched a plan that was approved by all.  And that plan included a pool party.....

The entire class was invited to a pool party at one student's home.  It was just before the first year's summer break, and they thought it would be fun.  But a certain group anticipated that it would be more than would be a chance to end the disruptive feud between their two classmates.  When the party was over, they secretly hoped one...or both...of the girls would quit in embarrassment.  

The party was set for a Saturday at high noon (kinda ironic given the circumstances but irony isn't lost on the classmates who had to endure Jessie and Kyla for a year).  The day proved to be a bright, beautiful...and hot.  The party guests started arriving and soon Jessie and Kyla showed up.  And what an appearance they made!  Kyla arrived first.  At the pool, she took off her t-shirt and shorts and revealed that she wanted to be the center of attention.  She was clad only in a very revealing silver string bikini.  The top strained against her breasts and the strings holding it tied around the back of her neck.  The silver thong was literally almost nonexistent.  It was so small she almost looked naked.  The bikini showed off her finely tanned body to perfection.  She had what she wanted....attention....until Jessie arrived.  Jessie arrived in a flourish and revealed that she was wearing a similar thong bikini, but hers had no straps.  What there was of it was snow white.  And it was held on only by gravity.  Because of her penchant for nude sunbathing, her body was a dark bronze color....and the contrast with the white thong was striking.  The attention was now evenly divided.

But there was reason we are here today.  And it has nothing to do with pool partying.  There is a debt to settle.  The other girls had manufactured a problem to arise.  And it had something to do with Jessie stealing Kyla's cell phone.  This was easy to arrange.  Kyla was in the pool, and one of the girls grabbed her phone and sneaked it under Jessie's discarded shorts.  A quick phone call from a blocked number caused Kyla's distinctive ring tone to be heard (Aqua's Barbie Girl if I'm not mistaken) and all hell broke loose.  An argument complete with accusations, denials, threats, and many, many expletives led to pushing and shoving.  The two were quickly separated, and the girl who owned the house said that there can be no fighting at poolside.  They might get blood in the pool, and that would suck.  But she said there is a large grassy area separated from the pool by a privacy fence that could be used.....

Kyla readily agreed and said to lead the way.  She said she would enjoy hurting this "thieving little bitch."  Jessie agreed by saying "let's do it whore."  So they were led to the grassy area...which incidentally (Hmmm....) had been mowed recently to look like an area perfect for fighting.

The two angry girls were led onto the grassy area where the homeowner said "Alright you two, we've had enough of your crap.  Settle this now so we can all enjoy what's left of our college experience.  Kill each other if you must, but end this now."  Because of the seething animosity they had towards each other, one girl claims, "They're incredibly stupid"....neither girl seemed to recognized that this had been a set up.  Not that it would have made a difference.  They both dreamed of this moment.

Without any delay, Kyla started the festivities by reaching out and violently slapping Jessie in the left cheek.  The smacking sound could be heard two yards over!  Kyla then flew at Jessie with darkening rage.  She flailed away at her with open handed slaps and fists.  Her attack caught Jessie off balance.  The brunette staggered backwards and finally tripped over her own feet.  Kyla followed her down raining blows on the head, face, and chest of her opponent.  Jessie finally put some offense together and pulled Kyla's hair violently with her right hand.  This slowed down Kyla's flailing blows enough for Jessie to launch a few of her own.  The girls lay on the ground facing each other and punching and slapping wildly.  As if on cue, they both rolled away and onto their knees.  Both were breathing heavily and warily eying each other.  

