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Repost: The Lesson

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Repost: The Lesson
« on: May 19, 2020, 01:18:57 PM »
   She leaned on the steel beam, trying to keep her balance. She had just been dealt another heavy blow by her opponent, who was unrelenting in dishing out punishment. Hannah asked for a time-out, almost begging for one after her opponent had dominated her entirely in the fight so far. She stood up straight, turning her back to the steel beam at the edge of the ring. She put all her body weight on the proportionally large balls of her small feet. Her heart and mind racing with the emotions and thoughts of the events that had led to this very moment.
   It all started one fine spring afternoon. Hannah repeated her routine of walking into the first class of the year with the freshies. Her black wedged heels making her feel pretty as she strode confidently into the lecture hall. Hannah was at the ripe age of 37, and was still unmarried. She was shy, timid, and yet adorable. Her smudgy nose curved outwards, her lips pink and pursed, her short hair flowing down to her shoulders, and bent backwards by her starry pink hair band. Her skin was lightly tanned and free of any signs of old age. She stood at 5'6 and her narrow shoulders made her look almost half her age. Her smile, although wry in nature, looked malicious yet warming, which made her puffy cheeks stand out. She had a pair of glasses perched over her nose. She was a little chubby, not bordering fat by any means, making her timid stride looking quite fitting.
   Walking into the hall, she put her paperwork on the desk and started introducing her students to the new course. College students tended to tease her about her solemn appearance, but this batch looked somewhat merciful. She seemed perfectly normal in her delivery, until a student raised her hand to catch her instructor's attention. Hannah looked over to the girl in a rather haughty manner, which, after acknowledging who had her hand raised, turned into admiration. There sat the single most attractive woman Hannah had ever seen. Her high cheek-bones, fair complexion, blonde hair, blood-red lips, black-framed glasses, and green eyes distracted Hannah to the extent that she could not comprehend the question. The student had her hair tied in a bun, and looked a bit old to be in college. "Early 20's, she seems." Hannah thought, returning to her lecture rather than responding to the question.
   The lecture passed without any further interruptions, and the students were on their way. Hannah started to tidy up her things before she noticed someone standing by the desk. It was the same girl. "I just wanted to say what a pleasure it is to have such a charming instructor", she said. "T-thanks...what did you say your name was again?" Hannah stuttered back, feeling her nervousness return, and a bead of sweat running down her shining forehead. Hannah realised her student stood a couple of inches shorter than she did. "I didn't", the girl responded. Hannah felt her forehead turning ever so moist, and she once again grinned and looked down at her toes in a shy manner. "Becka" the girl finally replied with a gentle smile. Once again, Hannah blacked out, admiring Becka from head to toe. Becka had the hips and thighs of a goddess, and the confidence that bordered on arrogance. "Those luscious thighs could squeeze the air out of me", Hannah wondered, unknowingly licking her lips while doing so. Perhaps Hannah saw in Becka all the things that Hannah wished to possess herself. The looks, the confidence, the feeling of being wanted. "Are you alright?" Becka asked concerningly. "F-f-fine, I have to go..." Hannah responded, hurriedly scooping up her stuff and rushing back to her office, blushing all the while. How had a freshie gotten to her in such a way? Hannah had no clue, but she could not let her feelings come in the way of her dream job. But being a closet lesbian, Hannah could not keep her urges to herself for long. They were already boiling over, and this was only their first meeting!
