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Sonakshi Sinha vs Huma Qureshi - I Quit Match

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Sonakshi Sinha vs Huma Qureshi - I Quit Match
« on: June 28, 2020, 05:42:09 PM »
Sonakshi Sinha vs Huma Qureshi - I Quit Match

Sonakshi and Huma enter the ring. Both actress have trained hard over last month for this fight and have developed muscular bodies. Sona is wearing Denim blue jeans and a black sports bra really cropped to show her 4 pack abs while Huma is wearing black leather pants and black leather crop top. As the bell rings both competitors move around in circles around the ring. Suddenly, out of no where Huma runs in and plants a spear on Sona. Huma gets up and is all pumped up about it while Sona holds her ribcage. Huma now goes to the other corner and is gearing up for another spear. Sona gets up turns around and watches Huma run in for a 2nd spear and it connects Sona falls flat n her back and again holds her ribcage in pain. Huma is pumped and again goes to the opposite corner for a 3rd spear. Sona again gets up turns around watches Huma coming but this time her impulse takes over, she moves away and with momentum pushes Huma to the post, Huma left shoulder takes a huge impact on ring post and she falls outside the ring.

Sona takes deep breathes and now goes outside the ring where Huma is holding her left shoulder, she starts to stomp that shoulder breaking Huma’s Hold. She takes hold of left shoulder places it on ground, holds it there with her left leg on her left hand and starts stomping her shoulder with her right leg. Huma tries to stop it with her right hand but Sona crushes it too and then crushes her left shoulder even more. After few stomps, Sona leaves the hold and Huma clutches on her left shoulder.

Sona now demands announcer to get up and gets the steel chair, she closes the steel chair and watches Huma grimacing in pain, her body is turned around and she was looking after her shoulder and Sona gives a chair shot right at Huma right side curves, in pain she turns around and is now laying flat on ground on her stomach, Sona is relentless and gives 5 more chair shots to Huma’s back. You can hear Huma screams. Sona now picks up Huma’s left shoulder opens the chair and put the shoulder in the chair and closes it and starts stomping chair with her legs while Huma is screaming in pain. Sona asks referee to place mic on Huma’s mouth, Sona says while stomping steel chair “Bitch! Say you Quit!!! I want to hear you say ‘I Quit!!!’”.

Huma just keeps screaming in pain into the mic. Sona after watching Huma is not ready to quit stops the stomping and takes Huma’s shoulder out of the chair. Now she picks Huma up while holding her shoulder and pushes her shoulder burst into ring post, Huma again screams holding her shoulder. Sona goes near Huma again picks her left shoulder up looking at crowd suddenly puts it into an armbar, Huma is now screaming as her left shoulder is being pulled out of the socket after referee again places the mic on Huma’s mouth and she says “No!!!”. After hearing this Sona changes tactics and puts Huma in a Crpple Crossface, Huma literally has nowhere to go and is still screaming “No!!!” on the mic. Sona is not ready to give up her hold and Huma is just limbering, shaking her body to help but she can’t find anyone after sometime crowd feels there is nowhere to go Huma will have to give up. Referee again asks Huma “Do you wanna Quit”, Huma replies “No fucking hell”, hearing the reply Sona increases the pressure on Huma’s shoulder which leads to loudest scream from Huma but She was well prepared for this situation in an I Quit Match, these matches are not only won by strength only you need brains as well and Huma had placed a brass knuckle in right pocket before coming to the ring, she reaches to her pocket with her right hand grabs the knuckles, all this time she was just trying to fit brass knuckles in her hand, she has it now and BAM!!! throws a punch right at Sona’s face. Sona is shocked and her head is spinning because of the impact but she did not leave the hold but it got loose and Huma throws another punch straight at Sona face and another one, the 3rd time is too much for Sona and she has to break the hold.

Huma is lying on the ground smiling but her shoulder is hurting while Sona lays flat on her back recovering from the impact of those brass knuckles. Huma now gets up and pulls up Sona by the hair and shoulder pushes her back right into steel barricade as Sona falls down. Huma again picks up Sona by the hair turns her around and again pushes Sona with her Shoulders on the corner of the ring, Sona falls down again but Huma is not done she again picks Sona by the hair and turns her around with her shoulders pushes her back into steel barricade. Sona back is now hurting but Huma gives her no time to recover, picks Sona up again but this this on her shoulder and slams Sona’s ribcage right onto steel barricade. Sona lands on the barricade and falls off in the crowd area holding her ribs. Huma jumps over the barricade in the crowd zone. Huma picks Sona by the hair and starts punching her ribcage while moving up the arena on stairs. There are railing grill on stairs and Huma slams Sona’s head right into that railing 3 times. Now Huma pushes Sona’s upper body between the railings and slams her knee right to Sona’s temple times, she is out now. Huma moves to the other side and applies camel clutch to Sona’s upper body. Sona is screaming and Huma tightens the grip as Sona’s back is hurting as she is bound by a rail grill on her back. Referee puts the mic on Sona’s mouth where she just screams “ Please Stop it’s gonna break my back”, Huma responds “Bitch I am only stopping at one thing, say I Quit” and tightens the grip more on that camel clutch Sona is screaming and suddenly she gets her hands at a glass full of beer from a man in the crowd and she literally sprinkles the beer aiming at Huma’s face and it find its aim. Huma leaves the hold and her eyes stuttered by the beer and Sona quickly moves her body out of the railing but Huma comes to conscious soon while Sona is still recovering. Huma now picks Sona up and gives a slap to her breasts in a match for match Sona also gives a slap to Huma’s breasts this has now become a competition as to who has stronger breasts to withstand the pain they both keep slapping each other breasts one after the other finally they both charge at each other gets tangled and fall of the stairs.