The hatred flowing between the two girls was so thick it could be cut with a knife.  If looks could kill, both would be on their way to the morgue.  Then, as if a signal was given, the two girls grabbed hands full of one another's hair and began wrenching viciously.  It looked to the stunned audience like the two were trying to yank the others' head from their necks.  After a few minutes of this, Jessie lunged and caught Kyla in a side headlock.  She worked her way next to her foe and began pounding punches into Kyla's face.  Kyla bucked and struggled wildly and both girls toppled to the ground.  Jessie lost her grip on Kyla's head, but she grabbed the blond by the hair and pushed her face into the soft grass.  She worked her way behind the taller girl and straddled her back and continued to push her face into the earth while punching her viciously with her left fist.  Kyla was screaming and bucking wildly .  Fortunately for her, Jessie got a little overconfident and was bending down to whisper an insult into Kyla's ear when a wild elbow caught her on the bridge of the nose.  Jessie's eyes instantly watered and pain shot all the way to the back of her head.  She clutched her face and rolled off her opponent onto the grass.  

Kyla lifted her head and saw her hated foe's predicament and took full advantage of it.  She got to her feet, reached down and yanked Jessie to her knees by her hair.  She then pushed the brunette's chin down to her chest and punched her in the back of the neck as hard as she could three times.  She let go of her foe's hair and Jessie fell writhing and sobbing to the ground.  Kyla stomped her heel down ruthlessly on her writhing victim's kidney several times.  She then straddled the brunette's back, twisted her hands in her foe's hair, and viciously wrenched her head from side to side for a moment before slamming her face hard into the ground several times.  

Kyla stood up and looked at the shocked audience.  She looked back down at her rival and kicked  her several times in the side.  Kyla ended the fight by saying, "I knew this was a set up from the beginning, but there is no way I was gonna miss the chance to beat your ass.  Now you know who's in charge, and Bitch, you better never forget."  She then kicked Jessie with her heel in the side of the head one last time.  She then walked back to the pool.  

Kyla had lost her bikini top during the fight, but she didn't care.  She slipped on her t-shirt and shorts, gathered her belongings and left without saying another word.

The other girls helped the beaten Jessie until she was okay to leave.  One girl offered to drive her home, and surprisingly Jessie agreed.  Her nose was red and swollen, but the other girls were pretty sure it wasn't broken, but she was going to have an ugly black eye.  The girl who offered to drive her home drove in silence until Jessie said that she is sorry for being such a bitch.  She tearfully acknowledged that she just wants to be accepted.  She thought that craving attention was the way to be accepted.  She only wanted to be noticed and be part of the crowd.  The other girl said, "Look, I've worked with both you and Kyla in class.  You can be sweet when you want to be.  You should try that instead of being a bitch.  The rest of us get along fine.  You could be friends with us if you stopped being such a diva.  Kyla is just evil.  You can see it in her eyes.  She's got a screw loose.  I think she's a sociopath.  I'm sorry we set you up today, but something had to be done.  Too bad you didn't win.  But in the long run, that doesn't mean you can't come out ahead.  If you need help, I'll help you.  Just ask.  Besides, you said you want to be accepted and be part of the crowd?  Well, now you're just like the rest of the shadow of the Queen Bitch."  The girl then laughed.  Jessie thought for a minute then she too smiled.  She looked at her new friend and said, "Please ask the girl who owns the house not to thrown my bikini away....I lost it during the scrap."  Both girls laughed so hard the driver had to pull off the road.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2010, 06:23:05 AM by Jonica »
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline beth35

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Re: The Set Up
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2010, 04:19:23 AM »
Nice story///grat build up, but short fight...maybe a little longer, next time...


Offline rawhide

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Re: The Set Up
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2010, 07:33:22 PM »
Great story and true to life. I look forward to reading more from you.


Offline Kayla

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Re: The Set Up
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2010, 02:49:32 PM »
Great, riveting story with good build-up - thanks!  ;D ;)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


Offline Jonica

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Re: The Set Up
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2010, 05:52:35 PM »
Thank you all for your very kind comments!


Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline Jonica

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Re: The Set Up
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2010, 06:00:21 PM »

I was going for a short fight in this story.  There's a second part to this story, and the mistake Jessie made which may have cost her the fight is a major factor.

Thanks again for the feedback and the kind words!
Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.