   It was half-way through the semester. Becka had so far scored well in all her assessments, except for the most latest one. She was in a huff during one of the lectures, but Hannah reminded herself that she was going to balance out her feelings from now on, and did not entertain any of her signs of frustration. They had struck a good balance during the semester, and Hannah was proud to see that she was starting to see Becka as more of a student than a potential lover. They were discussing academics rather than personal stories, just as it was meant to be. However, Hannah always felt a little more hollow at the end of such conversations with Becka. She felt there was more potential in this friendship. After the lecture, Becka once again startled her professor, who once again dropped a few of her things on the floor. Becka was wearing a red frock, looking illuminating with her now slightly tanned complexion and bloodshot red lips. To go with her somewhat formal clothing were scarlet ballerina flats. Hannah knelt down, and noticed Becka was still standing upright, with her arms crossed, huffing and looking forward. Puzzled with Becka's attitude, Hannah worked towards quickly picking her things up. One paper had found its way under the sole of Becka's shoe. Moving closer towards the isolated page, Hannah glanced up and realised how powerful Becka looked standing over her. Hannah looked in awe, on all fours now as she dazed off on another one of her daydreams, her mouth hinged open. There was a certain rush of progestrone Hannah experienced at that very moment, now realising that apart from being a closet lesbian, she was also a sub. And Becka was the type of woman who would make the perfect dominatrix. "Add a whip and she would have me cumming all over the place", Hannah thought, smirking ever so slightly. Snapping back to reality, she quickly regained her composure, and tugged at her page. Becka, however, didn't flinch, and it stayed in position. Looking down arrogantly, Becka gave a wicked grin that sent a chill down Hannah's spine. "Oh, I'm sorry Hannah", she said as she slowly withdrew her foot from her professor's fallen page. Hannah slowly got back up to her feet, feeling slightly humiliated and quite flustered. Becka was obviously onto her professor's sexual preferences, and was using it to exert power over her, but did she feel the same way about her professor, as her professor felt about her? Hannah turned around, to which Becka icily remarked: "I came to discuss my assessment with you, if you don't mind", the last fragment of her statement carrying the poison. Hannah turned around, her heart slightly racing. She didn't feel in charge, at all. "Y-yes? W-w-what is it?", Hannah stammered around. Becka's eyebrow rose as she pulled out her assessment and handed it over to Hannah without uttering a word. Hannah, now feeling extremely sweaty, pretended to sift over the assessment, and ended up briskly awarding her full marks. Hannah handed over Becka's assessment and turned her back, Becka feeling mightily pleased with the position she had gained over her professor, while Hannah felt she had lost all control of the progress she had made this semester. "But...maybe it's for the best. Maybe I finally get to express my actual self", she pondered rather optimistically. The confident stride with which she walked into the lecture hall on the first day of the semester had now turned into a leg-dragging fest.
   The semester had ended, Becka had passed with flying colours, and Hannah was feeling bitter-sweet about her student moving forward with her college degree. Regardless, Hannah was once again teaching the exotic Becka in one of her courses. It had been a while since they had seen each other, and Hannah was nervous of coming across her again. Walking into the classroom, Hannah and Becka's eyes met. Becka being the confident one, smiled, to which Hannah looked away, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. Becka's smile turned into a smirk, knowing full well she had gotten into the head of her professor. The class went by as a breeze, and the students filed out. Hannah was too busy in sorting her things out when she noticed there was one seat left that was still occupied. Looking up, she realised it was none other than Becka, sitting pompusly, playing with her hair. Their eyes met once again, and Hannah looked back down to her papers. Becka stood up, slowly walking towards her professor's desk. Her tall heels making an echo through the empty hall as she took each step. Each footstep forcing another bead of sweat on Hannah's forehead, to the point that by the time Becka had reached the opposite corner of her professor's desk, Hannah's forehead was the equivalent of a riverfall. Becka kept striding towards her professor up until she was standing over her. Hannah looked up from her paperwork, only just realising her student stood taller, despite her being two inches short of her professor. Hannah looked Becka from her head to toe. Becka's blonde hair was tied in a bun, her black framed glasses perched on her nose, she wore a white crop top and a push-up bra that forced her breasts into her professor's face, making Hannah's own B cups look like peas. Her skinny jeans topped off her look, as she once again showed off her posterior. With a slight gulp, Hannah looked up in admiration at her student, thinking of  words to say, but realising they never left her mouth. The longer the silence went, the weaker she felt, and the stronger her student became. All it took was one more step from Becka to force her professor to fall back onto her chair, Hannah's flat heels no match for her student's high ones. Becka leaned down, allowing a clear line of sight into her cleavage for her professor. "Professor", she softly spoke, her voice echoing through the empty hall, much like her powerful footsteps. Hannah nodded nervously in return. Becka continued: "I was wondering if you and I could grab lunch together, it has been a long time". Hannah's jaw dropped. She wasn't expecting for this to go anywhere, but it was this powerful, exuberant woman who had approached her and wanted to know her better. Hannah nodded sheepishly, a sign of a grin on her face. "Good, see you in half an hour then, Hannah. I hope you like Turkish", Becka stated bluntly, standing upright. Hannah looked to the side, sighing with relief. She had never felt this amount of nervousness and excitedness at the same time. Suddenly, she felt a tug at her chin, and her head being lifted. Her student had still not left. Becka stared into the eyes of her professor, who's hands and feet were trembling, her icy glare giving Hannah goosebumps. She had never felt so weak, so submissive as she did right now. "W-what is it?!", Hannah exclaimed, trying to sound authoritative, but instead hearing her voice crack. Becka grinned. "I love your green eyes", she remarked, after which she let go of her professor and walked out, flashing her posterior with every step. Once Hannah was sure her student had left, she wiped off her sweat. Putting her head in her hands, she thought to herself: "It's time I put an end to this." And so she took a deep breath, picked up her things, stood up from her chair on which she was forced to be seated, and walked to lunch in her confident stride.