Both actress are now lying on ground in the crowd area on their backs taking deep breathes as bodies recover, after sometime both get up gingerly but Huma is slightly earlier to get up and charges in for spear to Sona as her ribs takes the impact of 3rd spear for the night. Huma gets up pulls Sona up by the hair and pushes her up and over the barricade, Huma herself splits her legs over the barricade and is about to jump on other side but Sona recovers quickly gets hold of Huma as she is on the barricade picks her up and slams her open legs right over the barricade Huma mouth is wide open feeling the impact on her inner thighs, she gingerly helps herself over the barricade falls on the ground holding her crotch area. Sona now picks her up by the hair and throws her inside the ring but Sona herself climbs the corner from the outside and is top turn buckle as she turns her body around to take a revenge on Huma and land her big butts on Huma’s ribcage and she jumps but Huma is alert and raises her legs to cover up her stomach in the process Sona lands with open legs straight on Huma’s legs, holds her crotch and is shivering from the impact.

While Sona is shivering Huma goes to outside the ring for some weapons and she brings some weapons like a rope, a vibrator, a steel chair, a hand cuff, a kendo stick. She picks up the kendo stick and attacks Sona’s butts “You wanted these butts to destroy me, Now watch as they get destroyed.” Huma does not stop till kendo stick is broken, Sona is crawling around the ring to save herself from attack on her butts. Huma now picks Sona up and puts her in a bearhug around the waist, Huma is swinging Sona in the bearhug referee puts the mic near Sona’s mouth she says “No way Bitch” as Huma tightens the grip on bearhug but Sona is not going without a fight and attacks with her elbows on Huma’s temple, Huma can’t withstand this and runs in and throws Sona back burst in the corner but again picks Sona up in a bearhug position turns around and lands a brutal Spinebuster.

Sona was going nowhere just lying on her back and breathing heavily, her boobs pumping in and out. Huma now climbs to the top turn buckle to give Sona a doze of her own medicine and lands her butts right on Sona’s ribcage. The air has been taken out of Sona’s lungs but the crowd demands “Once More !!!” and Huma obliges, she again clims to the top turn buckle and lands her butts on Sona’s ribcage. While sitting on Sona’s stomach Huma now grabs the mic from the referee and puts it to Sona to say “I Quit”, Sona just nods. Huma is now frustrated.

She gets up and in anger gets hold of steel chair, she thumps it on the ground and waiting for Sona get “Get up you bitch”, as Sona gets up holding the turnbuckles on the corner she runs in with the steel chair but Sona this times is quick to see the move coming moves out of the way and get her leg out to entangle Huma’s legs as she falls and her head lands right on steel chair. Huma head is now spinning from the impact as Sona recovers from her predicament. Sona gets up and takes steel chair, picks Huma up by the hair, places the chair in vertical on Huma’s throat and pushes her head down on the floor, Huma is now spitting blood out her mouth with that impact of chair shot, Sona is in no mood of mercy she again picks the chair and places it on Huma’s throat who is standing on her knees and throws her head to the floor Huma holding her throat while her mouth is spitting blood. Sona now open the chair and places it in centre of the ring. Picks Huma up the hair and places her head in between the chair opening. She runs to the corner turns around runs in and BAM!!! a knee straight at Huma’s temple as her face gets struck between the chair. Huma is now out, the crowd is worried for her but Sona does not care.

