H: Was Saturday morning as magnificent for you as it was for me?
S: More so. And I hope I made that crystal clear, babe :-p
H: You did. :-) I just wanted to hear it again.
S: I just want to DO IT again.
H: Then divorce her.
S: Grrrr. Ok, buzzkill. You should know better than any one that it's more complicated than that.
H: I do. But the sooner you start it, the sooner you'll get thru it.
S: On the topic of going thru things--wow, your friend Laci sure did a number on Emily. Have you caught up with her?
H: Yes, and .... really? Laci did a number on Emily? I heard the reverse.
S: Really?? Laci said that??
H: Yes, Emily came at Laci thinking Laci, was .... well ...... me. She wasn't messing around, Sam.
S: Well, ya, ... but, I thought Laci knows how to catfight.
H: She does. As do I, btw. But Emily thought Laci was..... well ... me. And ... well Emily and Laci were going at it .... well, about as long as you and I were.
S: Nice symmetry there, no?
H: I suppose. Although .... well, you're not upset that Laci defended yourself, are you?
S: Ok, see, this is too hard to do by text. I'm mot upset at you or at Laci, ok??
H: I know. Sorry, I'm not upset either. But .... it's like .... I thought you would be happier I finally ... "made it happen" . . between you and me.
S: Yes, I am. Good call out--I need to focus here. That was spectacular Saturday.
H: i thought we decided on ... magnificent :-)
S: Magnificent. Spectacular. Those.... and more.
H: Such as..... ??
S: Well, I liked when you sat on my lap ..... your back to me. Emily doesn't do that.
H: I've been trying to tell you .... she's frigid.
S: I like when you .... compare yourself to her.
H: And put her down?
S: Yes.
H: And when I express that to you? .... or to her?
S: Both.
H: But which better?
S: Close .... but honestly? ... to her.
H: Good.
S: Good why?
H: Because she hates when I talk about her to you.
S: Is that why you came here when your friend was fighting her.
H: Yes .... it's a turnon.
S: I should be insulted .... but I'm not.
H: Good.
S: Where next, Heather.
H: Indeed.
To be continued.....