   As soon as Hannah entered the college restaurant, she caught Becka waving at her from a distance. She continued her confident stride towards the table, realising that with every step, the timidity returned to her march. The ten feet distance felt like a hundred as she approached the table and set her bag down, seating herself opposite Becka. Her student slid the menu towards her, which Hannah refused. "I've been here before", she stated calmly. Becka slowly slid the menu to the side, and proceeded to engage eye contact with her professor. Lacing her fingers, Becka switched to her more prominent tone. "So, Hannie...", she started, "have you had any experience when it comes to strap-ons?" Hannah's face flushed. She had been expecting a few personal questions being asked, but not this, never this. She stared in shock at her student, who remained calm and composed, even smiling back at her professor. "I-I will not be spoken to like that, young lady!" Hannah's voice shook. "You are my student, and you shall treat me as such!" With that, Hannah stood up, and started to leave. However, she felt a strong hold around her wrist. "I hoped we could have this time together to iron out our differences, but I fear that may not be the case," Becka lamented, "so instead, we can find another way of doing it." At this point, Hannah had stopped, and turned around to face Becka, who looked up at her with a slight grin. "Let's meet up in the ring in an hour, just you and me. First to 6 rounds wins, and remember to wear six items of clothing." Becka winked as she concluded her sentence. Hannah paused, once again feeling uneasy. She gritted her teeth, a slight crease appearing across her cheek as she thought about the proposition. Her only experience in the ring had gone terribly. However, if she would refuse, it would hurt her pride even more. A student giving her an open challenge, and her saying no? Hannah knew that Becka would hold this as even more leverage over her as she nodded her head in acceptance and left for her office to prepare.
   Hannah strode out into the gym. She was wearing a grey tank top over her black sports bra. Underneath, she wore white yoga pants, popping out her bubble butt. Her pink hair band keeping her shoulder-length hair curled back, as she knew she could not take her opponent lightly. Her face twitched as she saw her opponent shadow boxing as a warm up. Becka was looking exquisite in her black leggings, her enviable thighs making Hannah drool as she came to a halt right beside the ring. Becka had kept her bun, and was sporting a black t-shirt sporting the words "Power through submission" etched over them. She turned to her professor, and gleed, waving at her and beckoning her inside the ring. "Jump on in, Hannie. Oh, and take off your sneakers." With that, Becka continued her routine. Hannah was puzzled at first, but after noticing Becka was wearing her socks, she also proceeded to slide off her pink sneakers. Hannah swung one leg onto the floor of the ring, and slipped in from under the ropes, seating herself in the north-west corner of the ring, stretching her legs out. With her back turned towards Hannah, Becka leaned down, touching her toes. Hannah was starting to realise she might have made a mistake. Becka turned around and marched in her cocky stride towards Hannah. She rested on her knee caps as she sat down at her professor's feet, her smile growing wider and more confident. "You never answered my question." Becka calmly stated, sitting up straight to make sure the text on her shirt was more readable. Hannah sighed. Just the thought of the experience brought her enough humiliation, talking about it would pluck holes into her pride. She looked down, scratching her forehead. To this, Becka grabbed her professor's foot and carressed it. "I won't judge." Becka stated, gently rubbing her professor's ankles, clearly softening her up before the fight. Hannah allowed Becka to continue, as she started with her story. "It all started when I was in college", Hannah started, "there was this one girl who always liked to pick on the timid ones, but she took a liking to pick on me, unfortunately." Hannah shifted her shoulders and felt a wave of relaxation pass through her body as Becka pushed her thumbs into the sole of her feet, making her professor lean back into the frame of the ring. How could one woman do so many things well, Hannah wondered. "Then this one time in gym, she challenged me to a fight. No holds barred, and winner gets to have their way with the loser in whatever way the winner seemed fit. Of course, I couldn't turn it down as I saw a glimmer of hope for revenge." Hannah continued, feeling a little uneasy despite the firm massage. Becka repositioned herself, her expression growing somber, and her hands firmer around her professor's feet. "Well, she had 5 inches on me, and I wasn't exactly the sportiest," Hannah lamented, "all the girls watched as she punched, dragged, and kicked me around the ring. First she started with the belly, then the face, and finally the backbreaker to make sure I don't go anywhere." Hannah felt a chill over her body, a feeling of deja-vu as her student continued the foot massage, soothing Hannah's nerves. "Go on, you can tell me." Becka encouraged her, seeming uncharacteriscally sympathetic. Hannah took her head into her hands, realising she had already divulged more than