Huma’s head is struck between the chair but Sona wants it so she violently pushes the chair causing more pressure on the throat of Huma. Finally, after extreme tries from Sona chair comes out of Huma’s throat. Huma is relieved but not for long as Sona takes the rope as wraps it around Huma’s throat. Sona now lifts her from the ropes causing pressure to her neck and starts to climb the turn buckle. She sits on the top turn buckle and starts lifting Huma up almost choking the life out of her. Referee gets the mic moves to Huma to ask her if she wanna say “I Quit” she just nods as Huma is so heavyweight Sona was not able to lift her up for long so she would put her down regain strength and then again lift her up but Huma was defiant and not giving up. Sona could not lift her up any more and climbs downs on the ring. Sona now grabs Huma and throws her out of the ring over the top rope while Sona from behind tightens the grip on the ropes, Huma is now left hanging in the air where she is being choked out. Referee watching Hum’s predicament runs in with the mic to her face. Huma is nodding but she can’t withstand it for long. She gets both her hands on ropes and somehow is able to pull it Sona is moved by the pull to the rope and tightens the grip watching it, Huma now feels more pressure on her neck but now its a test of strength for both women, Can Huma pull Sona or will Sona be able to have Huma hanging. After a tussle finally Huma is able to pull Sona over the top rope and both land on floor.

Huma is literally short of oxygen here as she takes the rope out of her neck. Sona despite being pulled is in prime position and gets up earlier than Huma. Sona is ready to pounce on Huma who watches and in an impulse reaction flung the ropes in her hand, the rope end landed right on Sona’s left nipple, she is stopped by the blow holds her nipple to heal it but it is the time Huma wanted she gets up and starts landing blows to Sona’s body she starts walking away from Huma to stop the assault but she is in no condition to outrun Huma finally succumbs and instead of walking Sona’s body starts falling on the floor. She is now standing with her knees on the floor while Huma finds her old ally the brass knuckles, she picks it runs in and lands a blow right to Sona’s ribcage another blow and another one and Sona falls on the ground holding her ribcage.

Huma now picks Sona up and throws her inside the ring, Huma is waiting in the corner for Sona to get up with brass knuckles in her hand as Sona gets up she runs in and lands a blow straight to Sona’s temple and Sona is out for the night. Referee checks on Sona if she wanna say “I Quit” but Sona nods her head. Huma picks up Sona takes her to the corner and ties her body upside down in a tree of woe with her legs tied on the top turn buckle. Huma turns around picks handcuffs up, now she goes outside the rind and ties Sona’s hands in Handcuffs around ring post. Meanwhile, Sona gets concious and see her predicament and tries to fight but to no avail as Huma stands staring at Sona and just laughing. Huma enters the ring picks up the vibrator runs in the corner and lands a knee right to Sona’s bare ribcage, Sona just coughs after the knee strike. Now Huma climbs to the top turn buckle and places her butts above Sona’s entangled legs. Huma now places the vibrator right on Sona’s cxnt and starts stomping Sona’s pussy with her boots. Referee runs in puts a mic near Sona’s mouth, Sona nods Huma shouts “Bitch say I Quit” while increasing the pressure of her stomps.

Sona just keeps on nodding her head in disapproval of giving up while she is suffering from immense pain. Huma is frustrated and gets to know the reason of Sona not giving up, it’s those denim blue leather pants protecting her. So Huma reaches down open the button of Sona’s jeans and pulls the jeans above till her ankles inside she was wearing black panties which is now visible to everyone. Huma now again starts the torture vibrator in pussy and stomps from Huma’s boots but Sona is nodding her head to the referee tears coming out of Sona’s eyes but she is not giving up. Huma now finally removes Sona’s black panties and pulls that up to her ankles, in preparation for the match Sona had not waxed her body down there, so a jungle of pubic hair is on display for everyone to see. Huma just smiles watching those pubes and grabs hold of them in one go she takes them out of Sona’s tissues as Sona can just scream louder, Huma is just smiling looking at it. Huma now goes back to torture Sona with vibrator in her cxnt and stomps with her boots to swell Sona’s pussy. Sona can hold it anymore as has orgasm with it she screams loudly in mic “I Quit!!! I Quit!!! I Quit!!!”. Huma is not done here she keeps the torture going as referee asks her to stop, Sona suffers her second orgasm and screams “I Quit, Please have mercy, Please!!!”, Huma just smiles looking at the crowd and is not fulfilled she puts the vibrator in position again but as she raises her legs to stomp Sona’s cxnt she watches a women running to the ring from entrance ramp she gets down leaves the vibrator and jumps over the barricade to exit the arena from crowd, enters the ring is Daisy Shah. She is another heavyweight who wants to challenge Huma but Huma knows tonight she is in no position to fight a fresh Daisy as she her self has taken quite a beating. Huma after climbing few stairs raises her hands in victory as Huma and Daisy both stare down each other. Referee is helping Sona to come out of her hold but Daisy stops the ref and BAM!!! lands a punch to Sona’s ribcage. She picks up the vibrator and turns it on and puts it on Sona’s bruised cxnt, she just stands there smiling while Sona’s body is shivering and she suffers her 3rd orgasm of the night. Finally, Daisy throws the vibrator away and goes out of the ring with a big smile on her face. Referee comes in to help Sona as her body is still shaking and shivering from the torture.