she had to anyone else. Raising her head, she took a deep breath. "She lifted me from my hair and pushed me against the frame of the ring, viciously stripping me naked before pushing me back down to the floor. As I was down, trying to crawl away, I realised she had something in her hand. Rope in one hand, and her boy toy in the other." Hannah now felt her face growing red. She did not plan on any of this to happen. The fight, the confession, her student asking personal questions to which she found the courage to respond. She felt weakened, almost defeated before the fight itself. Her lips now trembling, Hannah withdrew her feet from her student's lap, and tucked them underneath her. "While I was still on my front, recovering from the shock and pain of the backbreaker, she managed to tie my ankles together. Upon realising this, I swung my hands around to no avail, as she sat down on my back effortlessly and pinned my hands behind my back. She was so strong, so domineering..." Hannah's tone turned from somber to affectionate, yet she continued onwards. "She tied my wrists together, at which point I couldn't do anything but flap around and waste my energy, so I decided to stay put and take it like it was." Hannah said in a resigned tone. The gym had grown warmer than when Hannah had walked in. "So... did she use her..." Becka questioned, rather worryingly. "Strapped it on, put me in the doggy-style position," Hannah answered in a matter-of-fact tone, "and humped me dry. No amount of pleading would make her stop. I'd wager it made her even more motivated to make me cum. After the deed was done, she even put me down on my front, sat on my face, and had a smoke!" Hannah's tone turning a little sharp at the end. "Even putting out her blunt over my cheek!" Becka's professor sighed. "Anyway, she untied me, which was a favour in itself, and took a few snaps. I was short of breath, naked, defenseless against a much more powerful woman. She had the power to do whatever she pleased, and I gave it to her." Hannah put her head down, withdrawing her feet from under her and rubbing her ankles. Becka stood up, threw a pair of gloves at her professor. Hannah was surprised, unsure of how to react. Getting up slowly, she started putting her gloves on, and they started dancing around each other in the ring. "Was the woman's last name Annie Dwarfson, by any chance?" Becka asked, a slight grin appearing on her face. Hannah was flabbergasted. "Y-yes, but how did you know?" Becka's grin grew larger. "That's my aunt's name. She spoke of a Hannah she used to pick on. Sloppy of you not to pay attention to my last name, Hannie." Hannah's jaw dropped, but she did not have enough time to recover as her opponent swung at her across the face, bruising her left cheek, and forcing her back against the ring.
   The gauntlet had started, the rules were set. There was no going back from this, Hannah had to fight. She straightened her back and took her stance. Becka was bouncing, ready to pounce on her opponent. Hannah's mind was in disarray, but she shrugged off any unnecessary thoughts, focusing only on what was in front of her. A much stronger, much fresher, much energetic, much more attractive woman waiting to beat her down. Hannah had solace in the fact that she wouldn't have a worse experience than she had had before. Becka swung once again, missing her mark this time, which gave Hannah space to maneuver out of the edge of the ring. Hannah was nervous, her knees shaking, her forehead moist with sweat. Becka faked a punch to her professor's face, distracting her for enough time to throw a combination to her gut. Hannah fell back, kneeling now. She didn't have a flat stomach like her opponent, and certainly couldn't take the pain. "You... win this... r-round", she panted her concession, falling back to her edge of the ring. "Take off your left sock" Becka commanded. Hannah obliged, throwing her sock out of the ring. Becka didn't waste any time, and assumed her position in the center of the ring, waiting on her opponent. Hannah knew she was playing on her mind, and so she took her time before joining her opponent.
   And once again, the dance started. They circled each other before Becka aggressively threw a punch at her professor, missing her mark and losing her balance. Hannah threw a tentative uppercut at Becka that almost tipped her back, despite Becka nearly falling on her front following the failed punch. Hannah suddenly felt the adrenaline rush. She threw a punch to her opponent's cheek, pushing her back with the hit. Following up, she hit Becka in the jaw, forcing out a yelp from her. As a defensive mechanism, Becka turned her back to her opponent. Hannah saw the opportunity and buried her fist in the back of her opponent. "AAAARGHHHHH" Becka cried, as she fell on all fours, losing her breath. For the first time, Hannah felt in charge in the time they had known each other. "Y-you win" Becka choked, still regaining her breath. Hannah smiled and did a little victory shake from the waist-down as she took her corner of the ring. Becka was still rearing on the floor from the hit she took, but Hannah dominatingly stood tall in her corner. After a couple of minutes passed, Becka stood up and straightened her back, looking towards her opponent. "Your top", Hannah stated in a mocking tone. Becka sulkingly removed her top, revealing her black push-up bra.
   They took their positions again, and this time Becka lost no time in closing out the space between them. She threw a premature combination at her professor's face that Hannah dodged with ease. Becka was starting to become a little restless and angry. She threw her right elbow with all her might at her opponent, missing Hannah and receiving a hit to the side of her lower left ribs. Becka fell to one knee, as her opponent finished her off with an uppercut to throw her on her back, and sent her glasses flying out of the ring. The score was 2-1 to Hannah, and Becka was starting to lose whatever power she had over her professor. Her strength was waning as Hannah leaned down over her and whispered: "Your leggings". Becka defeatingly slipped off her leggings, feeling exposed in her bra and panties, while Hannah had but one sock off. Becka sat up, massaging her chin. Hannah was already in the middle and rearing to go another round. Her student slowly stood up, feeling sore from the beating she had so far received. She strode with short, sharp steps to the center of the ring.
   It was clear by now to Hannah that her opponent was growing more and more frustrated with every passing round. Becka threw a punch at Hannah's nose, missing by millimetres. Hannah had moved to the right to dodge the punch. Becka attempted to shove her right fist up to her professor's belly, but was met with an unorthodox block by Hannah who crossed her hands across her belly. The punch richocheting off her gloves and pushing her back. Becka let out a frustrating cry as she ran towards her professor, taking a mighty swing. Hannah moved away just in time for her student to crash against the rope and bounce back. Hannah swiftly positioned herself behind Becka and elbowed her in the back of the head, forcing her student to fall down on her front, conceding another round. 3-1 and Becka was looking more volatile as the rounds went by. "What now?", Becka moaned in a defeated tone. Hannah slipped off one of Becka's socks as she went past her to the middle of the ring, throwing it out of bounds. Becka lifted the same foot that had just gone bare and thumped it against the floor. Becka went to all fours, catching her breath before assuming her position once again with a resigned sigh.
   Both the ladies were dripping with sweat, but Becka felt more of the weight. Hannah started the round with a confident uppercut, sending her opponent back. Becka started prancing around, trying to tire out her opponent. Hannah threw a fake punch to her left cheek. Becka animatingly dodged, but received a hit to her chest, knocking the air out of her. Hannah attempted the uppercut to throw her opponent to her back, but Becka skipped back and swung at her ear, disorienting her professor, and forcing her to turn her back. Becka leaped forward for the finisher, but Hannah was lucky enough to get away with a brazen right cheek as she swiveled out of the way. Both women panting, Hannah stepped forward and tapped her opponent under her left breast. "Aughhhh!" Becka groaned as she held on to where she had just received a hit. Her professor wasted no time in taking the upper hand once again. She connected with Becka's left cheek, making her stumble back. Hannah followed it up with a punch to Becka's gut, making her fall face-first to her professor's feet. Hannah rejoiced, but the physical exertion was getting to her. She knew she was up against a more physically fit opponent. "The other sock", Hannah coldly commanded, her student still laying on her front at her feet. Hannah stroked her student's cheek with her big toe as she started to stand back up and fulfill her professor's order.
   Hannah felt her arms getting heavy, and her energy being sapped from her. But her mind was completely in the fight. "The adrenaline will get me through, I just have to lock it out." Hannah thought to herself. Becka lifted herself from the floor, beaten and broken. She was now in her underwear and bare foot. She took her position opposite her opponent in the center of the ring, she was now almost completely panting for breath. Hannah stood taller once again, the two inch difference seeming even greater. However, size wasn't about to bring the dominant Becka down. Becka started the round with a perfect punch to her professor's left cheek, the sweat of her opponent launching itself off her face. The abruptness caught Hannah off guard, and she staggered back to regain her footing, but it was a hefty task for her frame. Becka was aware of this, and swooped in like a vulture. She threw a combination to Hannah's belly, knowing that her professor wasn't one who could take the pain down there. Hannah curled, and Becka finished her off with an uppercut, sending her professor reeling to the floor. Hannah's eyes were left wide open. She finally witnessed the strength of her younger opponent. Becka moved forward and removed her professor's other sock, leaving her barefooted as well. "Those soles of yours would look pretty when you're in a hogtie. Let's see how good you are when it comes to escaping one." Becka sneered. Was this it? Was Hannah's domination only to last a few rounds, and Becka would continue to take apart her professor? "No," Hannah thought, "I've gotten this far, I can push her off the edge." With that, Hannah replied: "When I beat you, you won't be in a hogtie. You'd be getting your pretty little feet broken." Becka chuckled. How could she be this confident when she's only 2 bad rounds from a world of pain?
   The next round started almost immediately. Hannah was engaged fully, ignoring the bead of sweat flowing down from the middle of her forehead like a solitary rain drop. Becka lost no time in connecting with an uppercut, Hannah's teeth clanking against each other, as she fell back and adjusted her jaw, which would prove to be her downfall. "Oh wait till I get y-" Hannah was interrupted as Becka struck a hook to her professor's jaw, sending her throttling toward the edge of the ring. Hannah groaned, feeling a little hazy with the blows. A blink of an eye was all it took for Hannah to regain her sight, and for her opponent to start throwing another combination to her gut. Hannah cowered as she tried to block the blows. She felt caged, as if this was inescapable, and it was. She was stuck in the corner, feeling all but the pain of her opponent's blows as she was now numb. Hannah fell to her knees as Becka locked her in the groin. "Auuuuuh! What was that?!" Hannah exclaimed, her voice cracking, as she held her lady parts. "The sound of your cute yoga pants slipping off." Becka replied calmly, gesturing her professor to pull them off. Hannah obliged, with a sulking look. She was starting to feel the weariness envelope her. "Just...need...two more", Hannah panted to herself, jumping back to her feet. Becka looked relaxed in her corner of the ring.
   The next round started in a hurry, the ladies didn't face off, and dived straight into the action. Hannah connected with a hook to Becka's left cheek, and an uppercut. Becka went flying back, bouncing against the rope. Her eyes widened at the burst of energy. Hannah, trying to seize the opportunity, advanced forward for the finisher. Becka, however, had other plans. As Hannah swung three passionate punches at her opponent, Becka ducked under all of them. Off-balance and slightly frustrated, Hannah pushed her student against the rope, managing to catch her off-guard and vulnerable. Hannah swung with all her remaining strength, but Becka dodged once again, now standing behind her professor. What followed was a series of impaling blows on Hannah's upper body, finishing off with a hook to the side of her head which knocked her to the ground in a fit of dizziness. Hannah was outplayed this round, and she knew it. She could not find the strength nor the motivation to stand back up. She struggled to balance herself on her knees in an attempt to stand back up. As she started to regain her vision fully, she noticed her student standing over her unfazed. Becka was talking, but Hannah still hadn't quite regained her consciousness so could not fully comprehend. "Wh-what?" Hannah stuttered, looking up at her student standing mightily over her. It reminded her of the last time this happened in the very first semester they met. Both times it was due to Hannah's clumsiness, though this time the stakes were higher. "I said take off your top, Hannie" Becka repeated. Hannah sighed, slowly slipping off her tank top, exposing her sports bra, and looked up at Becka. Her student gazed down at her opponent. Scoffing, she turned around and strode in her confident stride back to the middle of the ring. Hannah picked herself up, stroking her torso while walking to meet her opponent once again. 4-4 and the odds were in Becka's favour. 
   This time round, Hannah decided to wait on her opponent to make the first move. Becka, smirking, pinned her in the stomach. Hannah reeled back at the blow, her reflexes not as sharp as that of her student's. Becka capitalised with an uppercut, forcing her opponent back against the ropes. Barely able to keep her balance, Hannah stood back up on shaky knees, not ready to surrender the round just yet. Her hunched stance gave it all away, and Becka ran in and connected with a right hook. Hannah was now cornered, with nowehere to go as Becka danced forward swiftly, maintaing her stance. Hannah desperately threw a punch at her opponent's jaw, only to miss and receive three rapid punches to the gut. Noticing her student lining up for another uppercut, Hannah cried out for her to stop. Becka stopped mid-punch, as Hannah dropped to her knees once again with a slight sob. Hannah rubbed her belly, still feeling the pain from Becka's various blows. She abruptly felt a tug at her hair, and yelped as her student forced her head back. Becka pierced her professor with an icy look. Hannah was now drowning in her own sweat, while her opponent had a few stray beads. "Your bra, sweetheart." Becka mockingly remarked, leaving her professor to do as she was told. Hannah obliged, taking her time to slip off her black sports bra that she had sported for this long. With only one item of clothing left on Hannah, she felt as exposed as she had ever felt. She felt a thousand eyes on her, despite no one watching apart from her domineering student. The same student she felt a tug at her heart for. The same student who was in her underwear, yet was feeling more confident than she did when she was in full clothing. Compared to her professor, who felt she was not a match for such an attractive being. She felt humiliated, even more than what she felt when her student's aunt had given her the beating of her life, and later had her way with Hannah. She and her student were not equals. Her student always had the upper hand, and Hannah was meant to do her bidding. A slight grimace appeared on her face as she finally accepted the truth.
   In her timid stride, Hannah took her position once again, hoping for a miracle. She swung a punch at Becka, only for her fist to be grabbed by her student. Startled, Hannah's eyes popped open wide as she realised just how powerful her student was. Twisting her wrist, Becka brought Hannah to her knees with the pain. Disregarding the rules of combat, Becka kicked at her professor's face repeatedly. "Auhhhh", Hannah yelped with every kick to her face. She could not comprehend what was happening. After a significant amount of kicks had landed, Becka let go of her professor's hand, letting her fall to the floor. Becka then proceeded to take her professor's gloves off, as well as her own, before Hannah straightened up her back. "W-what the fuck was th- Arghh!" Hannah shrieked. Becka had nailed a kick in her professor's cleavage, forcing her to fall on her back with a thud. Becka walked to her fallen opponent, standing over her with both feet on either side of Hannah's body with her hands on her hips. Becka proceeded to seat herself over her professor with her knees tucked under her opponent's arms. Hannah felt a shiver down her spine, and her face turning red. Becka grabbed Hannah's chin and smirked in a vicious manner. "You made this bet", Becka started with a matter-of-fact tone, "you agreed to the fight, even though you know I don't play fair, and have had an advantage over you all this time." She proceeded to grab her professor by the neck. Hannah was awestruck. She wanted to fight back, but something held her back. The submissive side. The one that wanted this fight in the first place. Becka leaned in and whispered: "You'll be getting a few memories refreshed soon."
   With that, Becka stood up. Hannah began to rise, but Becka put a foot to her face and forced her back to the floor. "You stay right there, Hannie." Becka commanded. Hannah was at a loss for words, and did not plan on staying any moment longer, but she knew who was the dominating force in this scenario. Swallowing her pride, she proceeded to lie back down on the floor, with Becka's foot still resting on her face. Smirking, Becka lifted her foot, and slipped off her opponent's panties, leaving her naked. Hannah rubbed her arms with her hands as she felt the cold sting her bare body. She crossed her legs to remain warm as she heard Becka going through her purse. Hannah stared at the ceiling in wait as she prepared herself for what was to come. Becka returned with a leather collar, a few strings of rope, a strap-on strapped in, and her glasses perched back on her nose. She threw the collar to her opponent's bare chest, beckoning her to put it around her neck. Hannah obliged without protest, slipping it on and taking off her hair band. "On your knees." Becka ordered, her strap-on hanging perilously over her opponent. Hannah proceeded to rise slowly to her knees, her shoulders quaking at the sight of the strap-on. As she balanced herself on her knees, Hannah leaned her head back away from the strap-on, but it only served to motivate Becka further. Becka held her professor by the back of her head, and pulled it towards her. Hannah closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around Becka's strap-on. Becka tightened her grip around Hannah's hair and forced her to move her lips back and forth over the strap-on. Becka tugged downwards at her opponent's hair, which forced out a yelp from Hannah. "You look up at me while you suck me off." Becka demanded. Hannah nodded slightly and proceeded to do as Becka commanded, choking back tears. "Awww, are you crying?" Becka asked in an uncharacteristally sympathetic tone. Hannah nodded, more tears sliding down her cheek. Becka smiled softly, and proceeded to walk forward, forcing herself deeper down her professor's throat. "Grrrghhrrrrrr" Hannah's eyes widened as she realised Becka's luscious thighs had entrapped her neck, and her head was thrown back. Hannah was bent back, flailing her arms and trying to gag out a sentence, but to no avail. After Becka was satisfied, she walked backward, pulling her strap-on out of Hannah's mouth. Hannah fell forward, on all fours trying to regain her breath. She wasn't awarded much time, however, as Becka positioned herself behind her opponent and put her foot on her back. "Lie down on your front" Becka dictated while pushing Hannah down with her foot. Hannah allowed herself to do just that, as Becka sat on her professor's back with the strings of rope she had acquired from her purse. Becka tied her opponent's wrists behind her back, followed by her ankles. Hannah rubbed her soles together, her feet aching from the exertion. She could not do much about her arms as Becka's strong thighs made sure they were not able to be moved.
   "A-aren't you going to put the ball-gag on me?" Hannah hesitantly asked, knowing she could get in more trouble for uttering a word. Becka grabbed her opponent's chin from behind, and forced her head back, similar to a camel clutch. Hannah cried out, once again feeling bent out of shape. "That would be the least of your worries after we're done here." Becka replied, giving her professor a piercing gaze before letting her go. Hannah's face landed on her right cheek. Becka got off her professor and onto the floor, adjusting Hannah's body so that her butt faced the ceiling. Becka positioned herself behind her professor, placing her hands gently on Hannah's hips as she thrust into her posterior. Thrust after thrust Becka gained momentum. The gym echoing with the sounds of Hannah's solemn moans. "Hung, hung, hung." Soon enough, Hannah had already come, but it was not enough for Becka. She had to see her opponent soaking before she could be satisfied. The moaning turned to tears. Hannah could not stop herself from growing moist with the strength of every thrust. After what felt like an eternity, Becka finally seized. Taking out her strap-on, and then removing it, Becka pushed her foot on her professor's buttocks, forcing her to fall horizontal with an echoing thud on the floor. Using her foot, Becka turned her professor around to face her. Towering over her, Becka threw off her panties. Hannah was still struggling for breath when her student sat directly on her face, putting her in a schoolgirl pin, Becka's superior posterior silecing Hannah's cries for mercy. Becka proceeded to wrap her ravishing thighs around her victim's neck, choking the remaining air from Hannah, who could do nothing but flail around to no avail. "Lick me." Becka ordered, pushing her clit into her opponent's face. Hannah, hoping her suffering would end if she did as she was told, proceeded to use her tongue in ways she had never done so. Swirling it around Becka's magnificent pussy. Becka proceeded to smack her buttcheeks together, drawing more helpless yelps from her opponent, who was crushed in between them. After Becka felt satisfied, she released her hold and rolled off her professor, much to the relief of Hannah, who rolled on her side and tried to catch her breath. Becka took her time to put her panties back on, before once again turning her professor around to face her. "You've been a good girl today." Becka remarked, mocking her. She proceeded to place her foot on her professor's neck, pressing it down. A picturesque pose that reflected their relationship. Becka had her way, always. From day one, Hannah could not overpower her student in any way. The professor was schooled by her own student, she finally realised as she settled into the role of the sub she was destined to be, with Becka as her dominatrix. Hannah stopped resisting, instead savouring the experience. Becka slowly lifted her foot off her professor's neck. "Place it on my face, it's obvious now that I am but a doormat in front of you." Hannah said, the defeat finally having soaked in. Becka obliged, placing her right foot on her opponent's face. Hannah gave it a prolonged peck, before Becka lifted it off her face. Leaning down, Becka proceeded to untie her professor. Starting with the ankles, she placed Hannah's feet on her lap and instinctively slipped off the rope. Turning her professor around, Becka untied her wrists, giving a reassuring press. Becka stood up, and Hannah knelt, still naked, in front of her dominator. Becka leaned down and held her professor's chin. "I should give you something to remember me by." Becka spoke softly. Hannah felt a grin appear on her face, nodding with approval. Becka smiled back and knelt down on one knee. "Put your back right here." Becka gestured to her own knee-cap. Hannah, not very sporty with regards to knowledge, obliged. Leaning down on her back on Becka's knee, her head hung down, with her feet tucked under neatly on the other side of her opponent's knee. Becka laughed before placing one hand on her professor's chin, the other on her leg, and pushed both hands down. The pain and realisation gripped Hannah like a katana. The gym filled with the sounds of her screaming and pleading. "No! Please! It hurrrr- Aghhhhh!" The snap of Hannah's back was deafening. Echoing through the whole gym. Hannah's mouth flew wide open as she was dropped onto the floor by her opponent. Her hand went straight to her lower back as she landed, sobbing due to the pain, before she felt a strong tug at her hair, forcing her head upwards. "Now you'll always remember me." Becka finished with a smile, throwing her professor's face down, knocking her unconscious. Becka turned her opponent around so that she was facing her. Turning to her purse, she took out her phone and took a few snaps of Hannah's limp, naked body before walking out of the gym fully dressed and pompous. "God, bet aunt Annie would love this story!"
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